Definition of Cell in Excel

Definition of Cell

A cell is the smallest unit of an Excel sheet. It is the intersection point of a column and a row.


  • A cell is named by combining the column and row. Columns are in alphabetical and rows in numeric order.
  • In the image below, B4 is selected: column B, and row 4.

Identifying a cell in Excel

  • You can see the Cell name in the Name Box.

What Is the Active Cell in Excel?

The active cell is the currently selected cell.
  • When you open an Excel spreadsheet, one cell is selected with darker borders: the active cell.
  • The active cell is A1 by default.
  • If you open an existing spreadsheet, the active cell is the last cell you selected before saving and closing it.

Default active cell of Excel sheet

  • If you enter new data, the existing content will be deleted.

How to Edit existing Data in an Active Cell:

  • Double-click the mouse.
  • Press the Spacebar.
  • Click F2.
  • Row and column headings of the active cell are displayed in different colors:

  • Press Enter to keep input values in the active cell.

How to Find the Cell Address or Reference in Excel?

  • See the cell address in the Name Box.

  • Use the cell as a reference to any other cell.

Cell address or reference in Excel

Read More: How to Grey Out Unused Cells in Excel

Useful Keyboard Shortcuts

To go to the Last Cell in the Sheet:

  • Press End ⇒ Down Arrow(↓)

To find the last column:

  • Press End ⇒ Right Arrow(→).

Last cell of Excel sheet


To edit a Cell:

  • Press F2 or the Spacebar

Make a cell editable

To go to a specific Cell:

  • Press F5.

Other Shortcuts:

  • Tab >> moves the cursor to the right.
  • Shift + Tab >> moves the cursor to the left.
  • Home >> Moves to the first cell of a row.
  • Ctrl + Home >> Moves to the first cell in the Excel sheet.

How Many Cells Are There in Different Excel Versions?

In Excel 2007 and Later Versions: 17,179,869,184

In Older Than 2007 Versions: 16,777,216

  • Columns are in alphabetical order and labeled from A to XFD.
  • After column Z comes column AA, then AB, AC, and so on. After column AZ comes to BA, BB, BC, BD, and so on. After column ZZ is AAA, AAB, and so on.
  • Rows range from 1 to 1,048,576.

Number of cells, columns and rows in excel

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Kawser Ahmed
Kawser Ahmed

Kawser Ahmed is a Microsoft Excel Expert, Udemy Course Instructor, Data Analyst, Finance professional, and Chief Editor of ExcelDemy. He is the founder and CEO of SOFTEKO (a software and content marketing company). He has a B.Sc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. As a Udemy instructor, he offers 8 acclaimed Excel courses, one selected for Udemy Business. A devoted MS Excel enthusiast, Kawser has contributed over 200 articles and reviewed thousands more. His expertise extends to Data Analysis,... Read Full Bio

  1. Great explanation of what a cell is in Excel! I found the examples really helpful in understanding how cells function within a worksheet. Looking forward to more posts like this!

    • Hello,

      You are most welcome. Thanks for your feedback and appreciation. Glad to hear our examples helped you to understand the Cells function properly.


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