How to Split Comma Separated Values into Rows or Columns in Excel

Method 1 – Separate Data into Rows/Columns by Comma Using Text to Columns in Excel

Case 1.1 – Split Values into Columns

We have a dataset containing several fruits separated by a comma. There are 3 fruits in each cell. We will split the fruits of column B into 3 different columns (columns C, D, E).

Separate Data into Rows/Columns by Comma Using ‘Text to Columns’ Feature in Excel


  • Select the entire dataset and go to Data and choose Text to Columns.

Separate Data into Rows/Columns by Comma Using ‘Text to Columns’ Feature in Excel

  • The Text to Columns Wizard appears. From the Original data type section, choose Delimited and click Next.

Separate Data into Rows/Columns by Comma Using ‘Text to Columns’ Feature in Excel

  • From the Delimiters section, check Comma and press Next.

Separate Data into Rows/Columns by Comma Using ‘Text to Columns’ Feature in Excel

  • Choose the Destination location (here, Cell C5) and press Finish.

Separate Data into Rows/Columns by Comma Using ‘Text to Columns’ Feature in Excel

  • We will get the following result.

Case 1.2 – Split into Rows Using Text to Columns

We have the following dataset containing some fruit names, which we’ll separate into rows.

Separate Data into Rows/Columns by Comma Using ‘Text to Columns’ Feature in Excel


  • Select Cell B5 then go to the Data tab and choose Text to Columns.
  • From the Text to Columns Wizard, select Original Data Type: Delimited and click Next.
  • Choose a Comma as the Delimiter and click Next.
  • Choose the Destination cell (here Cell C5) and press Finish.
  • The data is separated into columns.
  • Copy the range C5:G5.

Separate Data into Rows/Columns by Comma Using ‘Text to Columns’ Feature in Excel

  • Right-click on Cell B7 and choose Transpose from Paste Options (see screenshot).

Separate Data into Rows/Columns by Comma Using ‘Text to Columns’ Feature in Excel

  • Here’s the result.

Method 2 – Excel Power Query to Split Comma-Separated Values into Columns or Rows

Case 2.1 – Power Query to Split Values into Columns


  • Select any cell.
  • Go to Data and choose From Table/Range (in the Get & Transform Data group).

Excel Power Query to Split Comma Separated Values into Columns or Rows

  • Excel will ask you to convert the data range into a table. Check the data range and press OK to create the table.

Excel Power Query to Split Comma Separated Values into Columns or Rows

  • The Power Query Editor window appears with a table. Go to Home and select Split Column, then choose By Delimiter.

Excel Power Query to Split Comma Separated Values into Columns or Rows

  • The Split Column by Delimiter dialog shows up. Choose Comma from the Select or enter delimiter and press OK (see screenshot).

Excel Power Query to Split Comma Separated Values into Columns or Rows

  • Excel splits the table into 3 columns.
  • Go to Home and select Close & Load, then choose Close & Load.

Excel Power Query to Split Comma Separated Values into Columns or Rows

  • All the comma-separated data are split into 3 columns of a table.

Case 2.2 – Split Data into Rows


  • We have some comma-separated fruits in Cell B5 and C5.
  • Click on Cell B5 or C5, go to Data, then select From Table/Range.

Excel Power Query to Split Comma Separated Values into Columns or Rows

  • The Create Table dialog will show up.
  • Check the table range and press OK.
  • You’ll get a table in the Power Query Editor window.
  • Select the table.
  • Go to Home and choose Split Column, then select By Delimiter.

Excel Power Query to Split Comma Separated Values into Columns or Rows

  • The Split Column by Delimiter dialog appears.
  • From the Select or enter delimiter section, choose Comma.
  • Go to Advanced Options and click Rows from the field: Split into.
  • Press OK.

Excel Power Query to Split Comma Separated Values into Columns or Rows

  • Go to Home and select Close & Load to display the result on the Excel worksheet.

Excel Power Query to Split Comma Separated Values into Columns or Rows

  • Here’s the result.

Method 3 – Combine LEFT, RIGHT, MID, FIND, and LEN Functions for Splitting Comma-Separated Values into Columns

Each cell in our dataset has three words separate by commas. We’ll extract them separately.

Part 3.1 – Extract the First Word


  • Use the following formula in Cell C5 and press Enter.
=LEFT(B5,FIND(",", B5)-1)

Combine LEFT, RIGHT, MID, FIND & LEN Functions for Splitting Comma Separated Values into Columns

  • Excel will return ‘Dates’ which is the first word of Cell B5.

The FIND function returns the location of the 1st comma. The LEFT function extracts the first word before the first comma.

Part 3.2 – Extract 2nd Word


  • Use the following formula in Cell D5 and hit Enter.

Combine LEFT, RIGHT, MID, FIND & LEN Functions for Splitting Comma Separated Values into Columns

  • The above formula returns Grapes, the 2nd word of Cell B5.

The MID function returns the characters from the middle of the text string in Cell B5. The FIND function returns the location of the 2nd string in Cell B5.

Part 3.3 – Find the Third Word


  • Use the following formula in Cell D5, then press Enter.
=RIGHT(B5, LEN(B5)-FIND(",", B5,FIND(",",B5)+1))

Combine LEFT, RIGHT, MID, FIND & LEN Functions for Splitting Comma Separated Values into Columns

  • Excel will return Watermelon which is the third word of our continuous data in Cell B5.

Combine LEFT, RIGHT, MID, FIND & LEN Functions for Splitting Comma Separated Values into Columns

The LEN function returns the length of Cell B5. Then the FIND function returns the location of the comma in Cell B5. Later, depending on the result of the FIND and LEN functions the RIGHT function extracts the rightmost word from Cell B5.

  • Select the range C5:D5 and drag the Fill Handle (+) tool down.

Combine LEFT, RIGHT, MID, FIND & LEN Functions for Splitting Comma Separated Values into Columns

  • Here’s the result.

Method 4 – Excel VBA to Split up Comma-Separated Values into Columns or Rows

Case 4.1 – VBA to Split Values into Columns


  • Go to the worksheet where you want to split the data.
  • Right-click on the sheet name and click View Code to bring up the VBA window.

Excel VBA to Split up Comma Separated Values into Columns or Rows

  • Insert the following code in the Module and Run the code by using the F5 key.
Sub SplitData()

Dim Range() As String, Count As Long, x As Variant
For r = 5 To 10
Range = Split(Cells(r, 2), ",")
Count = 3
For Each x In Range
Cells(r, Count) = x
Count = Count + 1
Next x
Next r

End Sub

Excel VBA to Split up Comma Separated Values into Columns or Rows

Here ‘r‘ indicates rows that contain data. On the other hand, ‘Count=3‘ indicates column C, which is the first column to display the split data.

  • Data separated by commas in column B are split into columns C, D, and E as below:

Read More: Excel Macro to Split Data into Multiple Files

Case 4.2 – Split Values into Rows


  • Go to the worksheet where you have the data.
  • Right-click on the sheet name and select View Code.

Excel VBA to Split up Comma Separated Values into Columns or Rows

  • The VBA window appears. Insert the following code in the Module and run it by pressing F5.
Sub SplitRows()

Dim rng As Range
Dim rng1 As Range
Dim cell As Range
Dim N As Long
Dim address As String
Dim update As Boolean
Dim ret As Variant
On Error Resume Next
address = Application.ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.address
Set rng = Application.InputBox("Please enter a range", "Input Box", address, , , , , 8)
Set rng = Application.Intersect(rng, rng.Worksheet.UsedRange)
If rng Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
If rng.Columns.Count > 1 Then
MsgBox "Cannot select more than one column"
Exit Sub
End If
Set rng1 = Application.InputBox("Destination Cell", "Input Box", , , , , , 8)
Set rng1 = rng1.Range("A1")
If rng1 Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
update = Application.ScreenUpdating
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each cell In rng
ret = Split(cell.Value, ",")
rng1.Worksheet.Range(rng1.Offset(N, 0), rng1.Offset(N + UBound(ret, 1), 0)) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(ret)
N = N + UBound(ret, 1) + 1
Application.ScreenUpdating = update

End Sub

Excel VBA to Split up Comma Separated Values into Columns or Rows

  • An input box will appear. Enter the data range and press OK.

Excel VBA to Split up Comma Separated Values into Columns or Rows

  • Another input box will appear. Insert the destination cell and press OK.

Excel VBA to Split up Comma Separated Values into Columns or Rows

  • All the comma-separated values of our dataset are split into rows 8 to 13.

Method 5 – Use Excel Flash Fill to Split Comma-Separated Values into Different Columns


  • Type Dates in Cell C5. This is the first value from cell B5.
  • When you start to type ‘R’ in Cell C6, Excel detects the pattern where you want fruits in the first position from all the rows.

Use Excel Flash Fill to Split Comma Separated Values into Different Columns

  • Press Enter to get the below result.
  • Apply a similar method to split other comma-separated values into multiple columns, extracting the second and third entries from the first cell in their respective columns.

Read More: Split Data into Multiple Worksheets in Excel

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Hosne Ara
Hosne Ara

Hosne Ara is a materials and metallurgical engineer who loves exploring Excel and VBA programming. To her, programming is like a time-saving superhero for dealing with data, files, and the internet. She's skilled in Rhino3D, Maxsurf C++, MS Office, AutoCAD, and Excel & VBA, going beyond the basics. With a B. Sc. in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, she's shifted gears and now works as a content developer. In this role, she... Read Full Bio

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