How to Sum to End of a Column in Excel (8 Methods)


We will determine the sum of a column up to the bottom in Excel. We have taken a dataset that shows the store’s sales for the month of January.

Method 1 – Using Sum an Entire Column in Excel

Apply the SUM function throughout the entire column.

The SUM function adds all the numbers in a range of cells.


  • Name cell E4 Total.

  • Go to cell E5 and enter the following formula:

Sum the Entire Column in Excel

  • Press ENTER to get the result.

Sum the Entire Column in Excel

We successfully get the sum of the entire Column C.

Read More: How to Sum Range of Cells in Row Using Excel VBA (6 Easy Methods)

Method 2 – Using a Formula to Sum Multiple Columns

We have data in Columns C and D, and we want to get the sum of those columns.


  • Go to cell F4 and enter the following formula:

Formula to Sum Multiple Columns to End in Excel

  • Press ENTER.

We get the sum of those adjacent columns.

Read More: How to Sum Multiple Rows and Columns in Excel

Method 3 – Using Sum Non-Contiguous Columns at Once

We have data in Columns C, D, and E. We will determine the sum of Columns C and E.


  • Enter the following formula in cell G4:

Sum Non-Contiguous Columns to get sum at Once in Excel

  • Press ENTER to get the result.

We can apply another formula and will get the same result. The formula is:

=SUM(C:C, E:E)

One of the advantages of using the formula is that we don’t need to use the SUM function multiple times.

Read More: How to Add Multiple Cells in Excel (6 Methods)

Method 4 – Using Sum Entire Column to End without a Header


  • Enter the following formula in cell C5:


Sum Entire Column to End without Header

  • Press ENTER.

Read More: How to Sum Rows in Excel (9 Easy Methods)

Method 5 – Using the Excel AutoSum Feature


  • Select all the cells of column C.
  • Choose the AutoSum group from the Formulas tab.

Excel AutoSum Magic to get sum

  • Check out the dataset.

Here, we can see the sum is showing in the adjacent cell.

We apply another keyboard shortcut for AutoSum. Press Alt+ = and the AutoSum will apply.

Read More: How to Sum by Group in Excel (4 Methods)

Method 6 – Finding the Sum of a Column in the Status Bar 


  • Choose cells C4 to C11 of the dataset.

Find the Sum of a Column at the Status Bar of Excel

Look at the bottom of the sheet. We get the sum here. This sum value is for the selected cells. But we want to get the sum for the end of Column C.

  • Press the SHIFT+CTRL+ Down Arrow keys. This selects cells from our starting point to the last cell of the column.

Find the Sum of a Column at the Status Bar of Excel

We get the sum for the entire column at the bottom section of the sheet.

Read More: [Fixed!] Excel SUM Formula Is Not Working and Returns 0 (3 Solutions)

Method 7 – Using the Excel SUBTOTAL Function


  • Enter the formula based on the SUBTOTAL function in cell E4:

Excel SUBTOTAL Function to find sum of column

The 1st argument of the formula is 9, which indicates the performing sum function.

  • Press ENTER.

Read More: Sum Cells in Excel: Continuous, Random, With Criteria, etc.

Method 8 – Using the Table Feature


  • Form a table and select the cells of Column C.
  • Press CTRL+T.
  • The Create Table window will appear.
  • Mark the My table has headers option.

Table Feature to Get the Sum of a Column

The table has formed.

  • Go to the Table Design tab.
  • Choose the Total Row option from the Table Style Options group.

Table Feature to Get the Sum of a Column

We get the sum at the adjacent cell of our selection.

  • We know that there are other options available with the Table feature.
  • Expand Cell C12.

Table Feature to Get the Sum of a Column

Read More: How to Sum Multiple Rows in Excel (4 Quick Ways)

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Alok Paul
Alok Paul

Alok Paul has completed his B.Sc. in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from East West University. He has been working on the ExcelDemy project for more than 2 years. He has written 220+ articles and replied to numerous comments. He is experienced in Microsoft Office, especially in Excel. He also led some teams on Excel and VBA content development. He has a keen interest in Advanced Excel, Data analysis, Excel Pivot Table, Charts, and Dashboard. He loves to research... Read Full Bio

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