How to Create a Tally GST Invoice Format in Excel (with Easy Steps)

What Is a Tally GST Invoice?

GST means Goods and Services Tax which is a value-added tax imposed on goods and services for domestic consumption.

Here is some basic information that should be present in a tally GST invoice:

  • Company Name, Logo, Phone Number, Address, and GSTIN
  • Customer Name, Address, and Phone Number
  • Invoice number and Date of issuance
  • Applicable taxes such as – CGST, SGST, IGST, etc.
  • Amount to be paid by the customers
  • Signature from the in-charge
  • Lastly, any additional notes regarding company policies

We’ll incorporate this information into our tally GST invoice format. Here is the final snapshot of our invoice format.

tally gst invoice format in excel

How to Create a Tally GST Invoice Format in Excel: 8 Quick Steps

Step 1 – Adding an Invoice Header

  • Create the following fields at the top row of the invoice.
    • Invoice No.invoice number of the company.
    • Customer ID – unique customer ID for the customers, this will help us to identify them later.
    • Date – the date of issuance of the invoice.

tally gst invoice format in excel top header

Step 2 – Adding Company Details

  • Add the company details to the top-left of the invoice.
    • Company Logo – Add the company logo to make it more meaningful.
    • Company Name – Obviously, we need to add the company name.
    • Address – Location of the company.
    • Phone – Phone number of the company.
    • GSTIN – The GST Identification Number of the company.

Step 3 – Including Customer Details

  • Add the customer details to the invoice under the “Bill To” section with the following fields:
    • Name – Name of the customer.
    • Address – Location of the customer.
    • Phone – Phone number of the customer.
    • GSTIN – The GST Identification Number of the customer.

tally gst invoice format in excel customer details

Read More: Tally Sales Invoice Format in Excel

Step 4 – Description of the Products

  • Add the following columns:
    • Serial Number – Serial number of the products.
    • Product – Names of the products.
    • SKU – Product codes.
    • Amount – The number of units purchased.
    • Unit Price – Price of a single unit.
    • Total Price – We use a formula here that is Total Price = Amount * Unit Price.

  • Use the following formula in cell G16 (Total) and press Enter.


This formula adds the prices of the 3 products.

tally gst invoice format in excel total

Read More: Proforma Invoice Format in Excel with GST

Step 5 – Adding GST Taxes

  • Use the following formula in cell G17 and press Enter.


This formula finds 12% of the $1,095.

  • Find the CGST by using the following formula in cell G18.


We calculated the CGST as 8% of $1,095.

tally gst invoice format in excel SGST

Read More: How to Make GST Export Invoice Format in Excel

Step 6 – Calculating the Gross Total Using Formula

  • Use the following formula in cell G19 and press Enter.


We added the taxes with our value of $1,095. We rounded this figure using the ROUND function. As we want it to be rounded to the nearest integer, we have provided 0 in the formula.

Step 7 – Automating Amount in Words Using VBA

  • Press Alt + F11 to bring up the VBA window.
  • From Insert, select Module. We’ll put our code here.

tally gst invoice format in excel VBA Module

  • Insert the following code.
Option Explicit
Function Number_To_Words(ByVal xNumber)
        Dim xDollars, xCents, xT
        Dim xPlace, xCount
        ReDim Place(9) As String
        Place(2) = " Thousand "
        Place(3) = " Million "
        Place(4) = " Billion "
        Place(5) = " Trillion "
        xNumber = Trim(Str(xNumber))
        xPlace = InStr(xNumber, ".")
        If xPlace > 0 Then
                xCents = xTens(Left(Mid(xNumber, xPlace + 1) & "00", 2))
                xNumber = Trim(Left(xNumber, xPlace - 1))
        End If
        xCount = 1
        Do While xNumber <> ""
                xT = xHundreds(Right(xNumber, 3))
                If xT <> "" Then xDollars = xT & Place(xCount) & xDollars
                If Len(xNumber) > 3 Then
                        xNumber = Left(xNumber, Len(xNumber) - 3)
                        xNumber = ""
                End If
                xCount = xCount + 1
        Select Case xDollars
                Case ""
                        xDollars = "No Dollars"
                Case "One"
                        xDollars = "One Dollar"
                 Case Else
                        xDollars = xDollars & " Dollars"
        End Select
        Select Case xCents
                Case ""
                        xCents = ""
                Case "One"
                        xCents = " and One Cent"
                            Case Else
                        xCents = " and " & xCents & " Cents"
        End Select
        Number_To_Words = xDollars & xCents
End Function
Function xHundreds(ByVal xNumber)
        Dim xResult As String
        If Val(xNumber) = 0 Then Exit Function
        xNumber = Right("000" & xNumber, 3)
        If Mid(xNumber, 1, 1) <> "0" Then
                xResult = xDigit(Mid(xNumber, 1, 1)) & " Hundred "
        End If
        If Mid(xNumber, 2, 1) <> "0" Then
                xResult = xResult & xTens(Mid(xNumber, 2))
                xResult = xResult & xDigit(Mid(xNumber, 3))
        End If
        xHundreds = xResult
End Function
Function xTens(tt)
        Dim xResult As String
        xResult = ""
        If Val(Left(tt, 1)) = 1 Then
                Select Case Val(tt)
                        Case 10: xResult = "Ten"
                        Case 11: xResult = "Eleven"
                        Case 12: xResult = "Twelve"
                        Case 13: xResult = "Thirteen"
                        Case 14: xResult = "Fourteen"
                        Case 15: xResult = "Fifteen"
                        Case 16: xResult = "Sixteen"
                        Case 17: xResult = "Seventeen"
                        Case 18: xResult = "Eighteen"
                        Case 19: xResult = "Nineteen"
                        Case Else
                End Select
                Select Case Val(Left(tt, 1))
                        Case 2: xResult = "Twenty "
                        Case 3: xResult = "Thirty "
                        Case 4: xResult = "Forty "
                        Case 5: xResult = "Fifty "
                        Case 6: xResult = "Sixty "
                        Case 7: xResult = "Seventy "
                        Case 8: xResult = "Eighty "
                        Case 9: xResult = "Ninety "
                        Case Else
                End Select
                xResult = xResult & xDigit(Right(tt, 1))
        End If
        xTens = xResult
End Function
Function xDigit(dd)
        Select Case Val(dd)
                Case 1: xDigit = "One"
                Case 2: xDigit = "Two"
                Case 3: xDigit = "Three"
                Case 4: xDigit = "Four"
                Case 5: xDigit = "Five"
                Case 6: xDigit = "Six"
                Case 7: xDigit = "Seven"
                Case 8: xDigit = "Eight"
                Case 9: xDigit = "Nine"
                Case Else: xDigit = ""
        End Select
End Function

VBA Code Breakdown

  • We are creating a custom function named Number_To_Words.
  • We define the variable types.
  • We use the VBA Case statement to apply the word converter for our numbers.
  • We create 3 more functions – xHundreds, xTens, and xDigit to get the hundred, tens, and single-digit values, respectively.
  • Save and close the Module.
  • Use the following formula in cell G20.


This formula converts the number to words as per the VBA code breakdown.

tally gst invoice format in excel Numbers in Words

Step 8 – Adding Notes and the Footer Section

  • Add Notes for the customer.
  • Provide space to input the signature of the in-charge.
  • Add the contact details of the company.
  • Put a thank you note in a colored cell at the end.

Here’s the final tally GST invoice format.

tally gst invoice format in excel

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Rafiul Haq
Rafiul Haq

Rafiul Haq worked as an Excel and VBA Content Developer in Exceldemy for over two years and published almost 200 articles for the website. He is passionate about exploring new aspects of Excel and VBA. He received his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical and Production Engineering (MPE) from the Islamic University of Technology. Rafiul furthered his education by obtaining an MBA in Finance from the Institute of Business Administration (IBA) at the University of Dhaka. Apart from creating... Read Full Bio

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