How to Filter Dates by Month and Year in Excel (4 Easy Methods)

Method 1 – Use Filter Command


  • Select the column where you want to apply the filter.
  • Go to the top ribbon and select the Sort & Filter Tab.
  • Click on the Filter option.

How to Filter Dates by Month and Year in Excel

  • You will see a drop-down arrow created in the Header cell of the column.
  • Click on this to apply the filter.

How to Filter Dates by Month and Year in Excel

  • After clicking, you will see the list of years and months in a new window.
  • You can mark or unmark the options to apply a filter on the dates.
  • By clicking on the Plus(+) icon on the left side of the years, you will open the list of months. You can click on the plus(+) icon on the left side of any month to open the day’s list.
  • Mark the specific month and year to filter only for that month and year. Whereas, unmark the remaining boxes.

How to Filter Dates by Month and Year in Excel

  • If you check the year 2022 and the months of May and June from the filter list, you will get the filtered table as shown.

How to Filter Dates by Month and Year in Excel

Method 2 – Apply Excel FILTER Function

You can use the Excel Filter Function to filter dates by months and years.


  • Create a table “Filter Criteria” to collect input data of month and year.
  • Make a table Filtered Output where you will get the output depending on the filter conditions.

How to Filter Dates by Month and Year in Excel

  • Enter the following formula into cell F10 to use the FILTER function to filter dates by month and years.
The MONTH function extracts the month number from the dates and the YEAR function extracts the year value from the dates. The FILTER function will collect data from the selected cell range B5:D12, on the condition where the month value and the year are equal to the value of the given cells. If the FILTER function does not find any rows where the given conditions are met,  it will give “N/A” as output.

How to Filter Dates by Month and Year in Excel

  • Enter the value in the month and year cell.
  • You will get the filtered output for the specific month and year.

How to Filter Dates by Month and Year in Excel

  • You can  enter the value of month and year in the specific cells to filter dates by month and year using the Filter Function.

Method 3 – Utilize Excel PIVOT Table Tool


  • Select the data range.
  • Go to Insert > Pivot Table.

Utilize Excel PIVOT Table Tool

  • Select the Existing Worksheet option and select a cell in the location box to specify where to start the pivot table.
  • Press OK.

Utilize Excel PIVOT Table Tool

  • You will see a pivot table box created from the cell you specified and a window named PivotTable Fields will be created on the right side of the worksheet.
  • You will find the column names as a list.

Utilize Excel PIVOT Table Tool

  • Drag the Dates option in the Rows box and the Sales Qty option to the Values box.

Utilize Excel PIVOT Table Tool

  • Remove the Quarters option from the rows options.
  • Move the Years option to the column box.
  • You will see a perfect Pivot table where you can see the Sales Qty with months in Rows and Years in Columns.

Utilize Excel PIVOT Table Tool

  • The values are filtered by months and years.
  • You can also specify a filter for month and year by clicking on the drop-down arrow on the cell Column Labels and Row Labels.
  • Go to Column labels to select the Year and Row labels to select the Months.

Utilize Excel PIVOT Table Tool

Method 4 – Create a Button with VBA to Filter Dates by Month and Year


  • Before entering the code, specify cells to insert the Start Date and End Date in the Filter Criteria box.
  • If you want to filter dates for June 2022, you will give the Start date as of 06/01/2022 and the End Date as of 06/30/2022.

Create a Filter Button with VBA

  • Go to the Developer tab in the top ribbon. Click on the Visual Basic You can also use ALT + F11 to open the ‘Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications’ window if you don’t have the Developer tab added.

Create a Filter Button with VBA

  • The ‘Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window will pop up. Click on the Insert option.
  • Select Module from the option.

Create a Filter Button with VBA

  • A new ‘Module’  window will appear. Paste this VBA code into the box.
Public Sub FilterDates()
Dim Start_Date As Long, End_Date As Long
Start_Date = Range("G3").Value
End_Date = Range("G4").Value
Range("B5:B12").AutoFilter field:=1, _
Criteria1:=">=" & Start_Date, _
Operator:=xlAnd, _
Criteria2:="<=" & End_Date
End Sub
  • To run the code, go to the top menu, press on the ‘Run’ option (shortcut key is F5).

Create a Filter Button with VBA

Explanation of VBA Code:

  • Public Sub FilterDates()

That creates a Macro named FilterDates

  • Dim Start_Date As Long, End_Date As Long

Declares two-variable named Start_Date and End_Date and the format is Long

  • Start_Date = Range(“G3”).Value

Taking the value of Start Date from the cell G3

  •  End_Date = Range(“G4”).Value

Taking the value of End Date from the cell G4

  • Range(“B5:B12”).AutoFilter field:=1

Declaring the range of cells where to apply filter by VBA  AutoFilter function. Here you have to input the range of your Dataset.

  • Criteria1:=”>=” & Start_Date

Setting the condition of the filter for the dates which are greater than the start date.

  • Operator:=xlAnd

Putting And operator to add another condition of filter which will apply AND logic.

  • Criteria2:=”<=” & End_Date

Setting the condition of the filter for the dates which are less than the end date.

  • End Sub

Declaring the end of the Macro

  • You can add a Macro button so you don’t have to go to the module tab to run the code and filter.
  • Go to the Developer tab > Insert and select the Button icon.

Create a Filter Button with VBA

  • Draw a box in the worksheet and label it.
  • Select the Macro from the list. Press OK.

Create a Filter Button with VBA

  • You can see that a Button has been created. Rename it to Filter Dates.

How to Filter Dates by Month and Year in Excel

  • Insert a Start Date and End Date in the cells to filter the dates by month and year then press the Macro button.

How to Filter Dates by Month and Year in Excel

Things to Remember

  • You must edit the data range in the VBA code before applying it to your dataset.
  • The Excel Filter option is the easiest way to apply a filter but it changes the main dataset.
  • Use the Filter function or Pivot Table to apply the filter if you want to keep the main dataset unchanged.

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Osman Goni Ridwan
Osman Goni Ridwan

OSMAN GONI RIDWAN is a marine engineer who loves exploring Excel and VBA programming. Programming, to him, is a time-saving tool for efficiently managing data, files, and internet tasks. He is proficient in Rhino3D, Maxsurf, C++, MS Office, AutoCAD, Excel, and VBA and goes beyond the basics. Armed with a B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET, OSMAN has transitioned into the role of a content developer. Specializing in creating technical content exclusively centered around Excel... Read Full Bio

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