How to Open a Workbook from a Path Using Excel VBA – 4 Examples

This is the sample dataset.

Excel VBA Open Workbook from Path

Example 1 – Using the VBA Workbooks Method to Open a Workbook from a Path in Excel


  • Open your worksheet and save the Excel file as Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*xlsm).
  • Go to the Developer tab >> select Visual Basic.

Use of VBA Workbooks Method to Open Workbook from Path in Excel

  • In the Insert tab >> select Module.

  • Enter the Code below in Module1.
Sub Open_WB_from_Path()
Workbooks.Open "E:\Softeko\36\Open Workbook.xlsx"
End Sub

In the path location, mention the extension of the file.

Code Breakdown

  • The Open_WB_from_Path Sub Procedure is created .
  • The Workbooks Method is used to open the Workbook.
  • The Path location is provided between Inverted Commas.

  • Save the code.
  • Click Run.

You will see the workbook:

Read More: Excel VBA to Open Workbook in Background

Example 2 – Merging the Path and File Name Properties to Open a Workbook


  • Open your worksheet and save the Excel file as Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*xlsm).
  • Go to the Developer tab >> select Visual Basic.

Merging Path and File Name Properties to Open Workbook Using Excel VBA

  • In the Insert tab >> select Module.

  • Enter the Code below in Module2.
Sub Open_my_WB()
 Dim my_P As String, my_F As String
 Dim my_WB As Workbook
    my_P = "E:\Softeko\36\"
    my_F = my_P & "Open Workbook.xlsx"
 Set my_WB = Workbooks.Open(my_F)
End Sub

Code Breakdown

  • The Open_my_WB Sub Procedure  is created.
  • The variables my_P and my_F are declared as String, and my_WB as Workbook.
  • my_P is the Path of the file.
  • my_F is the file name with location, which are concatenated with the ampersand operator (&) concatenates.
  • The Workbooks method is used to open the file.

  • Save the code and go back to the Excel File.
  • In the Developer tab >> select Macros.

  • Select Macro (Open_my_WB) and click Run.

You will see the workbook.

Read More: Excel VBA to Open Workbook from Path in Cell

Example 3 – Employing the Workbooks Method using a Cell Reference to Open a Workbook


  • Enter the file location in C11.

Employing Workbooks Method with Cell Reference to Open Workbook in Excel

  • Follow the steps described in Example 1.
  • Enter the following Code in Module3.
Sub Open_WB_through_CellReference()
Dim WB_P As Variant
Set WB_P = Worksheets("Cell").Range("C11")
Workbooks.Open (WB_P)
End Sub

Using Cell Reference in VBA Code to Open Workbook in Excel

Code Breakdown

  • The Open_WB_through_CellReference Sub Procedure is created.
  • The WB_P variable is declared as Variant.
  • In WB_P the location is set through Cell Reference.
  • The Workbooks method is used to open the workbook.

  • Save the code and go back to the Excel sheet.
  • In the Developer tab >> select Macros.

  • Select Macro (Open_WB_through_CellReference) and click Run.

You will see the workbook.

Read More: How to Open Workbook and Run Macro Using VBA

Example 4 – Applying the GetOpenFilename Method to Open a Workbook from a Path in Excel


  • Follow the steps described in Example 1.
  • Enter the following Code in Module4.
Sub Open_WB()
    Dim Dialog_Box_File As String
    Dialog_Box_File = Application.GetOpenFilename()
    Workbooks.Open (Dialog_Box_File)
End Sub

Applying GetOpenFilename Method to Open Workbook from Path in Excel VBA

Code Breakdown

  • The Open_WB Sub Procedure is created.
  • The Dialog_Box_File variable is declared as String.
  • The GetOpenFilename and Workbooks methods are used to open the workbook.

  • Save and Run the code. (Follow the steps described in Example 3.)

In the Open dialog box:

  • Select your file.
  • Click Open.

You will see the workbook.

Opened Workbook by Using Excel VBA

Read More: How to Open Workbook with Variable Name with Excel VBA

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Musiha Mahfuza Mukta
Musiha Mahfuza Mukta

Musiha Mahfuza Mukta is a marine engineer who loves exploring Excel and VBA programming. To her, programming is a time-saving tool for dealing with data, files, and the internet. She's skilled in Rhino3D, Maxsurf, C++, MS Office, AutoCAD, and Excel & VBA, going beyond the basics. With a B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET, she's shifted gears and now works as a content developer. In this role, she creates techy content exclusively focused on Excel... Read Full Bio

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