How to Use the DATEVALUE Function in Excel (6 Methods)

The screenshot below provides an overview of this article demonstrating the application of the DATEVALUE function in Excel.

datevalue function overview in excel

Introduction to DATEVALUE Function

  • Function Objective

The DATEVALUE function converts a date in text format into a numerical representation of the date using Microsoft Excel’s date-time code.

  • Syntax


  • Argument Explanation
Argument Compulsory/Optional Explanation
date_text Compulsory Representing the date in text format.
  • Return Parameter

The function returns a date-time code, which needs further formatting to convert it into a usable date value.

Method 1 – Converting Text Dates to Number Format

In Column B, we have several dates represented as text.

use of datevalue function in excel

  • Select the output Cell C5.
  • Enter the formula:
  • Press Enter.
  • Autofill the entire column using the Fill Handle.
  • Column C will now display numbers representing the date-time codes.

use of datevalue function in excel

  • To customize the number format:
    • Select all the numbers in Column C.
    • Under the Home ribbon, click the Format Cell dialogue box icon.
    • From the Date category, choose your preferred date format.
    • Press OK to apply the format.

use of datevalue function in excel

You’ll see all the dates in the correct and selected format in Column C.

use of datevalue function in excel

Method 2 – Combining Day, Month, and Year Numbers

When importing date data from another source, you may encounter split texts for days, months, and years.

use of datevalue function in excel

  • In Cell E5, enter the following formula:

This uses the Ampersand (&) to concatenate data from Columns B, C, and D, with slashes (/) as separators.

  • Press Enter and autofill the entire column with the Fill Handle.

use of datevalue function in excel

  • Format the date-time code numbers in Column E as described in the Method 1.

use of datevalue function in excel

Method 3 – Show Both Dates and Times

Suppose Column B contains dates with times (in text format).

use of datevalue with timevalue function in excel

  • In Cell C5, enter the formula:

This combines the DATEVALUE function with the TIMEVALUE function to extract both date and time.

  • Press Enter and fill down the rest of the cells with the Fill Handle option.

use of datevalue with timevalue function in excel

  • Open the Format Cells dialog box again from the Number group of commands.
  • Select a suitable format from the Date category that displays both date and time.
  • Press OK to apply the format.

use of datevalue with timevalue function in excel

As shown in the screenshot below, Column C will now display dates and times in the proper format.

use of datevalue with timevalue function in excel

Method 4 – Extracting a Date from the Beginning of a Text String with DATEVALUE and LEFT Functions

When a date appears at the beginning of a cell, alongside other data, the DATEVALUE function alone cannot extract the date-time code. Instead, it results in a #VALUE! error message.

extractng date with datevalue from the beginning

  • In Cell C5, enter the following formula:

The LEFT function extracts the first 9 characters from the text string (which corresponds to the date format).

  • Press Enter and autofill the entire column with the Fill Handle. Column C will display the date-time codes as return values.

extractng date with datevalue from the beginning

  • Convert the number format to the desired date format for Column C to obtain the proper date values.

extractng date with datevalue from the beginning

Method 5 – Pulling Out a Date from the Middle of a Text String with DATEVALUE, MID, and FIND Functions

  • In Cell C5, enter the following formula:
=DATEVALUE(MID(B5,FIND(" ",B5)+1,9))
    • The FIND function locates the position of the first space character in the text string.
    • The MID function extracts 9 characters starting from the position found by the FIND function.
  • After pressing Enter, autofill the entire column with the Fill Handle. Column C will now contain the date-time codes.

extractng date with datevalue from the middle in excel

  • Modify the number format for Column C to display the expected results in the exact date format.

extractng date with datevalue from the middle in excel

Method 6 – Extracting the Date from the Right of a Text String with DATEVALUE and RIGHT Functions

  • In Cell C5, enter the following formula:

The RIGHT function extracts the last 9 characters from the text string (representing the date format).

  • Press Enter and autofill the remaining cells in Column C with the Fill Handle.

extractng date with datevalue from the right or end in excel

  • Convert the date-time codes into the desired date format to obtain the desired results.

extractng date with datevalue from the right or end in excel

Things to Keep in Mind

  • The DATEVALUE function returns only the date portion. If a time is present alongside the date in text format, the function will ignore the time value.
  • The date code starts with 1 for January 1, 1900, and increases sequentially for subsequent dates. The DATEVALUE function assigns this date code when extracting dates from text format.
  • If the DATEVALUE function cannot recognize a date from a text format, it will display a #VALUE! error.

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Nehad Ulfat
Nehad Ulfat

NEHAD ULFAT is an excellent marine engineer who loves working with Excel and diving into VBA programming. For him, programming is like a tool that saves time when dealing with data, files, and the internet. His skills go beyond the basics, including ABACUS, AutoCAD, Rhinoceros, Maxsurf, and Hydromax. He got his B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET but switched gears, working as a content developer.  In this role, he creates techy content all about Excel... Read Full Bio

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