How to Use Excel LARGE Function with Duplicates in Excel: 3 Ways

Method 1 – Nesting LARGE, COUNTIF, MAX, MIN, INDIRECT, and ROW Functions to Find the N-th Largest Value from Data That Contains Duplicates


  • Use this formula in cell H5.

Nesting functions with Excel LARGE function for finding largest value with duplicates

  • Press ENTER.

Nesting functions with LARGE functions for finding largest value with duplicates

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Formula Breakdown

  • ROW(INDIRECT(MIN(E$5:E$12)&”:”&MAX(E$5:E$12) gives the row reference of maximum value to the minimum value of the array and the INDIRECT function gives the reference.
  • COUNTIF(E$5:E$12,ROW(INDIRECT(MIN(E$5:E$12)&”:”&MAX(E$5:E$12)))) counts how many numbers are duplicates.
  • IF(COUNTIF(E$5:E$12,ROW(INDIRECT(MIN(E$5:E$12)&”:”&MAX(E$5:E$12)))),ROW(INDIRECT(MIN(E$5:E$12)&”:”&MAX(E$5:E$12)))),G5: the IF function returns the corresponding value highest to lowest without duplicates.
  • =LARGE(IF(COUNTIF(E$5:E$12,ROW(INDIRECT(MIN(E$5:E$12)&”:”&MAX(E$5:E$12)))),ROW(INDIRECT(MIN(E$5:E$12)&”:”&MAX(E$5:E$12)))),G5) gives the large value corresponding to cell G5.

Method 2 – Merging UNIQUE and LARGE Functions to Find the Unique Largest Value


  • Use this formula in cell H5.

Merging UNIQUE function with LARGE function for finding largest values with duplicates

  • Press ENTER.

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  • UNIQUE($E$5:$E$12) finds out the unique value from selected cells of column E.
  • =LARGE(UNIQUE($E$5:$E$12),G5:G8) returns the large function in column G.

Method 3 – Using IFERROR, FREQUENCY, MATCH, and ROW in the LARGE Function to Find Unique Largest Value


  • Use this formula in cell H5.
=IFERROR(LARGE(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(E$5:E$12<>"",MATCH(E$5:E$12,E$5:E$12,0)),ROW(E$5:E$12)-ROW(E$5)+1), E$5:E$12), ROW(E1)),"")

Nesting IFERROR, FREQUENCY, MATCH, and ROW with LARGE Function for finding largest value with duplicates

  • Click ENTER.

Nesting IFERROR, FREQUENCY, MATCH, and ROW with LARGE Function for finding largest value with duplicates

  • Apply the AutoFill tool to get the final result.

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Formula Breakdown

  • IF(E$5:E$12<>””,MATCH(E$5:E$12,E$5:E$12,0)) in this formula the MATCH function finds out the corresponding relative position when they do not find the relative duplicate value. If they find a duplicate, the number indicating the relative position will be identical.
  • FREQUENCY(IF(E$5:E$12<>””,MATCH(E$5:E$12,E$5:E$12,0)),ROW(E$5:E$12)-ROW(E$5)+1), E$5:E$12) frequency returns how many times same values are repeated and makes the corresponding position value become zero after first one occurs.
  • IF(FREQUENCY(IF(E$5:E$12<>””,MATCH(E$5:E$12,E$5:E$12,0)),ROW(E$5:E$12)-ROW(E$5)+1), E$5:E$12), ROW(E1)) we find the sorted value lowest to highest and the position of repeated value becomes false.
  • LARGE(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(E$5:E$12<>””,MATCH(E$5:E$12,E$5:E$12,0)),ROW(E$5:E$12)-ROW(E$5)+1), E$5:E$12), ROW(E1) gives the sorted value of lowest to highest.
  • IFERROR(LARGE(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(E$5:E$12<>””,MATCH(E$5:E$12,E$5:E$12,0)),ROW(E$5:E$12)-ROW(E$5)+1), E$5:E$12), ROW(E1)),””) the IFERROR function gives an error if an error is found. Here no error is found.

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Joyanta Mitra
Joyanta Mitra

Joyanta Mitra, a BSc graduate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, has dedicated over a year to the ExcelDemy project. Specializing in programming, he has authored and modified 60 articles, predominantly focusing on Power Query and VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). His expertise in VBA programming is evident through the substantial body of work he has contributed, showcasing a deep understanding of Excel automation, and enhancing the ExcelDemy project's resources with valuable... Read Full Bio

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