How to Autocomplete from List in Excel (4 Easy Ways)

In this article, we will describe various techniques to autocomplete cells or columns from a list in Excel. We used Excel 2019 here, but the techniques apply to other versions too.

We’ll use the following dataset of the first and last names of some people to demonstrate our methods.

Dataset of Excel autocomplete from list


Method 1 – Using AutoFill

To complete a column or row with the same or similar data, we can use the AutoFill feature. Suppose we want to add serial numbers to the names.


  • Select cell B5.

Using AutoFill to Autocomplete from List in Excel

  • Insert a couple of numbers to establish a sequence, then select them both.
  • With both cells selected, at the bottom right corner of cell B6 is a + symbol, called the Fill Handle.

Using AutoFill to Autocomplete from List in Excel

If you don’t see this symbol, as in the image below:

Using AutoFill to Autocomplete from List in Excel

  • Click File >> Options.

Using AutoFill to Autocomplete from List in Excel

  • Click Advanced from the Excel Options dialog box that appears.

Using AutoFill to Autocomplete from List in Excel

  • From the Editing Options section, check Enable fill handle and cell drag-and-drop.
  • Click OK.

Now you should see the Fill Handle.

  • Double-click the icon or drag it down to the remaining cells in this column.

Using AutoFill to Autocomplete from List in Excel

The column is filled without the need for any manual data entry.

  • Alternatively, select a cell after inserting a number in it, and click Series from the Fill option in the Editing section of the Home tab.

Using AutoFill to Autocomplete from List in Excel

A Series dialog box will appear.

Using AutoFill to Autocomplete from List in Excel

  • Set the Step Value and Stop Value (here we have set 1 and 10 for these respectively).

Using AutoFill to Autocomplete from List in Excel

  • Click OK.

The column is filled.

Using AutoFill to Autocomplete from List in Excel

Read More: How to Turn on Autocomplete in Excel

Method 2 – Using AutoFill from Suggestion

Excel provides us with suggestions once we input something that resembles something already in the list.


  • In the row just below the dataset (here cell B15), enter the first one or two letters of a name in the same column.

Inserting AutoFill from Suggestion to Autocomplete from List in Excel

  • Here, the name Gabrial exists in the First Name column. As soon as we enter “G”, Gabrial is offered as a suggestion. If that’s the name you wanted, press ENTER or TAB.

Inserting AutoFill from Suggestion to Autocomplete from List in Excel

  • If you don’t see the suggestions like in the image below:

Inserting AutoFill from Suggestion to Autocomplete from List in Excel

  • Open the Excel Options dialog box.
  • Click Advanced.

Inserting AutoFill from Suggestion to Autocomplete from List in Excel

  • In the Editing Options section, check Enable AutoComplete for cell values.
  • Press OK.

Now you will see the suggestions.

Suggestions are offered column-wise only. So if we insert “G” in the Last Name column. It will not show any suggestions, since no names starting with “G” appear in that column.

Inserting AutoFill from Suggestion to Autocomplete from List in Excel

However suggestions will be offered for values that do appear in this column.

Inserting AutoFill from Suggestion to Autocomplete from List in Excel

For example, upon entering “J”,  Joe is suggested.

  • Just press ENTER or TAB to insert the suggested value.

Inserting AutoFill from Suggestion to Autocomplete from List in Excel

Method 3 – Using Flash Fill to Combine

Flash Fill combines cell values into a new cell.

Suppose we want to generate Full Name from First Name and Last Name.


  • Enter a name manually.
  • Go to the Home tab.
  • Click Editing.
  • Select the Fill option.

  • Select the Flash Fill option.

Names are generated as desired.

Method 4 – Using Flash Fill to Split

Flash Fill can be used to split cell values into multiple cells as well as combining values as in the previous method.

Let’s separate the full names below into first and last names.


  • Type the first name of the first cell in the range manually.

  • Select the cell.
  • Click on the the Flash Fill option from the Data Tools section from the Data tab.

The column is autocompleted.

Let’s use the keyboard shortcut for the Flash Fill feature to complete the Last Name column.

  • Type the first name manually and select that cell.
  • Press CTRL + E.

The column is autocompleted from the listed names.

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Further Reading

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Shakil Ahmed
Shakil Ahmed

My name’s Shakil. My articles are targeted to support you in enriching knowledge regarding different features related to Microsoft Excel. I am fond of literature, hope some knowledge from them will help me providing you some engaging articles even though some weary technical terms.

  1. Very helpful but need auto prompt drop down when whenever a cell is selected.

    • Reply Avatar photo
      Md. Abu Sina Ibne Albaruni Jun 12, 2023 at 4:42 PM


      Thank you very much for your interest in our article. You can create an auto-prompt dropdown in Excel. In the dataset, we have the names of multiple people.

      Dataset for Auto-Prompt Dropdown

      Simply follow the steps below:

      ● Go to the Developer tab >> Insert >> Combo Box (ActiveX Control).
      ● Then place the newly created ComboBox.

      Create ActiveX Control ComboBox

      ● Double-click on the ComboBox.
      ● A VBA window will pop up. Paste the following code into the window.

      VBA Code to Create Dropdown

      Private Sub ComboBox1_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
          'variable declaration
          Dim myRng As Range
          Dim myArr() As Variant
          Dim i As Long
          'user input
          Set myRng = Application.InputBox("Insert the Data Range for the Drop-down List", Type:=8)
          myArr = myRng.Value
          'sort selected data
          For i = LBound(myArr, 1) To UBound(myArr, 1) - 1
              For j = i + 1 To UBound(myArr, 1)
                  If myArr(i, 1) > myArr(j, 1) Then
                      Dim temp As Variant
                      temp = myArr(i, 1)
                      myArr(i, 1) = myArr(j, 1)
                      myArr(j, 1) = temp
                  End If
              Next j
          Next i
          'clear Drop-down list
          'add item to the drop-down list
          For i = LBound(myArr, 1) To UBound(myArr, 1)
              ComboBox1.AddItem myArr(i, 1)
          Next i
      End Sub

      ● Now, go back to the worksheet and click on the Design Mode from the Developer tab to turn it off.

      Turn off Design Mode

      ● Double-click on the ComboBox and you will see an InputBox asking for the list.
      ● Select the list from your dataset and press OK.

      Input List

      ● You will have the auto-prompt drop-down list.

      Auto-Prompt Dropdown

      You can also download the Excel file from here.
      Excel Auto Prompt Drop-Down.xlsm

      If you have any more queries, please let us know in the comments.

      Md. Abu Sina Ibne Albaruni
      Team ExcelDemy

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