How to Create Excel Checkbook Register with Reconciliation

Here’s an overview of a checkbook register with reconciliation in Excel.

What Is Reconciliation?

Reconciliation is a technique in accounting that analyzes two sets of records to ensure that the numbers are accurate and consistent. It verifies the consistency, accuracy, and completeness of the accounts in the general ledger.

Bank reconciliation, vendor reconciliation, business-specific reconciliation, intercompany reconciliation, and customer reconciliation are the five main categories of account reconciliation. In this article, we will focus mainly on Bank Reconciliation.

How to Create an Excel Checkbook Register with Reconciliation: Step-by-Step Procedures

We will show the bank account information of a person named John Smith. He created his bank account in September 2022, and the Excel sheet we will create will show all his transactions in September 2022.

Step 1 – Create a New Excel File and Give it a Title

  • Open a fresh Excel Workbook.
  • Take some cells from one of the top rows and merge those cells into one. We will take B2:I2 in this case and use Merge & Center.

Merge Cells to Create Title Row

  • We put the value Checkbook Register of A/C ID 058462. This is the “title.”
  • Modify the formatting of the cell to make it pop.

Giving Title to the Excel Checkbook Register

Read More: How to Create Sales and Purchase Ledger in Excel

Step 2 – Insert the Information of the Account Holder

  • Format the space for name as text, the opening date as date, and the remaining cells as Currency.
  • Enter the information.

Details of the Checkbook Holder

Step 3 – Create Columns in the Checkbook Register with Reconciliation

  • We will create 8 columns, each with unique column headers and unique functions.
  • See the image for the guide for cells B10 to I10.

Creating Columns for Data Entry

  • Insert blank rows as needed.

Columns Created for Checkbook Register with Reconciliation

Step 4 – Convert the Range into a Table

  • Select all the cells after the headers, go to the Tables ribbon, and hit Table.

 Converting into Table

  • A dialog box appears.
  • Select My Table has Headers and hit OK.

Dialog box of Creating Table

  • We get our desired table.

Table Created Checkbook Register with Reconciliation

Step 5 – Input the Checkbook Register Values

  • We will insert some random data into the rows.
  • For the first row, copy the value from Starting Balance and leave the other values empty.

Input Data into Table

Step 6 – Insert Formula in the Balance Column

  • Insert the following formula into I12.

Inserting Formula

Final Result of Checkbook Register with Reconciliation

  Formula Breakdown

  • ISBLANK B12 returns FALSE since B12 has value.
  • The argument of IF is FALSE then
  • IF(ISBLANK(B12),””,I11-F12+G12) returns the value after doing the subtraction and addition operation.

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Md Junaed-Ar-Rahman, a Biomedical Engineering graduate from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, has contributed to the ExcelDemy project for one year. As a technical content developer, he has authored 15+ unique articles and actively addressed user problems. He participated in 2 specialized training programs on VBA and Chart & Dashboard design in Excel. His passion lies in solving problems uniquely and exploring new functions and formulas. Eager for future exploration, he aims to gain proficiency in applications... Read Full Bio

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