Opposite of Concatenate in Excel (4 Options)


Method 1 – Split Text into Multiple Cells with Formula

In the following table, Column B contains five distinct cells, each of which contains three names separated by a common delimiter ‘Comma’ (,). The names will be entered into three separate columns with headers Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

Opposite of Concatenate: Split into Multiple Cells with Formula

Step 1:

Select Cell C5 and enter the below formula.

=TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE($B5,",",REPT(" ",999)),COLUMNS($A:A)*999-998,999))

Opposite of Concatenate: Split into Multiple Cells with Formula

Step 2:

Press Enter and the first name will be split from the names in Cell B5.

Opposite of Concatenate: Split into Multiple Cells with Formula

How Does the Formula Work?

  • REPT(” “,999): Here the REPT function repeats the character ‘space’ 999 times inside the SUBSTITUTE function.
  • SUBSTITUTE($B5,”,”,REPT(” “,999)): The SUBSTITUTE function substitutes commas with the repeated spaces in the previous step. The formula returns the name Patrick with spaces.
  • COLUMNS($A:A)*999-998: The COLUMNS function here counts the number of columns and assigns the resultant value as the start_num for the MID function.
  • MID(SUBSTITUTE($B5,”,”,REPT(” “,999)),COLUMNS($A:A)*999-998,999): The MID function returns the names ‘Patrick’ with 999 characters in total.
  • The TRIM function removes all unnecessary spaces from the text string found by the MID function and returns only the name ‘Patrick’.

Step 3:

From Cell C5, use the Fill Handle to drag the formula to the right until all three names have been separated.


Opposite of Concatenate: Split into Multiple Cells with Formula

Step 4:

Drag the Fill Handle down to autofill the rest of the cells ranging from C6 to E9.

Opposite of Concatenate: Split into Multiple Cells with Formula

All the names from the groups of names in Column B have been separated.

Opposite of Concatenate: Split into Multiple Cells with Formula

Read More: How to Concatenate with Delimiter in Excel

Method 2 – Opposite of Concatenate: Use of Text Functions to Split into Multiple Cells


Opposite of Concatenate: Use of Text Functions to Split into Multiple Cells

Step 1:

Select the first output Cell C5 and enter the below formula.

=LEFT(B5,FIND(" ",B5)-1)

Opposite of Concatenate: Use of Text Functions to Split into Multiple Cells

Step 2:

Press Enter and use Fill Handle to autofill the rest of the cells in Column C.


Opposite of Concatenate: Use of Text Functions to Split into Multiple Cells

How Does the Formula Work?

  • In this formula, the FIND function looks for the first single space in Cell B5 and returns the position of the space character.
  • The LEFT function extracts the name from the left and returns several characters specified by the FIND function previously.

Step 3:

In Cell D5, enter the following formula.

=RIGHT(B5,LEN(B5)-FIND(" ",B5))

Opposite of Concatenate: Use of Text Functions to Split into Multiple Cells

The surnames are returned in the second column.

Opposite of Concatenate: Use of Text Functions to Split into Multiple Cells

How Does the Formula Work?

  • In this formula, the LEN function returns the total number of characters available in Cell B5 and that is 15.
  • The FIND function returns the position of the space found in that text and returns 8.
  • The arithmetic difference between the two previous numerical values assigns the number of characters for the RIGHT function.
  • The RIGHT function extracts 15-8=7 characters from the right and returns the name ‘Cummins’.

Read More: How to Concatenate with Space in Excel

Method 3 – Use Text to Column Wizard to Reverse Concatenate in Excel

Step 1:

Select the range of cells (B5:B9) containing all text data that have to be split.

Under the Data tab, select the Text to Columns option from the Data Tools.

A dialogue box will open.

Opposite of Concatenate: Use of Text to Column Wizard in Excel

Step 2:

Choose the radio button ‘Delimited’ as the original data type.

Press Next.

Opposite of Concatenate: Use of Text to Column Wizard in Excel

Step 3:

From the Delimiters options, mark the Comma box only and leave the other options unmarked.

Press Next.

Opposite of Concatenate: Use of Text to Column Wizard in Excel

Step 4:

Retain General as the Column Data Format.

Enable editing in the Destination box and select the output cells ranging from C5 to E9.

Press Finish.

Opposite of Concatenate: Use of Text to Column Wizard in Excel

All the names in the selected output range of cells have been separated.

Opposite of Concatenate: Use of Text to Column Wizard in Excel

Read More: How to Concatenate Apostrophe in Excel

Method 4 – Apply the Flash Fill Method to Work as Opposite of the Concatenate

Step 1:

Select Cell C5 and type Patrick manually.

Opposite of Concatenate: Use of Flash Fill Method

Step 2:

Use the Fill Handle to drag down to the last Cell C9.

Click on the options and select Flash Fill now.

Opposite of Concatenate: Use of Flash Fill Method

All the first names have been separated and extracted to Column C.

Opposite of Concatenate: Use of Flash Fill Method

Step 3:

Do the same for the surnames under the Part 2 header.

Opposite of Concatenate: Use of Flash Fill Method


Opposite of Concatenate: Use of Flash Fill Method

Read More: How to Bold Text in Concatenate Formula in Excel

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Nehad Ulfat
Nehad Ulfat

NEHAD ULFAT is an excellent marine engineer who loves working with Excel and diving into VBA programming. For him, programming is like a tool that saves time when dealing with data, files, and the internet. His skills go beyond the basics, including ABACUS, AutoCAD, Rhinoceros, Maxsurf, and Hydromax. He got his B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET but switched gears, working as a content developer.  In this role, he creates techy content all about Excel... Read Full Bio

  1. I am using a form on my website to collect CVs and the excel output is like below:

    Degree | College Name | Discipline | Year of Graduation | GPA
    Masters | Oxford | Mathematics | 2020 | 88
    Bachelors | Cambridge | Chemistry | 2016 | 76
    Diploma | George’s School | Arts | 2012 | 94

    All the above lies in a single cell in excel / CSV file.

    Can anybody please help me how I can rearrange all this into an excel table with each cell showing part of the entries.
    I do not want to use the “Text to Columns” method, because there are several such tables created and they have to be done automatically by a formula.

    I appreciate your solutions.

    best regards,

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