How to Remove Time from Date in Excel (6 Methods)

Method 1 – Using the Format Cells Feature

Assuming we have a dataset of Dates with Times. We are going to remove the time part and insert only the date in the next cell.

Use ‘Format Cells’ Feature to Remove Time from Date

  • Select the cells containing date and time.
  • Copy them (Ctrl+C) and paste to adjacent cells (Ctrl+V).

Use ‘Format Cells’ Feature to Remove Time from Date

  • Right-click on the selected cells and choose Format Cells.

Use ‘Format Cells’ Feature to Remove Time from Date

  • In the Format Cells window, go to the Number tab.
  • Select Date from the Category.
  • Choose the desired date format under Type.
  • Click OK to display the date without time.

  • We can see the date without time in the adjacent column.

Read More: How to Insert Static Date in Excel

Method 2 – Excel Find and Replace Tool

In the following dataset, we are going to use Find and Replace to remove time from the date:

Find and Replace Tool in Excel for Removing Time from Date

  • Copy the cells with date and time (Ctrl+C).
  • Paste them into adjacent cells (Ctrl+V).

Find and Replace Tool in Excel for Removing Time from Date

  • Keep the new cells selected.
  • Go to the Home tab and select Replace from the Find & Select dropdown.

Find and Replace Tool in Excel for Removing Time from Date

  • In the Find what box, enter a space and an asterisk (*).
  • Leave the Replace with box empty.
  • Click Replace All and confirm.

  • A confirmation box pops up.
  • Click OK.
  • Close the dialogue box.

  • The time will be removed from the cells.

Method 3 – VBA Code

Assuming we have data imported to the Spreadsheet with date and time. We are going to use a VBA code to remove the time.

VBA Code to Remove Time from Date in Excel

  • Right-click on the sheet bar and select View Code.

VBA Code to Remove Time from Date in Excel

  • In the VBA Module, enter the following code:
Option Explicit
Sub ToRemoveTime()
Dim Y As Long, q As Long
Y = Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For q = 5 To Y
With Range("B" & q)
.NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yy"
.Value = CLng(.Value)
End With
Next q
End Sub
  • Click the Run option to see the date without time.

Method 4 – Text to Columns Feature

Here we have a dataset containing the date and time. We are going to use Text to Columns to remove time from the date.

Applying ‘Text to Columns’ Feature to Remove Time

  • Select all cells containing date and time.
  • Go to Data and choose Text to Columns in the ribbon.

Applying ‘Text to Columns’ Feature to Remove Time

  • Choose Delimited in the Wizard Step 1 window.
  • Click Next.

Applying ‘Text to Columns’ Feature to Remove Time

  • Select Space as the delimiter in Wizard Step 2.
  • Preview the data in the Data preview box and click Next.

  • In Wizard Step 3, skip the time values column.
  • Specify the destination for the result and click Finish.

  • The time is removed from the date cells.

Method 5 – Using DATEVALUE and TEXT Functions

To convert a date with the DATEVALUE function, it needs to be stored in TEXT format. We are going to use the combination of DATEVALUE & TEXT functions to remove time from the date.

Using DATEVALUE and TEXT Functions to Remove Time

  • Select Cell C5.
  • Enter the formula:

Using DATEVALUE and TEXT Functions to Remove Time

NOTE: The TEXT function converts the value to text format, and DATEVALUE returns only the date portion.

  • Press Enter and drag down the cursor to apply the formula.

  • Manually change the format to a date by going to Home, selecting Number Format and choosing Short Date/Long Date.
  • Alternatively, use the formula:

  • Press Enter and use the Fill Handle tool to apply the formula to other cells.

Read More: Formula for Weekly Dates in Excel

Method 6 – Using the INT Function

  • The INT (Integer) function rounds down to the nearest integer.
  • Excel treats dates as integer portions and times as fractions.
  • To remove time from a date, use the INT function.

Inserting INT Function to Remove Time from Date

  • Follow these steps:
    • Select Cell C5.
    • Enter the formula:

    • Press Enter and drag down to apply the formula to other cells.

    • Select the cells and go to the Home tab.
    • Choose Number Format and select Short Date/Long Date.

    • Use the Fill Handle to complete the results.

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Nuraida Kashmin
Nuraida Kashmin

Nuraida Kashmin, Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology. Since 2021, she wrote 45+ articles on Excel problems and reviewed over 1000 articles. Currently working as a Project Manager, she is responsible for developing and implementing content strategies, managing writers and editors, staying updated on new technology, analyzing data, and tracking content performance indicators. Her interests include Project Management, Creative Writing, Digital Marketing, Reporting, Monitoring & Documentation, and Online Advocacy for SAP &... Read Full Bio

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