How to Use XLOOKUP Function with Multiple Criteria in Excel

Here’s the overview of using XLOOKUP with multiple criteria.

overview of XLOOKUP with multiple criteria

The following dataset has the Employee Name, Dept, and Salary columns. We will extract various data using multiple conditions in the XLOOKUP function.

Dataset of XLOOKUP with multiple criteria

Method 1 – Using Only the XLOOKUP Function with Multiple Criteria in Excel

Case 1.1 – Using the Ampersand Operator to Set Multiple Criteria


  • We selected cell D18.
  • Use the following formula in the selected cell or into the Formula Bar.


Inserting XLOOKUP with Multiple Criteria

Formula Breakdown

  • We want to look up the Salary of Ahmed who works in the IT department.
  • In the function, we selected the lookup_value F4 & G4.
  • The lookup_array is B5:B15 & C5:C15.
  • We selected the return_array D5:D15.
  • Hit Enter. The formula will show the Salary of the given lookup_value.

Applying Fill Handle Tool

  • Use the Fill Handle to AutoFill the formula for the rest of the cells in the column.

Final Salary Column

Case 1.2 – Set Criteria for Multiple Columns Separately 


  • Select the cell where you want to place your resultant value. We selected cell D18.
  • Insert the following formula in the selected cell or into the Formula Bar.


Setting Criteria for Multiple Columns in XLOOKUP Function

Formula Breakdown

  • We look up the Salary of Jim who works at Accountant department.
  • The lookup_value is 1.
  • We selected the lookup_array B5:B15=B18 * C5:C15=C18.
  • We selected the return_array D5:D15.
  • Press the Enter key.
  • Use the Fill Handle to AutoFill formula for the rest of the cells of the Salary column.

Employing Fill Handle Tool

  • You can see the complete Salary column.

The Complete Salary Column

Read More: VLOOKUP with Multiple Criteria Including Date Range in Excel

Method 2 – Combining Two XLOOKUP Functions for Multiple Criteria in Excel

Case 2.1 – Using XLOOKUP Function Row-Wise then Column-Wise


  • Select the cell to place your resultant value. We selected cell D11.
  • Insert the following formula in the selected cell or into the Formula Bar.


Using Two XLOOKUP Function in Row Wise and Column Wise Direction

Formula Breakdown

  • We want to look up the Salary of Ahmed who works in IT.
  • We have the lookup_value B11 and selected the lookup_array as B5:B8.
  • The outer XLOOKUP function searches column-wise.
  • We used the XLOOKUP function and selected the 2nd criterion C11.
  • The inner XLOOKUP function searches row-wise.
  • The lookup_array is C4:F4 with the return_array C4:F8.
  • Hit Enter.
  • Use the Fill Handle to AutoFill formula for the rest of the cells in Salary.

Use of Fill Handle Feature

  • You can see the complete Salary column.

Final Salary Column

Case 2.2 – Applying the XLOOKUP Function Column-Wise then Row-Wise


  • Select the cell to place your resultant value. We selected cell D11.
  • Insert the following formula in the selected cell or into the Formula Bar.

=XLOOKUP(C11, $C$4:$F$4, XLOOKUP(B11, $B$5:$B$8, $C$5:$F$8))

Using Two XLOOKUP Functions in Column-wise and Row-wise Direction

Formula Breakdown

  • We just interchanged the lookup values from the inner to outer XLOOKUP function from the previous case.
  • Hit Enter.
  • Drag down the formula with the Fill Handle tool.

Dragging Down Formula Using Fill Handle Tool

  • You can see the complete Salary column.

The Complete Salary Column

Read More:  Vlookup with Multiple Criteria without a Helper Column in Excel

Method 3 – Applying the XLOOKUP Function with Advanced Multiple Criteria in Excel


  • Select the cell to place your resultant value. We selected cell B18.
  • Insert the following formula in the selected cell or into the Formula Bar.


Use of XLOOKUP with Complex Multiple Criteria

Formula Breakdown

  • The LEFT function for the lookup_value “A” searches within the selected range B5:B15.
  • For the 2nd criterion, we used the “=” with lookup_value inside the selected range C5:C15.
  • We selected the range B5:D15 as return_array.
  • Hit Enter.
  • Use the Fill Handle to AutoFill formula for the rest of the cells of the Salary column.

Employing Fill Handle Feature

  • You can see the result.

The Output after Using Formula

Read More: How to Lookup Across Multiple Sheets in Excel 

Method 4 – Inserting a XLOOKUP Function with Multiple Logical Criteria in Excel


  • Select the cell to place your resultant value. We selected cell F4.
  • Insert the following formula in the selected cell or into the Formula Bar.


Applying XLOOKUP with Logical Multiple Criteria

Formula Breakdown

  • We will use boolean logic to look for the number.
  • In the XLOOKUP function we put the lookup_value “1” with the selected range C5:C15. For the second criterion, we used the “>” operator with lookup_value within the selected range D5:D15.
  • We selected the range B5:B15 as return_array.
  • Hit Enter.
  • This will show the Salary of the given lookup_value.

The Value after using Formula

  • Insert the following formula for cell B19.


  • Hit Enter
  • You can see the result in cell B19.

The final salary column

Read More: Lookup and Return Multiple Values Concatenated into One Cell in Excel

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Shamima Sultana
Shamima Sultana

Shamima Sultana, BSc, Computer Science and Engineering, East West University, Bangladesh, has been working with the ExcelDemy project for 2 years. She has written over 75+ articles and reviewed 1000+ articles for ExcelDemy. She has also led several teams with Excel VBA and Content Development works. Currently, she is working as the Project Manager and oversees the day-to-day work, leads the services team, allocates resources to the right area, etc. Her work and learning interests vary from Microsoft... Read Full Bio

  1. Hi Shamima,

    Hope you r good, this article is so helpful in understanding xlookup function. Can you guide me actually i want to xlookup a value with a tolerance level of + & – in a lookup array. means i want to lookup a number & if it is found with + or – (tolerance) in a lookup up array it returns the result ..thanks you

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