How to Extract Text After a Character in Excel (6 Ways)

Method 1 – Using MID and FIND Functions to Extract Text After a Character

We’ll use the following dataset. We’ll extract the text after the hyphen (“-”).


  • Insert the following formula in Cell C5:


excel MID and FIND Functions to Extract Text After a Character

  • Press Enter.
  • Drag the Fill handle icon over the range of cells C5:C9.

excel MID and FIND Functions to Extract Text After a Character

Breakdown of the Formula

  • LEN(B5) returns 11.
  • FIND(“-“,B5) returns 6.
  • MID(B5,FIND(“-“,B5)+1,LEN(B5)) = MID(B5,6+1,11) returns World.

Read More: How to Extract Text Before Character in Excel

Method 2 – Applying RIGHT, LEN, and FIND Functions to Extract Text After a Character

We’ll use the same dataset as in Method 1 and extract the text after the hyphen.


  • Use the following formula in Cell C5:


  • Press Enter.
  • Drag the Fill handle icon down to C9.

excel RIGHT, LEN, and FIND Functions to Extract Text After a Character

Breakdown of the Formula

  • LEN(B5) returns 11.
  • FIND(“-“,B5) returns 6.
  • RIGHT(B5,LEN(B5)-FIND(“-“,B5)) =RIGHT(B5,11-6) returns World.

Read More: How to Extract Text after a Specific Text in Excel

Method 3 – Using LEFT, FIND, and SUBSTITUTE Functions to Extract Text After a Character

We are using the previous dataset, but we changed the lookup characters. We’ll extract the text from the cells after the character noted in the cell next to it.


  • Use the following formula in Cell D5:


  • Press Enter.
  • Drag down the Fill handle icon to fill all the other cells in the column.

excel LEFT, FIND, and SUBSTITUTE Functions to Excerpt Text After a Character

Breakdown of the Formula

  • FIND(C5,B5) returns 6.
  • LEFT(B5,6) returns Hello@.
  • SUBSTITUTE(B5,LEFT(B5,FIND(C5,B5)),””) = SUBSTITUTE(B5,”Hello@”,””)  returns World.

Read More: How to Extract Text After First Space in Excel

Method 4 – Combining RIGHT, SEARCH, and SUBSTITUTE Functions to Extract Specific Characters


  • Use the following formula in Cell D5:


  • Press Enter.
  • Drag the Fill handle icon over the range of cells D6:D9.

excel RIGHT, SEARCH, and SUBSTITUTE Functions to Extract Specific Characters

Breakdown of the Formula

  • LEN(B5) returns 11
  • SUBSTITUTE(B5,C5,””) returns HelloWorld.
  • SUBSTITUTE(B5,C5,”#”,11-LEN(“HelloWorld”)) returns Hello#World.
  • SEARCH(“#”,”Hello#World”) returns 6.
  • RIGHT(B5,LEN(B5)-SEARCH(“#”,SUBSTITUTE(B5,C5,”#”,LEN(B5)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(B5,C5,””))))) = RIGHT(B5,11-6)  returns World.

Read More: How to Extract Text after Second Space in Excel

Method 5 – Using RIGHT, SUBSTITUTE, and REPT Functions to Extract Text After a Character


  • Use the following formula in Cell D5:


We used the TRIM function to remove extra leading spaces.

  • Press Enter.
  • Drag the Fill handle icon over the range of cells D6:D9.

excel RIGHT, SUBSTITUTE, and REPT Functions to Extract Text After a Character

Breakdown of the Formula

  • LEN(B5) returns 11
  • REPT(” “,LEN(B5)) returns “           “ (Spaces).
  • SUBSTITUTE(B5,C5,REPT(” “,LEN(B5))) returns “Hello           World”.
  • RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(B5,C5,REPT(” “,LEN(B5))),LEN(B5)) returns  “     World”.
  • TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(B5,C5,REPT(” “,LEN(B5))),LEN(B5))) = TRIM(”      World”) returns World.

Read More: How to Extract Text After Last Space in Excel

Method 6 – Inserting VBA Code to Extract Text After a Character in Excel


  • Press Alt + F11 to open the VBA editor.
  • Select Insert and choose Module.

  • Insert the following code in the code window.
Sub extract_text()

Dim rng As Range
Dim cell As Range
Set rng = Application.Selection
For Each cell In rng
 cell.Offset(0, 1).Value = Right(cell, Len(cell) - InStr(cell, "-"))
Next cell

End Sub
  • Save the file.
  • Select the range of cells B5:B9.

VBA Codes to Extract Text After a Character in Excel

  • Press Alt + F8 to open the Macro dialog box.
  • Select extract_text.

  • Click on Run.

VBA Codes to Extract Text After a Character in Excel

Read More: How to Extract Text Between Two Commas in Excel

Things to Remember

If you see a #VALUE! Error, wrap the whole formula under the IFERROR function and create a custom response.

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A.N.M. Mohaimen Shanto
A.N.M. Mohaimen Shanto

A.N.M. Mohaimen Shanto, a B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering from Daffodil International University, boasts two years of experience as a Project Manager at Exceldemy. He authored 90+ articles and led teams as a Team Leader, meticulously reviewing over a thousand articles. Currently, he focuses on enhancing article quality. His passion lies in Excel VBA, Data Science, and SEO, where he enjoys simplifying complex ideas to facilitate learning and growth. His journey mirrors Exceldemy's dedication to excellence and... Read Full Bio

  1. What if we have same work multiple times in cell, how can we get the word in that case.

  2. Thanks Deep for your excellent and thoughtful question. Let me guide you to fulfill your query.
    We can easily extract multiple texts in cells by using different methods of this article but with slight changes.

    Suppose you have a dataset where the texts are separated only with hyphens. In this scenario, you should follow the first method in our article. The steps are:
    First, arrange the dataset where texts are separated with hyphens.
    Dataset if The Texts are Separated Only with Hyphens
    Second, insert the following formula.
    Insert the Following Formula

    Third, after pressing Enter button, you will get the result for this cell.
    Last, use the Fill Handle to apply it to all Cells.
    Final Result

    But in case, you have emails separated with @ or any other texts separated with special characters then you can use RIGHT, SEARCH & SUBSTITUTE Functions or LEFT, FIND & SUBSTITUTE Functions or RIGHT, REPT & SUBSTITUTE Functions from our article.
    Any of these methods will do the work for you. Let me guide you in detail with the steps.
    Firstly, you must arrange a dataset where multiple texts are separated with special characters.
    Dataset IF the texts are separated with special characters
    Next, use any of the following formulas in the D5 cell(described in our article)

    (Note: Please take a glimpse at our main article to understand the insertion of the formula)

    Afterward, after pressing Enter button, you will get the result for this cell. You will get the same result for any of the formulas so you can choose any of them.
    Last, use the Fill Handle to apply it to all Cells.
    Final Result

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