Filling a Certain Number of Rows in Excel Automatically: 6 Methods

Method 1 – Making Pattern and Using Fill Handle for Filling a Certain Number of Excel Rows

Make a pattern of numbers. Fill Handle will allow us to repeat the pattern and Fill the Excel rows automatically.

Filling a Certain Number of Rows in Excel Automatically


  • Put 1 in Cell B5, and 2 in B6. It will create a pattern (increasing by 1).

Filling a Certain Number of Rows in Excel Automatically Using Pattern

  • Select those two rows.
  • Put the mouse pointer at the edge, until there is a “plus(+)” sign. The sign is called Fill Handle.
  • Using the Fill Handle you can AutoFill number until cell B12.

  • The rows will be Auto-Filled.

Filling a Certain Number of Rows in Excel Automatically Using Pattern

2. Applying Fill Series Command and Filling Certain Rows


  • Put a value in cell B5. We have put 1.

  • Select the number of rows to be Auto-Filled.

Applying Fill Series Command and Filling Certain Rows

  • Go to the Fill from Home.
  • Select Series

  • Select Columns from Series in.
  • Type should be set to “Linear” by default. If not, change it.
  • Step Value: 1 (This will increase the values by 1).
  • Press OK.

Filling a Certain Number of Rows in Excel Automatically by Applying Fill Series

The Serial column has been Auto-Filled.

2.2. Applying Fill Series for Weekdays


  • Put the first value on cell C5.

  • Select the cell range C5:C12.
  • Open the Home tab >> from Fill >> Select Series.

Select these options from the Series dialog box:

  • Series in Columns.
  • Type Date.
  • Day unit Weekday.
  • Step value 1.
  • Finally, press OK.

Applying Fill Series Command and Filling Certain Rows for Weekdays

We don’t have the dates 12, and 13 March 2022 as these dates are weekends. This shows the weekdays. The AutoFill method worked as intended.

Method 3 – Utilizing the Row Function to Fill the Exact Number of Rows


  • Select the range B5:B12.
  • Find & Select from Home.
  • Go To Special.

Utilizing Row Function to Fill Exact Number of Rows

  • Select Visible cells only.
  • Press OK.

  • Type the following formula in the Formula bar (it should be written on cell B5 by default, no need to click on anything):

ROW(B5) will return the value 5. We want our value to start from 1, we will deduct 4 from it. 

Utilizing Row Function to Fill Exact Number of Rows

  • Press CTRL + ENTER. The series of numbers will be inserted into the selected cells.

Click on cell B5 to show the formula.

Utilizing Row Function to Fill Exact Number of Rows

This is the final output of Filling a number of rows using the ROW function.

Method 4 – Creating a Formula to Fill Certain Rows in Excel Automatically


  • Put 1 in cell B5.
  • Type the formula below in cell B6, or into the Formula bar:

Creating a Formula to Fill Certain Rows in Excel

  • Press Enter to see the value 2 in Cell B6.

  • Use the Fill Handle to AutoFill from cell B6 to copy the formula up to cell B12.

Creating a Formula to Fill Certain Rows in Excel

The AutoFill operation is successful.

Method 5 – Using CTRL + ENTER to Fill Certain Number of Rows Automatically with Same Values

We need to type the same value in a certain number of rows in Excel, using the CTRL + ENTER Method. Select a range and then type the desired value. We need to press CTRL + ENTER to fill the selected rows. Put the gender of the people in the empty cells by using this technique.

Using CTRL + ENTER to Fill Rows with Same Values

5.1. Common Method of Using CTRL + ENTER


  • Select rows D5:D8 to select only the male names.

  • Type “Male”.
  • Press CTRL + ENTER.

filling a certain number of rows in excel automatically by using CTRL+ENTER

The text “Male” is repeated 3 more times.

Do that for the 4 females too. If done correctly, this will be the result.

filling a certain number of rows in excel automatically by using CTRL+ENTER

5.2. Filling in the Blanks of Certain Rows by Applying CTRL + ENTER

In this section, we have a dataset that has blank values. We can notice that the text “Female” should be there. We can fill those cells by selecting the blank cells and then the CTRL + ENTER method.


  • Select the full table by selecting the B4:D12 cell.
  • Go to the Find & Select from Home.
  • Select Go to Special.

Filling a certain number of Blank rows in excel automatically by applying CTRL + ENTER

  • Select Blanks on the Go To Special dialog box.
  • Press OK.

The blank cells within the cell range will be selected.

filling a certain number of rows in excel automatically by using CTRL+ENTER

  • Type the text “Female”.
  • Press CTRL + ENTER.

CTRL+ENTER for filling a certain number of rows in excel automatically

This will Fill up the blank rows.

Fill in the Blanks applying CTRL + ENTER in Excel Automatically

Method 6 – Using the IF Function for Filling a Certain Number of Rows in Excel Automatically


  • Type the following formula in cell D5 or in the formula bar:
=IF(B5>2000,"New Employee"," ")

If the Employee ID is more than 2000, the employee is a new employee. If the Employee ID is less than 2000, then leave the cell blank.

Using IF Function for filling a certain number of rows in excel automatically

  • Press ENTER to see the desired value in cell D5.

  • Using the Fill handle we can copy the formula up to cell D12.

We can see that the AutoFill of a certain number of rows has worked perfectly.

Using IF Function for filling a certain number of rows in excel automatically

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Rafiul Haq
Rafiul Haq

Rafiul Haq worked as an Excel and VBA Content Developer in Exceldemy for over two years and published almost 200 articles for the website. He is passionate about exploring new aspects of Excel and VBA. He received his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical and Production Engineering (MPE) from the Islamic University of Technology. Rafiul furthered his education by obtaining an MBA in Finance from the Institute of Business Administration (IBA) at the University of Dhaka. Apart from creating... Read Full Bio

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