Advanced Chart Techniques: Combination Charts and Custom Visualizations

In this article, we’ll use a practical example to demonstrate how to create a combination chart and customize visual elements to make your data stand out.

Advanced Chart Techniques: Combination Charts and Custom Visualizations

Excel offers advanced chart techniques that help to transform complex data into easy-to-understand insights. In this article, we’ll use a practical example to demonstrate how to create a combination chart and customize visual elements to make your data stand out.

Let’s consider sample monthly sales data and profit percentages for a year, and you want to show these two metrics on one chart to illustrate the relationship between sales and profit trends.

1. Creating the Combination Chart

Let’s create a combination chart to visualize both sales and profit data in one chart. You will need to use a Clustered Column chart for sales and a Line chart for profit.

  • Select the data to create the chart. Selected Sales and Profit column.
  • Go to Insert tab >> from Combo Chart >> select Create Custom Combo Chart.
  • In the Insert Chart dialog, choose Clustered Column for the “Sales” series and Line for the “Profit” series.
  • Set the Secondary Axis for better visibility.
    • Check the box for “Profit” under Secondary Axis to ensure it scales separately from the sales data.
  • Click OK to insert the combination chart.

Advanced Chart Techniques: Combination Charts and Custom Visualizations

2. Customizing the Chart

Let’s customize the combination chart we just created for better visibility, readability, and impact.

  • Select the chart.
  • Open Chart Elements >> Add Chart Element >> Data Labels >>Center. To see exact values easily.
  • You can customize the colors to distinguish sales and profit easily.
    • Sales: Use a solid blue for the bars.
    • Profit (%): Use a contrasting line color, like orange.
  • Go to the Chart Design tab >> select suitable Chart Styles.
  • Chart Styles offers ready-to-use formatted customized charts.


Advanced Chart Techniques: Combination Charts and Custom Visualizations

3. Applying Trendlines and Additional Visuals

To show overall trends, you can add a trendline to the profit data and an annotation for key insights.

  • Right-click on the Profit (%) Line Series and select Add Trendline.

Advanced Chart Techniques: Combination Charts and Custom Visualizations

  • Choose a Linear trendline to show the profit percentage trend over time.
  • Select Display Equation to emphasize the profit trend numerically.

Advanced Chart Techniques: Combination Charts and Custom Visualizations

Add Text Box annotations to highlight key months or important values.

  • Go to the Insert tab >> from Text >> select Text Box.

Advanced Chart Techniques: Combination Charts and Custom Visualizations

While adding trendline or other extra chart features try to remove data labels otherwise chart’s visualizations seem overcrowded.


Advanced Chart Techniques: Combination Charts and Custom Visualizations

4. Advanced Custom Visualizations

Excel offers advanced customization options as well as advanced charts.

Overlay Charts:

  • Insert a chart type (e.g., Area chart).
  • You can copy data from another chart type (e.g., Line) and overlay it on the existing chart.
  • Adjust transparency and colors for each chart type to distinguish between data series.

Use Shapes and Icons:

  • Add Shapes or Icons to emphasize specific data points or trends.
  • Go to Insert tab >> from Shapes >> choose an oval or rectangle, and place it around the data points.
  • Customize with colors, opacity, and size to integrate seamlessly with your chart.

Charting Tips:

  • Follow less is more technique. Avoid overcrowding the chart with too many elements.
  • Be consistent with color schemes for clear communication.
  • Label your axes and legends clearly for easy interpretation.


Combination charts and custom visualizations in Excel help to present data with depth and clarity, making complex insights accessible at a glance. Combination charts with practical customizations create charts that effectively communicate your data’s story. Experiment with the techniques in your own datasets to enhance your data visibility and presentation.

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Shamima Sultana
Shamima Sultana

Shamima Sultana, BSc, Computer Science and Engineering, East West University, Bangladesh, has been working with the ExcelDemy project for 2 years. She has written reviewed 1000+ articles for ExcelDemy. She has also led several teams with Excel VBA and Content Development works. Currently, she is working as the Project Manager and oversees the day-to-day work, leads the services team, allocates resources to the right area, etc. Her work and learning interests vary from Microsoft Office Suites, and Excel... Read Full Bio

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