Al Arafat Siddique

About author

Al Arafat Siddique, BSc, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, has worked on the ExcelDemy project for two years. He has written over 85+ articles for ExcelDemy. Currently, he is working as a software developer. He is leading a team of six members to develop Microsoft Office Add-ins, extending Office applications to interact with office documents. Other assigned projects to his team include creating AI-based products and online conversion tools using the latest web technologies.


Software Developer

Lives in

Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Education in Naval Architecture and Maring Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology


React JS, Express JS, Next JS, Redux, MySQL, MongoDB, Prisma ORM, Git, Laravel, Jest, RTL, Server Management


  • Project Management
  • Technical Content Writing


  • Currently working as Technical Lead in Web Technologies in Software Development Team.
  • Started technical content writing of Excel & VBA in December 2021 and later joined the software development team after 6 months.

Latest Posts From Al Arafat Siddique

Excel VBA: Cut and Insert Column (5 Examples)

We’ll use the Range.Cut method to cut single or multiple columns and then the Range.Insert method to insert into the worksheet. We’re going to use the ...

How to Open a Hyperlink in the Google Chrome Browser using VBA Code in Excel (3 Methods)

Overview of the Shell Function The Shell function is used to run an executable program using its file location from inside a VBA code. This function takes two ...

How to Auto Sort in Excel Without Macros: 3 Methods

Method 1 - Use of SORT Function to Auto Sort in Excel Introduction to the SORT Function The SORT function in Excel returns a sorted range of data or array ...

How to Select the Print Area Using VBA in Excel – 3 Methods

This is the sample dataset. Enter the Code in Visual Basic Editor Go to the Developer tab. Click Visual Basic. In the Visual Basic For ...

How to Filter a Dataset Based on a Cell Value from Another Sheet Using VBA (4 Methods)

Dataset Overview Let’s introduce our dataset first. We have a list of sale details for 4 different products from 2 categories. We want to filter this dataset ...

Excel VBA: Format Currency with Two Decimal Places – 3 Methods

Entering the Code in the Visual Basic Editor Go to the Developer tab. Click Visual Basic. Click Insert and select Module. Enter the ...

Excel Macro: Extract Data from Multiple Excel Files (4 Methods)

We have multiple Excel files in a folder. We’ve created a folder named saledata in D:/ to hold the Excel files. The Excel files contain sale data for 5 ...

Excel VBA: Loop Through Columns in Range: 5 Methods

Method 1 - Loop Through Columns to Find a Value Range Using VBA in Excel A large dataset to work with. In the dataset, Column A holds the order dates. ...

Excel VBA: Change Font Color for Part of Text: 3 Methods

Method 1 - Change the Font Color for a Specific Part of Text Using VBA in Excel 1.1 Use of the Font.Color Property Along with the above property, to color a ...

Excel VBA: Insert Data into Table: 4 Examples

The sample sale list of a shop contains details like the order date, product name, quantity, unit price, and total price. How to Create a Table in Excel ...

How to Create a Drop Down List Hyperlink to Another Sheet in Excel: 2 Methods

Method 1 - Create a Drop Down List Hyperlink to Another Sheet Using Formula in Excel  Step 1: Select a cell (A2 in the worksheet named January, in this ...

Excel VBA: Format Number with Comma (2 Examples)

How to Write Code in the Visual Basic Editor Go to the Developer tab from the Excel Ribbon. Click the Visual Basic option. In the Visual Basic ...

How to Use Dynamic Named Range in Excel Chart (Step by Step)

  Step 1 - Preparing the Dataset for a Dynamic Named Range in Excel We’re going to use the following dataset that illustrates the growth of the world ...

Excel VBA: Inserting a Picture from the Folder – 3 Methods

You have pictures in a specific folder and want to insert one of these pictures in your Excel worksheet.   Go to the Developer tab. Click ...

How to Convert Text to Formula Using the INDIRECT Function in Excel

Introduction to the INDIRECT Function in Excel We can use  the INDIRECT function to get a valid cell reference from a cell value that is stored as a text ...

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