How to Calculate Percentage Based on Conditional Formatting: 6 Methods

Method 1 – Calculate Percentages Based on Conditional Formatting Manually


  • Put down the name of the background colors of the cells of the Item column.

calculating manually

  • Use the following formula in cell C14 for counting the total rows.

B5:B12 is the range of the cells of the Item column and COUNTA will count the non-blank cells of this range.

calculate percentage based on conditional formatting

  • After pressing ENTER, you’ll have the number of total rows in this dataset.

calculating manually

  • Use the following formula in cell C15 for counting the colored cells
=COUNTIF(F5:F12, "Yellow")

COUNTIF will give the number of cells with Yellow in the range F5:F12.

calculating manually

  • Press ENTER. Get the number of highlighted cells as 4.

calculate percentage based on conditional formatting

  • To calculate the percentage, divide the Colored Rows by the Total Rows by using the following formula.

calculating manually

  • To apply the Percentage form, select the value in cell C16 and go to Home Tab >> Number Group >> Percent Style Option.
    You can also select it using the shortcut key CTRL+SHIFT+%.

calculating manually

  • You will get a percentage of 50% based on Conditional Formatting.

calculate percentage based on conditional formatting

Method 2 – Calculate Percentages Based on Conditional Formatting Using the Filter Option


  • Select the data range and go to Data Tab >> Sort & Filter Dropdown >> Filter Option.

using Filter option

  • You will get the filter symbols on the dataset header row.

using Filter option

  • Use the following formula in cell C13 for counting the total rows.

B4:B11 is the range of the cells of the Item column, and COUNTA will count the non-blank cells in this range.

calculate percentage based on conditional formatting

  • You will get the number of total rows as 8.

using Filter option

  • Click on the dropdown sign in the Item column, select the Filter by Color option, and choose the Yellow color box from the Filter by Cell Color option.

calculate percentage based on conditional formatting

  • Use the following formula in cell C14.

SUBTOTAL will count the number for only the unhidden cells 3 is for COUNTA function, and B4:B11 is the range of the Item column.

using Filter option

  • We got the number of yellow color cells, which is 4.

using Filter option

  • To get the percentage value, divide the Colored Rows by the Total Rows.

using Filter option

  • After applying Percent Style, you’ll get the percentage of the highlighted cells.

calculate percentage based on conditional formatting

Method 3 – Calculate Percentages Based on Conditional Formatting Using a Table

We’ll use the same dataset as before.

calculate percentage based on conditional formatting


  • Go to Insert tab and select the Table option.

using Table option

  • The Create Table dialog box will appear.
  • Select the range of your dataset.
  • Check the My table has headers option and click OK.

using Table option

Excel will convert it into a table and name it.

calculate percentage based on conditional formatting

  • Select cell C13 and use the formula

B4:B11 is the range of the cells of the Item column and COUNTA will count the non-blank cells in this range.

  • Excel will convert this automatically to the structured reference system and modify the formula as follows.

Table3 is the table name, and [Item] is the column name.

using Table option

  • Click on the dropdown sign in the Item column, select the Filter by Color option, and choose the Yellow color box from the Filter by Cell Color option.

using Table option

  • Use the following formula in cell C14.

SUBTOTAL will count the number for only the unhidden cells, 3 is for COUNTA function and Table3[Item] is the range of the Item column.

using Table option

  • To get the percentage value, divide the Colored Rows by the Total Rows.

using Table option

  • After applying Percent Style, we’ll get the percentage of the highlighted cells as 50%.

calculate percentage based on conditional formatting

Method 4 – Calculate Percentages Based on Conditional Formatting Using Find & Select


  • Go to Home Tab >> Editing Group >> Find & Select Dropdown >> Find Option.

Find & Select option

  • The Find and Replace Dialog Box will pop up.
  • Select the Format Option.

Find & Select option

  • The Find Format Dialog Box will appear.
  • Select the Fill tab, choose the Yellow Color, and press OK.

Find & Select option

You will get a Preview section.

  • Click the Find All option.

calculate percentage based on conditional formatting

  • You will see the number of yellow color cells, which is 4, in the bottom-left corner of the dialog box.

Find & Select option

  • Input that number in cell C14.

Find & Select option

  • To calculate the total number of rows, use the following formula in cell C13.

B4:B11 is the range of the cells of the Item column and COUNTA will count the non-blank cells in this range.

Find & Select option

  • Calculate the percentage by dividing the Colored Rows by the Total Rows.

Find & Select option

  • After adding the Percent Style to this fraction number, you will get the percentage of Apples among other Items.

calculate percentage based on conditional formatting

Method 5 – Calculate Percentages Based on Conditional Formatting Using the GET.CELL Function


  • Go to the Formulas tab >> Name Manager Option.

GET.CELL Function

The Name Manager Wizard will appear.

  • Select the New Option.

calculate percentage based on conditional formatting

The New Name Dialog Box will pop up.

  • Type any name in the Name Box. We used ColorCode.
  • Select the Workbook Option in the Scope box.
  • Use the following formula in the Refers to box:

38 will return the Color Code, and Function!$B4 is the first highlighted cell in the Function sheet.

GET.CELL Function

  • Press OK.
  • Use the created function name ColorCode in cell F4.

GET.CELL Function

  • Press Enter and drag down the Fill Handle Tool.

GET.CELL Function

  • We get the Color Code 6 for the yellow color cells of the Item column.

GET.CELL Function

  • Use the following formula in cell C14

COUNTIF will give the number of cells having 6 in the range F4:F11. This is the result of the previous formula.

GET.CELL Function

  • For the Total Rows, use the following formula in cell C13

B4:B11 is the range of the cells of the Item column and COUNTA will count the non-blank cells in this range.

GET.CELL Function

  • To determine the percentage value, use the following formula in cell C15.

GET.CELL Function

  • After adding Percent Style, we will get the percentage based on Conditional Formatting.

calculate percentage based on conditional formatting

Method 6 – Using VBA Code


  • Go to Developer Tab >> Visual Basic Option.

VBA Code

  • The Visual Basic Editor will open.
  • Go to Insert Tab >> Module Option.

VBA Code

A Module will be created.

calculate percentage based on conditional formatting

  • Insert the following code
Sub colorcell()
Dim x, y As Integer
Dim FR As Integer
Dim LR As Integer
FR = 4
LR = Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
x = 0
y = 0
Do Until y > LR
  Range("B" & (FR + y)).Select
    If Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 Then
       x = x + 1
    End If
    y = y + 1
MsgBox ("The percentage of yellow colored cells is : " & _
Round((x / (y - 4)) * 100, 2) & "%")
End Sub

We declared x, y, FR, LR as Integer, we have assigned FR to 4 which is the starting row of our dataset and LR will determine the last row of the dataset.

DO UNTIL loop will count the colored cells for each cell of Column B, and the VBA IF Statement will identify if the color of the cell is yellow ( color code = 6 ) for these cells, x will be increased by 1, and using the formula Round((x / (y – 4)) * 100, 2) we will get the percentage value rounded up to 2 values after the decimal point. y – 4 will give the total rows, and here, you have to subtract the first-row number from y.

VBA Code

  • Press F5. You will get the percentage based on Conditional Formatting in a message box (MsgBox).

calculate percentage based on conditional formatting

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Tanjima Hossain
Tanjima Hossain

TANJIMA HOSSAIN is a marine engineer who enjoys working with Excel and VBA programming. For her, programming is a handy, time-saving tool for managing data, files, and online tasks. She's skilled in Rhino3D, Maxsurf C++, MS Office, AutoCAD, and Excel & VBA, going beyond the basics. She holds a B.Sc. in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET and is now a content developer. In this role, she creates tech-focused content centred around Excel and VBA. Apart from... Read Full Bio

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