Convert 3 Letter Month to Number in Excel (8 Suitable Methods)

We’ll use the following simple dataset with income over a few months.

Convert 3 Letter Month to Number Excel

Method 1 – Using the MONTH Function to Convert a 3-Letter Month to Number in Excel


  • Select the first result cell. We used D5.
  • Insert the following formula.

Formula Breakdown

  • Here, the MONTH function will return a month as a number of 1 (January) to 12 (December).
  • C5&1: Here, Ampersand(&) combines Month nad value which denotes a date.
  • MONTH(C5&1): will return the month value of February as 2.
  • Hit Enter.

Convert 3 Letter Month to Number Excel

  • Drag the Fill Handle icon to paste the used formula to the other cells of the column or use Excel keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V to copy and paste.

You will get all the converted Month values.

Convert 3 Letter Month to Number Excel

Read More: How to Convert Month to Number in Excel

Method 2 – Applying MONTH and DATEVALUE Functions


  • Select the first result cell. We used D5.
  • Insert the following formula.

Formula Breakdown

  • C5&1 = Feb1: Here, Ampersand(&) combines the value of C5 and 1.
  • DATEVALUE(C5&1)=44592: The DATEVALUE function converts the text to a numerical value which represents a date
  • MONTH(DATEVALUE(C5&1)) = 2: Finally, the MONTH function give the month value of the date.
  • Hit Enter.

Convert 3 Letter Month to Number Excel

  • Drag the Fill Handle icon to AutoFill the corresponding data in the rest of the cells D6:D10.

You will see all the converted months in a numerical format.

Convert 3 Letter Month to Number Excel

Method 3 – Using MONTH and LEFT Functions


  • Select the first result cell. We used D5.
  • Insert the following formula.

Formula Breakdown

  • LEFT(C5,3)= Feb: The LEFT function will extract the leftmost 3 characters of the value of the C5 cell.
  • 1&LEFT(C5,3) = 1Feb: Now, Ampersand(&) adds 1 in front with the previous output to make a date.
  • MONTH(1&LEFT(C5,3)) = 2: Finally, the MONTH function will extract the month value from the date.
  • Hit Enter.

Convert 3 Letter Month to Number Excel

  • Drag the Fill Handle icon to AutoFill the corresponding data in the rest of the cells D6:D10.

Here’s the result.

Method 4 – Using the MONTH Function with Symbol

You can not only use the functions but also use the Double Hyphen (–) symbol to convert the 3 letter Month to a number in Excel. In addition, you can combine the MONTH functions with the Double Hyphen (–) symbol. The steps are given below.


  • Select the first result cell. We used D5.
  • Insert the following formula.

Convert 3 Letter Month to Number Excel

Formula Breakdown

  • C5&1 = Feb1: Ampersand(&) combines the value of C5 and 1.
  • –(C5&1) = 44593: The double hyphen works like the DATEVALUE function to convert the text to a numerical value that represents a date.
  • MONTH(–(C5&1)) = 2: Finally, the MONTH function gives the month value of the date.
  • Hit Enter.

  • Now drag the Fill Handle icon to paste the used formula to the other cells of the column or use Excel keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V to copy and paste.

Convert 3 Letter Month to Number Excel

You will get all the converted months.

Read More: Excel Formula to Find Date or Days for Next Month

Method 5 – Using the MATCH Function to Convert a 3-Letter Month to Number


  • Select the first result cell. We used D5.
  • Insert the following formula.
  • Hit Enter.

Convert 3 Letter Month to Number Excel

Formula Breakdown


  • lookup_value = C5: This is the look-up value for which the Match function will search in the array.
  • lookup_array = {“jan”,”feb”,”mar”,”apr”,”may”,”jun”,”jul”,”aug”,”sep”,”oct”,”nov”,”dec”} : This is the look-up array where the MATCH
  • [match_type] = 0 : The function will search for the exact match.
  • Drag the Fill Handle icon to paste the used formula respectively to the other cells of the column or use Excel keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V to copy and paste.

You will get the converted months in the numerical format.

Convert 3 Letter Month to Number Excel

Method 6 – Applying the TEXT Function to Convert a 3-Letter Month to a Number in Excel


  • Select the first result cell. We used D5.
  • Insert the following formula.

Formula Breakdown

  • C5&1 = Feb1 : Ampersand(&) combines the value of C5 and 1.
  • TEXT((C5&1),”m”) = 2: The TEXT function will extract the month value from “Feb1”. Here “m” denotes the month value.
  • Hit Enter.

Convert 3 Letter Month to Number Excel

  • Dag the Fill Handle icon to AutoFill the corresponding data in the rest of the cells D6:D10.

You will see the converted Months.

Convert 3 Letter Month to Number Excel

Method 7 – Using a User-Defined Function to Convert a 3-Letter Month to a Number


  • Choose the Developer tab, then select Visual Basic.

  • From the Insert tab, select Module.

Convert 3 Letter Month to Number Excel

  • Insert the following Code in the Module.
Function ConvertMonth(givenMonth As String)
    ConvertMonth = Month(DateValue("1 " & givenMonth & " 2022"))
    ConvertMonth = Format(ConvertMonth, "0")
End Function

Code Breakdown

  • We have created a Function named ConvertMonth.
  • We have declared a variable givenMonth as a String to call the Months.
  • Using the Month and DateValue functions, we developed the function named ConvertMonth. We have used the Format function to format the result.
  • Save the code.
  • Go to the Excel worksheet.

Convert 3 Letter Month to Number Excel

  • Select the first result cell. We used D5.
  • Insert the following formula.

  • Hit Enter.

Convert 3 Letter Month to Number Excel

  • Drag the Fill Handle icon to AutoFill the corresponding data in the rest of the cells D6:D10.

Here’s the result.

Convert 3 Letter Month to Number Excel

Method 8 – Use the VLOOKUP Function to Convert a 3-Letter Month to a Number in Excel


  • We created a list of months and the corresponding numbers in columns F and G.
  • Select the first result cell. We used D5.
  • Insert the following formula.

Formula Breakdown


  • lookup_value = C5:   The value that it looks for in the leftmost column of the given table.
  • table_array = $F$5:$G$16: The table in which it looks for the lookup_value in the leftmost column.
  • col_index_num = 2: The column number in the table from which a value is to be returned.
  • [range_lookup] = FALSE: 0 or False for an exact match, 1 or True for a partial match. So, it denotes the exact match for the lookup_value
  • Hit Enter.

  • Drag the Fill Handle icon to AutoFill the corresponding data in the rest of the cells D6:D10.

Convert 3 Letter Month to Number Excel

You will get the converted Months.

Practice Section

You can practice the explained methods by yourself with the sample dataset.

Convert 3 Letter Month to Number Excel

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Musiha Mahfuza Mukta
Musiha Mahfuza Mukta

Musiha Mahfuza Mukta is a marine engineer who loves exploring Excel and VBA programming. To her, programming is a time-saving tool for dealing with data, files, and the internet. She's skilled in Rhino3D, Maxsurf, C++, MS Office, AutoCAD, and Excel & VBA, going beyond the basics. With a B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET, she's shifted gears and now works as a content developer. In this role, she creates techy content exclusively focused on Excel... Read Full Bio

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