How to Copy Cell If Condition Is Met in Excel (7 Easy Ways)

The sample dataset contains Product, Salesman, and Net Sales information. There are 2 types of products available. We’ll show how to copy the rows based on the cells inside them.

copy cell if condition is met excel

Method 1 – Apply the Filter Feature to Copy a Cell If Condition Is Met in Excel


  • Click on cell C4, which is the Product header.
  • Go to Home, select Sort & Filter, and choose Filter.

Apply Filter Feature to Copy Cell If Condition Is Met in Excel

  • Click the drop-down icon beside Product.
  • Check the box for AC as we want rows with AC.
  • Press OK.

  • This’ll return the required rows.
  • Select and copy the range by pressing Ctrl + C.
  • You can paste the values wherever you want by pressing Ctrl + V.

Method 2 – Copy Cell by Using the FILTER Function


  • Select cell B12.
  • Insert this formula:
  • Press Enter.
  • This will spill the rows that have cells with desired conditions.
  • We can perform this task where we want to paste, or we can copy the following results and paste them there.

Copy Cell by Using Excel FILTER Function

Method 3 – Insert the IF Function for Copying Cell with Condition=


  • Click on cell B12.
  • Insert the formula:
  • Hit Enter.
  • Apply AutoFill to complete the column.
  • You can copy and paste the values where you want.

Insert IF Function for Copying Cell with Condition

Method 4 – Copy a Cell by Using the Find Command in Excel


  • Select the cell range B5:D10.
  • Press Ctr + F to open the Find and Replace dialog box.
  • Type AC in Find what and click Find All.

Copy Cell by Using Find Command in Excel

  • Select all the cells.

  • Close the dialog box.
  • You’ll see the cells are selected in the dataset.
  • You can copy the desired cells.

Read More: How to Copy Multiple Cells to Another Sheet in Excel

Method 5 – Input the SWITCH Function to Copy a Cell If the Condition Is Met


  • Choose cell B12.
  • Insert the formula:
  • Click Enter.
  • Use AutoFill to fill the series.
  • This formula checks if the D column values are greater than 10,000. It’ll return blank for the rows where the D column cells do not meet the condition.
  • You can input this formula where you want to paste the data.

Input SWITCH Function to Copy Cell If Condition Is Met

Method 6 – Combine CHOOSE and MATCH Functions for Copying Cells


  • Select cell B12.
  • Insert the following formula:
  • Press Enter and apply AutoFill.
  • The MATCH function looks for AC and returns the cell location. The CHOOSE function gives out the B5 cell value as this row contains AC.
  • You can now copy the cells that satisfy the conditions.

Combine CHOOSE and MATCH Functions for Copying Cell

Method 7 – Run Excel VBA to Copy Cells If the Condition Is Met


  • Select Developer and choose Visual Basic.

Run Excel VBA to Copy Cell If Condition Is Met

  • The VBA window will appear.
  • Click on Insert and select Module.
  • Copy the below code and paste it there.
Sub Solution_For_Loop()
Input_Sheet = "VBA"
Input_Range = "B5:D10"
Criteria_Column = 3 'Net Sales is in column 3 of the range B5:D10.
Output_Sheet = "Paste"
Output_Cell = "B2" 'The output range will start from cell B2.
Set Rng1 = Worksheets(Input_Sheet).Range(Input_Range)
Set Rng2 = Worksheets(Output_Sheet).Range(Output_Cell)
Count = 1
For i = 1 To Rng1.Rows.Count
    If Rng1.Cells(i, Criteria_Column) > 10000 Then
        For j = 1 To Rng1.Columns.Count
            Rng2.Cells(Count, j) = Rng1.Cells(i, j)
        Next j
        Count = Count + 1
    End If
Next i
End Sub 

  • Save the file and press F5 to run the code.
  • This will return the rows with net sales greater than 10,000 in the Paste sheet.
  • See the following picture for the outcome.

Copy the Cell Value to Another Cell in Excel Automatically


  • Select cell B12.
  • Use the formula:
  • Press Enter.
  • This will return the B5 cell’s value and keep them linked.

Copy Cell Value to Another Cell in Excel Automatically

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Aung Shine
Aung Shine

Aung Shine completed his bachelor’s in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. It has been almost 2 years since he joined SOFTEKO and actively working on the ExcelDemy project. Currently he works as a Team Leader where he guides his team members to create technical content. He has published 150+ articles and reviewed 50+ articles. He has also solved various user problems before. He has interests in Data Analysis, Power Query, Advanced Excel,... Read Full Bio

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