How to Create a Dynamic Top 10 List in Excel (8 Methods)

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In this article, we’ll discuss several methods to create Dynamic Top 10 lists in Excel. To illustrate our methods, we’ll use the following dataset containing the marks of some students:

Method 1 – Using LARGE Function

The LARGE function finds the k-th largest number from a given range.

We set 1-10 sequence numbers on the dataset below.

Our process is to calculate the top 10 marks, and then return the corresponding students’ names, using a combination of LARGE and ROW functions.


  • Go to Cell G5 and enter the formula below:

Excel LARGE Function to Create a Top 10 List

  • Press Enter and drag the Fill Handle icon down to Autofill the other cells in the column.

We get the top 10 marks. We can also use the ROWS function for this purpose.

Alternative Formula:


  • Enter the following formula in Cell G5:
  • Press Enter and drag the Fill Handle down to fill the rest of the cells.

Excel LARGE Function to Create a Top 10 List

Now, to show the corresponding names of the top 10 list:

  • Go to Cell F5 and enter the following formula:

Excel LARGE Function to Create a Top 10 List

  • Press Enter and pull the Fill Handle icon down over the rest of the cells.

The top 10 names with their marks are returned.

Method 2 – Combining INDEX, MATCH, and LARGE Functions

This method will return the top 10 names directly.


  • Go to Cell F5 and enter the following formula:

Combine INDEX, MATCH, and LARGE Functions to Create Top 10 List in Excel

  • Press Enter and pull the Fill handle icon down.

We directly get the top 10 names without the need for another column.

Formula Breakdown:

  • LARGE($C$5:$C$18,E5)

This produces the largest number from the range based on the value of Cell E5.

Result: 96

  • MATCH(LARGE($C$5:$C$18,E5),$C$5:$C$18,0)

This represents how many results will be shown.

Result: 10

  • INDEX($B$5:$B$18,MATCH(LARGE($C$5:$C$18,E5),$C$5:$C$18,0))

This returns the top 10 results from the range.

Result: {Jose, Henderson, Gerg, Josef, Aaron, Jose, Jessica, Joe, Rogers, Allisa}

Method 3 – Using an Array Formula

Both the top 10 names and marks of students will show after applying this formula, which is a combination of INDEX, SORT, and SEQUENCE functions.


  • Go to Cell F5 and enter the formula below:

Use an Array Formula to Create a Dynamic Top 10 List in Excel

  • Press Enter and drag the Fill Handle icon.

We get both the name and marks simply by applying the formula. No need to drag the formula to copy it.

Formula Breakdown:

  • SEQUENCE(10)

Gives a sequence of numbers of 1 to 10.

Result: {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}

  • SORT(B5:C18,2,-1)

Sorts the data based on the second column.

Result: {Jose 96, Henderson           95, Gerg         89, Josef         84, Aaron       80, Jose          71, Jessica            70, Joe            65, Rogers     61, Allisa        60, Joe            57, Allisa        49, John         45, Mitchel            40}

  • INDEX(SORT(B5:C18,2,-1),SEQUENCE(10),{1,2})

Gives the top ten sorted list.

Result: {Jose 96, Henderson           95, Gerg         89, Josef         84, Aaron       80, Jose          71, Jessica            70, Joe            65, Rogers     61, Allisa        60}

Read More: How to Create Dynamic Drop-Down List Using Excel OFFSET 

Method 4 – Using XLOOKUP Function

The XLOOKUP function searches objects from a given range or array and return output based on matches.

We will use a combination of the XLOOKUP and LARGE functions here.


  • Go to Cell F5 and enter the following formula:

Apply Excel XLOOKUP Function to Design a Top 10 List

  • Press Enter.
  • Pull the Fill Handle icon.

Method 5 – Combining SORT and FILTER Functions

The FILTER function allows filtering a range of values by given criteria.

We will combine the SORT and FILTER functions with the LARGE function here.


  • Go to Cell F5 and enter the following formula:

Combination of SORT and FILTER functions to Build a Top 10 List in Excel

  • Press Enter.

Both the name and mark of students are returned.

Read More: How to Create Dynamic List in Excel Based on Criteria 

Method 6 – Design a Dynamic Top 10 List for Duplicate Data

This method is suitable for when we have duplicate data.


  • Go to Cell F5 and enter the formula below:
=INDEX($B$5:$B$18, MATCH(1, ($C$5:$C$18=LARGE($C$5:$C$18, E5)) * (COUNTIF(F$4:F4, $B$5:$B$18)=0), 0)) 

Design a Dynamic Top 10 List for Duplicate Data

  • Press Enter.

Only the names of students are returned here.

Method 7 – Using Conditional Formatting, Filter, and Sort Tools


  • Select Cells C5 to C18.
  • Click Conditional Formatting from the ribbon.
  • Select Top 10 Items from the Top/Bottom Rules.

Conditional Formatting, Filter, and Sort Tools to Create a Dynamic Top 10 List

A dialog box will appear. Notice 10, because of the top 10.

  • Press OK.

  • Select Cells C4 to C18.
  • Click the right button of the mouse.
  • Select Filter by Selected Cell’s Color from the Filterlist.

Conditional Formatting, Filter, and Sort Tools to Create a Dynamic Top 10 List

  • Click the Filter by Color option.

Conditional Formatting, Filter, and Sort Tools to Create a Dynamic Top 10 List

The top 10 data are returned. Now we sort them.

  • Click the right button of the mouse.
  • Select Sort Largest to Smallest from the Sort list.

Conditional Formatting, Filter, and Sort Tools to Create a Dynamic Top 10 List

  • Select Expand the selection.
  • Click Sort.

Our top 10 data will be sorted.

Read More: How to Create Dynamic List From Table in Excel 

Method 8 – Using Pivot Table

Step 1:

  • Go to the Insert tab.
  • Select From Table/Range from the PivotTable list.

Form a Top 10 List in Excel Using Pivot Table

  • Select our range from the dataset.
  • Press OK.

Form a Top 10 List in Excel Using Pivot Table

  • Tick Name and Mark in the PivotTable Fields.

  • Go to Row Labels.
  • Select Top 10 from the Value Filters.

Form a Top 10 List in Excel Using Pivot Table

A dialog box will appear.

  • Click OK on that box.

Our top 10 list appears, but the data is unsorted.

Form a Top 10 List in Excel Using Pivot Table

Read More: How to Make Dynamic Drop Down List from Another Sheet in Excel

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Alok Paul
Alok Paul

Alok Paul has completed his B.Sc. in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from East West University. He has been working on the ExcelDemy project for more than 2 years. He has written 220+ articles and replied to numerous comments. He is experienced in Microsoft Office, especially in Excel. He also led some teams on Excel and VBA content development. He has a keen interest in Advanced Excel, Data analysis, Excel Pivot Table, Charts, and Dashboard. He loves to research... Read Full Bio

  1. Your article was very useful. But in the case of 2 or 3 persons had the same mark. How could you sort in the list? Thank for your time.

    • Thank you for your query, DUONG. The third, fifth, and seventh approaches mentioned above can be used safely when numerous people share the same mark. However, their rankings on the Top 10 list are based on where they actually stand on the unsorted list. For instance, Jessica, Henderson, and Aaron will be in positions 5, 6, and 7, respectively, in the Top 10 list, if they all receive 70 marks. I believe Hope you got your answer. Please ask on our ExcelDemy forum if you have any additional questions.
      Dynamic List With Multiple Persons Having Same Mark

  2. this is the best workaround I’ve seen ever!! thanks a lot, it helped me heaps!

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