Format Currency with 2 Decimal Places in Excel – 4 Methods

The following image shows an employee dataset consisting of Designation, Years of Service, and Salary. The Salary figures were converted to Currency format with 2 decimal places. Currency with 2 Decimal Places

Method 1 – Using the Number Format Drop-down

  • Select your data range.
  • Go to Home > Number > Number Format drop-down.
  • Choose Currency. Using Currency FormatNote: Alternatively, you can click the ‘$’ icon to convert the numbers to Accounting format.using Accounting format

The numbers in the Salary column will be converted to currency with 2 decimal places. Currency format

Method 2 – Using the Format Cells Dialog Box

By default, the Currency format contains two decimal places. Modify the Currency format if it doesn’t show two decimal places using the Format Cells dialog box. 

  • Select the data range that you want to modify.
  • Go to Home > Number > Dialog Box Launcher. You can also press Ctrl+1. Dialog Box Launcher
  • In the Format Cells dialog box:
    • Go to Number > Currency.
    • Adjust the Decimal places to 2.
    • Click OK.
    Format Cells Dialog box

2 decimal places will be added to the cells in Currency format. Currency format

Method 3 – Using the Increase/Decrease Decimal Option

Convert the numbers to Currency format beforehand. 

  • Select your data range.
  • Go to Home > Number > Increase Decimal or Decrease Decimal.
    Increase/Decrease Decimal

The decimal places will be adjusted. Currency format

Method 4 – Applying a VBA Macro to Add 2 Decimal Places

  • Go to Developer tab > Code > Visual Basic or press Alt+F11. VBA WindowThe VBA window opens.
  • Select Insert > Module. Insert module
  • Use the code below:
    Sub FormatCurrencyWithTwoDecimalPlaces()
    Dim rngCell, rng As Range
    Set rng = Selection
    For Each rngCell In rng
    rngCell.Value = Format(rngCell, "Currency")
    End Sub
  • Click Save.
    Inserting codeIn Save As:
  • Select Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook in Save as type > Save. Save As window
  • Go back to the workbook and select your data range.
  • Go to Developer > Code > Macros > FormatCurrencyWithTwoDecimalPlaces > Run.
    Run Macro

You will see the following output.

Using VBA to add Currency

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Frequently Asked Questions

Will formatting currency affect the underlying numerical values in Excel?

No, formatting currency with 2 decimal places does not alter numerical values. It only changes the visual representation of data.

Can I automate the process of formatting currency with 2 decimal places in Excel?

Yes, you can use Excel built-in features like custom cell styles or VBA macros to automate the formatting process.

Is there a keyboard shortcut for formatting Currency in Excel?

Yes, you can press Ctrl+Shift+4 to apply the default Currency format to the selected cells.

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Osman Goni Ridwan
Osman Goni Ridwan

OSMAN GONI RIDWAN is a marine engineer who loves exploring Excel and VBA programming. Programming, to him, is a time-saving tool for efficiently managing data, files, and internet tasks. He is proficient in Rhino3D, Maxsurf, C++, MS Office, AutoCAD, Excel, and VBA and goes beyond the basics. Armed with a B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET, OSMAN has transitioned into the role of a content developer. Specializing in creating technical content exclusively centered around Excel... Read Full Bio

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