Delete Sheet Not Working in Excel (2 Solutions)

Solution 1 – Unprotect Workbook Structure While Delete Sheet in Excel is Not Working


  • If you’re unable to delete a sheet in Microsoft Excel, the most probable reason is that your workbook is protected.
  • We’ll unprotect the workbook structure to enable the Delete sheet option.

Unprotect Workbook Structure While Delete Sheet In Excel Not Working


  • Consider a dataset with multiple worksheets, where the workbook is protected.
  • Right-click on the worksheet named MARKS.
  • Observe that the Delete option is greyed out, indicating it’s not functioning.

Unprotect Workbook Structure While Delete Sheet In Excel Not Working

  • To solve this:
    • Go to the File tab.

Unprotect Workbook Structure While Delete Sheet In Excel Not Working

  • Select Info.
  • Choose Protect Workbook.
  • Click the drop-down icon and select Protect Workbook Structure.

Unprotect Workbook Structure While Delete Sheet In Excel Not Working

  • A new dialog box named Unprotect Workbook will appear.
  • Enter the password in the input box (you must know the password for a protected workbook).
  • Click OK.


Use password 1234 if you’re working with the practice workbook provided in this article.

  • If we right-click on the MARKS sheet again, we’ll see that the Delete option is available. You can now delete any worksheet from the workbook.

Read More: Shortcut to Delete Sheet in Excel

Solution 2 – Disabling Worksheet Sharing When the Delete Sheet Option Isn’t Working in Excel

Sometimes, the Delete Sheet option in Excel doesn’t work due to the worksheet being shared. To delete a sheet from a shared workbook, you’ll need to unshare it first.

Turn off Sharing Worksheet When Delete Sheet Not Working In Excel

When we right-click on the worksheet Turn Off Sharing we can see the grey color in the option Delete, indicating that it is not active.

Turn off Sharing Worksheet When Delete Sheet Not Working In Excel

The process of sharing a workbook is a little bit complex. So, in order to understand this solution better, we will first show how to share a workbook, then we will show how to unshare that workbook to enable the delete sheet option.


  • Click the File tab.

Turn off Sharing Worksheet When Delete Sheet Not Working In Excel

  • From the menu, select Options.

Turn off Sharing Worksheet When Delete Sheet Not Working In Excel

  • In the new dialog box that appears, choose the Customize Ribbon option.
  • Click the drop-down icon next to Choose commands from and select All Commands.

  • Scroll down the list of commands and find Share Workbook (Legacy).
  • Click on New Tab to create a custom tab.

  • Select the newly created New Tab (Custom) and click on Rename.
  • In the Rename dialog box, enter the name Sharing as the display name.
  • Click OK.

  • Rename the default New_Group (custom) to Sharing Workbook.
  • Click Add.

Turn off Sharing Worksheet When Delete Sheet Not Working In Excel

  • Now, you’ll find a new option called Share Workbook (Custom) in the ribbon.
  • Press OK to save the modifications.

  • You’ll notice a new tab named Sharing in the Excel ribbon.

  • To share the workbook, go to the Sharing tab and select the option Share Workbook (Legacy).

Turn off Sharing Worksheet When Delete Sheet Not Working In Excel

  • A new dialogue box will appear. Check the option shown in the image below and press OK.

  • The command shares our workbook with other users. If we right-click on the sheet Turn Off Sharing, we will see that the option Delete is greyed out, which means we cannot delete any sheet from a shared workbook.

  • We need to unshare this workbook to solve this problem.
  • Go to the Review tab in Excel.
  • Look for the Protect section within the Review tab.
  • Select the option labeled Unshare Workbook.

Turn off Sharing Worksheet When Delete Sheet Not Working In Excel

  • After unsharing the workbook, right-click on the sheet named Turn Off Sharing.
  • You’ll notice that the Delete option is now active and available.

Turn off Sharing Worksheet When Delete Sheet Not Working In Excel

Download Practice Workbook

You can download the practice workbook from here:

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Mukesh Dipto
Mukesh Dipto

Mukesh Dipto is an excellent marine engineer who loves working with Excel and diving into VBA programming. For him, programming is like a superhero tool that saves time when dealing with data, files, and the internet. His skills go beyond the basics, including Rhino3D, Maxsurf C++, AutoCAD, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and WordPress. He got his B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET, and now he's switched gears, working as a content developer. In this role, he... Read Full Bio

  1. The data is NOT shared.
    Right-clicking the tab shows the “Delete” option – it is NOT greyed out.
    Clicking “Delete” does not do anything. The sheet remains in the workbook.

    • Reply Lutfor Rahman Shimanto
      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto Mar 12, 2023 at 11:40 AM

      Hello DAVID,
      Thank you for reaching out with your comment. You encountered a different problem than what was described in the article. There could be several reasons why the problem is happening. Some of your add-ins may mess up the delete sheet feature, which may not work in your version of Microsoft Excel. To fix this, you should update your program.
      You can use an Excel VBA code to delete a sheet by inputting the sheet name.
      Excel VBA Code:

      Sub DeleteSheet()
          Dim sheetName As String
          sheetName = InputBox("Enter the name of the sheet you want to delete:")
          If sheetName <> "" Then
              If WorksheetExists(sheetName) Then
                  Application.DisplayAlerts = False
                  Application.DisplayAlerts = True
                  MsgBox "The workbook has no sheet with the provided name."
              End If
          End If
      End Sub
      Function WorksheetExists(shtName As String, Optional wb As Workbook) As Boolean
          Dim sht As Object
          If wb Is Nothing Then Set wb = ThisWorkbook
          On Error Resume Next
          Set sht = wb.Sheets(shtName)
          WorksheetExists = Not sht Is Nothing
          On Error GoTo 0
      End Function

      The VBA code and suggestions will solve your issue. Good luck.
      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto

  2. I discovered two different solutions:
    1.: A work around: Instead of selecting “Delete”, select “Move or copy”, take as target “New Book” and leave the checkbox “Create a copy” empty. This moves the worksheet out of your file into a new “Book 1”, which can then be closed without saving.

    2: Permanent solution
    Close Excel, then rename the folders %appdata%\Microsoft\Excel and %localappdata%\Microsoft\Excel into %appdata%\Microsoft\Excel_old and %localappdata%\Microsoft\Excel_old.
    Start Excel again, and the issue should be gone.

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