How to Average Every Nth Row in Excel: 3 Methods

1. Combining Functions to Average Every Nth Row


  • Calculate the average of the data in the Sales column for every three rows.
  • Write the following formula in cell D5.

Combining ROW, OFFSET, And AVERAGE Functions as A Handy Way to Average Every Nth Row in Excel

Formula Breakdown

  • OFFSET($C$5,(ROW()-ROW($D$5))*3,,3,): The OFFSET function with the help of the ROW function will fetch the data starting from cell C5 for calculation. The row height is 3 so this function will collect three rows of height downward starting from cell C5.
  • AVERAGE(OFFSET($C$5,(ROW()-ROW($D$5))*5,,5,)): Finally, the AVERAGE function will calculate the average of the values found from the previous steps.
  • Press Enter to see the average of the first three rows in cell D5.
  • Use AutoFill to drag the formula to the lower cells of this column.
  • See a numerical value, till the formula finds values for calculations.
  • It will show #DIV/0! as an error.

  • Modify the formula a little bit, and you will see the average for every five rows.

Method 2 – Merging Functions to Average Every Nth Row


  • Determine the average sales for every three rows.
  • In cell D5, use the following merging formula.

Merging AVERAGE, INDEX, And ROW Functions as A Handy Way to Average Every Nth Row in Excel

Formula Breakdown

  • INDEX(C:C,5+3*(ROW()-ROW($D$5))): The INDEX function will find the value from the cell range or column C that falls in row 5. The row number is calculated using the ROW function.
  • INDEX(C:C,4+3*(ROW()-ROW($D$5)+1)): The INDEX function will find the value from the third row of the data set, which is row 9 in the worksheet.
  • AVERAGE(INDEX(C:C,5+3*(ROW()-ROW($D$5))):INDEX(C:C,4+3*(ROW()-ROW($D$5)+1))): The AVERAGE function will calculate the average of these two-row ranges found in the previous two sections.
  • Press Enter to find out the average of the first three rows.
  • Drag the same formula to the lower cells of the column by using the Fill Handle.
  • The formula will show numerical values based on the size of your data set.
  • After a certain period, it will show #DIV/0! as an error.

  • Get the average for every five rows with the same formula; you have to modify the formula slightly.

Method 3 – Applying VBA to Average Nth Row in Excel


  • Go to the Developer tab of the ribbon.
  • From the Code group, select Visual Basic.

Selecting Developer Tab for Applying VBA as A Handy Way to Average Every Nth Row in Excel

  • The Visual Basic window will appear after the previous step.
  • From the Insert tab choose Module.

  • Copy the following code into the module.
  • We entered C5:C7 as the range to calculate the average that represents the first three rows of the data set.
Sub Average_Row_Range()
Dim x As Integer
'Assign the row range for calculating average
x = WorksheetFunction.Average(Range("C5:C9"))
'Displaying the result in a msgbox
MsgBox "The average of this row range is " & x
End Sub

Writing Code for Applying VBA as A Handy Way to Average Every Nth Row in Excel

VBA Breakdown

  • Naming the sub-procedure.
Sub Average_Row_Range()
  • Declare the variables.
Dim x As Integer
  • Assign the desired drow range for calculating the average.
x = WorksheetFunction.Average(Range("C5:C9"))
  • Use a message box to display the result.
MsgBox "The average of this row range is " & x
  • Save the code, and after keeping the cursor in the module press F5 or the Run button to run the code.

  • You will see the average of the row range as a result after running the code.

Showing Final Resut for Applying VBA as A Handy Way to Average Every Nth Row in Excel

  • Change the cell range in the code, and you will see the average for the first five rows in the message box.

Sum Every Nth Row in Excel


  • Show the row numbers that will be summed up by those Excel functions.
  • Insert the following formula into cell D5.

  • Sum every third row from the data set, by using the above formula. You can see which row will be added to the main formula.

  • Enter the following formula in cell E5, to sum up every third row and show the result.

Using SUM, MOD, and ROW Functions as A Easy Way to Sum Every Nth Row in Excel

Formula Breakdown

  • MOD(ROW(C5:C29)-1,3)=0: The MOD function will return 0 for every third row in the range C5:C29. As the data set does not start from cell A1, to find out the correct value of the row for this cell range, -1 has been used in the formula.
  • SUM(C5:C29*(MOD(ROW(C5:C29)-1,3)=0)): The SUM function will sum up values from the rows that are true for the MOD function.
  • Press Enter and see the desired result in cell E5.

  • By modifying the above formula, you can determine the sum of every five rows from the data set.

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Md. Araf Bin Jayed
Md. Araf Bin Jayed

I am Araf. I have completed my B.Sc in Industrial and Production Engineering from Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology. Currently I am working as an Excel & VBA Content Developer in Softeko. With proper guideline and aid of Softeko I want to be a flexible data analyst. With my acquired knowledge and hard work, I want to contribute to the overall growth of this organization.

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