Combine Multiple Cells into One Separated by Comma in Excel

The sample dataset has a listing of products. We’ll combine the products from the two columns into the fourth column, separating the values by a comma.

excel combine multiple cells into one separated by comma

Method 1 – Using the Ampersand Operator to Combine Multiple Cells


  • Go to cell E5 and insert the following formula:
=C5&", "&D5

using ampersand to combine multiple cells into one separated by a comma in Excel

  • Press Enter and copy this formula down to the other cells.

Read More: How to Merge Cells Using Excel Formula

Method 2 – Combine Multiple Cells into One with the CONCATENATE Function


  • Double-click on cell E5 and enter the below formula:

using concatenate function to combine multiple cells into one separated by a comma in Excel

  • Press the Enter key and copy this formula down using the Fill Handle.

Read More: How to Combine Cells with Same Value in Excel

Method 3 – Applying the CONCAT Function


  • Insert the following formula inside cell E5:

using concat function to combine multiple cells into one separated by a comma in Excel

  • Press the Enter key.
  • AutoFill the formula to the other cells in column E.

Read More: How to Combine Cells into One with Line Break in Excel

Method 4 – Utilizing the TEXTJOIN Function


  • Go to cell E5 and insert the following formula:
=TEXTJOIN(", ",1,C5,D5)

using textjoin function to combine multiple cells into one separated by a comma in Excel

  • Hit Enter and copy this formula down by dragging the Fill Handle.

Read More: How to Combine Two Cells in Excel with a Dash

Method 5 – Using Excel Flash Fill to Combine Multiple Cells with a Comma


  • Type in the expected value (contents of C5, then a comma, then the contents of D5) in cell E5.
  • Select all the cells from E5 to E10.

  • Click on Flash Fill under the Data Tools group of the Data Tab at the top of the screen.

  • The Flash Fill feature will identify the pattern of cell E5 and apply it to the other cells.

Read More: How to Merge Multiple Cells without Losing Data in Excel

Method 6 – Using VBA to Combine Multiple Cells


  • Go to the Developer tab and select Visual Basic.

  • Select Insert in the VBA window and click on Module.

  • Insert the code below in the new window:
Function CombineCells(WorkingRange As Range, Optional Sign As String = ", ") As String
Dim Sh_Rng As Range
Dim ResultStr As String
For Each Sh_Rng In WorkingRange
If Sh_Rng.Value <> " " Then
ResultStr = ResultStr & Sh_Rng.Value & Sign
End If
CombineCells = Left(ResultStr, Len(ResultStr) - Len(Sign))
End Function

  • Save the file.
  • Go to cell E5 and insert the following formula:

  • Press the Enter key and use the Fill Handle.

Read More: How to Merge Cells Vertically Without Losing Data in Excel

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Shakil Ahmed
Shakil Ahmed

My name’s Shakil. My articles are targeted to support you in enriching knowledge regarding different features related to Microsoft Excel. I am fond of literature, hope some knowledge from them will help me providing you some engaging articles even though some weary technical terms.

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