CONCATENATE vs CONCAT in Excel (2 Ideal Examples)

Introduction to the CONCATENATE Function


The CONCATENATE function in Excel combines multiple text values or numeric values into a single text value.



Syntax of CONCATENATE Function in Excel


text1 Required The first value to be joined. Can be any text value, number, cell reference or array of values.
[text2] Optional The second value to be joined. Can be any text value, number, cell reference or an array of values.


After merging all of the arguments, the function returns a combined text value.

Read More: How to Concatenate with Delimiter in Excel

Introduction to the CONCAT Function


The CONCAT function joins the text from different ranges or strings together. However, it doesn’t accept delimiters or ignore empty parameters.



Syntax of CONCAT Function in Excel


text1 Required The first value to be joined. Can be any text value, number, cell reference, or array of values.
[text2] Optional The second value is to be joined. Can be any text value, number, cell reference, or array of values.


The function returns a combined text value after it merges all of the arguments.

Read More: How to Concatenate with Space in Excel

CONCATENATE vs. CONCAT Functions in Excel: 2 Ideal Examples

We will differentiate the functions based on their availability and input criteria. All the other aspects of these two functions are the same. We will use the following dataset.

2 Ideal Examples of CONCATENATE vs CONCAT in Excel

Example 1 – Availability of CONCATENATE and CONCAT Functions in Excel

Users can find the CONCATENATE function in all older versions of Excel from Excel 2007, including the new ones like Microsoft 365. It is the predecessor of the CONCAT function.

You will find the CONCAT function only in Excel 2019, Excel 2021, and Microsoft 365 versions.

Read More: How to Concatenate Apostrophe in Excel

Example 2 – Difference of Input Criteria Between CONCATENATE and CONCAT Functions in Excel


  • We will demonstrate the incompatibility of the CONCATENATE function with the cell range as a reference in its formula.
  • In a merged cell, use the following formula in cell B5.

  • After pressing Enter, you will get #SPILL as an error.

  • We will apply the same formula in an unmerged cell to see if it joins all the given strings in a single cell.

  • After pressing Enter, you will get the result like the following image where the result will be shown in an equal number of cells that matches the number of reference cells.

  • To undo this error, use the above formula in the proper syntax for the CONCATENATE function in cell B5.

  • After pressing Enter, we will get the desired result.
  • Use AutoFill to drag the formula to the lower cells of the column.

  • To get this similar result by using the CONCAT function, use the following formula. Instead of mentioning each of the cells, give a proper cell range to merge the texts.

  • Press Enter.
  • To see the results for the lower cells of the column, drag the Fill Handle.

Read More: How to Bold Text in Concatenate Formula in Excel

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Md. Araf Bin Jayed
Md. Araf Bin Jayed

I am Araf. I have completed my B.Sc in Industrial and Production Engineering from Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology. Currently I am working as an Excel & VBA Content Developer in Softeko. With proper guideline and aid of Softeko I want to be a flexible data analyst. With my acquired knowledge and hard work, I want to contribute to the overall growth of this organization.

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