Excel Highlight Cell If Value Greater Than Another Cell (6 Ways)

Here’s an overview of highlighting cells if they have higher values than other cells in a range.

Excel Highlight Cell If Value Greater Than Another Cell

Highlight a Cell If Its Value Is Greater Than Another Cell in Excel: 6 Ways

Consider the following dataset, which contains 4 columns that represent fruit prices in different seasons. We will show the season where prices are higher.

Dataset for highlighting cell if value greater than another cell

Method 1 – Utilizing the Greater Than Feature to Highlight a Cell If Its Value Is Greater Than Another Cell 


  • Select the cell or cell range. We selected the cell range D5:D10.

Select the range of data to use greater than feature

  • Go to the Home tab and select Conditional Formatting.
  • Under Highlight Cells Rules, select Greater Than.

Using Greater Than From Ribbon to Highlight Cell If Value Greater Than Another Cell 

  • A dialog box will pop up.
  • In Format cells that are GREATER THAN, select the other cell with which you want to compare. Let’s select the E5 cell.
  • Select any format to color where values are Greater Than. We selected Light Red Fill with Dark Red Text.

Select the reference cell

  • Click OK. This will highlight all cells that have higher value than that singular cell.

Output of highlight cell by using Greater than feature

Read more: Conditional Formatting Based On Another Cell in Excel

Method 2 – Using the Greater Than (>) Operator to Highlight a Cell If Its Value Is Greater Than Another Cell 


  • Select the cell or cell range. We selected the cell range C5:C10.

selectin data for using greater than operator

  • Open the Home tab and go to Conditional Formatting.
  • Select New Rule.

Selecting New Rule from Conditional Formatting Feature

  • A dialog box will pop up.
  • From Select a Rule Type, choose Use a formula to determine which cells to format.
  • In Format values where this formula is true insert the following formula.
  • Click on Format.

  • A dialog box will pop up.
  • Select a color in the Fill tab and press OK.

  • Click OK.

  • This will highlight the cell values of the Spring Price column where a cell is greater than the corresponding value in the Summer Price column.

Excel Highlight Cell If Value Greater Than Another Cell

Read more: Excel Conditional Formatting Based on Multiple Values of Another Cell

Method 3 – Applying the Greater Than Equal (>=) Operator to Highlight a Cell If Its Value Is Greater Than Another Cell 


  • Select a cell or cell range you want to highlight. We selected the cell range C5:C10.

selecting data for applying greater than equal operator

  • Go to Conditional Formatting and select New Rule

Selecting New Rule from Conditional Formatting Feature

  • A dialog box will pop up.
  • From Select a Rule Type, choose Use a formula to determine which cells to format.
  • In Format values where this formula is true, insert the following formula.
  • From Format, select the format of your choice.
To choose the Format follow the explained steps from Method-2.

  • Click OK. This highlights values if they are higher than in the Winter Price column.

Output of data highlight cell by using greater than equal operator

Method 4 – Using Greater Than Equal (>=) with Blank Cells to Highlight a Cell If Its Value Is Greater Than Another Cell 

We put some blank cells that we’ll need to skip.

Dataset for employing greater than equal operator with blank cell


  • Select a cell or cell range. We selected the cell range D5:D10

Selecting data for highlighting cell with blank cell

  • Go to Conditional Formatting and select New Rule

Selecting New Rule from Conditional Formatting Feature

  • A dialog box will pop up.
  • Select Use a formula to determine which cells to format.
  • Insert the following formula.
=AND(D5>E5, $E5<>"")

Formula Breakdown

  • =AND(D5>E5, $E5<>””) checks whether the cell D5 is greater than E5 then it will also check E5 is not equal blank. If both conditions are fulfilled, then it will Highlight the cell.

  • Select the format of your choice in Format.

  • Click OK. This compares the values between cells in the Summer Price and Winter Price columns, but only if the latter values are not empty.

Read more: Conditional Formatting for Blank Cells in Excel

Method 5 – Incorporating the IF Function to Highlight a Cell If Its Value Is Greater Than Another Cell


  • Select a cell or cell range. We selected the cell range C5:C10

Selecting data for incorporating if function for highlighting cell

  • Go to Conditional Formatting and select New Rule.

Selecting New Rule from Conditional Formatting Feature

  • Adialog box will pop up.
  • Pick Use a formula to determine which cells to format.
  • In Format values where this formula is true, insert the following formula.

Formula Breakdown

=IF(C5>E5,C5,””) checks that cell C5 is greater than E5. If the selected cell is greater than E5 then, it will highlight the C5 cell.

  • From Format, select the format of your choice to highlight the cell.
To choose the Format follow the explained steps from Method-2.

  • Click OK. highlight cell of the value greater than the value of if function

Read more: Excel Conditional Formatting Formula with IF

Method 6 – Utilizing the Average Function to Highlight Cells Based on Greater Average Value

We’ll calculate the average of the Summer Price and the Winter Price columns and check whether cells in the Spring Price column have a higher value than the average.


  • Select the cell range C5:C10.

selecting data to utilize Average function for highlighting cells

  • Go to Conditional Formatting and select New Rule.

Selecting New Rule from Conditional Formatting Feature

  • A dialog box will pop up.
  • Pick Use a formula to determine which cells to format.
  • In Format values where this formula is true, insert the following formula:

Formula Breakdown

C4>AVERAGE(D4,E4) calculates the average of the value from D5 and E5, and then we are checking whether the C5 value is greater than the derived value or not.

  • From Format, select the format of your choice.
To choose the Format follow the explained steps from Method-2.

  • Click OK.

Output of highlight cell greater than the average value

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Further Readings

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Shamima Sultana
Shamima Sultana

Shamima Sultana, BSc, Computer Science and Engineering, East West University, Bangladesh, has been working with the ExcelDemy project for 2 years. She has written reviewed 1000+ articles for ExcelDemy. She has also led several teams with Excel VBA and Content Development works. Currently, she is working as the Project Manager and oversees the day-to-day work, leads the services team, allocates resources to the right area, etc. Her work and learning interests vary from Microsoft Office Suites, and Excel... Read Full Bio

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