How to Use Excel UserForm as Date Picker (with Easy Steps)

Here’s a dataset of sales data for a grocery shop. In the Date & Time of Sale column, users have to enter the date and time manually. This is not user-friendly. Let’s replace this with a customized datepicker form.

Dataset of sales info to create Excel UserForm date picker

Step 1 – Insert a UserForm

  • Click on the Developer tab.
  • Select Visual Basic.

Visual Basic option of Developer Tab in Excel

  • The VBA code editor window will be opened.
  • Hit the Insert option.
  • From Insert, select UserFrom.

Inserting UserForm in Excel

  • You have inserted UserForm in the VBA code editor.

UserForm in Excel VBA

Step 1 -Design the UserForm Controls

We will use Frame, CommandButton, Label, CheckBox, and ComboBox to design the UserForm.

  • Add Frame Control from the ToolBox.
  • Adjust the size of the Frame with the UserForm by dragging the corners.

Adding Frame Control in UserForm]\

  • Insert a ComboBox inside the Frame and resize it so that the Month Names can fit in it.

Inserting ComboBox in UserForm

  • From the Properties Window which is at the bottom left side of the UserForm, change the Name to “Month_Box”. This name will be used in the code.

Changing Name of ComboBox from Properties

  • Click on the marked 3 dots of the Font option in the Properties Window.

Changing Font of ComboBox from Properties

  • Select Calibri Font, Font style as Bold, and Size as 12.
  • Hit the OK button.
  • In this Month_Box, Month Names will be shown.
  • Repeat the process to add another ComboBox beside the previous one. This ComboBox will be used for the Year input.

Inserting ComboBox in UserForm

  • Change the Name of ComboBox to “Year_Box” from the Properties Window. Also change the Font, Font style, and Size just like the previous one.

Changing Name of ComboBox

  • Add another Frame Control and change the caption to “Calendar”. In this Frame, we will build the calendar with the help of Labels and CommandButtons.

Adding Frame in UserForm

  • Insert one Label Control from the Toolbox inside the Calendar Frame.

Adding Label in UserForm

  • Delete the caption “Label1” in Properties Window and keep it blank.

Changing Caption of the Label Control in UserForm

  • Click on the 3 dots beside the Font option.

Editing the Font of Label control from properties

  • Change the Font, Font style, and Size to Calibri, Bold, and 12 respectively.

Changing Font of Label Control

  • Set the BackColor of the Label as Highlight Text.

Changing BackColor of Label

  • Copy the Label 6 times and place these identical Labels side by side. Follow the image below as a guide.

Copying Label Control in Excel

  • Change the Caption of the first Label to “Sun” from the Properties Window.

Editing the Caption of Label Control

  • Set the Caption of the other 6 Labels as the short forms of other days in order. Follow the screenshot provided below.

Editing the Caption of Label Control

  • Add a CommandButton Control inside the Calendar Frame.

Inserting CommandButton in UserForm

  • Set the Name Option of the CommandButton as “C1” from the Properties Window.
  • Clear the Caption and keep it blank.

 Editing Name and Caption of CommandButton

  • Copy the CommandButton 6 more times and paste them serially. It will look like the picture below.

Copying and pasting CommandButtons in UserForm

  • Select the 7 CommandButtons at a time and copy the whole group.

Copying CommandButton Controls in UserForm to create a Date Picker

  • Paste this set of CommandButtons 5 times. A calendar-like interface has been created. It has 42 CommandButtons.
  • Change the Name of each CommandButton to C2, C3, C4, and so on until you end with C42.

Adding CommandButtons to UserForm

  • Insert a CheckBox Control below the Calendar Frame.

Inserting   CheckBox to the UserForm

  • Edit the Caption of the CheckBox as “Add Time”.
  • Change the Font, Font style, and Size to Calibri, Bold, and 12.
  • Press OK.
  • Keep the TextAlign in the Center.

Changing Properties of CheckBox

  • The UserForm will look like the image below.

Adding Caption to the CheckBox

  • Insert 4 Label Controls inside Frame1.

Inserting Labels to the UserForm

  • Change the Captions, Font, and Alignment of Text according to the image below. Follow the previous steps to do this.
  • The design of the UserForm is complete.

Changing Properties of the Labels in UserForm

Step 3 – Change Properties of the Date Picker UserForm

  • We have changed the Caption of the Farme1 to “Date Picker”.
  • We have also changed the background color of the Calendar Frame.

Design of a UserForm to create a Date Picker

Step 4 – Insert VBA Code to the UserForm

4.1 Declare the Variables

  • Firstly, declare the variables you will be using in the full process under Option Explicit. These variables will be available in every Sub Procedure.

VBA code to create a date picker

Option Explicit
Dim This_Day As Date
Dim This_Month As Date
Dim This_Year As Date
Dim calender As Boolean
Dim i As Integer

4.2 Create a Private Subroutine 

  • Create a Private Sub called Create_Calender.
  • This is the main procedure for creating the calendar for the Date Picker. This Sub will be called in the UserForm Initialize Event procedure.
Sub Create_Calender()
'  0 = month-day-year;   1 = day-month-year;   2 = year-month-day
    For i = 1 To 42
        If Application.International(xlDateOrder) = 0 Then
            If i < Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value)) Then
            Controls("C" & (i)).Caption = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
            ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "d")
            Controls("C" & (i)).ControlTipText = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
            ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "m/d/yyyy")
            ElseIf i >= Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value)) Then
            Controls("C" & (i)).Caption = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
            ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "d")
            Controls("C" & (i)).ControlTipText = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
            ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "m/d/yyyy")
            End If
            If Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
            ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "mmmm") = ((Month_Box.Value)) Then
            If Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor <> &HFFFFFF Then Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor = &HFFFFFF
            Controls("C" & (i)).Font.Bold = True
            If Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
            ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "m/d/yyyy") = Format(This_Day, "m/d/yyyy") Then Controls("C" & (i)).SetFocus
            If Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor <> &H80000016 Then Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor = &H8000000F
            Controls("C" & (i)).Font.Bold = False
            End If
        ElseIf Application.International(xlDateOrder) = 1 Then
            If i < Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value)) Then
            Controls("C" & (i)).Caption = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
            ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "d")
            Controls("C" & (i)).ControlTipText = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
            ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "d/m/yyyy")
            ElseIf i >= Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value)) Then
            Controls("C" & (i)).Caption = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
            ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "d")
            Controls("C" & (i)).ControlTipText = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
            ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "d/m/yyyy")
            End If
            If Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
            ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "mmmm") = ((Month_Box.Value)) Then
            If Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor <> &HFFFFFF Then Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor = &HFFFFFF
            Controls("C" & (i)).Font.Bold = True
            If Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
            ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "d/m/yyyy") = Format(This_Day, "d/m/yy") Then Controls("C" & (i)).SetFocus
            If Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor <> &H80000016 Then Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor = &H8000000F
            Controls("C" & (i)).Font.Bold = False
            End If
        ElseIf Application.International(xlDateOrder) = 2 Then
            If i < Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value)) Then
            Controls("C" & (i)).Caption = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
            ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "d")
            Controls("C" & (i)).ControlTipText = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
            ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "yyyy/m/d")
            ElseIf i >= Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value)) Then
            Controls("C" & (i)).Caption = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
            ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "d")
            Controls("C" & (i)).ControlTipText = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
            ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "yyyy/m/d")
            End If
            If Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
            ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "mmmm") = ((Month_Box.Value)) Then
            If Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor <> &HFFFFFF Then Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor = &HFFFFFF
            Controls("C" & (i)).Font.Bold = True
            If Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
            ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "yyyy/m/d") = Format(This_Day, "yyyy/m/d") Then Controls("C" & (i)).SetFocus
            If Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor <> &H80000016 Then Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor = &H8000000F
            Controls("C" & (i)).Font.Bold = False
            End If
        End If
    Next i

End Sub

4.3 Copy the VBA Code for UserForm_Initialize Event

  • Copy the code under a Private Sub UserForm_Initialize.
  • This code will Run when the UserForm Initialize event occurs.

VBA code of Private Sub UserForm Initialize

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Application.EnableEvents = False
This_Day = Date
This_Month = Format(This_Day, "mm")
This_Year = Format(This_Day, "yyyy")
For i = 1 To 12
Month_Box.AddItem Format(DateSerial(Year(Date), Month(Date) + i, 0), "mmmm")
Month_Box.ListIndex = Format(Date, "mm") - Format(Date, "mm")
For i = -10 To 30
If i = 1 Then Year_Box.AddItem Format((This_Day), "yyyy") Else Year_Box.AddItem _
Format((DateAdd("yyyy", (i - 1), This_Day)), "yyyy")
Year_Box.ListIndex = 11
calender = True
Call Create_Calender
Application.EnableEvents = True
Time_Label.Caption = Time()
Date_Label.Caption = Format(Date)
If calender = True Then
UserForm1.Caption = Month_Box.Value & " " & Year_Box.Value
End If
End Sub

  • The following code will trigger when the value of Month_Box is changed.
Private Sub Month_Box_Change()
    If Me.Month_Box.Value <> "" And Me.Year_Box.Value <> "" Then
        Call Create_Calender
    End If

End Sub
  • The following code will trigger when the value of Year_Box is changed.
Private Sub Year_Box_Change()
If Me.Month_Box.Value <> "" And Me.Year_Box.Value <> "" Then
 Call Create_Calender
End If
End Sub
  • The following code will trigger when the value of Time_Box is changed.
Private Sub Time_Box_Change()

    Dim cellValue As String
    cellValue = Selection.Value
    If cellValue <> "" Then
        If Time_Box.Value = True Then
            If InStr(1, cellValue, ":") > 0 Then
                Exit Sub
                Selection.Value = Selection.Value & ": " & Time()
            End If
            If InStr(1, cellValue, ":") > 0 Then
                Selection.Value = Left(cellValue, InStr(1, cellValue, ":") - 1)
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End If
    End If
End Sub

4.4 Copy VBA Code for CommandButton_Click Event

  • Click on the CommandButton Named “C1” and a Subroutine, Private Sub C1_Click is created.
  • Copy the code given below under this Subroutine.
  • This code will Insert the value of the CommandButton into the Selected cell of the Excel Sheet.

VBA code of private Sub CommandButton click

Private Sub C1_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C1.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C1.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
  • Click on each CommandButton of the Calender and copy the same code into the subroutines.
  • You have to just change the CommandButton Name accordingly into the code.
  • I have provided the image of the code so that you can understand it clearly.

VBA code of creating a excel userform date picker

Private Sub C1_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C1.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C1.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C11_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C11.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C11.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C12_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C12.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C12.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C13_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C13.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C13.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C14_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C14.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C14.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C15_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C15.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C15.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C16_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C16.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C16.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C17_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C17.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C17.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C18_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C18.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C18.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C19_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C19.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C19.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C2_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C2.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C2.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C20_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C20.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C20.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C21_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C21.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C21.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C22_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C22.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C22.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C23_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C23.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C23.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C24_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C24.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C24.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C25_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C25.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C25.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C26_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C26.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C26.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C27_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C27.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C27.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C28_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C28.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C28.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C29_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C29.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C29.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C3_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C3.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False The
    Selection.Value = Me.C3.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C30_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C30.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C30.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C31_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C31.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C31.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C32_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C32.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C32.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C33_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C33.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C33.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C34_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C34.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C34.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C35_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C35.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C35.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C36_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C36.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C36.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C37_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C37.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C37.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C38_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C38.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C38.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C39_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C39.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C39.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C4_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C4.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C4.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C40_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C40.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C40.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C41_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C41.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C41.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub
Private Sub C42_Click()
If Time_Box.Value = True Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C42.ControlTipText & ":" & Time()
ElseIf Time_Box.Value = False Then
    Selection.Value = Me.C42.ControlTipText
End If
End Sub

4.5 Write VBA Code to ThisWorkbook

  • Click on ThisWorkBook below the VBAProject marked in the image.

Writing VBA code to ThisWorkbook

  • Write the code in ThisWorkBook so that the UserForm will be shown.

VBA code to show the UserForm

Sub UserForm_Show()
End Sub

Step 5 – Assign the Macro to a Button in Excel Sheet

  • Select the Developer Tab.
  • Click on Insert.
  • Select the first button from the Form Controls.

Inserting a button to the excel sheet

  • A Button has been created on the Excel Sheet. Edit the caption of the Button as “Date Picker”.
  • Keep the Button near the dataset where you need to insert a Date.

Editing the text of a control button in excel

  • Right-click on the Date Picker Button.
  • Select the Assign Macro… option.

Assigning a macro to the button

  • Click on the arrow beside the Button4_Click.
  • The macro of the UserForm will be shown.

Assign a macro to the control button

  • Select ThisWorkbook.UserForm_Show.
  • Press OK.
  • The created macro is assigned to this Button.

Assign the created macro of the date picker to the button

  • By clicking the button, you will open the user form and can select the date and time to input.

Download Practice Workbook

You may download the following Excel workbook to use as a template.

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Mahfuza Anika Era
Mahfuza Anika Era

Mahfuza Anika Era graduated from the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology in Civil Engineering. She has been with ExcelDemy for almost a year, where he has written nearly 30 articles and reviewed many. She has also worked on the ExcelDemy Forum and solved 50+ user problems. Currently, she is working as a team leader for ExcelDemy. Her role is to guide his team to write reader-friendly content. Her interests are Advanced Excel, Data Analysis, Charts & Dashboards,... Read Full Bio

  1. Hi thanks for a very informative lesson on VBA user form date picker, the only query i have is where is the VBA code in step 4 created? is this in a new module under userform or in sheet 1?

    Kind Regards


    • Reply Mahfuza Anika Era
      Mahfuza Anika Era Jul 30, 2023 at 11:29 AM

      Dear Stuart,
      I am glad that you find this article informative. Thank you for your query. The VBA code which I have inserted in step 4 is in Sheet1 under Microsoft Excel Objects Section.

      VBA code location in workbook

      Mahfuza Anika Era

  2. Hi I have created a userform with the calendar mentioned in this article along with some other text boxes to capture some information. I was able to run but I am not able to view the calendar. The date command boxes and the Date/Time are blank.

    • Reply Avatar photo
      Osman Goni Ridwan Oct 8, 2023 at 11:59 AM

      Hello Komal!
      Thanks for your comment. I see that you are facing some troubles while running the Date Picker UserForm macro. As you have created some more text boxes so I have the following suggestion that you should check:

      >> Check that all the textboxes should be inside one UserForm. Also, check whether all the macro codes are written for the same UserForm or not. They all must be under same UserForm to be run properly.

      If still you are facing issue then please send us your workboook for this you can post it the ExcelDemy Forum. As the file is working completely fine from our end, it is necessary to have your workbook to find the error.


  3. Hi Komal!
    You did an awesome job for bringing up the calendar. I am amazed an awe of your coding.

    I am running into one problem. When I clicked on the box for the time, for some reason it is not displaying the time next to the date. Can you point me in the right direction to troubleshoot this issue? Thanks!


    • Reply Lutfor Rahman Shimanto
      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto Nov 19, 2023 at 12:00 PM

      Hello RON SMITH

      Thanks for reaching out and sharing your problem. I want to thank MAHFUZA ANIKA ERA for writing such a helpful article. In particular, she developed the calendar within a UserForm.

      However, you are having trouble when clicking the time box. After checking that box, you expect to get the time after the date, but the time is not displaying. I went through this article and discovered why you are having trouble displaying the time and date with a cell.

      SOLUTION: You must check the time box before choosing dates to display the date and time.

      If you want to choose a date and later display time, I am delighted to inform you that I have developed a Change Event Procedure for the check box named Time_Box for that. When the check box is checked, the time will be next to the date; otherwise, the time will not be displayed.

      Steps: Paste the following code with the module of UserForm1 => Save.

      Private Sub Time_Box_Change()
          Dim cellValue As String
          cellValue = Selection.Value
          If cellValue <> "" Then
              If Time_Box.Value = True Then
                  If InStr(1, cellValue, ":") > 0 Then
                      Exit Sub
                      Selection.Value = Selection.Value & ": " & Time()
                  End If
                  If InStr(1, cellValue, ":") > 0 Then
                      Selection.Value = Left(cellValue, InStr(1, cellValue, ": ") - 1)
                      Exit Sub
                  End If
              End If
          End If
      End Sub


      Hopefully, the Idea will help you. Good luck.

      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto

  4. Hello, I want to praise MAHFUZA ANIKA ERA for sharing this date picker code it was just what I needed to create an attendance tracker but the only issue I’m having is that the date format is not in United States format which is the month/day/year.

    Can you please advise me on how to change this in the VBA code?

    • Reply Mahfuza Anika Era
      Mahfuza Anika Era Dec 6, 2023 at 10:24 AM

      Dear NURIT,
      Thank you so much for your comment. I have changed the date format to United States format in the code. You have to change the VBA code in the subroutine named Private Sub Create_Calender(). Following is the code for your required date format.

      Private Sub Create_Calender()
      For i = 1 To 42
      If i < Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value)) Then
      Controls("C" & (i)).Caption = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
      ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "d")
      Controls("C" & (i)).ControlTipText = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
      ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "m/d/yyyy")
      ElseIf i >= Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value)) Then
      Controls("C" & (i)).Caption = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
      ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "d")
      Controls("C" & (i)).ControlTipText = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
      ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "m/d/yyyy")
      End If
      If Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
      ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "mmmm") = ((Month_Box.Value)) Then
      If Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor <> &HFFFFFF Then Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor = &HFFFFFF
      Controls("C" & (i)).Font.Bold = True
      If Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
      ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "m/d/yyyy") = Format(This_Day, "m/d/yy") Then Controls("C" & (i)).SetFocus
      If Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor <> &H80000016 Then Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor = &H8000000F
      Controls("C" & (i)).Font.Bold = False
      End If
      End Sub 

      Here is the screenshot of the new code. I have marked the changes for your better understanding.

      userform datepicker

      Mahfuza Anika Era

  5. YOU ARE AWESOME! Thank you so much! It’s perfect.


    Your datapicker is awesome, even better then old picker from MS.

    But i encounter one big problem.

    for days from 1 to 12 in each month, date format is messing up:

    For example if we pick 07.12.2023 excel will drop: 2023-07-12 (format is yyyy-dd-mm)
    But if we pick days 13-31 we getting f.e 21-12-2023 (dd-mm-yyyy)

    Is it a way to fix it? I would like to have dd-mm-yyyy for whole month

    • Reply Mahfuza Anika Era
      Mahfuza Anika Era Dec 11, 2023 at 11:19 AM

      Hello MARIANOLI,
      Thank you so much for your comment. You can fix this problem by changing the date format in your computer’s date and time settings. Change the date format to dd/MM/yy. Hopefully, you will get the dd/mm/yy format for the whole month.

      date and time settings

      Mahfuza Anika Era

      • HELLO. I have a problem. When I press the dates 1-12, I get m/d/yyyy (1/1/2024, 1/2/2024, … 1/12/2024). But when I press 13-31, I get d/m/yyyy (13/1/2024, 14/1/2024, … 31/1/2024). Is it a way to fix it? I would like to have d/m/yyyy

        • Lutfor Rahman Shimanto
          Lutfor Rahman Shimanto Feb 4, 2024 at 12:49 PM

          Hello SHASHA

          Thanks for reaching out and posting your question. I would say yes, you have found the solution to your problem. You can fix this problem by changing the date format in your computer’s date and time settings. Change the date format to your desired one.

          However, I am delighted that I have an ultimate solution. I am presenting an Excel VBA sub-procedure that will display the date format based on the PC date & time setting.

          OUTPUT Overview:

          All you need to do is replace the existing Create_Calender sub-procedure with the following enhanced sub-procedure.

          Sub Create_Calender()
              For i = 1 To 42
                  If Application.International(xlDateOrder) = 0 Then
                      If i < Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value)) Then
                      Controls("C" & (i)).Caption = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
                      ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "d")
                      Controls("C" & (i)).ControlTipText = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
                      ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "m/d/yyyy")
                      ElseIf i >= Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value)) Then
                      Controls("C" & (i)).Caption = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
                      ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "d")
                      Controls("C" & (i)).ControlTipText = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
                      ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "m/d/yyyy")
                      End If
                      If Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
                      ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "mmmm") = ((Month_Box.Value)) Then
                      If Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor <> &HFFFFFF Then Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor = &HFFFFFF
                      Controls("C" & (i)).Font.Bold = True
                      If Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
                      ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "m/d/yyyy") = Format(This_Day, "m/d/yyyy") Then Controls("C" & (i)).SetFocus
                      If Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor <> &H80000016 Then Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor = &H8000000F
                      Controls("C" & (i)).Font.Bold = False
                      End If
                  ElseIf Application.International(xlDateOrder) = 1 Then
                      If i < Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value)) Then
                      Controls("C" & (i)).Caption = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
                      ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "d")
                      Controls("C" & (i)).ControlTipText = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
                      ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "d/m/yyyy")
                      ElseIf i >= Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value)) Then
                      Controls("C" & (i)).Caption = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
                      ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "d")
                      Controls("C" & (i)).ControlTipText = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
                      ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "d/m/yyyy")
                      End If
                      If Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
                      ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "mmmm") = ((Month_Box.Value)) Then
                      If Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor <> &HFFFFFF Then Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor = &HFFFFFF
                      Controls("C" & (i)).Font.Bold = True
                      If Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
                      ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "d/m/yyyy") = Format(This_Day, "d/m/yy") Then Controls("C" & (i)).SetFocus
                      If Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor <> &H80000016 Then Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor = &H8000000F
                      Controls("C" & (i)).Font.Bold = False
                      End If
                  ElseIf Application.International(xlDateOrder) = 2 Then
                      If i < Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value)) Then
                      Controls("C" & (i)).Caption = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
                      ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "d")
                      Controls("C" & (i)).ControlTipText = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
                      ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "yyyy/m/d")
                      ElseIf i >= Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value)) Then
                      Controls("C" & (i)).Caption = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
                      ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "d")
                      Controls("C" & (i)).ControlTipText = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
                      ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "yyyy/m/d")
                      End If
                      If Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
                      ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "mmmm") = ((Month_Box.Value)) Then
                      If Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor <> &HFFFFFF Then Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor = &HFFFFFF
                      Controls("C" & (i)).Font.Bold = True
                      If Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
                      ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "yyyy/m/d") = Format(This_Day, "yyyy/m/d") Then Controls("C" & (i)).SetFocus
                      If Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor <> &H80000016 Then Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor = &H8000000F
                      Controls("C" & (i)).Font.Bold = False
                      End If
                  End If
              Next i
          End Sub

          Hopefully, the idea will help you good luck.

          Lutfor Rahman Shimanto
          Excel & VBA Developer

  7. Hi, it’s me again! First, I want to thank you for how much you help people because I’m a novice trying to code because it’s so helpful with my job.

    I was wondering if you may know an EXCEL formula or VBA code that will give the total sum of any numbers in any range of cells colored with conditional formatting and the cell has a specific TEXT in it next to a number?

    For example I’m trying to complete my Attendance tracker however I need to be able to type”VAC8″ in a cell to represent vacation time taken by the employee in the amount of 8 hours (or any other number), then have the sum of the hours only for each specific attendance code VAC populate in another cell based solely on the specific color green (color index number 43) which is already set up in the conditional formatted rules of the worksheet. So basically I need a VBA code that will ignore the text and give the sum total of only the number portion of the range of cells (S8:AO43) based on specific conditionally formatted colors.

    I would like to have that same thing happen for all the attendance codes with conditional formatted colors listed below. Do you think you can help me?

    Attendance Code/ Color Index Number Range of Cells – S8:AO43
    VAC 43
    FMLA 47
    SL 6
    FLT 33
    WB 44
    P-VAC 7
    SVC 8

    • Reply Lutfor Rahman Shimanto
      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto Dec 10, 2023 at 9:36 PM

      Hello NURIT

      Thanks for your nice words. Your appreciation means a lot to us. You wanted a VBA code that will ignore the text within a cell and sum only the number portion on that cell of the S8:AO43 range based on specific conditionally formatted colors.

      I am delighted to inform you that I have developed an Excel VBA User-defined function to fulfil your goal.


      Excel VBA User-defined Function:

      Function SumColoredCells(rng As Range, colorIndex As Long) As Double
          Dim cell As Range
          Dim sumValue As Double
          sumValue = 0
          For Each cell In rng
              If cell.Interior.colorIndex = colorIndex Then
                  Dim numericPart As Double
                  numericPart = Val(Mid(cell.Value, 4))
                  sumValue = sumValue + numericPart
              End If
          Next cell
          SumColoredCells = sumValue
      End Function

      Follow these steps:
      Step 1: Open the VBA Editor window => Hover over Insert and click on Module => Insert the code above in the module and Save.

      Step 2: Select cell P20 => Insert the following formula => Hit Enter.


      Hopefully, the idea will help you. Good luck.

      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto

  8. Thank you Lutfor for creating the VBA code for me. I really appreciate it. I tried it but it’s not calculating, it says 0.

    I wonder if it has to do with the conditional formatting colors not being the same index as the fill colors. I used the fill colors to get the index numbers because Excel doesn’t allow me to get color index numbers from the conditionally formatted colors that appear.

    I’m wondering if I can use either a formula or VBA code that will just add the number portion of a cell based on specific text next also in the cell with the number.

    I’m trying to be able to type in a cell the attendance code and hours used for that day e.g., VAC8 and get the total sum for all numbers in a specific cell range with the attendance code “VAC” in it to populate in another cell in the worksheet.

    • Reply Lutfor Rahman Shimanto
      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto Dec 14, 2023 at 1:34 PM

      Dear NURIT

      It is good to see you again. Thanks for thanking me. Your appreciation means a lot to us.

      You are right. When a cell background color is changed by conditional formatting, the cell color index remains xlColorIndexNone. When using conditional formatting to change the cell background based on a condition, it fetches the intended color, but the cell background is not changed ultimately.

      SOLUTION to the Mentioned Problem: Remove the conditional formatting from the S8:AO43 range. Use an Excel VBA Event procedure that I developed to solve your problem. This event will ultimately change the background color based on the condition.

      Follow these steps: Right-click on the sheet name tab => Click on View Code => Paste the code below in the sheet module, and Save => Return to the sheet and make changes to see the output like the following GIF.

      Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
          Dim rng As Range
          Dim cell As Range
          Set rng = Me.Range("S8:AO43")
          If Not Intersect(Target, rng) Is Nothing Then
              For Each cell In Intersect(Target, rng)
                  If cell.Value = "VAC 8" Then
                      cell.Interior.colorIndex = 43
                  ElseIf cell.Value = "FMLA 47" Then
                      cell.Interior.colorIndex = 47
                  ElseIf cell.Value = "SL 6" Then
                      cell.Interior.colorIndex = 6
                  ElseIf cell.Value = "FLT 33" Then
                      cell.Interior.colorIndex = 33
                  ElseIf cell.Value = "WB 44" Then
                      cell.Interior.colorIndex = 44
                  ElseIf cell.Value = "P-VAC 7" Then
                      cell.Interior.colorIndex = 7
                  ElseIf cell.Value = "SVC 8" Then
                      cell.Interior.colorIndex = 8
                      cell.Interior.colorIndex = xlColorIndexNone
                  End If
              Next cell
          End If
      End Sub

      Enhanced User-defined Function: I am delighted to share an Enhanced version of the previous sub-procedure.
      Follow these: Hover over Insert => Click on Module => Paste the following code in the module => Save.

      Function SumColoredCells(rng As Range, colorIndex As Long) As Double
          Dim cell As Range
          Dim sumValue As Double
          sumValue = 0
          For Each cell In rng
              If cell.Interior.colorIndex = colorIndex Then
                  Dim numericPart As Double
                  If Len(cell.Value) = 4 Then
                      numericPart = Val(Mid(cell.Value, 3))
                  ElseIf Len(cell.Value) = 5 Then
                      numericPart = Val(Mid(cell.Value, 4))
                  ElseIf Len(cell.Value) = 6 Then
                      numericPart = Val(Mid(cell.Value, 5))
                  ElseIf Len(cell.Value) = 7 Then
                      numericPart = Val(Mid(cell.Value, 6))
                  ElseIf Len(cell.Value) = 8 Then
                      numericPart = Val(Mid(cell.Value, 7))
                  End If
                  sumValue = sumValue + numericPart
              End If
          Next cell
          SumColoredCells = sumValue
      End Function

      Finally, to calculate the sum, Select cell Q8 => Insert the following formula => Drag the Fill Handle icon to cell Q14.


      Besides, I am presenting an sub-procedure that will display the color index of a selected cell.

      Sub ShowColorIndex()
          Dim selectedCell As Range
          Dim colorIndex As Long
          If TypeName(Selection) = "Range" And Selection.Cells.Count = 1 Then
              Set selectedCell = Selection
              colorIndex = selectedCell.Interior.colorIndex
              MsgBox "Color Index of Selected Cell: " & colorIndex
              MsgBox "Please select a single cell to get its color index.", vbExclamation
          End If
      End Sub

      A Friendly Suggestion: Dear Nurit, we are discussing a topic different from the article. So, another visitor may get confused. It would be great if you shared your problem through the ExcelDemy Forum.

      I am also attaching the solution workbook for better understanding. Hopefully, this idea will help you reach your goal. Good luck.


      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto

  9. Thank you Lutfor for everything. The VBA code to color by code works however the summing of the number within the colored cell doesn’t work. I understand about you wanting me to go to the forum. I will post in the forum now.

    Thanks again.

    • Reply Lutfor Rahman Shimanto
      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto Dec 24, 2023 at 8:20 PM

      Hello NURIT

      Thanks for sharing another exciting problem. The issue is raised because the UDF (User Defined Function) is not re-calculating.

      I am excited to let you know that I have resolved the issue by developing an Excel VBA Sub-procedure named ForcedReCalculation (responsible for application re-calculation).


      Follow these steps: Open the VBA Editor window => Right-click on the sheet module => Click on View Code => Replace the previous code with the following code => Save.

      Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
          Dim rng As Range
          Dim cell As Range
          Set rng = Me.Range("S8:AO43")
          If Not Intersect(Target, rng) Is Nothing Then
              For Each cell In Intersect(Target, rng)
                  If cell.Value = "VAC 8" Then
                      cell.Interior.colorIndex = 43
                  ElseIf cell.Value = "FMLA 47" Then
                      cell.Interior.colorIndex = 47
                  ElseIf cell.Value = "SL 6" Then
                      cell.Interior.colorIndex = 6
                  ElseIf cell.Value = "FLT 33" Then
                      cell.Interior.colorIndex = 33
                  ElseIf cell.Value = "WB 44" Then
                      cell.Interior.colorIndex = 44
                  ElseIf cell.Value = "P-VAC 7" Then
                      cell.Interior.colorIndex = 7
                  ElseIf cell.Value = "SVC 8" Then
                      cell.Interior.colorIndex = 8
                      cell.Interior.colorIndex = xlColorIndexNone
                  End If
              Next cell
          End If
          Call ForcedReCalculation
      End Sub
      Sub ForcedReCalculation()
      End Sub

      Hopefully, you have found your solution. I look forward to seeing you at the ExcelDemy Forum with another exciting problem. Stay blessed.

      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto
      Excel & VBA Developer

  10. Thank you, Mahfuza, for what I am sure will be a wonderful tool (once I get it working!) Where do I define the Month_Box variable in the code? I get the following error when I debug/compile
    Variable no defined
    I have copied the code exactly as presented in the article

    • Reply Lutfor Rahman Shimanto
      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto Feb 4, 2024 at 2:53 PM


      Thanks for your comment. For the Month_Box to work properly, paste the following code in the UserForm.

      Private Sub Month_Box_Change()
          If Me.Month_Box.Value <> "" And Me.Year_Box.Value <> "" Then
              Call Create_Calender
          End If
      End Sub

      Additionally, you can remove the Option Explicit statement at the beginning when declaring initial variables.

      The article has been updated. So, I recommend you to go to the article again. Good luck.

      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto

  11. Reply
    Dennis Ivan Ford Feb 1, 2024 at 3:54 AM

    In the Date Picker Code, where is the value of Time_Box declared?

    • Reply Lutfor Rahman Shimanto
      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto Feb 4, 2024 at 2:58 PM


      For the Time_Box to work properly, paste the following code in the UserForm.

      Private Sub Time_Box_Change()
          Dim cellValue As String
          cellValue = Selection.Value
          If cellValue <> "" Then
              If Time_Box.Value = True Then
                  If InStr(1, cellValue, ":") > 0 Then
                      Exit Sub
                      Selection.Value = Selection.Value & ": " & Time()
                  End If
                  If InStr(1, cellValue, ":") > 0 Then
                      Selection.Value = Left(cellValue, InStr(1, cellValue, ":") - 1)
                      Exit Sub
                  End If
              End If
          End If
      End Sub

      Through this code, the UserForm will be able to add time with a date when the Add Time check box is ticked.

      Download the practice workbook provided in the article for better understanding. Good luck.

      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto

  12. The date formats for the next months view in the present month view of the calendar are switched around (input into the cell as m/d/y; American format) rather than matching the format of the dates that are being input for the current month (that inputs into the cell as d/m/y). Where do I change the cell input date format?

    • Reply Lutfor Rahman Shimanto
      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto Mar 7, 2024 at 4:18 PM

      Hello CHARLIE

      Thanks for your comment. The existing article’s date picker displays the date based on the date order of the Machine (Windows, Mac or Linux). However, you wanted to modify the VBA code to adjust the date format to match the desired month/day/year (American format) for both the calendar display and input into the cell. Thus, the idea will ensure consistency in date formats between the calendar view and the input into the cell.

      To do so, you only need to modify the existing sub-procedure named Create_Calender by replacing it with the following.

      Excel VBA Sub-procedure:

      Sub Create_Calender()
          For i = 1 To 42
              If i < Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value)) Then
              Controls("C" & (i)).Caption = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
              ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "d")
              Controls("C" & (i)).ControlTipText = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
              ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "m/d/yyyy")
              ElseIf i >= Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value)) Then
              Controls("C" & (i)).Caption = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
              ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "d")
              Controls("C" & (i)).ControlTipText = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
              ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "m/d/yyyy")
              End If
              If Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
              ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "mmmm") = ((Month_Box.Value)) Then
              If Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor <> &HFFFFFF Then Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor = &HFFFFFF
              Controls("C" & (i)).Font.Bold = True
              If Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), _
              ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "m/d/yyyy") = Format(This_Day, "m/d/yyyy") Then Controls("C" & (i)).SetFocus
              If Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor <> &H80000016 Then Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor = &H8000000F
              Controls("C" & (i)).Font.Bold = False
              End If
          Next i
      End Sub

      I hope you have found the idea helpful. Stay blessed.

      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto
      Excel & VBA Developer

  13. Dear Mahfuza Anika Era,
    thanks for sharing the datepicker which just what I need currently. I have two question:
    1 each time, i need to close the datepicker once input the date in one cell in “Date & Time of Sale” column, and then click the datepicker again to input next cell in the same column. could be possible to input the date for the cells one by one or by selection in the column continually until I close the datepicker userform?

    2 if I have anther userform called dateinput userform, and insert one textbox in dateinput userform, how can i call the datepicker from dateinput userform, when i click textbox in dateinput userform, and input the date into the textbox above?

    thanks for assistance.

    • Reply Lutfor Rahman Shimanto
      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto Jun 13, 2024 at 5:05 PM

      Hello David Wang

      Thanks for your kind words! You are very welcome.

      I have reviewed both of your requirements. These requirements can quickly be developed, and I think they will overcome all your hassles. I have made the necessary changes. Please check the following:

      To fulfil your goal, I had to make many changes to the codes and design, develop several sub-procedures and event procedures, and add the necessary validation. As there are many more things, I am not describing everything here. If you are interested in how I developed such a customized date picker, you can post your queries in the ExcelDemy Forum.

      Hopefully, you have found the solution you were looking for. I have attached the Date Picker file. Good luck.


      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto
      Excel & VBA Developer

  14. Hi, I would like to change the calender’s weekdays order, i.e. the week should start with Monday and end with Sunday. Could you please help? Thank you.

    • Hello Weronika,

      To change the calendar’s weekday order you will need to change the labels name and update the VBA code date filling logic.
      To start with Monday and end with Sunday in the Excel date picker, change the order of the day labels (e.g., Label1.Caption = “Mon”, Label7.Caption = “Sun”).
      Now, use the updated Create_Calender procedure. Changed the Weekday function to use vbMonday, ensuring that the week starts on Monday. and the rest of the logic remains the same to ensure proper date filling and formatting.

      Sub Create_Calender()
          ' Adjust day calculation to start the week on Monday instead of Sunday
          For i = 1 To 42
              ' Use vbMonday in Weekday function to start week on Monday
              If i < Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value), vbMonday) Then
                  Controls("C" & (i)).Caption = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value), vbMonday)), _
                  ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "d")
                  Controls("C" & (i)).ControlTipText = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value), vbMonday)), _
                  ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "m/d/yyyy")
              ElseIf i >= Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value), vbMonday) Then
                  Controls("C" & (i)).Caption = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value), vbMonday)), _
                  ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "d")
                  Controls("C" & (i)).ControlTipText = Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value), vbMonday)), _
                  ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "m/d/yyyy")
              End If
              ' Adjust formatting for dates within the current month
              If Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value), vbMonday)), _
              ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "mmmm") = ((Month_Box.Value)) Then
                  If Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor <> &HFFFFFF Then Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor = &HFFFFFF
                  Controls("C" & (i)).Font.Bold = True
                  ' Set focus on today's date
                  If Format(DateAdd("d", (i - Weekday((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value), vbMonday)), _
                  ((Month_Box.Value) & "/1/" & (Year_Box.Value))), "m/d/yyyy") = Format(This_Day, "m/d/yyyy") Then Controls("C" & (i)).SetFocus
                  If Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor <> &H80000016 Then Controls("C" & (i)).BackColor = &H8000000F
                  Controls("C" & (i)).Font.Bold = False
              End If
          Next i
      End Sub

      Download the Excel File:


  15. First off, thanks everyone for all the information here for adding this Calendar!

    It is working great for my use but I’m running into an issue.

    I’m using this to define the Start Time to Stop Time of a customer’s “trouble ticket”

    I need to calculate the Elapsed Time between these values but I’m not sure how to get it to analyze the format to give me this info.
    (Really looking for decimal hours for this result)

    Date & Time Start: 9/19/2024: 10:43:12 AM
    Date &Time End: 9/19/2024: 1:36:12 PM
    Duration of Call: #VALUE!

    Sometimes these go past midnight of one day into the morning of the next, so I need it to understand when doing the hours calculation.

    Ex: 9/18/2024 11:00PM to 9/19/2024 1:30AM = 2.5 Hours

    Any assistance is much appreciated!

    • Hello Jeremy,

      You are most welcome. Thanks for your appreciation. To calculate the elapsed time between two date-time entries in Excel, you can subtract the two cells and display the result in decimal hours. But you must need to use the date and time format properly. You can’t use colon(:) in between date and time.
      Use this formula to subtract G21 from G22:
      =G22 – G21
      Format the result cell as [h]:mm:ss.
      Select the cell T21 >> Right-click >> select Format Cells >> select Custom >> type [h]:mm:ss

      Multiply the result by 24 to get the answer in hours:

      =(G22 – G21) * 24

      Excel naturally handles dates and times. When subtracting times that span over midnight, the same formula will work.


  16. Hello, First off a huge Thank You! to all that have provided this wealth of information and handy VB. I’m still relatively new to VB and self taught a little from examples like this Calendar add-in that make my job much easier.

    I have this Calendar working now inside an Excel Work Form where my team logs After Hours Customer Service calls, Start Times and End Times.

    I’m attempting to get it to calculate the Elapsed time between the 2 Date/Time results chosen from the Calendar.

    [G21] Date & Time Start: 9/19/2024: 10:43:12 AM
    [G22] Date &Time End: 9/19/2024: 1:36:12 PM
    [T21] Duration of Call: #VALUE! [G22-G21] (Answer Needed in Decimal Hours)

    * I also need it to understand how to count if this becomes an Overnight call such as:
    [G21] Date & Time Start: 9/19/2024: 11:00:00 PM
    [G22] Date &Time End: 9/19/2024: 2:30:00 AM
    [T21] Duration of Call: Looking for a result of 3.5 hrs here.

    Thanks in advance for any help that can be provided!

    • Hello Jeremy,

      You are most welcome. Thanks for your appreciation. To calculate the elapsed time between two date-time entries in Excel, you can subtract the two cells and display the result in decimal hours. But you must need to use the date and time format properly. You can’t use colon(:) in between date and time.
      Use this formula to subtract G21 from G22:
      =G22 – G21
      Format the result cell as [h]:mm:ss.
      Select the cell T21 >> Right-click >> select Format Cells >> select Custom >> type [h]:mm:ss

      Multiply the result by 24 to get the answer in hours:

      =(G22 – G21) * 24

      Excel naturally handles dates and times. When subtracting times that span over midnight, the same formula will work.


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