How to Find and Replace within Selection in Excel (7 Methods)

Our sample dataset contains the sales report of some Items along with the relevant Sales Rep. Quantity, Unit Price, and Sales for each item are also provided.


Method 1 – Find and Replace in Selected Cells Only

To demonstrate, let’s find and replace the value of cell B7 containing the text Smith.


  • In the Find what box of the Find feature, type Smith as shown.
  • Select the Find All
  • The cell location $B$7 is returned.

Excel Find and Replace within Selection Selected Cells Only

  • Select the Replace tab (or press CTRL + H) and type Steve Smith.

Excel Find and Replace within Selection Selected Cells Only

The string “Smith” is replaced by the string “Steve Smith”.

Excel Find and Replace within Selection Selected Cells Only

The same method can be used to Find and Replace Multiple Values .

Read More: Replace Text of a Cell Based on Condition in Excel

Method 2 – Using a Wildcard to Find and Replace within Selection

If you need to modify or delete data containing specific values, wildcards can be used to find and replace within the selection.

To demonstrate the use of the Asterisk (*) wildcard, we will find and modify all cells containing the text “lia”, which may be located in the middle of a string.

➦ Type the term *lia* in the Find what box, and select the Find All option.

The result – cells $B$8 and $B$12 cells are returned (ie they contain the text “lia” somewhere within the cell contents).

Using Wildcards

Note: To find text that begins with “lia”, the Find What string should be lia*. Conversely, use the string *lia to find cells with text that ends with “lia”.

➦ Specify the replacement text. To replace the string “lia” with the string James, simply enter “James” in the Replace with box.

Using Wildcards

➦ Select the Replace All option.

A message appears that Excel performed the replacement in 2 cells.

Using Wildcards

➦ A message is displayed, confirming that the contents of the two cells where “lia” was found have been replaced with the name James.

Using Wildcards

Method 3 – Add or Remove Line Breaks Using the Find and Replace Feature

To illustrate, a single line break (adding their product model name) has been added to cells C5 and C6.

Excel Find and Replace within Selection Add or Remove Line Break

To remove the line breaks, press CTRL + J (the keyboard shortcut for a line break in ASCII code) in the Find what box. Insert the comma (,) and space characters in the Replace with option box.

Excel Find and Replace within Selection Add or Remove Line Break

The following output, with line breaks removed, is returned.

Excel Find and Replace within Selection Add or Remove Line Break

Method 4 – Changing Specific Formatting

Changing the formatting within a cell or multiple cells can also be performed using Find and Replace.

Let’s say you have yellow-colored formatting in some cells, but wish to change that to blue-colored formatting.

Excel Find and Replace within Selection Changing Formatting


  • Click the drop-down list of the Format option in the Find and Replace dialog box, and select Choose Format from Cell.

Excel Find and Replace within Selection Changing Formatting

  • Click on a cell containing the formatting you wish to replace.

Excel Find and Replace within Selection Changing Formatting

  • Click on the second “replacement” Format button and select the Format

Excel Find and Replace within Selection Changing Formatting

  • Select the blue color from the Fill

Excel Find and Replace within Selection Changing Formatting

  • After clicking OK, the following previews will open.
  • Click on the Replace All

Excel Find and Replace within Selection Changing Formatting

The result is the replacement of formatting in the relevant cells.

Excel Find and Replace within Selection Changing Formatting

Read More: How to Find and Replace Text Color in Excel

Method 5 – Changing Cell Reference 

The formula in the H5 cell returns the output (Sales) for the corresponding Sales Rep. However, the same formula would not work for the below cells if you copy the formula, unless the cell reference is changed from $G$5 into $G$6.

Changing Cell Reference

This can be accomplished in two ways. Either you can remove the absolute reference ($) before the column number, or use the Find and Replace feature, simply inserting $G$5 in the Find what box and $G$6 in the Replace with box.

Excel Find and Replace within Selection Changing Cell Reference

After clicking on the Replace option, the desired output will be returned.

Excel Find and Replace within Selection Changing Cell Reference

Method 6 – Find and Replace across the Entire Workbook within Selection

You might find and replace the selected data in all the working sheets of any workbook.

For example, you may want to find the string David and replace it with David Bowie.


  • Type David in the Find what box and David Bowie in the Replace with
  • Select Workbook instead of Sheet from the drop-down list of the Within

Excel Find and Replace within Selection Across the Entire Workbook

Click Replace All, Excel will display a message confirming 4 replacements within the entire workbook.

Excel Find and Replace within Selection Across the Entire Workbook


Output of the Entire Workbook

Method 7 – Using the VBA Code

The Find and Replace feaure may also be accessed using VBA code. However, a module to enter the VBA code must be inserted.


  • Open a module by clicking Developer > Visual Basic.

How to Insert VBA Code

  • Select Insert > Module.

How to Insert VBA Code

7.1. Find using VBA

  • Copy the following code into the newly created module to find the string David.
Sub Find()
Dim Rng As Range
Set Rng = Sheets("Find&Replace_VBA").UsedRange.Find("David")
MsgBox Rng.Address
End Sub

VBA Find Function

Rng is declared as Range. Then, Rng is set with the VBA Find function (which specifies the string “David” and the UsedRange property to find the specified string). The Sheets function along with the current sheet name are also declared.

Run the code (the keyboard shortcut is F5 or Fn + F5), and the following output is returned:

Using the VBA Code

7.2. Replace Using VBA

  • Use the following code to replace the specified string.
Sub Replace()

Sheets("Find&Replace_VBA").UsedRange.Replace What:="David", Replacement:="Steve"

End Sub

VBA Replace Function

  • In the above code, VBA Replace function is used. The string “David” is specified as the What option that needs to be replaced, and “Steve” is specified as the Replacement
  • After running the code, the following output is returned:

Using the VBA Code

Note: Here, the basic VBA Find and Replace functions have been described. There are additional methods to Find and Replace using VBA.

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Md. Abdul Kader
Md. Abdul Kader

MD. ABDUL KADER is an engineer with a talent for Excel and a passion for VBA programming. To him, programming is like a time-saving wizard, making data manipulation, file handling, and internet interactions a breeze. His skill set extends to SWM, GIS, RS, and SPSS. He holds a B.Sc in Urban & Regional Planning from Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology and has shifted to become a content developer. In this role, he crafts technical content centred around... Read Full Bio

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