How to Check If a Date Is Within 7 Days of Another Date in Excel (7 Methods)

Dataset Overview

We’ll use the following dataset to demonstrate the methods. The dataset contains three columns: Product, Order Date and Delivery Date.

Excel If a Date is Within 7 Days of Another Date

Method 1 – Use of IF Function

  • Select a new cell (let’s say E5) where you want to display the result.
  • Enter the following formula in cell E5:

Use of IF Function to Know Whether a Date is Within 7 Days of Another Date

Formula Breakdown


  • (D5-C5)<7 checks if the difference between the dates in cells D5 and C5 is less than 7.
  • If true, it returns Successful; otherwise, it returns Late.

  • Press ENTER to get the result.

  • Drag the Fill Handle icon to autofill the formula for the remaining cells (E6:E11).

Method 2 – Using the DAYS Function

  • Select a new cell (E5).
  • Enter the formula:

This calculates the duration in days between the end date (D5) and the start date (C5).

  • Press ENTER to get the result.

Use of DAYS Function to Know Whether a Date is Within 7 Days of Another Date

  • Double-click the Fill Handle icon to autofill the formula for the other cells (E6:E11).

Method 3 – Combining Functions

  • Choose a new cell (E5).
  • Enter this formula:
=IF(AND((TODAY() - C5) - 7 > 0,C5<TODAY()), "Done", "Processing")
  • Press ENTER to see the result.

Use of Combined Functions to Know whether a Date is Within 7 Days of Another Date

Formula Breakdown

  • TODAY() returns the current date.
  • The AND function checks two conditions:
    • (TODAY() – C5) – 7 > 0: Ensures the date difference is greater than 7 days.
    • C5 < TODAY(): Verifies that the start date (C5) is before today.
  • If both conditions are met, it returns Done; otherwise, it’s Processing. 

  • Autofill the formula for the other cells (E6:E11).

Method 4 – Applying IF & AND Functions

  • Select a new cell (let’s say E5) where you want to display the result.
  • Enter the following formula in cell E5:
  • Press ENTER to get the result.

Use of IF & AND Functions to Know whether a Date is Within 7 Days of Another Date

Formula Breakdown

  • Here:
    • D5<=$D$13 ensures that the delivery date is less than or equal to the target date in cell D13.
    • (D5-C5)<=7 checks if the difference between the dates in cells D5 and C5 is less than or equal to 7.
  • If both conditions are met, it returns Successful; otherwise, it returns Late.

  • Drag the Fill Handle icon to autofill the formula for the remaining cells (E6:E11).

Method 5 – Employing Conditional Formatting

  • Select the data range (D5:D11) for which you want to apply conditional formatting.
  • Go to the Home tab and click on Conditional Formatting.
  • Choose New Rule…

Application of Conditional Formatting to know whether a Date is within 7 days of another Date

  • In the New Formatting Rule dialog box, select Use a formula to determine which cells to format.
  • Enter the formula:

This formula checks if the difference between the dates in cells D5 and C5 is less than 7.

  • Click on the Format button.

  • In the Format Cells dialog box, choose a light color (e.g., Green) for the fill. Adjust font color if needed.
  • Press OK to apply the formatting.

  • Confirm by clicking OK on the New Formatting Rule dialog box. You’ll see the sample formatting in the Preview box.

  • The colored dates within 7 days of another date will be visually highlighted.

Method 6 – Using the Data Validation Tool to Know If a Date Is Within 7 Days of Another Date

  • Select the cell range where you want to insert data.
  • Go to the Data tab and click on Data Validation.
  • Choose Data Validation…

Using Data Validation Tool to Know If a Date is Within 7 Days of Another Date

In the Data Validation dialog box:

  • Select Custom under Allow.
  • Enter the formula:
  • This formula checks if adding 7 days to the start date (C5) results in a value greater than the end date (D5).
  • Press OK to apply the validation.

You will see the following result.

Method 7 – Use of “A Date Occurring” Feature

  • Select the data range (D5:D11) for which you want to apply conditional formatting.
  • Go to the Home tab and click on Conditional Formatting.
  • Choose Highlight Cells Rules and select A Date Occurring…

Use of A Date Occurring feature to know whether a Date is within 7 days of another Date

  • In the A Date Occurring dialog box:
    • Choose In the last 7 days from the drop-down menu under Format cells that contain a date occurring:
    • Select your preferred color (e.g., Green Fill with Dark Green Text).
  • Press OK to apply the changes.

Now, the colored dates within 7 days of another date will be visually highlighted.

Things to Remember

  • If you simply want to check whether a date is within 7 days of another date, you can use method 2 (DAYS function).
  • If you need a logical result based on the current date, consider using method 3 (a combination of functions).

Practice Section

You can practice the explained methods by yourself.

Practice Section to know whether a Date is within 7 days of another Date

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Musiha Mahfuza Mukta
Musiha Mahfuza Mukta

Musiha Mahfuza Mukta is a marine engineer who loves exploring Excel and VBA programming. To her, programming is a time-saving tool for dealing with data, files, and the internet. She's skilled in Rhino3D, Maxsurf, C++, MS Office, AutoCAD, and Excel & VBA, going beyond the basics. With a B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET, she's shifted gears and now works as a content developer. In this role, she creates techy content exclusively focused on Excel... Read Full Bio

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