If One Cell Equals Another Then Return Another Cell in Excel

Method 1 – Use the IF Function to Check If One Cell Equals Another and Return Another Value

Case 1.1 – Returning the Exact Value of Cell

We have a dataset of some Fruits with two columns. Every row has a specific Value. We will find the rows where Fruits 1 and Fruits 2 are matched and display the Value in the Matched Values column.

Ways to Check If One Cell Equals Another & Then Return Another Cell in Excel


  • Enter the following formula in cell F5.

Check If One Cell Equals Another & Then Return Another Cell in Excel Using IF Function

  • Press Enter.
  • Drag down the Fill Handle tool to AutoFill the formula for the rest of the cells.

In the IF function, using the condition B5=C5 compares the Fruits Name of each column Fruits 1 and Fruits 2. If the condition is True, the function will print the values from the Value column into Matched Values column.
  • Here’s the result.

Case 1.2 – Updating the Resulting Value

We will update the new Price if the Flag value is not X, where the new price will be 2 times the current price.


  • Enter the following formula in cell E5.

Check If One Cell Equals Another & Then Return Another Cell in Excel Using IF Function with Update

  • Press Enter and copy down the formula to cell E9.

In this formula, using D5<>” X” checks if the Flag value is not equal to “X”. If the condition is True, it will double the price.
  • Here’s the result.

Excel If One Cell Equals Another Then Return Another Cell

Method 2 – Return Another Cell Value Using the VLOOKUP Function

Consider a dataset of some Fruits. We have 3 columns: Fruits, ID, and Price. We will search for specific fruit prices from this table.

Check If One Cell Equals Another & Then Return Another Cell Using VLOOKUP Function


  • Enter the following formula in cell G5.

  • Press Enter.
  • You can find any other Fruit’s price by entering its Name on Cell G4.

We have passed the lookup value from G4, and the table from where we want to extract data is indicated by cell range B4:D9. We’re fetching the values from the Price column the third (3) column in the range. Finally, 0 is used to specify that we want an exact match.

Method 3 – Apply the HLOOKUP Function to Scan for a Matching Value

The syntax of the HLOOKUP functions is:

=HLOOKUP (lookup_value, table_array, row_index, [range_lookup])

We have swapped the rows and columns to show the function.


  • Select cell C9 and insert the following formula.

Check If One Cell Equals Another & Then Return Another Cell Applying Excel HLOOKUP Function

  • Press Enter.

Method 4 – Check If One Cell Equals Another with INDEX and MATCH Functions


  • Enter the following formula in cell G5.

Check If One Cell Equals Another then Return Another Cell with INDEX & MATCH Functions in Excel

  • Press Enter.

In the MATCH function, we’re matching the value in cell G4 from the cell range B4:B9 in our lookup table. We want the exact match, so 0 is assigned at the last argument. The outer function is the INDEX function. In the first part, we have assigned the cell range B4:D9. The matched value will be calculated from the MATCH function. Finally, 3 is used as we want to get data from the third column of our lookup table.

Method 5 – Return Items from Another Worksheet with Matching Value in Excel

We have two worksheets, Weekly Meals and Ingredients. We’ll compare meals and show the ingredients in the first worksheet. The Week Meals Planning worksheet looks like the following:

Week Meals Planning Worksheet

Here’s the Ingredients sheet. We’ll find the food ingredients from this worksheet by entering the name of the food in cell B14 in the Meals sheet.

Meals Ingredients Worksheet


  • Enter this formula in cell C14.

  • Press Enter.
  • Copy the formula to the right.

Return Items from Another Worksheet If One Cell Equals Another in Excel

We have passed the lookup value as cell $B14, then the other worksheet’s (ingredients worksheet) cell range $B$5:$E$16 as the lookup table. We used the COLUMN function to get the column value of that row. We used FALSE to find an exact match, which means it is case sensitive and by declaring false it will search for the exact value matching.
  • All the ingredients of the selected Food will be displayed.

Practice Section

In the download file, you will find an Excel workbook like the image given below to practice on your own.

Practice Section

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Md. Abdullah Al Murad
Md. Abdullah Al Murad

Md. Abdullah Al Murad is a computer engineer who loves exploring Excel and VBA programming. Programming, to him, is a time-saving tool for efficiently managing data, files, and internet tasks. He is proficient in C, C++, Python, JavaScript, HTML, SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft Office, and VBA and goes beyond the basics. He holds a B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering from American International University-Bangladesh. He has transitioned into the role of a content developer. Beyond his work, find... Read Full Bio

  1. Dear Mr Abdullah Al Murad,

    I have read your examples with great interest. I have used the example above with INDEX and MATCH to retrieve a value from an Excel sheet of information by using a drop down list to choose the value I want to search for.

    =INDEX(Total!A3:G33, MATCH(Testing!$B$2, Total!D3:D33, 0), 1)

    The sheet Total contains a number of rows and columns of information, where column D contains years (one year or several comma separated) and column E months (one or several comma separated). Testing!B2 contains a list of years 2021-2031 where I can choose a specific year from the drop down list, and Testing!D2 contains months.

    What I really would do is to expand this in three ways. The use case being that as a user I would be able to retrieve specific rows from the sheet Total by choosing the year and month of interest and displaying them in the sheet Testing.

    Firstly I would like to retrieve all lines from the table of information that matches the input criteria. So if I choose 2025, all lines containing 2025 should be listed below where I choose from the drop down.

    Secondly I would like to choose the lines containing the year even if there are several years in the data. So if the cell Total!D5 contains “2025” or “2025, 2026, 2027” the row should be presented in the result.

    Thirdly I want to add a second criteria. I want to be able to choose both year and month from two separate drop downs. So if Testing!B2 is 2025 and Total!D3:D33 contains 2025, or the Testing!E2 contains January (or e.g. January, February) and Total!E3:E33 contains January I should get all rows containing either 2025 or January.

    I hope you can help me with this as I think this is probably easy for you 🙂 I have been programming PERL and Java but to implement algorithms with the functions in Excel is a bit beyond me.

    Thank you for a very good instructional site on Excel!

    • Reply Avatar photo
      Naimul Hasan Arif Apr 5, 2023 at 4:25 PM

      Thanks a lot OSCAR APPELGREN for your questions.
      In response to your first question to have matched rows entirely in the drop-down, it is not possible in Excel. A standard drop-down list in Excel does not support multiple rows of data.
      If you want to filter multiple rows based on single or multiple criteria, you better use the FILTER function. It is not applicable to the older Excel version. It helps you to extract multiple matched rows quite easily than INDEX-MATCH functions.

      According to your requirements to extract matched rows based on single criteria (i.e. year 2025), I have used the following formula which works pretty well.


      And, for sorting rows with multiple criteria, you just need to use the asterisk sign(*) and insert the other condition.



  2. Fantastic, thank you! Just what I needed.

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