How to Move Data from a Row to a Column in Excel (4 Easy Ways)

Below, we have a sample dataset for these methods.

Handy Ways to Move Data from Row to Column in Excel

Method 1 – Using Paste Special Command to Move Data from Row to Column in Excel


  • Select the data table below.
  • Copy the selected table by clicking CTRL+C.

 Using Paste Special Command to Move Data from Row to Column in Excel

  • Select the new cell where you want to copy your transpose data.
  • Choose the Transpose icon.

  • The graphic below will convey the results of transferring the data from row to column.

Method 2 – Utilizing the TRANSPOSE Function to Move Data from Row to Column


  • Select the same number of blank cells but in the reverse direction, as your main table has rows and columns.
  • Enter the following formula in the upper left empty cell:

 Utilizing TRANSPOSE Function to Move Data from Row to Column

The graphic below will display the results of transferring the data from row to column.

Read More: How to Flip Data from Horizontal to Vertical in Excel

Method 3 – Using INDIRECT and ADDRESS Functions to Move Data from Row to Column

Formula Syntax of the INDIRECT Function


Arguments of the INDIRECT Function

  • Ref_text represents a reference cited in the text.
  • A1 represents a logical value designating either the A1 or the R1C1 reference style Rows are labelled numerically in A1 format, and columns are labelled alphabetically. Both the rows and the columns are given number labels in the R1C1 reference style (Optional).

Formula Syntax of the ADDRESS Function


Arguments of the ADDRESS Function

  • Row_num is a number that indicates the row to use as the cell reference.
  • Column_num is a numeric value that indicates the column to use as the cell reference.
  • Abs_num indicates the kind of reference to return as a numeric value (Optional).
  • A1 represents a logical value designating either the A1 or the R1C1 reference style Rows are labelled numerically in A1 format, and columns are labelled alphabetically. Both the rows and the columns are given number labels in the R1C1 reference style ( Optional).
  • Sheet as a text value that displays the name of the worksheet (Optional).


  • If the first row and column of your data are not 1 and A, you must apply a more complicated formula.
  • Enter the following formula:

where B4 is the cell at the top left in our original data table.

Formula Breakdown

  • Firstly, we use three more functions here, including ADDRESS, COLUMN, and ROW.
  • Now, the row and column numbers we specify are used by the ADDRESS function to determine the cell address.
  • So, we input the coordinates in the inverse order to our formula.
  • However, this portion of the function (ADDRESS(COLUMN(B4)-COLUMN($B$4)+ROW($B$4),ROW(B4)-ROW($B$4)+COLUMN($B$4))) turns the rows to columns.
  • The rotated data is finally output via the INDIRECT function.
  • Press ENTER.

 Using INDIRECT and ADDRESS Functions to Move Data from Row to Column

  • Drag the cursor in the lower right corner of the chosen cells to copy the formula upward and downward to as many rows and columns as necessary.

  • The outcomes of moving the data from row to column are in the graphic below.

Read More: How to Convert Multiple Rows to Columns in Excel

Method 4 – Applying VBA Code to Move Data from Row to Column in Excel


  • Open the Developer tab.
  • Select the Visual Basic command.

Applying VBA Code to Move Data from Row to Column in Excel

  • The Visual Basic window will open.
  • From the Insert option, choose the new Module to write a VBA code.

  • Enter the following VBA code into the Module:
  • Click the “Run” button or press F5.
Sub MoveData_From_RowToColumn()
'Declaring variables
    Dim DataRange As Range
    Dim SelectRange As Range
'Setting the Data Range
    Set DataRange = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Choose the range to transpose", Title:="Transpose Rows to Columns", Type:=8)
'Setting the cell where we will put our transposed data
    Set SelectRange = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Choose the upper left cell of the selected range", Title:="Transpose Rows to Columns", Type:=8)
'Copying the Data Range
'Select the cell
'Paste the Data in selected cell
    Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=True
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub

Applying VBA Code to Move Data from Row to Column in Excel

VBA Code Breakdown

  • Firstly, we specify a name for the subject as
  • Secondly, we declare the variables as
    Dim DataRange As Range
    Dim SelectRange As Range
  • Now,  we set the data range as
   Set DataRange = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Choose the range to transpose", _
    Title:="Transpose Rows to Columns", Type:=8)
  • Now, we set the cell where we would like to put our transposed data as
Set SelectRange = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Choose the upper left cell of the selected range", _
    Title:="Transpose Rows to Columns", Type:=8)
  • Besides, we will copy the data range as
  • Besides, we will select the data range as
  • Finally, we paste the data into the selected cell as
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, _
    SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=True
  • Select the data range from B4 to G9 first.
  • Click OK.

  • Select the upper cell of the destination range where you want to transpose your data.
  • Click OK.

  • We will get the results of transposed data from row to column, as in the below image.

Applying VBA Code to Move Data from Row to Column in Excel

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Bishawajit Chakraborty
Bishawajit Chakraborty

Bishawajit Chakraborty, a Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology graduate with a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, has been associated with ExcelDemy since 2022. Presently, he is a content developer, specializing in Excel Power Query, Data Analysis and VBA. It is worth mentioning that he has authored more than 90 articles on VBA content development. His profound interest lies in the fields of data analytics and data science. He possesses expertise in VBA, Power BI, machine learning, and Python... Read Full Bio

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