How to Use the ROW Function in Excel (8 Examples)


Overview of the Excel ROW Function

  • Description

The ROW function returns the row number for a given reference. The reference may be a cell or cell range. If the reference is not specified (as the argument is optional), the ROW function automatically considers the cell containing the formula as a reference.

  • Generic Syntax
=ROW (reference)
  • Argument Description
reference Optional  A reference to a cell or range of cells
  • Returns

The row number of the reference cell(s)


Example 1 – Basic Examples Using the ROW Function


  • In the example below, we have used the ROW function without any argument in cell D6.

Basic Examples Using ROW Function

  • It took D6 as its argument by default and returned the row number of D6.
  • We will see the application of the ROW function while giving a single cell as an argument.
  • In D8 and D9, enter the following two formulas:

Basic Examples Using ROW Function

  • As a result, we get their row numbers (8 and 9).
  • We will see the application when we use an Absolute Cell reference ($B$6) as an argument.
  • In D11, enter the following formula:
  • The result is the same: the row number of B6 is 6.

  • We will see the case when we use multiple cells/ranges of a single row as an argument.
  • In cell D13, enter the following formula:

Basic Examples Using ROW Function

  • We get the expected row number, which is 13.

Example 2 – Creating Dynamic Arrays Utilizing the ROW Function


  • If you are a Microsoft 365 subscriber and use the ROW function for the range of cells in a column (like B5:B14 in the following figure), you’ll get not a single row number.
  • You’ll get a range of dynamic arrays. Microsoft recommends this feature for convenience in the calculation process rather than using regular arrays.
  • The formula is:
  • You will get the row number from 5 to 14 in a column as a dynamic array like this figure below.

Creating Dynamic Arrays Utilizing ROW Function

Example 3 – Highlighting Alternate Rows Applying the ROW Function


  • Select the data.

Highlighting Alternate Rows Applying ROW Function

  • Go to the Conditional Formatting toolbar from the Styles command bar and choose New Rule.

  • Click to Use a new formula to determine which cells to format.
  • In the formula bar, enter the following formula and click OK.

Highlighting Alternate Rows Applying ROW Function

  • You will see that the even row numbered(6,8,10, etc.) cells have been formatted.

Method 4 – Using the ROW Function to Show Groups of Rows


  • Select the cells and follow the steps shown in example 3 to go to Conditional Formatting.
  •  Enter the following equation in the formula bar:

  • The result will be like this below.

Using ROW Function to Show Groups of Rows

Method 5 – Combining ROW with the INDIRECT Function


  • In cell E4, enter the following formula:
  • Click Enter. You will see a result like this.

Combining ROW with INDIRECT Function

Method 6 – Use ROW with the INDEX MATCH Formula

Let’s imagine you have a dataset of products with the manufacturer, price, etc. Now, you want to find the row number for a specific product. (see the figure below)

Use of ROW with INDEX MATCH Formula


  • In the G11, enter the following formula:
  • Press Enter. You will have a result like this.

Use of ROW with INDEX MATCH Formula

Method 7 – Utilizing a Combination of ROW and HLOOKUP Functions

The HLOOKUP function looks up data from a cell range like VLOOKUP, but it asks for the row number. To acquire the desired data using HLOOKUP, please input the row number.


Utilizing a Combination of ROW with HLOOKUP Functions

Method 8 – Getting a Row Number By Using VBA in Excel


  • Click on the Developer tab and select Visual Basic to open the VB window. Alternatively, you can also click Alt + F11.

Getting Row Number Using VBA in Excel

  • In the VB window, click on Insert > Module.

  • A new module will open. Paste the following VBA code into your module:
Sub Excel_ROW_Function()
'declare a variable
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("8.VBA ROW")
'apply the Excel ROW function
ws.Range("D5") = ws.Range("B5").Row
ws.Range("D6") = ws.Range("B6").Row
ws.Range("D7") = ws.Range("B7").Row
ws.Range("D8") = ws.Range("B8:C8").Row
End Sub

Getting Row Number Using VBA in Excel

  • Run the code to see the row numbers appear in the Row Number column.

Getting Row Number Using VBA in Excel

What Are the Common Errors While Using the ROW Function?

Common Errors When they show
#N/A Occurs when the required value is not found.

Things to Remember

  • While using conditional formatting, be careful when selecting cells where the formatting will be applied.
  • Use VBA code only when you have a large data set.

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Md. Abdul Kader
Md. Abdul Kader

MD. ABDUL KADER is an engineer with a talent for Excel and a passion for VBA programming. To him, programming is like a time-saving wizard, making data manipulation, file handling, and internet interactions a breeze. His skill set extends to SWM, GIS, RS, and SPSS. He holds a B.Sc in Urban & Regional Planning from Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology and has shifted to become a content developer. In this role, he crafts technical content centred around... Read Full Bio

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