[Fixed!] Excel Rows Not Showing but Not Hidden (3 Reasons & Solutions)

Reason 1 – Unhidden Rows Are Not Visible Due to Insufficient Row Height in Excel

Let’s assume we have a dataset containing several fruits and their order quantities. In this dataset, we cannot see rows 7 and 8. If you look carefully, you will notice a thick line is present between rows 6 and 9. This thick line means rows between rows 6 to 9 have a small height (or even 0). If you try to display rows 7 and 8 using the traditional Unhide option, it won’t work.

Unhidden Rows Are Not Visible Due to Insufficient Row Height in Excel


  • Put the cursor between rows 6 and 9 and right-click on it.
  • Click on the Row Height option.

Unhidden Rows Are Not Visible Due to Insufficient Row Height in Excel

  • The row height dialog appears where you can see that row height is zero (0).

Unhidden Rows Are Not Visible Due to Insufficient Row Height in Excel

  • To make the rows visible, enter the desired height (such as 20) in the Row Height field and press OK.

Unhidden Rows Are Not Visible Due to Insufficient Row Height in Excel

  • You will see that row 8 is visible now. Follow the same procedure to display row 7.

Unhidden Rows Are Not Visible Due to Insufficient Row Height in Excel

  • You can show the shrunk rows by double-clicking on the row header of the regarding row.

Unhidden Rows Are Not Visible Due to Insufficient Row Height in Excel

  • You might not see the thicker line where rows have zero height. In that case, it is better to select corresponding rows and check their height.

  • If you want to display rows 7 and 8 at once, select rows 6 to 9 at first. Change their height accordingly.

Read More: VBA to Hide Rows Based on Cell Value in Excel

Reason 2 – Rows Are Not Hidden but Not Displaying When Excel Filter Is Applied

Sometimes when we Filter data in Excel, some rows become invisible. Rows that contain unfiltered data are hidden. You can show invisible rows by withdrawing the applied Filter. For instance, in the below dataset rows 5,6,8, and 10 are not showing as we filtered the dataset for Apple.

Rows Are Not Hidden but Not Displaying When Excel Filter Is Applied


  • Go to the corresponding worksheet that contains the data and click any of the cells.

Rows Are Not Hidden but Not Displaying When Excel Filter Is Applied

  • Go to Data and select Filter.
  • Click on the Filter option to disable the filtering.

Rows Are Not Hidden but Not Displaying When Excel Filter Is Applied

  • All the rows in the dataset become visible again.

You can use Ctrl + Shift + L to apply and disable the Filter.

Reason 3 – Excel Rows Are Not Visible Because of Freeze Panes

When we apply the Freeze Panes in Excel and scroll the data, it seems some rows have become hidden. However, these rows are not showing because we scrolled the dataset down after applying Freeze Panes. For example, in the below dataset, we have locked the first four rows by applying Freeze Panes.

Excel Rows Are Not Visible because of Freeze Panes


  • Go to the active worksheet and select any cell.
  • Go to View, select Freeze Panes, and choose Unfreeze Panes.

Excel Rows Are Not Visible because of Freeze Panes

  • We can see that all the rows are showing now.

Read More: How to Unhide Top Rows in Excel

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Hosne Ara
Hosne Ara

Hosne Ara is a materials and metallurgical engineer who loves exploring Excel and VBA programming. To her, programming is like a time-saving superhero for dealing with data, files, and the internet. She's skilled in Rhino3D, Maxsurf C++, MS Office, AutoCAD, and Excel & VBA, going beyond the basics. With a B. Sc. in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, she's shifted gears and now works as a content developer. In this role, she... Read Full Bio

  1. Thanks for the info. This missed one variation that I experienced, but it was close enough to help me figure it out. The case is with frozen panes, but has nothing to do with scrolling the data after freezing. If you freeze some initial rows/columns (the first freeze option) but you are not displaying ALL the initial rows or columns when you freeze, the ones not visible will remain frozen but not displayed, and there is no way to scroll frozen rows or columns! The solution is the same: unfreeze everything.

    • Dear Fremont,

      Thank you for sharing your experience and the variation you encountered regarding frozen panes in Excel. Your observation highlights an important aspect of freezing panes, particularly when not all initial rows or columns are visible during the freezing process. In such cases, the unfrozen rows or columns that are not displayed can become inaccessible for scrolling.

      Your solution to unfreeze everything is indeed a valid approach to overcome this limitation. By unfreezing all rows and columns, you can regain full control and visibility of the entire worksheet, allowing for seamless scrolling and navigation.

      We appreciate your input and valuable contribution to the discussion. If you have any further questions or need assistance with any other topics related to Excel, please feel free to ask.

      Best regards,

      Al Ikram Amit

      Team ExcelDemy

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