How to Fix the ‘Rows to Repeat at Top’ Feature in Excel If Greyed Out (4 Fixes)

Below is a dataset that represents the sales of various salespersons in different regions.

Fix 1: Applying Page Setup from the Page Layout Ribbon

Looking at the image below, the Page Setup dialog box is open from the print preview window and the Rows to Repeat at Top feature is grayed out. There’s no way to use this command form here.

Apply Page Setup from Page Layout Ribbon to Activate Excel Rows to Repeat at Top Feature


  • Open the Page Setup dialog box from the Page Layout ribbon and then use the Rows to Repeat at Top feature.
  • Click Page Layout > Print Titles.

Apply Page Setup from Page Layout Ribbon to Activate Excel Rows to Repeat at Top Feature

The feature should now work.

Fix 2: Unselect Multiple Sheets Before Page Setup

Below, the Rows to Repeat at Top feature is ticked, but it won’t work although I opened it from the Page Layout ribbon.

Unselect Multiple Sheets Before Page Setup to Activate Excel Rows to Repeat at Top Feature

  •  Two sheets were selected before using the feature.

Unselect Multiple Sheets Before Page Setup to Activate Excel Rows to Repeat at Top Feature


  • Select only one sheet and then apply the Rows to Repeat at Top feature.

It should now work.

Fix 3: Exit Editing a Cell Before Page Setup

Below, Page Layout is clicked on, but no option is available.

Escape from Editing a Cell Before Page Setup to Activate Excel Rows to Repeat at Top Feature

Cell D5 was being edited and it was kept in editing mode.

Escape from Editing a Cell Before Page Setup to Activate Excel Rows to Repeat at Top Feature


  • Press the ESC key to exit from the editing mode of a cell.

Every option of the Page Layout ribbon is available.

You can now apply the Rows to Repeat at Top feature.

Read More: How to Repeat Rows in Excel Based on Cell Value

Fix 4: Close Other Workbooks with an Open ‘Print Preview’

If a Print Preview window is open for another workbook, the Row to repeat at top field is prevented from functioning, leading to the greyed-out problem for the current workbook.

Rows to repeat at top is not working

Check if there is another workbook running in the background.

Another file is running in the background

  • If this is the case, as in the image above, close the additional window.

Close the Excel file

  • The Rows to repeat at top field should now perform for the current workbook.

Now Rows to repeat at top working perfectly.

Read More: How to Repeat Multiple Rows in Excel

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Md. Sourov Hossain Mithun
Md. Sourov Hossain Mithun

Md. Sourov Hossain Mithun, an Excel and VBA Content Developer at Softeko's ExcelDemy project, joined in October 2021. Holding a Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering degree from BUET, Mithun showcases expertise during his two-year tenure. With over 200 published articles on Excel topics, he earned a promotion to Team Leader, excelling in leading diverse teams. Mithun's passion extends to Advanced Excel, Excel VBA, Data Analysis, and Python programming, contributing significantly to the innovative and dynamic environment of ExcelDemy... Read Full Bio

  1. I am still greyed out and none of these apply. Any other suggestions?

    • Hello KATHY,
      Thanks for your feedback. Would you please check whether your worksheet is protected or not? If not then your problem is quite specific. So if you would share your file with us then hope, we could find out the reason and provide a solution.

  2. None on these are helping. It’s still greyed out.

    • Hello ROXY,
      Thanks for your feedback. The above three issues are all the most common and possible issues that we have recognized till now. Would you please check whether your worksheet is protected or not? If not then maybe your problem is quite particular and that’s quite difficult to find without the file. So if you would share your file with us then hope, we could find out the reason and give a proper solution.

      *Sharing email address: [email protected]

  3. none of the above options resolved the grayed out options “Rows to repeat at top:” “Columns to repeat at Left:” “Print area:” the other functions in page setup work.

  4. Reply Avatar photo
    Fahim Shahriyar Dipto Dec 1, 2022 at 2:28 PM

    Hello Ken K,
    Thanks for your feedback. The Print Title options including Rows to Repeat are always disabled in the Print Preview’s page setup. Display the spreadsheet in Normal view, go to the Page Layout tab and click on Print Titles. You may check whether your worksheet is protected or not. If you are facing the same problem then your problem may be quite exceptional. So, we can not solve the problem without your Excel file. You can share your Excel file via [email protected].
    Hopefully, we will be able to solve your problem. Keep supporting us.
    Fahim Shahriyar Dipto
    Excel & VBA Content Developer.

  5. nope, doesn’t work and I have a very experienced excel user. I have never experienced this issue before today (2/6/23)

    • Hello JOE,

      Thank you for your feedback. Did you try the solutions suggested in the article and did they work before 6 February 2023?
      If the solutions worked before, then you may need to repair your Microsoft Office application.
      Hopefully, this resolves the problem.


  6. Also, make sure you don’t have print preview with or without page setup (from the preview page) open in another document, or it still will be grayed from the ribbon’s page layout > print titles in the active document.

    • Reply Md. Sourav Hossain Mithun
      Md. Sourov Hossain Mithun Aug 10, 2023 at 11:28 AM

      Hello PHIL REINIE,

      Thanks for your feedback. The issue you introduced is really a valid issue that we never faced before. Thanks a lot for sharing it with us. We have added this solution in our article, we hope it will help other users.

      Thanks and regards,
      Md. Sourov Hossain Mithun

  7. Wonderful! You made it look so very simple, which Microsoft forums could not do! Great!

  8. Searched everywhere to solve this issue and your article was the only one found which had the solution – didn’t realize another open excel file in print preview mode would deter this option…thank you!

    • Hello Melissa,

      We are glad that our article solved your problem. You are most welcome. Thanks for your appreciation.


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