Using Excel VBA to Delete Rows Based on the Cell Value – 5 Examples

Enabling the Developer Tab in Excel

If the Developer tab on the Excel Ribbon is hidden, you need to enable it in the settings options.

Launching the VBA Editor

  • Press Alt + F11 to open the Microsoft Visual Basic Applications
  • Click Insert and select Module.

Insert vba module in excel

  • A module is displayed.

Create a module and insert code in excel vba

The sample dataset contains the “Net Sales of Products”: ID, Name of the Salesman, Product, and Net Sales.

Dataset to delete row based on value in Excel VBA

Example 1 – Combining an If Statement and a For Loop to Delete Rows.

Combining If Statement and For Loop to delete rows in Excel VBA

  • Create a new module in the VBA window.
  • Enter the following code in the module.
'Combination of If Statement and For loop
'Declaring Sub-procedure
Sub Delete_Rows_with_If_and_For()
'Declaring variables
Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Range("B5:E11")
    'We will delete rows containing Cable
    If cell.Value = "Cable" Then
    End If
Next cell
End Sub

A For loop is used within B5:E11. If the cell value is Cable, it will delete the rows.

  • Press F5 or click Run to run the code.

Example 2 – Utilizing the Filter Feature to Delete Rows with Excel VBA

Utilizing Filter Feature to delete rows based on value in Excel VBA

  • Create a new module in the VBA window.
  • Enter the following code in the module.
'Use of Filter Feature in VBA
'Declaring Sub-procedure
Sub Delete_Rows_Using_Filter_Feature()
'Declaring variables
Dim WB As Worksheet
'Set the worksheet where you want to apply the VBA
  Set WB = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Filter Feature with VBA")
  'Delete any filters if exists
  On Error Resume Next
  On Error GoTo 0
'Provide criteria through which you want to filter
  WB.Range("B5:E11").AutoFilter Field:=3, Criteria1:="Cable"
'Delete rows from the Range which matches the criteria
  Application.DisplayAlerts = False
  Application.DisplayAlerts = True
'Now, clear filter
  On Error Resume Next
  On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

The code sets the worksheet Filter Feature with VBA and the Range B5:E11AutoFilter Field:=3 searches for Criteria1:=”Cable” in the Product column of the dataset.

  • Press F5 or click Run to run the code.

Example 3 – Delete Rows If the Cell Is Empty with Excel VBA

Delete Rows If Cell is Empty in Excel VBA

  • Create a new module in the VBA window.
  • Enter the following code in the module.
'Delete Rows if Cell is Empty
'Declaring Sub-procedure
Sub Delete_Rows_if_Cell_is_Empty()
'Select Range from where you want to delete rows containing empty cells
End Sub
  • Press F5 or click Run to run the code.

Example 4 – Using Excel VBA to Delete Blank Rows

The dataset was slightly modified.

Dataset for deleting blank rows in Excel

Blank rows were added between multiple rows. To remove the blank rows:

Deleting Blank Rows with Excel VBA

  • Create a new module in the VBA window.
  • Enter the following code in the module.
'Deleting Blank Rows
'Declaring Sub-procedure
Sub Delete_Blank_Rows()
'Declaring Variables
Dim BlRw As Range
For Each BlRw In Range("B5:E15")
    If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(BlRw.EntireRow) = 0 Then
    End If
Next BlRw
End Sub

A For loop is used within B5:E15. An If statement checks whether the rows are empty with the help of the COUNTA function. The code deletes the empty rows.

  • Press F5 or click Run to run the code.

Example 5 – Delete Rows Based on Specific Criteria Set by the User

Delete Rows Based on Specific Criteria Set by User with Excel VBA

  • Select the dataset.
  • Go to the Insert tab and select Table.

Create Table feature from Insert Tab in Excel

  • Click OK.

Create Table dialog box in Excel

  • A table is created.

Creating a Table in Excel

  • Insert a new module in the VBA window.
  • Enter the following code in the module.
'Deleting Rows Based on Specific Criteria Set by User
'Declaring Sub-procedure
Sub Delete_Rows_Based_on_Criteria_by_User()
'Declaring Variables
Dim LstObj As ListObject
Dim LgRows As Long
Dim FltrCriteria As Variant
  'Set the sheet name and Table as reference
  Set LstObj = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Specific Criteria Set by User").ListObjects(1)
  'Activate sheet that Table is on
  'Now, Clear if any filters exists
  'Enter the Filter criteria
  FltrCriteria = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Enter the filter criteria for the Product column." _
                                    & vbNewLine & "Keep the box empty if you want to filter for blanks.", _
                                    Title:="Filter Criteria", _
  'Exit if user hits the Cancel button
  If FltrCriteria = False Then Exit Sub
  'Apply the Filter
  LstObj.Range.AutoFilter Field:=3, Criteria1:=FltrCriteria
  'Count Rows & display message
  On Error Resume Next
    LgRows = WorksheetFunction.Subtotal(103, LstObj.ListColumns(1).DataBodyRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible))
  On Error GoTo 0
    'The following part will Delete Filtered Rows
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    'Now, Clear the Filter
End Sub

A Filter criterion is used in the code with the help of an InputBox. You need to enter the filter value in the box and the code will delete the rows that match the value.

  • Press F5 or click Run to run the code.

Using Excel VBA to Delete Rows Based on Cells in Another Sheet

The “Dataset” sheet  is selected. Another sheet: “Delete Row On Another Sheet” will check it and delete rows that match the previous one. The ID column of the dataset was slightly changed.

VBA to Delete Rows Based on Cells in Another Sheet

  • Insert a new module in the VBA window.
  • Enter the following code in the module.
'Deleting Rows Based on Cells in Other Sheet
'Declaring Sub-procedur
Sub Delete_Rows_Based_On_Cells_in_Other_Sheet()
'Declaring Variables
    Dim ws11 As Worksheet, ws22 As Worksheet
    Dim lasstRow As Long, i As Long, j As Long
    Dim DeleteRows As Range, cell As Range
    'Set "Sheet1" to the name of the sheet from where you want to delete rows from
    Set ws11 = Sheets("Based on Cells in Other Sheet")
    'Set "Sheet2" to the name of the sheet which you want to compare with
    Set ws22 = Sheets("Dataset")
    'Consider column B has data and finding the last row in column B
    lasstRow = ws11.Cells(ws11.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
    'My data started with row 5
    For i = 5 To lasstRow
    'Assuming column B has data and finding the last row in column B
        For j = 1 To ws22.Cells(ws22.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
        'Considering the cells which will be compared are in column B in both sheets
            If ws11.Cells(i, 2) = ws22.Cells(j, 2) Then
                If DeleteRows Is Nothing Then
                    Set DeleteRows = ws11.Rows(i)
                    Set DeleteRows = Union(DeleteRows, ws11.Rows(i))
                End If
                Exit For
            End If
        Next j
    Next i
    If Not DeleteRows Is Nothing Then DeleteRows.Delete
End Sub

In this code, the Dataset sheet is set to be compared to the Based on Cells in Other Sheet worksheet. Two For loops and two If statements compare the values of column B in the two sheets. If the value matches, the code will delete the rows.

  • Press F5 or click Run to run the code.

Using Excel VBA to Delete Rows in Another Sheet

You are working in the“Dataset” sheet and want to delete rows in the “Delete Row On Another Sheet”. Here, B7:E10 was selected to delete rows.

Excel VBA Code to Delete Row On Another Sheet

  • Insert a new module in the VBA window.
  • Enter the following code in the module.
'Deleting Row on Another Sheet
'Declaring Sub-procedure
Sub DeleteRows()
'Select the sheet name from where you want to delete rows and the Range
    ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Delete Row On Another Sheet").Range("B7:E10").Delete xlUp
End Sub
  • Press F5 or click Run to run the code.

How to Remove Duplicate Rows in Excel VBA

Remove Duplicate Rows sample dataset in Excel

The dataset was changed: rows were copied to create duplicates.

Excel VBA Code to Remove Duplicate Rows

  • Insert a new module in the VBA window.
  • Enter the following code in the module.
'Removing Duplicate Rows
'Declaring Sub-procedure
Sub Remove_Duplicate_Rows()
'Define the range from where you want to remove duplicates
Range("B5:E11").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=4
End Sub

In this code, B5:E11 is selected. Columns:=4 indicates the column index number: 4. The code will remove rows if it finds any duplicates within this range.

  • Press F5 or click Run to run the code.

Excel VBA to Delete the Entire Row Based on a Cell Value

Excel VBA to Delete Entire Row Based on Cell Value

  • Insert a new module in the VBA window.
  • Enter the following code in the module.
'Declaring Sub-procedure
Sub Delete_Entire_Row_Based_on_Cell_Value()
'Declaring variables
Dim s_row As Long
Dim c_i As Long
'Provide the last row number
s_row = 12
For c_i = s_row To 1 Step -1
   If Cells(c_i, 4) = "Cable" Then
   End If
End Sub

In this code, a For loop and an If statement are used. The If statement checks for Cable in the Products column. 4 is the column index number.

  • Press F5 or click Run to run the code.

How to Delete Rows and Shift the other rows Up with VBA in Excel

Delete Row with VBA and Shift Up in Excel

  • Insert a new module in the VBA window.
  • Enter the following code in the module.
'Deleting Row with VBA and Shift Up
'Declaring Sub-procedure
Sub Delete_Row_and_Shift_Up()
'Declaring Variables
    Dim Rw As Double
    Rw = Worksheets("Delete Row and Shift Up").Range("B11").End(xlUp).Row
    Worksheets("Delete Row and Shift Up").Range("B5:B" & Rw).SpecialCells _
    (xlCellTypeBlanks).EntireRow.Delete shift:=xlUp
End Sub

Column B is selected as Range, B11 as the last row and B5 as the starting row. The code will delete rows if any cell within the range is empty and shift:=xlUp will move the remaining rows upwards.

  • Press F5 or click Run to run the code.

Read More: Delete Row with VBA and Shift Up Cells in Excel

Using an Excel VBA Code to Delete Rows Based on Multiple Cell Values

I. Delete Rows If the Cell Value Is Not One of the specified Values

Delete Rows If Cell Value Is Not One of Desired Values in Excel VBA

  • Insert a new module in the VBA window.
  • Enter the following code in the module.
'Delete Rows If Cell Value is Not One of Desired Values
'Declaring Sub-procedure
Sub Delete_Rows_If_Cell_Value_is_not_one_of_Desired_Values()
'Declaring variables
Dim Prt As Long
For Prt = Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row To 5 Step -1
    If Cells(Prt, "D").Value <> "Cable" And Cells(Prt, "D").Value <> "Fridge" And Cells(Prt, "D") <> "TV" Then
    End If
End Sub

A For loop and an If statement are used within column D. The code checks for Cable, Fridge, and TV and deletes rows that don’t contain these values.

  • Press F5 or click Run to run the code.

Read More: How to Delete Row If Cell Contains Value Using Macro in Excel

II. Deleting Rows Based on Multiple Criteria

Deleting Rows Based on Multiple Criteria in Excel VBA

  • Insert a new module in the VBA window.
  • Enter the following code in the module.
'Delete Rows Based on multiple Criteria
'Declaring Sub-procedure
Sub Delete_Rows_based_on_Multiple_Criteria()
'Declaring variables
    Dim LastRow As Long
    Dim p As Long
    'Get the last row in column B
    LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
    'Start from the last row and loop upwards
    For p = LastRow To 5 Step -1
        'Check if both conditions are met
        If Cells(p, "B") = "14107" And Cells(p, "D") = "TV" Then
            'Delete the entire row
        End If
    Next p
End Sub

The If statement searches for 14107 in column B and TV in column D. With the help of For loop, every cell within the range is checked. The code will delete rows that meet both conditions.

  • Press F5 or click Run to run the code.

III. Delete Rows That are Empty in Column B and Not-Empty in Column D

Delete Rows That Is Empty in Column B and Not-Empty in Column D in Excel VBA

  • Insert a new module in the VBA window.
  • Enter the following code in the module.
'Deleting Rows which is Empty in Column B and Not-Empty in Column D
'Declaring Sub-procedure
Sub Delete_Rows_based_on_Empty_Non_Empty_Cell()
'Declaring variables
    Dim LastRow As Long
    Dim p As Long
    'Get the last row in column B
    LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
    'Start from the last row and loop upwards
    For p = LastRow To 5 Step -1
        'Check if both conditions are met
        If Cells(p, "B") = "" And Cells(p, "D") = "TV" Then
            'Delete the entire row
        End If
    Next p
End Sub

The If statement searches for Blank cells in column B and TV in column D. With the help of the For loop, every cell within the range is checked. The code deletes rows that meet both conditions.

  • Press F5 or click Run to run the code.

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Mehedi Hasan
Mehedi Hasan

Mehedi Hasan, a BSc graduate in Naval Architecture & Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, plays a pivotal role as an Excel & VBA Content Developer at ExcelDemy. Fueled by a profound passion for research and innovation, he actively engages with Excel. In his capacity, Mehedi not only adeptly tackles intricate challenges but also showcases enthusiasm and expertise in navigating tough situations with finesse, underscoring his unwavering dedication to consistently delivering exceptional and high-quality content. He... Read Full Bio

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