Excel VBA Offset Column (5 Suitable Cases)

The Offset column property is very useful in copying cell entries from a column. In this article, we will discuss the use of the Offset function in cases of Column offset in Excel VBA, such as selecting a single column, single cell, multiple columns, assigning values to cells, and so on.

Overview of Excel VBA Offset Column

How to Launch VBA Editor in Excel

VBA code is written in a module created in the VBA Editor. To launch the VBA Editor & create a VBA module, you need the Developer tab to display on your ribbon. If you don’t have see it, enable it by following the instructions at this link: how to display the Developer tab on your ribbon.


  • Go to the Developer tab.
  • Select Visual Basic.

Steps to Open VBA Editor

A new window will pop up.

  • Select Insert.
  • Select Module.

A new Module will be created.

Opening VBA Module

Syntax of Offset in Excel VBA

The Offset function is a built-in function in Excel VBA that refers to a cell or range of cells that are a specified number of rows and columns away from a starting cell or range. The Syntax of the Offset function is:

=Offset (Reference, Rows, Columns, Height, Width)

Argument Explanation

  • Reference: Starting cell or range of cells to offset from.
  • Rows: Number of rows to be offset from the starting cell or range. A positive value will move the reference down, while a negative value will move it up.
  • Columns: Number of columns to be offset from the starting cell or range. A positive value will move the reference to the right, while a negative value will move it to the left.
  • Height: The number of rows to include in the resulting range (Optional).
  • Width: The number of columns to include in the resulting range (Optional).

Excel VBA to Offset Column: 5 Suitable Cases

Example 1 – Using Activecell.Offset Property to Offset Column and Select Cell

ActiveCell.Offset is a method in VBA that is used to refer to a cell that is a specified number of rows and/or columns away from the currently active cell. The ActiveCell object represents the currently active cell in the active worksheet. By using the Offset method with the ActiveCell object, we can easily refer to cells that are nearby without specifying their row and column numbers explicitly.

1.1 – Move Right of Column

To move right from the current cell, we will define the row offset as zero and provide the column offset value.

  • Enter the following code in a new Module window:
Sub offset_active()
   ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
End Sub

Code to Move to Right Columns

Code Explanation

ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select

ActiveCell : Refers to the currently active cell in the worksheet

Offset(0, 1) : Moves the currently active cell to the next column while the row remains unchanged.

.Select : Selects the specified range.

Execution of Code & Viewing Output

To view the output:

  • Select a cell in the worksheet.
  • Press F5 to run the code above in VBA.

Here, before running the code, the active cell is B10.

Before Code Execution

Just after we run the code, C10 becomes the active cell.

After Code Execution

1.2 – Move Specific Number of Cells from Column

In the above example, we moved the active cell one column to the right by hard-coding the number of columns to move in the code. Now, we’ll provide an InputBox where the user will provide the number. The code will move the current selection by that number of cells.

  • Copy the following code and paste in a new module window:
Sub Offset_column_cell()
Dim offsetAmount As Integer
offsetAmount = InputBox("Enter the number of columns to offset:")
ActiveCell.Offset(0, offsetAmount).Select
End Sub

Code to Move X Number of Columns

Code Explanation

offsetAmount = InputBox("Enter the number of columns to offset:")

This InputBox takes the desired number of columns to be offset from the user and stores it in the offsetAmount variable.

ActiveCell.Offset(0, offsetAmount).Select

Sets the active cell to the cell that is “offsetAmount” columns to the right.

Execution of Code & Viewing Output

  • Select a cell, and press F5 to run the code.

An InputBox appears like in the image below.

InputBox to Write the Desired Number of Offset Column

  • Enter a number and click OK.

The active cell has moved to the right by the specified number of cells.

Output of Offset X Number of Cells

Example 2 – Using Range.Offset Property to Offset Column

Like the ActiveCell.Offset property, we can use the Range.Offset property in VBA to offset cells.

Here is the code:

Sub Offset_rangenext()
  Range("d9").Offset(, -2).Select
End Sub

Code to Offset by Range.Offset

Code Explanation

  Range("d9").Offset(, -2).Select

Range(“d9”) : Refers to cell D9 in the active worksheet.

Offset(, -2): The row offset value is missing here, which implies that the code will not offset in the vertical direction while “-2” specifies that the range should be moved two columns to the left.

Execution of Code & Viewing Output

In the case of ActiveCell.Offset method, we have to select a cell first before running the code. With the Range.Offset method we can just run the code and get the output. In this case, cell B9 is selected in the output.

Output of Range.Offset Property

Example 3 – Offset Whole Column Selection

In addition to offsetting the active cell, we can also offset a whole column selection.

Here is the code:

Sub Offset_selectarea()
Dim selectedRange As Range
Dim offsetAmount As Integer
' Get the selected range of cells
Set selectedRange = Selection
' Get the amount of offset from the user
offsetAmount = InputBox("Enter the number of columns to offset", "Offset Columns")
' Offset the selected range
selectedRange.Offset(0, offsetAmount).Select ' Select the offset cells
End Sub

Code to Offset Whole column Selection

Code Explanation

Set selectedRange = Selection

Assigns the current selection to the variable “selectedRange”.

selectedRange.Offset(0, offsetAmount).Select

Offsets the selected range horizontally by the amount that the user specifies. The new column is then selected by the code.

Execution of Code and Output Viewing

To view the output:

  • Select a column.

Selected Column in the Sheet

  • Select the Macro and run the code.
  • Enter a value, for example “3”.

InputBox to Enter Offset Value

Our column selection is offset by the specified amount.

Final Output of Offset Whole Column

Example 4 – Assign Value to Several Columns

Beyond using the offset property to change a selection, we can use it to assign values to several columns too, by converting the values into an array. The following example will assign values to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th columns. Modify the code to add more should you require.

Here’s the code:

Sub AssignValues()
Dim myValues As Variant
myValues = Array("Apple", "Banana", "Orange", "Pear", "Grape")
'Loop through each value in the array
For i = 0 To UBound(myValues)
    'Assign the current value to the next cell in the active row
    ActiveCell.Offset(-1, i).Value = i + 1
    ActiveCell.Offset(0, i).Value = myValues(i)
    Next i
End Sub

Code to Assign Values in Several Columns

How Does the Code Work?

myValues = Array("Apple", "Banana", "Orange", "Pear", "Grape")

Creates an array containing some values.

For i = 0 To UBound(myValues)

The For loop iterates from 0 to the index of the last value of the “myValues” array.

ActiveCell.Offset(-1, i).Value = i + 1

Sets the value of a cell that is one row above the active cell, and “i” columns away, to i+1.

ActiveCell.Offset(0, i).Value = myValues(i)

Refers to a cell that is in the same row as the active cell (since the first argument is 0), and a certain “i” of columns away (since the second argument is i, the loop counter variable). Then it assigns the cell the “i” th value of the array “myValues”.

Execution & Output

After running the code, the output looks like the image below.

Output of Assigning Values to Column

Example 5 – Copying Column Range Using Offset

Overview of Copying Column Entries

Using the Offset function is a great way to copy the values of a column and use them later.

Here is an example:

Sub Copy_Column_values()
Dim rng As Range
Dim val1 As String
Set rng = Range(Range("A4").Offset(1, 1), Range("A11").Offset(1, 1))
'Copying the range values to clipboard
'Loop through each cell in the range
For Each Cell In rng
       'Storing the values in string
        val1 = val1 & Cell.Value & vbCrLf
Next Cell
'Display the string in a message box
MsgBox "The copied values are:" & vbCrLf & val1
End Sub

Code to Copy Column Values

How Does the Code Function?

Set rng = Range(Range("A4").Offset(1, 1), Range("A11").Offset(1, 1))
Range("A4").Offset(1, 1)

Refers to cell A4 then moves the starting cell down one row and right one column, to cell B5, the start of the Range.

Range("A11").Offset(1, 1)

Refers to cell A11 then moves the starting cell one row down and one column right, to cell B12, the Range end.

Set rng

Assigns the range from B5 to B12 to the variable rng.


The data within the “rng” range object is stored in the clipboard.

For Each Cell In rng

A loop that iterates through each cell in the rng range object.

val1 = val1 & Cell.Value & vbCrLf

Makes a string named val1 to store the value of rng, where all the values are kept in new lines.

Execution & Output

To view the output of the code, run it from the Developer tab.

After clicking on the Run button, we receive the following output:.

Showing the Column Values in MsgBox

Note: We have copied one column here. Simply modify the code above to add more.

How to Use Range Offset in Excel VBA

Now let’s offset a selected range 2 rows down and 3 columns right (or any amounts). The code to do this is as follows:

Sub Range_offset()
Dim selectedRange As Range
Set selectedRange = Application.InputBox("Select a range:", Type:=8)
If selectedRange Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "You did not select a range."
    selectedRange.Offset(2, 3).Select
End If
End Sub

Code to Offset Range

How Does the Code Function?

Set selectedRange = Application.InputBox("Select a range:", Type:=8)

InputBox : Displays an InputBox with the message “Select a range”.

Type:=8 : Specifies that the user should select a range.

Set selectedRange: Assigns the range selected by the user to the variable “selectedRange”.

If selectedRange Is Nothing Then

Checks whether the variable “selectedRange” contains a valid range object.

selectedRange.Offset(2, 3).Select

Offsets the selection in the worksheet by 2 rows across and 3 columns down.

Execution and Output

When we run the code above in VBA, an InputBox appears.

  • Select the range.

Offset Range InputBox

  • Click “OK”.

The specified range is selected.

Output of Code Execution

How to Use Offset Within a Loop in Excel VBA

In this example, we determine the Total Marks of the students in the dataset below by combining the Offset function with the For loop in VBA code.

Dataset of Offset Loop in VBA

Use this code to determine the Total Marks and assign them to column E:

Sub Offset_loop()
Dim Row As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim num1 As Double
Dim num2 As Double
Row = Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row ' Find the last row of the data
For i = 5 To Row ' Loop through each row of the data, starting at row 5
        num1 = Range("C" & i).Value
        num2 = Range("D" & i).Value
        Range("D" & i).Offset(0, 1).Value = num1 + num2
    Next i
End Sub

Code of Offset Loop VBA

How Does the Code Function?

Row = Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 

“B” & Rows.Count: Creates a string that represents the last cell in column B.

num1 = Range(“C” & i).Value: C is the column name while i is the index of the column. So, C & i represents a cell in the sheet. The corresponding cell value is then assigned to the variable num1.

Range(“D” & i).Offset(0, 1).Value = num1 + num2: Adds the values of num1 and num2, and writes the result to a cell in column E. 

Execution & Output

  • Run the code to view the output.

The Total Marks for each student are correctly returned.

Output of Offset Loop VBA

Read More: Excel VBA Offset Within Loop

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What does the Offset function Do?

It allows you to move the active cell or a range of cells a certain number of rows and columns from its current location.

  • How do you use the Offset function to move to a specific column?

Use the Offset function with a Rows argument of 0 and a Columns argument that corresponds to the number of columns you want to move. For example, if you want to move to the column 5 to the right of the active cell, use the following code:

ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Select
  • How do you use the Offset function to reference a range of cells in a specific column?

Use the Offset function in combination with the Range function.

Things to Remember

  • The syntax for the Excel VBA Offset function is Offset(Reference, Rows, Columns, Height, Width).
  • The Reference argument is the starting cell or range of cells.
  • The Height and Width arguments are optional and specify the size of the range in the output.
  • The Offset function can be a powerful tool for manipulating data in Excel VBA, but it should be used with care to avoid errors and unexpected results.

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Md Junaed-Ar-Rahman, a Biomedical Engineering graduate from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, has contributed to the ExcelDemy project for one year. As a technical content developer, he has authored 15+ unique articles and actively addressed user problems. He participated in 2 specialized training programs on VBA and Chart & Dashboard design in Excel. His passion lies in solving problems uniquely and exploring new functions and formulas. Eager for future exploration, he aims to gain proficiency in applications... Read Full Bio

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