How to Use the Excel VBA VLookup Function with a Named Range – 5 Examples

The VBA VLookup Function and the Named Range

Summary of the VBA VLookup Function

The VBA VLookup function finds a specified value from the first column of a defined table array and returns a value from another column of the same table array.


WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, [Arg4])

the expression indicates a variable that refers to a Worksheet Function object.

Syntax of VBA VLookup in Excel


Arguments Required/Optional Explanation
Arg1 Required  the value that will be searched  in the first column of the lookup_array.
Arg2 Required  the range of the cells that contain data.
Arg3 Required  the column number of the output column in the table_array.
Arg4 Optional denotes a logical value (TRUE/FALSE). TRUE searches for an approximate match of Arg1. FALSE searches for an exact match of Arg1.

Named Range

A named range is a collection of one or more cells that are given a name.

Consider the dataset below.

Sample Dataset

  • Select the entire range >> click the Name Box.

Selecting Range to Enter Named Range

  • Enter the name of the named range. Here, Employee_Data. Press ENTER.

Entering Named Range


How to Launch the VBA Editor in Excel

  • Go to the Developer tab >> click Visual Basic.

Note:  If the Developer tab is not available, you can manually enable it.

Selecting Visual Basic Option

  • Go to the Insert tab >> Select Module.

Inserting Module

You can use your code in this Module.

Note: You can double-click any sheet name in the VB Editor and enter code there. However, codes that are entered in the sheets will only work in those sheets.Codes entered in a Module work on any sheet of the workbook.

Creating Blank Module to Write Code

Example 1 – Showing a Single Output from a specific Entry in the Named Range in a MsgBox


  • Create a Module >> Enter the following code >> click Save.

Writing VBA Code

Sub VLOOKUP_Single_Output()
Dim myRange As Range
Dim lookup_value As Variant
On Error GoTo errorMsg
Set myRange = Range("Employee_Data")
lookup_value = Range("B23")
MsgBox WorksheetFunction.VLookup(lookup_value, myRange, _
3, False), , "Employee Name"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Please use a valid Employee ID"
End Sub

Code Breakdown

List of Variables Used

Variable Name Data Type
myRange  Range
lookup_value  Variant
On Error GoTo errorMsg
  • If an error occurs, the On Error statement starts executing the code from the errorMsg block and skips all lines of codes in between.
Set myRange = Range("Employee_Data")
lookup_value = Range("B23")
  • The Set statement is used to define the data range (Employee_Data).
  • B23 is assigned as lookup_value.
MsgBox WorksheetFunction.VLookup(lookup_value, myRange, _
3, False), , "Employee Name"
Exit Sub
  • The WorksheetFunction.VLookup method matches the first column of the named range with the lookup_value and returns values from the 3rd column of the named range if it finds an exact match.
  • The MsgBox function shows the output in a MsgBox. Here, the title of the MsgBox is “Employee Name”.
  • The code exits the sub-procedure.
MsgBox "Please use a valid Employee ID"
End Sub
  • An error will occur  if there is no match for Employee ID. A MsgBox will display “Please use a valid Employee ID” and the subprocedure ends.
  • Press ALT + F11 and go back to the worksheet.

Running the Macro Using the Developer Tab:

  • Enter a valid Employee ID in B23. Here, Employee ID 1100809.
  • Go to the Developer tab and choose Macros.

Selecting Macros Option

  • In the Macro dialog box, select VLOOKUP_Single_Output and click Run.

Choosing Macro to Rub Code

You will see the Employee Name for the Employee ID 1100809 displayed in a MsgBox:

Showing Employee Name in a MsgBox

If you enter the wrong Employee ID in B23 and run the VBA code:

Using Wrong Employee ID

A MsgBox displays “Please use a Valid Employee ID”.

Showing MsgBox for Invalid Employee ID

Read More: Excel VBA Vlookup with Multiple Criteria

Example 2 – VLookup Values from a Named Range using the User Input


  • Create a Module >> Use the following code >> click Save.

Writing and Saving VBA Code

Sub VLOOKUP_Single_Output()
Dim myRange As Range
Dim lookup_value As Variant
On Error GoTo errorMsg
Set myRange = Range("Employee_Data")
lookup_value = Range("B23")
MsgBox WorksheetFunction.VLookup(lookup_value, myRange, _
3, False), , "Employee Name"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Please use a valid Employee ID"
End Sub

Code Breakdown

List of Variables Used

Variable Name Data Type
myRange  Range
lookup_value  Variant
lookup_value = Int(Application.InputBox _
("Please enter an Employee ID", "Employee ID", , , , , , 8))
  • The Application.InputBox method takes the user and assigns it to the lookup_value variable.
  • Please enter an Employee ID” is the message that will be displayed in the InputBox8 indicates the Type parameter of the Application.InputBox method.
MsgBox WorksheetFunction.VLookup(lookup_value, myRange, 3, _
False), , "Employee Name"
  • A MsgBox is used to show the output after using the VBA VLookup function.
  • Save the code.
  • Press ALT + F11.
  • Go back to the worksheet.

Running the Macro using a Keyboard Shortcut:

  • To open the Macro dialog box, press ALT + F8.
  • Select VLOOKUP_User_Input.
  • Click Run.

Running Macro

A dialog box named Employee ID will be displayed in your worksheet:

  • Click the Employee ID dialog box >> choose any cell in the Employee ID column >> click OK.

Selecting Cell to Enter Employee ID

The Employee Name for the selected Employee ID will be displayed in an MSgBox.

Displaying MsgBox to Show Employee Name

Example 3 – Extracting All Columns Data for a specific Entry from a Named Range


  • Create a Module >> Enter the VBA code >> Click  Save.
  • Click Run Sub/Userform in the VB Editor window.

Writing VBA Code and Saving It

Sub VLOOKUP_Single_Output()
Dim myRange As Range
Dim lookup_value As Variant
On Error GoTo errorMsg
Set myRange = Range("Employee_Data")
lookup_value = Range("B23")
MsgBox WorksheetFunction.VLookup(lookup_value, myRange, _
3, False), , "Employee Name"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Please use a valid Employee ID"
End Sub

Code Breakdown

List of Variables Used

Variable Name Data Type
myRange  Range
lookup_value  Variant
end_row  Long
result  String
Arr Variant
ReDim Arr(3)
  • the ReDim statement specifies the size of the array. Here,  3.
For i = 2 To 5
Arr(i - 2) = Cells(4, i).Value
Next j
  • A For Next loop stores column headers of row 4 in the array by looping through column B to column E.
For i = 2 To 5
If i = 3 Then
result = result & Arr(i - 2) & ": " & _
Format(WorksheetFunction.VLookup(lookup_value, _
myRange, i - 1, False), "m/d/yyyy") & vbCrLf
GoTo nextLoop
ElseIf i = 5 Then
result = result & Arr(i - 2) & ": " & _
Format(WorksheetFunction.VLookup(lookup_value, _
myRange, i - 1, False), "$#,###") & vbCrLf
GoTo nextLoop
End If
result = result & Arr(i - 2) & ": " & _
WorksheetFunction.VLookup(lookup_value _
, myRange, i - 1, False) & vbCrLf
Next i
  • The VBA If Statement checks whether the current column is column C. If it is column C, the WorksheetFunction.VLookup method will be used and format the output as a date.
  • This output is concatenated with the column headers in row 4 and the vbCrLf constant of VBA is added to insert a line break. This is assigned to the result variable.
  • The nextLoop block uses the GoTo statement. If the current column is column C, this part of the For Next loop will be executed.
  • ElseIf statement checks whether the current column is column E. If it is column E, the output will be in currency format.
  • If the current column is neither column B nor column E, no formatting is added.
  • Click the dialog box >> select any cell in the Employee ID column >> click OK.

Choosing Cell to Insert Employee ID

All data in all columns will be displayed  in a MsgBox:

Show All Employee Details in a MsgBox

Read More: How to Use Excel VBA VLookup Within Loop

Example 4 – Adding Multiple Columns from Different Named Ranges with Matched Columns

4.1. Using the VLookup Result Only


  • Create a named range in B12:D18. Here, “New_Data”.
  • Create a Module >> enter the VBA code >> click Save.

Writing VBA Code

Sub VLOOKUP_Add_multipleColumns()
Dim myRange As Range
Dim lookup_value As Variant, end_row As Long, i As Long, j As Long
Dim result As Variant
Set myRange = Range("New_Data")
On Error GoTo errorMsg
For i = 4 To 10
lookup_value = Cells(i, 2)
result = xlempty
For j = 3 To 4
result = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(lookup_value, myRange, j - 1, False)
Cells(i, j + 3).Value = result
Cells(i, j).Copy
Cells(i, j + 3).PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats
If i = 4 Then
Cells(i, j + 3).Columns.AutoFit
End If
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Next j
Next i
Range("B2:G2").Style = "Heading 2"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Please use a valid Employee ID"
End Sub

Code Breakdown

List of Variables Used

Variable Name Data Type
myRange  Range
lookup_value  Variant
end_row  Long
i Long
j Long
result  Variant
For i = 4 To 10
lookup_value = Cells(i, 2)
result = xlempty
For j = 3 To 4
result = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(lookup_value, myRange, j - 1, False)
Cells(i, j + 3).Value = result
Cells(i, j).Copy
Cells(i, j + 3).PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats
If i = 4 Then
Cells(i, j + 3).Columns.AutoFit
End If
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Next j
Next i
  • The outer loop loops through the rows of the output range. Here, from row 4 to row 10. The inner For Next loop loops through the 2nd and 3rd columns of the “New_Data” range.
  • The cells of column B in the output range are assigned as the lookup_value.
  • A VLookup operation is used for each column using the index number “j-1,”, the lookup_value variable, and the range “myRange“. The “result” variable receives the lookup outcome as its value.
  • The value of the result variable is assigned to cell(i,j+3) which refers to F4 in the worksheet.
  • A cell from the current row is copied and the formatting is pasted in the cell where the value of the result variable is stored.
  • An If statement checks whether the current row is row 4. If it is row 4, the column width is auto-fit using the Range.AutoFit method. The Application.CutCopyMode property is set to False.
Range("B2:G2").Style = "Heading 2"
Exit Sub
  • Cells in B2:G2 are merged, using the Range.Merge method. The Cell Style of the merged range is specified  to “Heading 2”. The code exits the sub-procedure.


Running Code by using a Button:

  • Go to the Developer >> select Insert in Controls >> click Button (From Control).
  • Draw the shape of the button as shown below.
  • In the Assign Macro dialog box, select VLOOKUP_Add_multipleColumns.
  • Click OK.
  • Click the button to rename it. Here, “Load New Data”.
  • Right-click the button.

In the Format Control dialog box:

  • Choose a font in Font >> select Bold in Font Style  >> define the font size >> click OK.

This is the output.

Clicking on Button to Run VBA Code

  • Click the button to run the code.

The Region and Department columns in the named range “New_Data” are  automatically added to the dataset.

Adding New Data from Different Named Range


4.2. Using the Worksheet Function in VBA


  • Create a Module >> enter the VBA code >> click Save.

Writing and Saving VBA Code

Sub VLOOKUP_Add_multipleColumns()
Dim myRange As Range
Dim lookup_value As Variant, end_row As Long, i As Long, j As Long
Dim result As Variant
Set myRange = Range("New_Data")
On Error GoTo errorMsg
For i = 4 To 10
lookup_value = Cells(i, 2)
result = xlempty
For j = 3 To 4
result = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(lookup_value, myRange, j - 1, False)
Cells(i, j + 3).Value = result
Cells(i, j).Copy
Cells(i, j + 3).PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats
If i = 4 Then
Cells(i, j + 3).Columns.AutoFit
End If
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Next j
Next i
Range("B2:G2").Style = "Heading 2"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Please use a valid Employee ID"
End Sub

Code Breakdown

List of Variables Used

Variable Name Data Type
myRange  Range
Range("F4").Value = "=VLOOKUP($B4,New_Data,COLUMN(B$12),FALSE)"
Range("F4").AutoFill Range("F4:F10")
Range("F4").AutoFill Range("F4:G4")
Range("F4").AutoFill Range("F4:G10")
  • The VLOOKUP function extracts values from a different named range (“New_Data) and the result is assigned to F4.
  • The Range.AutoFill method copies this formula up to F10.
  • The formula is copied horizontally to the next cell and and up to G10 using the Range.AutoFill method.
Range("F4:F10").PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats
Range("G4:G10").PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats
  • The formatting of the 2nd and 3rd columns in “New_Data” is copied and pasted in columns F and G, using the Range.PasteSpecial method. xlPasteFormats  specifies that only the formatting should be pasted, not the cell content.
  • The column width of column F and column G is autofit, using the Range.AutoFit method.
  • Create a button and assign the  VLOOKUP_Excel_Formula macro to the button by following the steps described in the previous method.
  • Click the button to run the code.

Clicking on Created Button to Run VBA Code

The Region and the Department columns in the “New_Data” range are added:

Adding New Data from Separate Named Range

Read More: Excel VBA to Vlookup Values for Multiple Matches

Example 5 – Creating a User-Defined Function to Apply the VBA VLookup Function with a Named Range


  • Create a Module and enter the VBA code >> click Save.

Writing and Saving Code

Function VBA_Vlookup(lookup_value As Variant, _
lookup_array As Range, col_index_no As Long, _
Optional match_case As Boolean = False) As Variant
    VBA_Vlookup = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(lookup_value, _
    lookup_array, col_index_no, match_case)
End Function

Code Breakdown

Function VBA_Vlookup(lookup_value As Variant, lookup_array As Range, col_index_no As Long, Optional match_case As Boolean = False) As Variant
  • The VBA_Vlookup function is created with the following arguments. The data type of the return value is set as Variant.
Arguments Required/Optional Explanation
lookup_value Required the value to be found in the first column of the lookup_array range.
lookup_array  Required the range of cells to search for the lookup_value and extract the output values.
col_index_no  Required the column number in the lookup_array range to extract the output.
match_case  Optional  defines an exact match or an approximate match.
VBA_Vlookup = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(lookup_value, lookup_array, col_index_no, match_case)
  • The WorksheetFunction.VLookup method performs the VLookup operation and assigns the output to the VBA_Vlookup function.
  • The function ends.
  • Enter the following formula in C23.
  • Press ENTER.


B23 represents the Employee ID which is the lookup_value argument, Employee_Data is the named range defined as lookup_array argument, 3 is the number of columns in the lookup_array, and FALSE indicates an exact match.

You will get the Employee Name, according to the Employee ID.

Using Custom Function


How to Use the VBA VLookup Function with a Named Range in Another Workbook in Excel

There are two Excel workbooks.  “Sample Dataset” contains the following data range: B4:E20, named “Another_WB”.

Sample Data from Another Workbook



  • Create a new Module in your original workbook (not in the “Sample Dataset” workbook) >>Enter the VBA code >> click Save.

Writing VBA Code

Sub Another_Workbook()
Dim myRange As Range
Dim lookup_value As Variant
Dim strFile As String
On Error GoTo errorMsg
strFile = Application.GetOpenFilename()
Workbooks.Open strFile
Set myRange = Range("Another_WB")
lookup_value = Range("B23")
Range("C23").Value = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(lookup_value, _
myRange, 3, False)
Workbooks("Sample Workbook.xlsx").Activate
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Please use a valid Employee ID"
End Sub

Code Breakdown

List of Variables Used

Variable Name Data Type
myRange  Range
lookup_value  Variant
strFile String
strFile = Application.GetOpenFilename()
Workbooks.Open strFile
Workbooks("Using VBA VLookup with Named Range.xlsm").Activate
lookup_value = Range("B23")
Range("C23").Value =WorksheetFunction.VLookup(lookup_value, _ myRange, 3, False)
  • The initial workbook is activated using the Workbook.Activate method.
  • The WorksheetFunction.VLookup method gets the data from another workbook and assigns the output to C23.
Workbooks("Sample Workbook.xlsx").Activate
Exit Sub
  • The ActiveWorkbook.Close method closes the initial file.
  • The code exits the sub-routine.
  • Press ALT + F8 to open the Macro dialog box. Select Another_Workbook and click Run.

Running Macro to Extract Data from Another Workbook

The code extracts the Employee Name from the “Sample Dataset” workbook:

Output after Extracting Data from Another Workbook

How to Use the VBA VLookup Function with a Table Array in Excel


  • Create a blank Module >> Enter the VBA code >> Click Save.

Writing and Saving VBA Code in Balnk Module

Sub VLOOKUP_Table()
Dim Table1 As ListObject
Set Table1 = Worksheets("Table Array").ListObjects("MyTable")
On Error GoTo errorMsg
lookup_value = Range("B23")
Range("C23").Value = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(lookup_value, _
Table1.Range, 3, False)
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Please use a valid Employee ID"
End Sub

Code Breakdown

List of Variables Used

Variable Name Data Type
Table1 ListObject
lookup_value Variant
Dim Table1 As ListObject
Set Table1 = Worksheets("Table Array").ListObjects("MyTable")
  • The variables are declared.
  • The Set statement defines the table in the worksheet “Table Array”. Here, “MyTable”.
Range("C23").Value = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(lookup_value, _
Table1.Range, 3, False)
Exit Sub
  • The value of B23 is assigned to the lookup_value variable. The WorksheetFunction.VLookup method extracts data from the specified table and assigns the result to C23.
  • The code exits the sub-procedure.
  • Press ALT + F8 to open the Macro dialog box and click Run.

Using Macro Dialogue Box to Run VBA Code

The Employee Name matching the Employee ID in B23 is displayed in C23.

Finding Employee Name from Table Array

Things To Remember

  • By default, the InputBox function returns values as Strings.

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Zahid Hasan
Zahid Hasan

Zahid Hassan, BSc, Industrial and Production Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, has worked with Exceldmy for 1.5 years. He has written 95+ articles for Exceldemy. He has worked as an Excel & VBA Content Developer. He also worked as a VBA Developer for the Template team. Currently, he is working as a Junior Software Developer for the Excel Add-in project. He is interested in Software Development, Python, VBA, VB.NET, and Data Science, expanding his expertise in... Read Full Bio

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