How to Extract Text Before Character in Excel?

There are a number of functions in Excel we can use to extract text before a character quickly.

Method 1 – Using LEFT and FIND Functions

The LEFT function is a TEXT function that extracts the leftmost text from a string. We can combine the LEFT function and the FIND function to extract text from the left of a character in a string. From the List column below, let’s extract the text before the “_” character.

Use of LEFT and FIND Functions to Extract Before Character


  • Select Cell D5.
  • Enter the formula:

Use of LEFT and FIND Functions to Extract Before Character

The FIND function returns the position of the character “_” in the string and the LEFT function extracts the text.

  • Hit Enter to see the result.
  • Use the Fill Handle to see the rest of the results.

Read More: How to Extract Text after a Specific Text in Excel

Method 2 – Using the SUBSTITUTE Function Before the nth Occurrence of a Character

To find the nth position of a specific character and extract text before that, we can use the SUBSTITUTE function. In the dataset below, let’s extract the text before the second space in the strings.



  • Select Cell C5.
  • Enter the formula:
=LEFT(B5,FIND("^",SUBSTITUTE(B5," ","^",2))-1)

SUBSTITUTE Function Before the nth Occurrence of a Character

NOTE: Here the SUBSTITUTE function replaces the second space with the “^” character.


=SUBSTITUTE(B5," ","^",2)

SUBSTITUTE Function Before the nth Occurrence of a Character

The FIND function returns the position of the character “^” as a number. Then the LEFT function extracts the text before that character.

  • Hit Enter.
  • Drag down the cursor to the other cells to see the result.

Read More: How to Extract Text After First Space in Excel

Method 3 – Using the Find and Replace Tool

From the below dataset, let’s extract texts before the character “#” using the Find and Replace tool.

Find and Replace Tool to Extract Text Before Character


  • Select cells B5:B11.
  • Press Ctrl+C to copy them.
  • Paste to cell C5.

Find and Replace Tool to Extract Text Before Character

  • Select the pasted data.
  • From the Home tab, go to Editing > Find & Select > Replace.

Find and Replace Tool to Extract Text Before Character

A Find and Replace window opens up.

  • In the Find what box, type “#*”.

NOTE: We use Asterisk (*) here as it’s a wildcard character that represents all the characters after “#”.

Find and Replace Tool to Extract Text Before Character

  • Keep the Replace with box blank.
  • Select Replace All.

A confirmation box opens.

  • Select OK and close the previous window.

All the text before the character is extracted.

Similar Reading

Method 4 – Using the ‘Text to Column’ Feature

The Text to Column option in Excel makes the dataset dynamic. Let’s extract the text before the Asterisk (*) in the table below using this feature.

‘Text to Column’ Feature to Pull Out Text in Excel


  • Select cells B5:B11 and press Ctrl+C to copy them.
  • Paste to Cell C5.

‘Text to Column’ Feature to Pull Out Text in Excel

  • Select all the pasted data.
  • Go to the Data tab.
  • From the Data Tools drop-down, click on Text to Columns.

‘Text to Column’ Feature to Pull Out Text in Excel

  • From the Wizard Step 1 window, select the option Delimited.
  • Click Next.

  • In the Wizard Step 2 window, check the Other option and enter “*” in the blank box beside it. A preview is shown in the Data Preview box.
  • Click Next.

  • In the Wizard Step 3 window, select any data format.
  • In the Destination box, select where to place the extracted data.
  • Click Finish.

‘Text to Column’ Feature to Pull Out Text in Excel

All the extracted data is split across two cells.

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Nuraida Kashmin
Nuraida Kashmin

Nuraida Kashmin, Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology. Since 2021, she wrote 45+ articles on Excel problems and reviewed over 1000 articles. Currently working as a Project Manager, she is responsible for developing and implementing content strategies, managing writers and editors, staying updated on new technology, analyzing data, and tracking content performance indicators. Her interests include Project Management, Creative Writing, Digital Marketing, Reporting, Monitoring & Documentation, and Online Advocacy for SAP &... Read Full Bio

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