How to Find Multiple Values in Excel (8 Quick Methods)

We have a dataset containing the hobbies of several people. However, one person (Emily) has more than one hobby. We will show how you can extract multiple values with this dataset as an example.

Method 1 – Using Find and Replace to Get Multiple Values in Excel


  • Select the dataset (B4:C11).

Use Find and Replace Tool to Get Multiple Values in Excel

  • Press Ctrl + F to bring up the Find and Replace window or go to Home and select Find & Select, then click on Find.
  • Type Emily in the Find what field and click on Find All.

Use Find and Replace Tool to Get Multiple Values in Excel

  • The dialog will display 3 cells that contain the string Emily below.

Method 2 – Applying the Filter Option to Find Multiple Values


  • Right-click on the cell to which you want to apply the filter. We have selected Cell B5, as we need to filter by the name Emily.
  • Go to Filter and select Filter by Selected Cell’s Value.

Excel Filter Option to Find Multiple Values

  • All the cells containing the name Emily are filtered as below.

Excel Filter Option to Find Multiple Values

  • If you want to undo the filtering, click on the Autofilter icon of the dataset header then select Clear Filter From “Name” and click OK.

Method 3 – Utilizing the Advanced Filter to Return Multiple Values


  • Set the criteria range (B13:C14).

Apply Advanced Filter Option to Return Multiple Values

  • Go to Data and choose Sort & Filter, then select Advanced.

Apply Advanced Filter Option to Return Multiple Values

  • The Advanced Filter window will show up. Set the List range (Dataset range) and Criteria range, then click OK.

Apply Advanced Filter Option to Return Multiple Values

  • We got all of Emily’s hobbies at once.

Remember, the Header of the main dataset and the Criteria range have to match or the Advanced Filter option will not work.

Method 4 – Returning Multiple Values by Using a Defined Table


  • Click on any of the cells of the dataset (B4:C11).

Return Multiple Values by Using Excel Defined Table

  • Press Ctrl + T from the keyboard. The Create Table window will show up.
  • Check the table range and click OK.

Return Multiple Values by Using Excel Defined Table

  • You’ll get a table created from the dataset.

Return Multiple Values by Using Excel Defined Table

  • Click on the down arrow icon next to the header of the table.
  • Check the name Emily and click OK

  • Here is our expected filtered result.

Method 5 – Inserting the FILTER Function to Find Multiple Values


  • Use the following formula in cell C14.

Insert FILTER Function to Find Multiple Values

  • Hit Enter.
  • All of Emily’s hobbies will be listed.

Note: The FILTER function is only available for Excel 365.

Method 6 – Searching Multiple Values with the INDEX Function in Excel


  • Use the following formula in Cell C14.

Search Multiple Values with INDEX Function in Excel

  • Here’s our first result.

Search Multiple Values with INDEX Function in Excel

  • Drag down the Fill Handle (+) sign to get the other values.

Search Multiple Values with INDEX Function in Excel

  • Here is the list of Emily’s hobbies.

Search Multiple Values with INDEX Function in Excel

How does the Formula Work?

  • IF($B$5:$B$11=$B$14,ROW($B$5:$B$11))

The IF function returns a row number if a cell range B5:B11 is equal to B14.

  • SMALL(IF($B$5:$B$11=$B$14,ROW($B$5:$B$11)),ROW(1:1))

This part of the formula uses the SMALL function which returns the nth smallest value. This formula will return the numbers: 5,8,11.

Search Multiple Values with INDEX Function in Excel

  • INDEX($B$5:$C$11,SMALL(IF($B$5:$B$11=$B$14,ROW($B$5:$B$11)),ROW(1:1))-4,2)

Now comes the final part of the formula. We know, the INDEX function returns the value at a given position. Another thing is, the INDEX function considers the first row of our table as row 1. As my table dataset starts in row 5, I have subtracted 4 from the ROW value to get the correct row from the dataset. So, for the array B5:C11, row numbers 5,8,11, and column no 2, the INDEX function will provide our desired result

Hide the Errors Generated by the Formula

When you drag down the Fill Handle (+) sign, the formula returns an error (#NUM!) after finding all values.

Search Multiple Values with INDEX Function in Excel


  • Use the modified formula in Cell C14.

  • We won’t get the error values.

The ISERROR function checks whether a value is an error, and returns TRUE or FALSE. The above formula wrapped with IF and ISERROR functions check whether the result of the array is an error or not and thus returns blank (“”) if the result is an error, otherwise, it returns the corresponding value.

Read More: How to Find Value in Column in Excel

Method 7 – Utilizing a User-Defined Function to Find Multiple Values in Excel (VBA)


  • Go to the active worksheet.
  • Go to Developer and select Visual Basic.

User Defined Function to Find Multiple Values in Excel (VBA)

  • The Visual Basic window will show up. Go to the VBA Project corner (Upper left corner of the window).
  • Right-click on the Project name, go to Insert and select Module.

User Defined Function to Find Multiple Values in Excel (VBA)

  • You will get a Module. Insert the following code in the Module.
'Name User Defined Function and arguments

Function vbaVlookup(lookup_value As Range, tbl As Range, col_index_num As Integer, Optional layout As String = "v")
'Declare variables and data types
Dim r As Single, Lrow, Lcol As Single, temp() As Variant
'Redimension array variable temp
ReDim temp(0)
'Iterate through cells in cell range
For r = 1 To tbl.Rows.Count
   'Check if lookup_value is equal to cell value
   If lookup_value = tbl.Cells(r, 1) Then
      'Save cell value to array variable temp
      temp(UBound(temp)) = tbl.Cells(r, col_index_num)
      'Add another container to array variable temp
      ReDim Preserve temp(UBound(temp) + 1)
   End If
Next r
'Check if variable layout equals h
If layout = "h" Then
   'Save the number of columns the user has entered this User Defined Function in.
   Lcol = Range(Application.Caller.Address).Columns.Count
   'Iterate through each container in array variable temp that won't be populated
   For r = UBound(temp) To Lcol
       'Save a blank to array container
       temp(UBound(temp)) = ""
       'Increase the size of array variable temp with 1
       ReDim Preserve temp(UBound(temp) + 1)
   Next r
   'Decrease the size of array variable temp with 1
   ReDim Preserve temp(UBound(temp) - 1)
   'Return values to worksheet
   vbaVlookup = temp
'These lines will be rund if variable layout is not equal to h
   'Save the number of rows the user has entered this User Defined Function in
   Lrow = Range(Application.Caller.Address).Rows.Count
   'Iterate through empty cells and save nothing to them in order to avoid an error being displayed
   For r = UBound(temp) To Lrow
      temp(UBound(temp)) = ""
      ReDim Preserve temp(UBound(temp) + 1)
   Next r
'Decrease the size of array variable temp with 1
ReDim Preserve temp(UBound(temp) - 1)
'Return temp variable to worksheet with values rearranged vertically
vbaVlookup = Application.Transpose(temp)
End If
End Function

User Defined Function to Find Multiple Values in Excel (VBA)

  • When you start to write the function name in Cell C14, it will show up like other Excel functions.

User Defined Function to Find Multiple Values in Excel (VBA)

  • Insert the following formula in Cell C14.

  • Here we have multiple hobbies for Emily.

Method 8 – Producing Multiple Values in a Single Cell of Excel


  • Insert the following formula in Cell C14.
=TEXTJOIN(",",TRUE, FILTER(C5:C11, B5:B11=B14))

Get Multiple Values in Single Excel Cell

  • Here’s the result, with all hobbies listed in a single cell.

The TEXTJOIN function concatenates the list of hobbies using commas.

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Further Readings

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Hosne Ara
Hosne Ara

Hosne Ara is a materials and metallurgical engineer who loves exploring Excel and VBA programming. To her, programming is like a time-saving superhero for dealing with data, files, and the internet. She's skilled in Rhino3D, Maxsurf C++, MS Office, AutoCAD, and Excel & VBA, going beyond the basics. With a B. Sc. in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, she's shifted gears and now works as a content developer. In this role, she... Read Full Bio

  1. What if I want to find all of the Emily and Jennifers in the set of data at once? I am not finding a way to search for multiple values at once….

    • Thanks, Janel, for your comment. To find all the data of Emily and Jenifer at once, you can utilize the Filter feature of the Excel table shown in method 4 (Return Multiple Values by Using Excel Defined Table). Here, after clicking the down arrow icon, you need to check both Emily and Jenifer in the filter option to get the hobby list of both persons. Hopefully, it will solve your problem.

  2. Hello I have a question. Say I have a raw data like: A=1, B=2, C=3, etc. Now I want to find the values of multiple letters, say G T U I R W P. How do I do that?

  3. Is it possible to find and delete multiple values at once? Let’s say you had 100 students on the list twice, and you didn’t want to only delete the duplicate names, but also the first ones. Is there a way to do this without searching for each name one-at-a-time?

    • Hello Amber,

      It is possible to find and delete multiple values at once. To delete the first occurrences of duplicate values you can use a helper column to find out those values then apply filter to delete it.

      Insert the following formula in a helper column:
      =IF(COUNTIF(A2:A12, A2) > 1, IF(COUNTIF(A$2:A2, A2)=1, “Delete”, “Keep”), “Keep”)
      It will check the name appears more than once. If it does, it marks the first occurrence with “Delete” and subsequent duplicates with “Keep.” For unique names it will also return “Keep”.

      Now, to apply filter to your data from Data tab >> select Filter.
      Then select Delete from helper column.
      Finally, select all the names and press on Delete.

      Download the Excel file:
      Remove Duplicates First Occurences.xlsx


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