How to Add Space Between Text in a Cell in Excel (4 Easy Ways)

We imported Name and ID data into Excel as merged text. We want to make a proper structure of Name and ID.

Dataset to Add Space Between Text in Excel Cell

How to Add Space Between Text in a Cell in Excel: 4 Easy Ways

Method 1 – Using the REPLACE Function to Put a Space Between Text

The REPLACE function replaces specified parts of the text string with a newly assigned text string. Its syntax is:

REPLACE (old_text, start_num, num_chars, new_text)

old_text; refers to any reference cell you want the text to be replaced. start_num; declares from which number of character replacing will happen.
num_chars; defines how many characters will get replaced.
new_text; is the text that ultimately will be in the place of replaced characters.


  • Use the following formula in cell C5.
=REPLACE(B5,5,0," ")

Using REPLACE function to Add Space Between Text in Excel Cell

Formula Breakdown

  • B5 is the old_text reference. We have the text “JaneDoe123” in cell B5. We want the text as “Jane Doe123”.
  • We’ll put a space at the starting character start_num5” (i.e after Jane).
  • We do not want any character to replace, so num_chars is “0”.
  • The new_text will be the space.

  • Press Enter.

Result for Using REPLACE Function to Add Space

  • For the C6 cell, use the following formula (“Kit” has “3” letters, including the space, it will be “4”):
=REPLACE(B6,4,0," ")
  • Press Enter.

Another Example of Using REPLACE Function for Adding Space

  • Repeat this process for other cells, changing the value of the second argument to match the location after the first name.

Applying REPLACE Function to Add Space Between Text in all Cells

Read More: How to Add Blank Space Using Excel Formula

Method 2 – Applying the SUBSTITUTE Function to Add a Space Between Text

The syntax of the SUBSTITUTE function is:

SUBSTITUTE(text, old_text, new_text, [instance_num])

text; directs to any reference cell you want the text to substitute.
old_text; defines the text in the reference cell you want to substitute.
new_text; declares the text you the old_text to substitute with.
[instance_num]; defines the number of occurrences in old_text you want to substitute.


  • Insert this formula in C5.
=SUBSTITUTE(B5,"JaneDoe123","Jane Doe 123",1)
  • Hit Enter.

Using SUBSTITUTE Function to Add Space Between Text in Excel Cell

Formula Breakdown

  • In the formula, B5 is the old_text reference.
  • Here, we have the text “JaneDoe123” in cell B5. But we want the text as “Jane Doe 123”.
  • Furthermore, the [instance_num] is “1”, as we have only one instance in the reference cell B5.

  • Here’s the formula for C6:
=SUBSTITUTE(B6,"KitHarington124","Kit Harington 124",1)

Another Example as Use of SUBSTITUTE Function

  • Change the formula for each cell accordingly.

Use individual formula with SUBSTITUTE function for Adding Space

Method 3 – Merging TRIM and REPLACE Functions in Excel


  • Insert the following formula in C5:
=TRIM(REPLACE(B5,5,0,"  "))

Here, the REPLACE function part in the formula works as in Method 1. TRIM removes the excess spaces before and after the string.

  • Press Enter.

Merging TRIM and REPLACE Functions to Add Space Between Text in Cell

  • Here’s the corresponding formula for C6.
=TRIM(REPLACE(B6,4,0,"  "))

Another Example for Merging TRIM and REPLACE Functions to Add Space

  • Repeat the process for other cells, changing the values as needed.

Final Results for Using TRIM & REPLACE Functions

Read More: How to Add Space between Numbers in Excel

Method 4 – Combining TRIM, REPLACE, MIN and FIND Functions

We’ll put a space between the Name and ID in our dataset.


  • Select C5 and enter the following formula.
=TRIM(REPLACE(B5,MIN(FIND({1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0},B5&"1234567890")),0," "))
  • Press Enter.

Using a Combined Functions to Add Space Between Text

Formula Breakdown

  • B5&”1234567890″—> here the Ampersand operator (&) will join them.
    • Output: “JaneDoe1231234567890”.
  • FIND({1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0},”JaneDoe1231234567890″)—> the FIND function will find the position (counting from “J”) of given numbers within the certain text.
    • Output: {8,9,10,14,15,16,17,18,19,20}.
  • MIN({8,9,10,14,15,16,17,18,19,20})—> the MIN function will give the lowest number from the given array.
    • Output: 8.
  • REPLACE(B5,8,0,” “)—> here the REPLACE function will introduce a space after the 7th number character of the B5 cell.
    • Output: “JaneDoe 123”.
  • The TRIM function will remove all the extra spaces except a single space from the above text.

  • Drag the Fill Handle icon down to paste the formula to the other cells of the column.

Use Fill Handle Icon to Copy Formula

  • Here’s the result.

How to Add Space Between Text in Cell by Using Excel Functions

How to Include a Space Between Numbers and Text in Excel

Suppose we have the reverse, where the ID is before the name.


  • Use the following formula in C5.
=TRIM(REPLACE(B5,MAX(IFERROR(FIND({0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},B5,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(B5)))),0))+1,0,"   "))
  • Hit Enter.

Combined Functions for Adding Space Between Number and Text

Formula Breakdown

  • LEN(B5)—> gives 10.
  • INDIRECT(“1:”&10)—> returns the array of 1:10.
  • The ROW function will give the row numbers of the above array.
    • Output: {1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10}.
  • The FIND function will find the position of given numbers within the B5 cell.
  • The IFERROR function will convert all the error values into 0.
  • The MAX function will give the maximum number from the given array.
    • Output: 4.
  • REPLACE(B5,4,0,”   “)—> here the REPLACE function will introduce a space after the 3rd number character of the B5 cell.
    • Output: “123   JaneDoe”.
  • The TRIM function will remove all the extra spaces except a single space from the above text.

  • Drag the Fill Handle icon down to fill the column.

Adding Space Between Number and Text

Practice Section

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Maruf Islam
Maruf Islam

MARUF ISLAM is an excellent marine engineer who loves working with Excel and diving into VBA programming. For him, programming is like a superhero tool that saves time when dealing with data, files, and the internet. His skills go beyond the basics, including ABACUS, AutoCAD, Rhinoceros, Maxsurf, and Hydromax. He got his B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET, and now he's switched gears, working as a content developer. In this role, he creates techy content... Read Full Bio

  1. I used Method 3 and it worked great, however, how do I get rid of the column that is incorrect (without the edits/added space). Since they are dependent on each other, an error pops up when trying to remove the column that needed editing in the first place.

  2. Hello Emily,
    It is very motivating for us when someone benefits from using our method. Now getting back to your query. You can use a simple copy-paste feature to overcome this issue. Let’s see the process below for a better understanding.
    • Firstly, select cells in the C5:C13 range.
    • Then, press the CTRL key followed by the C key on the keyboard.

    This command copies the whole range.
    • After that, right-click on cell E5.
    • In the context menu, select Values (V) in the Paste Options.

    You can see the data pasted in the new place.

    • Additionally, select cells in the B5:B13 range and C4:C13 range also.
    • Therefore, delete them using the Delete button.

    • At this time, press CTRL+C to copy the cells in the D5:D13 range.

    • Henceforth, go to cell B5 and paste them by pressing CTRL+V.

    Finally, you get the desired result.

  3. Hello, I used the formula from the last section “How to Include Space Between Numbers and Text in Excel” but for some of the rows it inserts me spaces also between the numbers.
    For example, for the text “VIA MARIO CARBONI 33F” the result is “VIA MARIO CARBONI 3 3F”. But for “VIA MARIO CARBONI 32F” the result is correct “VIA MARIO CARBONI 32F”.
    Could you please help me better understand why for some texts the space is not displayed properly and how can I fix it?
    Thank you

    • Hello LILY,
      The formula used in the section “How to Include Space Between Numbers and Text in Excel” is a complex formula designed to insert a space after the rightmost numeric sequence in the text in a cell and then trim any extra spaces. It does not insert a space before the numeric sequence and only inserts a space after the rightmost numeric sequence. For example, you can see the image below.

      The issue you are facing might be due to certain functions not working correctly in your Excel version. Consider using the latest version to avoid these problems.
      However, the formula in the provided section does not insert space before the numeric sequence, making it less versatile. If you wish to insert a space between text and numbers regardless of the order of the numeric sequence, I can provide you with a VBA code to address this. If you want to insert a space before and after each numeric sequence without spaces between individual digits, you can use the following VBA function:

      Function InsertSpacesAroundNumbers(inputText As String) As String
          Dim outputText As String
          Dim i As Integer
          Dim num As String
          Dim insideNumericSequence As Boolean
          outputText = ""
          insideNumericSequence = False
          For i = 1 To Len(inputText)
              num = Mid(inputText, i, 1)
              If IsNumeric(num) Then
                  If Not insideNumericSequence Then
                      outputText = outputText & " "
                      insideNumericSequence = True
                  End If
                  outputText = outputText & num
                  If insideNumericSequence Then
                      outputText = outputText & " "
                      insideNumericSequence = False
                  End If
                  outputText = outputText & num
              End If
          Next i
          outputText = Trim(outputText)
          Do While InStr(outputText, "  ") > 0
              outputText = Replace(outputText, "  ", " ")
          outputText = Trim(outputText)
          InsertSpacesAroundNumbers = outputText
      End Function

      To use this, open the VBA launcher by pressing the Alt+F11 button on your keyboard.
      Click on the Insert button and choose the Module option.
      In the Module section, paste the provided VBA code.

      After that, go back to your Excel file, and type the function name ‘=InsertSpacesAroundNumbers‘. You will find the function name in the function list. Put the cell reference in the function argument and press Enter.

      As a result, it will insert a space before and after each numeric sequence without inserting spaces between individual digits.

      Sishir Roy

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