How to Make Excel Tables Look Good (8 Effective Tips)

How to Create an Excel Table


  • Select a cell from the data set.

A sample of Excel dataset

  • Go to the Insert tab and choose Table.

creating an excel table

  • Excel will automatically pick the data for you. Check the box next to My table contains headers, then click OK.

The create table window

  • Excel will format a table.

a sample Excel table


  • Choose your desired dataset and click the button Ctrl + T.

creating Excel table using keyboard shortcut Ctrl+T

How to Make an Excel Table Look Good/Professional

Method 1 – Using Built-In Table Styles to Make a Good-Looking Excel Table

  • Select any cell in the table.
  • Go to Table Design and choose Table Styles, then click on the drop-down arrow.
  • Choose one of the built-in Table Styles available.
  • You can get a preview by just hovering over each style.
  • We have selected Table Style Medium 28 as shown below.

choosing a suitable table design to make a good looking Excel Tables

  • After applying this style, we get the following table.

Read More: Types of Tables in Excel: A Complete Overview

Method 2 – Changing the Workbook Theme

  • Go to Page Layout and select Themes, then click on the drop-down arrow below Themes and select another theme.
  • We chose the Slice theme.

choosing a suitable good looking tables theme from the Page Layout tab in Excel

  • The Table Style draws its colors from the Slice theme and the effect of the change on the actual Excel Table is shown below.

a well formatted Excel table with professional look

  • Go to Table Styles to see how this affects other table styles (see Method 1).

create Excel table with good look using different themes

Method 3 – Editing the Theme Color

  • With any theme currently selected, go to Page Layout and to Themes, then click on the drop-down next to Colors.

Editing Workbook Theme Color to get Excel Tables with professional look

  • Choose the Customize Colors option.

Customize colors to make Excel tables look better

  • In the Create New Theme Colors dialog sox, select the drop-down arrow next to Text/Background – Dark 2 and choose More Colors.

  • Select the Custom Tab and enter the following values: R 87, G 149, and B 35, in order to set this dark green color and click OK.

  • In the Create New Theme Colors dialog box, select the drop-down next to Text/Background – Light 2 and choose More Colors.

create new theme colors

  • Select the Custom tab and enter the following values: R 254, G 184, and B 10, in order to set this orange color and click OK.

colors window

  • In the Create New Theme Colors dialog box, select the drop-down next to Accent 1 and choose More Colors.

  • Select the Custom Tab and enter the following values: R 7, G 106, and B 111, in order to set this dark turquoise color, and click OK.

  • In the Create New Theme Colors dialog box, select the drop-down next to Accent 2 and choose More Colors.

creating new theme colors to get a better look of Excel tables

  • Select the Custom Tab and enter the following values: R 254, G 0, and B 103, in order to set this pink color, then click OK.

  • Give your new customized theme set a name and click Save.

  • Here’s the result.

Professional Excel tables with better look

  • The changes will also affect other Table Styles.

Read More: Excel Table vs. Range: What Is the Difference?

Method 4 – Clearing a Style from an Excel Table

  • Go to Table Design and expand Table Styles.
  • Select Clear.

Clearing Style from a Table

  • Any formatting associated with the specific table style chosen is now cleared as shown below.

a table with no style

Method 5 – Creating a Custom Excel Table Style

  • In Table Design click on the drop-down arrow next to Table Styles and select New Table Style.

Create Custom Style for Excel tables

  • You can now format individual elements of the Table using the New Table Style dialog box.

new table style window

  • Select Whole Table and then choose Format.
  • The Format Cells dialog box should appear. Choose the Font Tab, and under font style choose Bold Italic.

format cells window

  • Go to the Fill tab and, under the Background Color option, choose More Colors.

  • Select the Custom tab, set: R 133, G 229, and B 255 as shown below, and then click OK.

  • Click OK.
  • Select the Header Row element as shown below and click Format.

  • The Format Cells dialog box should appear as before. Choose the Font Tab, and under Font Style choose Bold and change the font color to White, Background 1.

  • Choose the Border tab, select the thick line style, and the color: Gray – 25%, Background 2, Darker 50%.

  • Choose Outline.

  • Select the Fill tab and, under Background Color, choose More Colors.

  • Select the Custom tab, set: R 11, G 135, and B 52 as shown below, and then click OK.

  • Click OK.
  • Give your new Table Style a name and check the Set as default table style for this document option to keep the changes for other tables you make.

  • Applying this Custom Table Style to the table results in the following look.

Read More: Navigating Excel Table

Method 6 – Adding the Total Row and Turn the Filter Button Off

  • With one cell in your table selected, go to Table Design, check Total Row, and uncheck Filter Button.

Add a Total Row and Turn the Filter Button Off to give Excel tables a better look

  • The table will have the following look.

Excel table with no filter button

Read More: How to Insert or Delete Rows and Columns from Excel Table

Method 7 – Inserting Slicers

  • Format the table with Table Style Medium 4 (make sure the theme is the default Office theme).

  • Now the entire table has the format with this style as shown below.

  • With one cell in the table selected, go to Table Design and select Insert Slicer.

Insert Table Slicers in Excel

  • Choose one or more slicers to filter the data by. We’ll choose Footwork Evaluation as shown below and then click OK.

  • The Slicer with the default style appears as shown below.

  • With the slicer selected, go to Slicer Tools then to Options and choose Slicer Styles.
  • Select one of the default built-in styles.

  • This changes the Slicer Style to the following format.
  • With the Slicer selected, go to Slicer Tools then to Options and select Buttons, then change the number of columns to 3.
  • Go to Slicer Tools then to Options and to Size, then change the height of the slicer to 1 inch and the width to 3 inches as shown below.

  • Go to Slicer Tools and select New Slicer Style as shown below.

  • In the New Slicer Style dialog box, choose the Whole Slicer element and then click Format.

  • In the Fill tab, under Background Color, choose Fill Effects.

Format slicer element window

  • Using the Fill Effects dialog box, change Color 1 to White, Background 1, Darker 25%, and change Color 2 to White, Background 1 as shown below.

  • Add more colors.

  • Under Shading styles, make sure Horizontal is selected and choose the third variant as shown below.

Fill effects window

  • Click OK and then select the Border tab, choose the thin line style and White Background 1, Darker 35%, and then select Outline as shown below.

  • Choose a proper outline.

  • Click OK, then name your newly created Slicer Style as shown below and click OK.

  • Apply the new Slicer Style you just created.
  • Go to View and to Show, then uncheck Gridlines.

Read More: How to Convert Table to List in Excel

Method 8 – Converting a Table Back to a Range

  • Go to Table Design and select Convert to Range.

Convert a Table Back to a Range to change look of tables

  • Select Yes.

"Do you want to convert the table to a normal range?"

  • The table should now be converted to a normal range but with the formatting selected still intact as shown below.

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Further Readings

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Taryn Nefdt
Taryn Nefdt

Taryn is a Microsoft Certified Professional, who has used Office Applications such as Excel and Access extensively, in her interdisciplinary academic career and work experience. She has a background in biochemistry, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), and biofuels. She enjoys showcasing the functionality of Excel in various disciplines. She has over ten years of experience using Excel and Access to create advanced integrated solutions.

  1. Reply
    Krishnaprasad Menon Dec 19, 2017 at 11:12 AM

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