How to Use IF Formula with Dates (6 Easy Examples)

Excel IF Function Overview

  • Description

The IF function tests a condition, then returns one of the two values depending on whether the test is TRUE or FALSE.

  • Generic Syntax


  • Argument Description
logical_test Required This is the condition that will be tested and rated as TRUE or FALSE.
[value_if_true] Optional When a logical test evaluates to TRUE, this is the value to return.
[value_if_false] Optional When a logical test evaluates to FALSE, this is the value to return.
  • Returns

The value we supply for TRUE or FALSE.

  • Available in

All versions after Excel 2003.

Example 1 – Comparing Between Two Dates Using If Formula

Case 1.1 – When Both Dates are Present in Cells

We have a list of products with their delivery date and deadline. We will determine whether the delivery is On Time or Delayed.

When Both Dates are Present in Cells

  • Select cell E7.
  • Insert the following formula:
=IF(D5>=C5,"On Time","Delayed")
  • Press Enter.

When Both Dates are Present in Cells

When Both Dates are Present in Cells

  • We will get the final delivery status of all the products.

Read More: How to Copy Same Date in Excel

Case 1.2 – While One Date Is Stored in the Formula

The only date we have is the delivery date. The deadline for the delivery is 1-20-22 and that value is put in cell F8.

While One date is Stored in the Formula

  • Select cell D5.
  • Insert the following formula:
=IF(C5<=$F$8+0,"On Time","Delayed")
  • Press Enter.

While One date is Stored in the Formula

  • Drag the Fill Handle tool down to cell D10.

While One date is Stored in the Formula

  • Here’s the result.

Example 2 – Using the IF Formula with the DATE Function

We will input the delivery status of the products in the ‘Status’ column.

Use of IF Formula and DATE Function At The Same Time

  • Select cell D5.
  • Use the following formula in the cell:
=IF(C5<=DATE(2022,1,14),"On Time","Delayed")
  • Hit the Enter key.

Use of IF Formula and DATE Function At The Same Time

  • Drag the Fill Handle to cell D10.

Use of IF Formula and DATE Function At The Same Time

  • Here’s the result.

How Does the Formula Work?

  • DATE(2022,1,14): Makes a date out of the year, month, and day numbers. This is a static, manually-inserted value.
  • IF(C5<=DATE(2022,1,14),”On Time”,”Delayed”): Returns the value of the delivery status.

Read More: How to Calculate Due Date with Formula in Excel

Example 3 – Combining the DATEVALUE Function in IF Formula with Dates

  • Select cell D5.
  • Insert the following formula:
=IF(C5<=DATEVALUE("18/01/2022"),"On Time","Delayed")
  • Pess Enter.

Excel DATEVALUE Function Wrapped in IF Formula with Dates

  • Drag the Fill Handle tool.

Excel DATEVALUE Function Wrapped in IF Formula with Dates

  • We will get the delivery status for all the products in the ‘Status’ column.

How Does the Formula Work?

  • DATEVALUE(“18/01/2022”): The formula converts the text into a date with dd/mm/yyyy formatting.
  • IF(C5<=DATEVALUE(“18/01/2022″),”On Time”,”Delayed”): Returns the value of the delivery status ‘On Time’ if the condition is TRUE. Otherwise gives ‘Delayed’ as output.

Example 4 – Applying AND Logic in the IF Formula with Dates

We will follow our previous dataset with a range of deadline.

Apply AND Logic & IF Formula with Dates in Excel

  • Select cell D5.
  • Insert the following formula:
=IF(AND(C5>=$G$8,C5<=$G$9),"On Time","Not In Time")
  • Press Enter.

Apply AND Logic & IF Formula with Dates in Excel

  • Drag down the Fill Handle tool.

Apply AND Logic & IF Formula with Dates in Excel

  • We get the delivery status for all the products in the ‘Status’ column of the dataset.

How Does the Formula Work?

  • AND(C5>=$G$8,C5<=$G$9): This part represents two conditions: C5>=G8 and C5<=G9. The ‘$’ sign keeps the cell references fixed. The AND function yields TRUE only if both of the conditions are TRUE.
  • IF(AND(C5>=$G$8,C5<=$G$9),”On Time”,”Not In Time”): If the condition is TRUE, return the value ‘On Time’. Otherwise gives ‘Delayed’ as output.

Example 5 – Inserting TODAY in IF

Consider the deadline for delivery as today’s date 1-11-22. For you, it will be the date on which you are practicing. We will figure out the delivery status of all the products with the following steps:

Insert TODAY & IF Formulas with Dates

  • Select cell D5.
  • Input the following formula:
=IF(C5<=TODAY(),"On Time","Delayed")
  • Hit the Enter button.

Insert TODAY & IF Formulas with Dates

  • Drag the Fill Handle tool to the next cells.

Insert TODAY & IF Formulas with Dates

  • Here’s our result.

How Does the Formula Work?

  • TODAY(): Returns today’s date as a date value.
  • IF(C5<=TODAY(),”On Time”,”Delayed”): Returns ‘On Time’ If the condition is TRUE otherwise give ‘Delayed’ as output.

Example 6 – Calculating Future or Past Dates in Excel Using the IF Formula

We’ll check whether the delivery will take place within ten days. Let’s see how we can do this:

Calculate Future or Past Dates in Excel Using IF Formula

  • Select cell D5.
  • Insert the following formula there:
=IF(C5<TODAY()+10,"Within range","Out of range")
  • Press Enter.

Calculate Future or Past Dates in Excel Using IF Formula

  • Drag the Fill Handle tool.

Calculate Future or Past Dates in Excel Using IF Formula

  • We can see the delivery status for all the products in the ‘Status’ column of the dataset.

How Does the Formula Work?

  • TODAY()+10: Returns the date ten days after today.
  • IF(C5<TODAY()+10,”Within range”,”Out of range”): If the condition is TRUE returns ‘Within Range’ otherwise gives ‘Out of range’ as output.

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Further Readings

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Mukesh Dipto
Mukesh Dipto

Mukesh Dipto is an excellent marine engineer who loves working with Excel and diving into VBA programming. For him, programming is like a superhero tool that saves time when dealing with data, files, and the internet. His skills go beyond the basics, including Rhino3D, Maxsurf C++, AutoCAD, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and WordPress. He got his B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET, and now he's switched gears, working as a content developer. In this role, he... Read Full Bio

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