How to Import Data into Excel from Another Excel File (2 Ways)

We’ve included a sample data set with a workbook named Subtotal Pivot Table in the image below. This worksheet’s data will be imported into another workbook.

Sample Data

Method 1 – Apply Power Query to Import Data into Excel from Another Excel File

Case 1.1 – Import a Table from Another Excel File


  • Click on Data.
  • Select Get Data.
  • Choose From File.
  • Choose the From Excel Workbook option from the list.

Handy Approaches to Import Data into Excel from Another Excel File

  • Select the source file.
  • Click on Import.

Handy Approaches to Import Data into Excel from Another Excel File

  • The existing Tables and Sheets will appear in the Navigator panel.
  • Select Table1 from the list and check the preview on the right side.
  • Click on Load.

Handy Approaches to Import Data into Excel from Another Excel File

  • Your Table will be imported into your current worksheet.

Handy Approaches to Import Data into Excel from Another Excel File

Case 1.2 Import Data from Another Sheet and Edit Data


  • From the Data tab, click on the Get Data.
  • Choose From File
  • Select the From Excel Workbook option from the list.

Handy Approaches to Import Data into Excel from Another Excel File

  • Select your source file to import.
  • Click on Import.

Handy Approaches to Import Data into Excel from Another Excel File

  • In the Navigator window, select Sheet1 as we want to import data from Sheet1.
  • Click on Transform Data.

Handy Approaches to Import Data into Excel from Another Excel File

  • You will see the following image in the Power Query Editor.

Handy Approaches to Import Data into Excel from Another Excel File

  • To remove the top row, click on Remove Top Rows under Remove Rows.

Handy Approaches to Import Data into Excel from Another Excel File

  • Type your preferred number(1) in the Number of rows box.
  • Press Enter.

Handy Approaches to Import Data into Excel from Another Excel File

  • You will see the following result with the removed top row.

Handy Approaches to Import Data into Excel from Another Excel File

  • To remove the bottom row, click on Remove Rows and select Remove Bottom Rows.

Handy Approaches to Import Data into Excel from Another Excel File

  • Type your preferred number(1) in the Number of rows box.
  • Press Enter.

Handy Approaches to Import Data into Excel from Another Excel File

  • Here’s the result without the bottom row(s).

Handy Approaches to Import Data into Excel from Another Excel File

  • Click on the Use First Row as Headers to make the first row of the Table the Header.

Handy Approaches to Import Data into Excel from Another Excel File

  • The first row will transform into a Header.

Handy Approaches to Import Data into Excel from Another Excel File

  • Click on the Close & Load option to see the data in the current workbook.

Handy Approaches to Import Data into Excel from Another Excel File

  • The imported data will appear in the current worksheet.

Handy Approaches to Import Data into Excel from Another Excel File

Notes: If you make any changes to your source file data after importing it, the data will be updated in your current worksheet after refreshing. Importing data and connecting various workbooks has this benefit. Follow the outlined steps to understand the following example.

Update Imported Data from Source File

  • Change the source file data and save it.

Handy Approaches to Import Data into Excel from Another Excel File

  • Go back to the current workbook and right-click on the cell.
  • Click on Refresh.

Handy Approaches to Import Data into Excel from Another Excel File

  • The changed data will be updated according to the source file.

Sample Data

Method 2 – Run a VBA Code to Import Data into Excel from Another Excel File


  • Press Alt + F11 to start the VBA window.
  • From the Insert tab, select Module.

Sample Data

  • In the Module box, paste the following VBA code.
Sub ImportData()
'Define variables for workbooks
    Dim CurrentWkb As Workbook
    Dim SourceWkb As Workbook
'Define variables for source
    Dim SourceRng As Range
    Dim DestinationRng As Range
'Set value for your current workbook
    Set CurrentWkb = ActiveWorkbook
    With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
'Define file types for selection
        .Filters.Add "Excel 2008-19", "*.xlsx; *.xlsm; *.xlsa"
'Give statement to 'False' for not allowing selection of multiple files
        .AllowMultiSelect = False
'Apply If condition
        If .SelectedItems.Count > 0 Then
            Workbooks.Open .SelectedItems(1)
            Set SourceWkb = ActiveWorkbook
'Insert Input Box for selection source range
            Set SourceRng = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Import source range", Title:="External Source Range", Default:="A1", Type:=8)
'Enter Input box for selection for destination range
            Set DestinationRng = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Select your destination", Title:=" Click any cell selecting Destination", Default:="A1", Type:=8)
'Import the source range to the current workbook
            SourceRng.Copy DestinationRng
            SourceWkb.Close False
        End If
    End With
End Sub

Sample Data

  • Save the file and press F5 to run the code.
  • Select the source file to import.

Sample Data

  • Select the range to import data.
  • Click on OK.

Sample Data

  • Click on any cell as the Destination Cell.
  • Click on OK.

Sample Data

  • Your data from the other file will be imported into the current file, as seen in the figure below.

Sample Data

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Bhubon Costa
Bhubon Costa

Bhubon Costa, B.Sc. in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, has worked with the ExcelDemy since 2021. Currently, he has been working as a reviewer. Notably, he has written over 90 articles and led several VBA content development teams. He has a great passion for the fields of data analytics and data science. His areas of expertise include Excel VBA, Power Query, Pivot Table, Power BI, MySQL, PostgreSQL, machine learning, and Python... Read Full Bio

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