220++ Keyboard Shortcuts in Excel ( for Quick Navigation)

In this article, you will learn to over 200+ shortcuts in Excel with practical examples.

Overview Image

Click on the image to get a detailed view

How Do I Read Shortcuts in Excel?

  • Shortcut keys that need to be pressed simultaneously are shown like this:

Ctrl + P

It means press Ctrl and P together.

  • Shortcut keys that need to be pressed one after another are shown like this:

Alt + H, A, C

It means press Alt and H together, release those keys, and press A and C.

220++ Excel Keyboard Shortcuts in 20 Categories for Quick Navigation
General Keyboard Shortcuts
    Keyboard Shortcuts for Excel Workbook
    Keyboard Shortcuts for Excel Worksheet
     Excel Ribbon Shortcuts
    Drag and Drop Shortcuts
     Navigation Shortcuts
     Selection Shortcuts
    Extend Selection Shortcuts
    Active Cell Shortcuts
    Select Special Shortcuts
    Cell Edit Shortcuts
    ⏵ Entering Data Shortcuts
    ⏵ Number Formatting Shortcuts
    Formatting Shortcuts
    Border Shortcuts
    Formula Shortcuts
    Grid Operation Shortcuts
    ⏵ Pivot Table Shortcuts
    ⏵ Dialog Box Shortcuts
    Other Keyboard Shortcuts

224 Excel Keyboard Shortcuts in 20 Categories for Quick Navigation

1. General Keyboard Shortcuts

Actions Windows Shortcut
Open Help  F1
Undo Last Action Ctrl + Z
Redo Last Action Ctrl + Y
Copy Selected Cells Ctrl + C
Cut Selected Cells Ctrl + X
Paste Content from Clipboard Ctrl + V
Repeat last action F4
Display the Paste Special Dialog Box Ctrl + Alt + V
Display Find and Replace Ctrl + F
Display Find and Replace, Replace Selected Ctrl + H
Create Embedded Chart Alt + F1
Create Chart in New Worksheet F11
Toggle AutoFilter Ctrl + Shift + L
Activate Filter Alt + ↓
Insert Table Ctrl + T
Select Table Row Shift + Space
Select Table Column Ctrl + Space
Select Table (when active cell is in table) Ctrl + A

1.1 Open Help: F1

Open the Help panel by pressing F1 on your keyboard.

Keyboard Shortcuts to Open Help Panel in Excel

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + / as keyboard shortcuts in Excel.

1.2 Undo Last Action: Ctrl + Z

We deleted Column D and will return it by pressing Ctrl + Z on the keyboard. Apply the same to undo any kind of last action in Excel.

Undo Last Action

Click on the image to get a detailed view

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + Z.

1.3 Redo Last Action: Ctrl + Y

Delete the C5 cell value using the Delete button. To redo this last action, select another cell (C6) and press Ctrl + Y. The shortcut will delete the C6 cell value.
You can redo the last action for other commands.

Redo Last Action

Note: For Mac Users, press Command (⌘) + Y.

1.4 Copy Selected Cells: Ctrl + C

Press Ctrl + C after selecting any number of cells to copy them from your worksheet.

Keyboard Shortcuts to Copy Selected Cells in Excel

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + C.

1.5 Cut Selected Cells: Ctrl + X

To permanently cut the selected cell from the worksheet, press Ctrl + X.

Keyboard Shortcuts to Cut Selected Cells in Excel

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + X.

1.6 Paste Content from Clipboard: Ctrl + V

After copying cells from the worksheet, paste them with the command Ctrl + V anywhere in your workbook.

Paste Content from Clipboard

Click on the image to get a detailed view

Note: For Mac Users, press Command (⌘) + V.

1.7 Repeat Last Action: F4

To repeat your last command or action in the active worksheet, press F4.

Repeat Last Action

Note: For Mac Users, press Command (⌘) + Y.

1.8 Display Paste Special Dialog Box: Ctrl + Alt + V

Copy the range and use the shortcut Ctrl + Alt + V.

Display Paste Special Dialog Box

Note: For Mac Users, press Control (^) + Command (⌘) + V.

1.9 Display Find and Replace, Find Selected: Ctrl + F

To go to the Find tab from the Find and Replace dialogue box, use the shortcut Ctrl + F.

Keyboard Shortcuts to Display Find and Replace in Excel

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + F.

1.10 Display Find and Replace, Replace Selected: Ctrl + H

To go to the Replace tab from the Find and Replace dialogue box, use the shortcut Ctrl + H.

Keyboard Shortcuts to Display Find and Replace, Replace Selected in Excel

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + H.

1.11 Create Embedded Chart: Alt + F1

Select your data range, i.e. B4:C10, and press Alt + F1.

Keyboard Shortcuts to Create Embedded Chart in Excel

Note: For Mac users, press Function (Fn) + Option/Alt (⌥) + F1.

1.12 Create Chart in New Worksheet: F11

Select your dataset, and press F11 to create a chart in a new worksheet.

Keyboard Shortcut to Create Chart in New Worksheet

Note: For Mac users, press Function (Fn) + F11.

1.13 Toggle AutoFilter: Ctrl + Shift + L

Select the data range, i.e. B4:C10 and press Ctrl + Shift + L and access the auto filter.

Keyboard Shortcut to Toggle AutoFilter

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + Shift (⇧) + F.

1.14 Activate Filter: Alt + ↓

Select the data range B4:C10 and click on Filter from the Data tab.

Activate Filter

This will activate the filter for the data range.
To  activate the filter list for each column, press Alt + ↓ and it will generate the list below.

Keyboard Shortcut to Activate Filter

Note: For Mac users, press Option/Alt (⌥) + ↓

1.15 Insert Table: Ctrl + T

To create a table from the source dataset, select any cell within the data range and press Ctrl + T to create the table.

Keyboard Shortcut to Insert Table

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + T

1.16 Select Table Row: Shift + Space

To select the entire table row (range B7:C7) from the data table. Select any cell within the data range “B7:C7” >> press Shift + Space.

Select Table Row

Note: For Mac users, press Shift (⇧) + Space

1.17 Select Table Column: Ctrl + Space

To select the table column “Working Hours” from the data table.
Select any cell within the data range C5:C10 >> use the shortcut Ctrl + Space. This will select the whole table column, as shown in the image below.

Select Column Table

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Space

1.18 Select Table (when active cell is in table): Ctrl + A

Press Ctrl + A to select the whole table, keeping the active cell inside the table.

Keyboard Shortcut to Select Table when Active Cell is in the Table

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + A

2. Keyboard Shortcuts for Excel Workbook

Actions Windows Shortcut
Create new workbook Ctrl + N
Open workbook Ctrl + O
Save workbook Ctrl + S
Save as F12
Go to next workbook Ctrl + Tab
Go to previous workbook Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Minimize current workbook window Ctrl + F9
Maximize current workbook window Ctrl + F10
Protect workbook Alt + R, P, W
Close current workbook Ctrl + F4
Close Excel Alt + F4

2.1 Create New Workbook in Windows: Ctrl + N

Press Ctrl + N to open a new Excel workbook alongside the old one.

Keyboard Shortcut to Create New Workbook in Windows

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + N

2.2 Open Workbook: Ctrl + O

Press the Ctrl + O buttons and you will be directed to the Open section. Choose the required file to open.

Open Workbook

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + O

2.3 Save Workbook: Ctrl + S

Apply this command to open the Save this file window. Insert the File name > Choose a Location > Save it.

Keyboard Shortcut to Save Workbook

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + S

2.4 Save As: F12

Use this command to open the Save As window and insert File name > determine the file type in Save as type > Save the workbook.

Keyboard Shortcut to Apply Save As Command

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + Shift (⇧) + N

2.5 Go to Next Workbook: Ctrl + Tab

If multiple workbooks are open, press Ctrl + Tab and you will be directed to the next workbook from the active one.

Keyboard Shortcut to Go to Next Workbook

2.6 Go to Previous Workbook: Ctrl + Shift + Tab

When you need to go back from the active workbook to the previous one, press Ctrl + Shift + Tab.

Keyboard Shortcut to Go to Previous Workbook

2.7 Minimize Current Workbook Window: Ctrl + F9

Minimize your active workbook window by pressing Ctrl + F9.

Keyboard Shortcut to Minimize Current Workbook Window

2.8 Maximize Current Workbook Window: Ctrl + F10

Press Ctrl + F10 to maximize it.

Keyboard Shortcut to Maximize Current Workbook Window

2.9 Protect Workbook: Alt + R, P, W

Press Alt and R, P, and W  in sequence to open the Protect Structure window. Insert the password to protect your workbook >> press OK.

Keyboard Shortcut to Protect Workbook

2.10 Close Current Workbook: Ctrl + F4

Press Ctrl + F4 to close the active workbook.

Keyboard Shortcut to Close Current Workbook

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + W

2.11 Close Excel: Alt + F4

To close all opened workbooks, press Alt + F4.

Keyboard Shortcut to Close Excel

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + Q

3. Keyboard Shortcuts for Excel Worksheet

Actions Windows Shortcut
Insert new worksheet Shift + F11
Go to the next worksheet Ctrl + PgDn
Go to the previous worksheet Ctrl + PgUp
Rename current worksheet Alt + O, H, R
Delete current worksheet Alt + E, L
Display Move or Copy Alt + E, M
Move between the worksheet, Ribbon, task pane, and zoom controls in a worksheet that has been split F6 or Shift + F6
Select adjacent worksheets Ctrl + Shift + PgUp/PgDn
Select non-adjacent worksheets Ctrl + Click
Toggle full-screen Ctrl + Shift + F1
Print Ctrl + P
Open print preview window Ctrl + F2
Set print area Alt + P, R, S
Clear print area Alt + P, R, C
Zoom in Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Up
Zoom out Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Down
Protect sheet Alt + R, P, S

3.1 Insert New Worksheet: Shift + F11

Press Shift + F11 to get a new worksheet beside the old one in your Excel workbook.

Keyboard Shortcut to Insert New Worksheet

Note: For Mac users, press Shift (⇧) + F11

3.2 Go to the Next Worksheet: Ctrl + PgDn

Go to the next worksheet from an active worksheet in the same workbook by pressing Ctrl + PgDn.

Keyboard Shortcut to Go to the Next Worksheet

Note: For Mac Users, press Function (Fn) + Control (^) + ↓

3.3 Go to the Previous Worksheet: Ctrl + PgUp

Go to the previous worksheet from an active worksheet in the same workbook by pressing Ctrl + PgUp.

Keyboard Shortcut to Go to the Previous Worksheet

Note: For Mac users, press Function (Fn) + Control (^) + ↑

3.4 Rename Current Worksheet: Alt + O, H, R

To rename your current worksheet, press Alt + O, H, R and change the worksheet name.

Keyboard Shortcut to Rename Current Worksheet

3.5 Delete Current Worksheet: Alt + E, L

Press Alt + E, L to delete the active worksheet in your workbook.

Keyboard Shortcut to Delete Current Worksheet

3.6 Display Move or Copy: Alt + E, M

To show the Move or Copy dialogue box and apply your preferred selection, press Alt + E, M.

Keyboard Shortcut to Display Move or Copy Dialogue Box

3.7 Select Adjacent Worksheets: Ctrl + Shift + PgUp/PgDn

To select two adjacent worksheets simultaneously, press Ctrl + Shift + PgUp/PgDn.

Keyboard Shortcut to Display Move or Copy Dialogue Box

3.8 Select Non-Adjacent Worksheets: Ctrl + Click

In the case of non-adjacent worksheets, press Ctrl while staying on the active worksheet, put the cursor over the other worksheet and Right-Click on it.

Keyboard Shortcut to Select Non-Adjacent Worksheets

3.9 Toggle Full-Screen: Ctrl + Shift + F1

Use the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + F1 to enable the full screen mode.

Toggle Full Screen

Click on the image to get a detailed view

To exit the full screen mode, use the same shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + F1.

Toggle Full Screen

Click on the image to get a detailed view

3.10 Print: Ctrl + P

Apply the Print command by pressing Ctrl + P.

Keyboard Shortcut to Print from Worksheet

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + P

3.11 Open Print Preview Window: Ctrl + F2

If you need to see the output as a preview before the final print, press Ctrl + F2.

Keyboard Shortcut to Open Print Preview Window

3.12 Set Print Area: Alt + P, R, S

To specify the printing area of your worksheet, press Alt + P, R, Sand it will create a grey rectangle surrounding the selected area.

Set Print Area

Click on the image to get a detailed view

3.13 Clear Print Area: Alt + P, R, C

To omit the specified print area and get back to normal mode, apply the shortcut: Alt + P, R, C.

Clear Print Area

Click on the image to get a detailed view

3.14 Zoom In: Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Up

Press the Ctrl button and scroll the wheel up of the mouse to get a larger view of the worksheet.

Keyboard Shortcut to Zoom In

3.15 Zoom Out: Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Down

Press the Ctrl button and scroll the wheel down of the mouse to get a smaller view of the worksheet.

Keyboard Shortcut to Zoom Out

3.16 Protect Sheet: Alt + R, P, S

To open the Protect Sheet dialogue box, press the buttons Alt + R, P, S. You can apply a password to protect the sheet. You can also choose multiple options for viewers’ access to this worksheet.

Keyboard Shortcut to Protect Sheet

4. Excel Ribbon Shortcuts

Actions Windows Shortcut
Expand or collapse ribbon Ctrl + F1
Activate access keys Alt
Move through Ribbon tabs and groups → ← ↑ ↓ or Tab

4.1 Expand or Collapse Ribbon: Ctrl + F1

To expand or collapse the Excel ribbon bar, press Ctrl + F1.

Keyboard Shortcut to Expand or Collapse Ribbon

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + Option/Alt (⌥) + R

4.2 Activate Access Keys: Alt

Press Alt to turn on the access keys for the whole ribbon. It will show alphabetical shortcuts to apply further.

Keyboard Shortcut to Activate Access Keys

4.3 Move Through Ribbon Tabs and Groups: Alt + → ← ↑ ↓

To move through Ribbon tabs and Groups, press the Alt button to turn on the access keys.

Move through Ribbon Tabs and Groups

Press the side arrow () once. This will take you to the Insert tab from the previous Home tab.

Move through Ribbon Tabs and Groups

Press the side arrow (). This will take you to the Page Layout tab from the Insert tab.

Move through Ribbon Tabs and Groups

You can use the left-side arrow () to come back to the previous tabs. Use the upper and lower arrows (,) to navigate through different groups

Note: For Mac users, press Tab.

5. Drag and Drop Shortcuts

The drag-and-drop keyboard shortcuts are used after selecting any single cell or multiple cells in the worksheet. Drag is a four-headed arrow icon.

Actions Windows Shortcut
Drag and cut Drag
Drag and copy Ctrl + Drag
Drag and insert Shift + Drag
Drag and insert copy Ctrl + Shift + Drag
Drag to worksheet Alt + Drag
Drag to duplicate worksheet Ctrl + Drag

5.1 Drag and Cut: Drag

If you want to cut and paste any cell value select the cell and place the cursor on the cell’s edge. It will show the Drag icon. Holding it, move to anywhere on the worksheet where you want to paste the value and release the mouse click.

Keyboard Shortcut to Drag and Cut

Note: For Mac users, press Drag.

5.2 Drag and Copy: Ctrl + Drag

To keep the original cell value and copy it somewhere else, apply the shortcut Ctrl + Drag.

Keyboard Shortcut to Drag and Copy

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Drag.

5.3 Drag and Insert: Shift + Drag

If you need to exchange and insert cell values, press Shift + Drag to do the action.

Keyboard Shortcut to Drag and Insert

Note: For Mac users, press Shift (⇧) + Drag.

5.4 Drag and Insert Copy: Ctrl + Shift + Drag

When you press Ctrl + Shift + Drag to select any cell, it will be placed in the specified location, dragging the rest of the cell values downward.

Keyboard Shortcut to Drag and Insert Copy

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Shift (⇧) + Drag.

5.5 Drag to Worksheet: Alt + Drag

To drag a cell value to another worksheet, apply the shortcut Alt + Drag.

Keyboard Shortcut to Drag to Worksheet

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + Drag.

5.6 Drag to Duplicate Worksheet: Ctrl + Drag

To drag value to a duplicate worksheet, press Ctrl + Drag to perform the action.

Keyboard Shortcut to Drag to Duplicate Worksheet

Note: For Mac users, press Option/Alt (⌥) + Drag.

6. Navigation Shortcuts

Actions Windows Shortcut
Move one cell right
Move one cell left
Move one cell up
Move one cell down
Move one screen right Alt + PgDn
Move one screen left Alt + PgUp
Move one screen up PgUp
Move one screen down PgDn
Move to the right edge of data region Ctrl + →
Move to the left edge of data region Ctrl + ←
Move to the top edge of data region Ctrl + ↑
Move to the bottom edge of data region Ctrl + ↓
Move to the beginning of row Home
Move to last cell in worksheet that contains data Ctrl + End
Move to the first cell in worksheet Ctrl + Home
Turn End mode on End

6.1 Move One Cell Right: →

Press the Right Arrow (→) button to move one cell right.

Keyboard Shortcut to Move One Cell Right

Note: For Mac users, press

6.2 Move One Cell Left: ←

Press the Left Arrow () button to move one cell left.

Keyboard Shortcut to Move One Cell Left

Note: For Mac users, press

6.3 Move One Cell Up: ↑

Press the Up Arrow () button to move one cell up.

Keyboard Shortcut to Move One Cell Up

Note: For Mac users, press

6.4 Move One Cell Down: ↓

Press the Down Arrow () button to move one cell up.

Keyboard Shortcut to Move One Cell Down

Note: For Mac users, press .

6.5 Move One Screen Right: Alt + PgDn

To swipe through each screen of your workbook to the right way, press Alt + PgDn.

Keyboard Shortcut to Move One Screen Right

Note: For Mac users, press Function (Fn) + Option/Alt (⌥) +

6.6 Move One Screen Left: Alt + PgUp

To swipe through each screen of your workbook to the left way, press Alt + PgUp.

Keyboard Shortcut to Move One Screen Left

Note: For Mac users, press Function (Fn) + Option/Alt (⌥) +

6.7 Move One Screen Up: PgUp

To swipe upward through each screen of your workbook, press PgUp.

Keyboard Shortcut to Move One Screen Up

Note: For Mac users, press Function (Fn) +

6.8 Move One Screen Down: PgDn

To swipe downward through each screen of your workbook, press PgDn.

Keyboard Shortcut to Move One Screen Down

Note: For Mac users, press Function (Fn) +

6.9 Move to Right Edge of Data Region: Ctrl + →

To move to the rightmost cell of your dataset of the same row, press Ctrl + →.

Keyboard Shortcut to Move to Right Edge of Data Region

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) +

6.10 Move to Left Edge of Data Region: Ctrl + ←

To move to the leftmost cell of your dataset of the same row, press Ctrl + ←.

Keyboard Shortcut to Move to Left Edge of Data Region

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) +

6.11 Move to Top Edge of Data Region: Ctrl + ↑

To move to the topmost cell of your dataset of the same column, press Ctrl + ↑.

Keyboard Shortcut to Move to Top Edge of Data Region

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) +

6.12 Move to Bottom Edge of Data Region: Ctrl + ↓

To move to the bottom edge cell of your dataset of the same column, press Ctrl + ↓.

Keyboard Shortcut to Move to Bottom Edge of Data Region

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) +

6.13 Move to Beginning of Row: Home

To move to the beginning of the same row, press Home.

Keyboard Shortcut to Move to Beginning of Row

Note: For Mac users, press Function (Fn) +

6.14 Move to Last Cell in Worksheet that Contains Data: Ctrl + End

Press Ctrl + End to jump to the last cell of data in your worksheet. It’s mostly helpful for large datasets.

Keyboard Shortcut to Move to Last Cell in Worksheet that Contains Data

Note: For Mac users, press Function (Fn) + Control (^) + →

6.15 Move to First Cell in Worksheet: Ctrl + Home

To move to the first cell from any cell inside the worksheet, press Ctrl + Home.

Keyboard Shortcut to Move to First Cell in Worksheet

Note: For Mac users, press Function (Fn) + Control (^) +

6.16 Turn End Mode On: End

Press the End button on your keyboard to turn the End Mode on.

Keyboard Shortcut to Turn End Mode On

Note: For Mac users, press Function (Fn) +

7. Selection Shortcuts

Actions Windows Shortcut
Select entire row Shift + Space
Select entire column Ctrl + Space
Select entire worksheet Ctrl + A
Add adjacent cells to selection Shift + Click
Add non-adjacent cells to selection Ctrl + Click
Move right between non-adjacent selections Ctrl + Alt + →
Move left between non-adjacent selections Ctrl + Alt + ←
Toggle add to selection mode Shift + F8
Cancel selection Esc

7.1 Select Entire Row: Shift + Space

Press Shift + Space to select the entire row of the active cell.

Keyboard Shortcut to Select Entire Row

Note: For Mac users, press Shift (⇧) + Space

7.2 Select Entire Column: Ctrl + Space

Select the entire column of the active cell by pressing Ctrl + Space.

Keyboard Shortcut to Select Entire Column

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Space

7.3 Select Entire Worksheet: Ctrl + A

To apply any settings for every cell of the worksheet, press Ctrl + A to select the whole worksheet and apply your preference settings.

Keyboard Shortcut to Select Entire Worksheet

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + Space

7.4 Add Adjacent Cells to Selection: Shift + Click

Press Shift + Click to select cells that are adjacent to each other.

Keyboard Shortcut to Add Adjacent Cells to Selection

Note: For Mac users, press Shift (⇧) + Space

7.5 Add Non-Adjacent Cells to Selection: Ctrl + Click

To select non-adjacent cells, press Ctrl + Click for each cell and apply your action.

Keyboard Shortcut to Add Non-Adjacent Cells to Selection

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Space

7.6 Move Right Between Non-Adjacent Selections: Ctrl + Alt + →

Suppose you have 3 randomly selected non-adjacent cells in B2, D2, and F2, where B2 is an active cell. To move from B2 to F2, use Ctrl + Alt + →

Keyboard Shortcut to Move Right Between Non-Adjacent Selections

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Option/Alt (⌥) + →

7.7 Move Left Between Non-Adjacent Selections: Ctrl + Alt + ←

When you have selected non-adjacent cells in B2, D2, and F2, where the active cell is F2. To move from F2 to B2, use Ctrl + Alt + ←

Keyboard Shortcut to Move Left Between Non-Adjacent Selections

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Option/Alt (⌥) +  

7.8 Toggle Add to Selection Mode: Shift + F8

Turn on the Add or Remove Selection mode for your worksheet by pressing Shift + F8. You can then select other cells randomly.

Keyboard Shortcut to Toggle Add to Selection Mode

Note: For Mac users, press Shift (⇧) + Function (Fn) +  F8

7.9 Cancel Selection: Esc

Press Esc to cancel the selection of cells.

Keyboard Shortcut to Cancel Selection

Note: For Mac users, press Esc.

8. Extend Selection Shortcuts

Actions Windows Shortcut
Extend selection right Shift + →
Extend selection left Shift + ←
Extend selection up Shift + ↑
Extend selection down Shift + ↓
Extend the Selection to the Last Cell Right Ctrl + Shift + →
Extend the Selection to the Last Cell Left Ctrl + Shift + ←
Extend the Selection to the Last Cell Up Ctrl + Shift + ↑
Extend the Selection to the Last Cell Down Ctrl + Shift + ↓
Extend selection up one screen Shift + PgUp
Extend selection down one screen Shift + PgDn
Extend selection right one screen Alt + Shift + PgDn
Extend selection left one screen Alt + Shift + PgUp
Extend selection to start of row(s) Shift + Home
Extend selection to first cell in worksheet Ctrl + Shift + Home
Extend selection to last cell in worksheet Ctrl + Shift + End
Toggle ‘Extend Selection’ mode F8
Cancel ‘Extend Selection’ mode Esc

8.1 Extend Selection Right: Shift + →

To extend cell selection to the right side, press Shift + →

Keyboard Shortcut to Extend Selection Right

Note: For Mac users, press Shift (⇧) + →

8.2 Extend Selection Left: Shift + ←

To extend cell selection to the left side, press Shift + ←

Keyboard Shortcut to Extend Selection Left

Note: For Mac users, press Shift (⇧) +

8.3 Extend Selection Up: Shift + ↑

To extend cell selection to upward, press Shift + ↑

Keyboard Shortcut to Extend Selection Up

Note: For Mac users, press Shift (⇧) +

8.4 Extend Selection Down: Shift + ↓

To extend cell selection to upward, press Shift + ↓

Keyboard Shortcut to Extend Selection Down

Note: For Mac Users, press Shift (⇧) +

8.5 Extend Selection to Last Cell Right: Ctrl + Shift + →

To extend cell selection to the rightmost last cell, press Ctrl + Shift + →

Keyboard Shortcut to Extend Selection to Last Cell Right

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Shift (⇧) +

8.6 Extend Selection to Last Cell Left: Ctrl + Shift + ←

To extend cell selection to the leftmost last cell, press Ctrl + Shift + ←

Keyboard Shortcut to Extend Selection to Last Cell Left

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Shift (⇧) +

8.7 Extend Selection to Last Cell Up: Ctrl + Shift + ↑

To extend cell selection to the last cell upward, press Ctrl + Shift + ↑

Keyboard Shortcut to Extend Selection to Last Cell Up

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Shift (⇧) + ↑

8.8 Extend Selection to Last Cell Down: Ctrl + Shift + ↓

To extend cell selection to the last cell downward, press Ctrl + Shift + ↓

Keyboard Shortcut to Extend Selection to Last Cell Down

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Shift (⇧) +

8.9 Extend Selection Up One Screen: Shift + PgUp

To extend cell selection upward once per screen, press Shift + PgUp on the keyboard.

Keyboard Shortcut to Extend Selection Up One Screen

Note: For Mac users, press Shift (⇧) + Function (Fn) + ↑

8.10 Extend Selection Down One Screen: Shift + PgDn

To extend cell selection downward once per screen, press Shift + PgDn on the keyboard.

Keyboard Shortcut to Extend Selection Down One Screen

Note: For Mac users, press Shift (⇧) + Function (Fn) + ↓

8.11 Extend Selection Right One Screen: Alt + Shift + PgDn

To extend cell selection the right way once per screen, press Alt + Shift + PgDn on the keyboard.

Keyboard Shortcut to Extend Selection Right One Screen

Note: For Mac users, press Function (Fn) + Shift (⇧) + Option/Alt (⌥) + ↓

8.12 Extend Selection Left One Screen: Alt + Shift + PgUp

To extend cell selection the left way once per screen, press Alt + Shift + PgUp on the keyboard.

Keyboard Shortcut to Extend Selection Left One Screen

Note: For Mac users, press Function (Fn) + Shift (⇧) + Option/Alt (⌥) + ↑

8.13 Extend Selection to Start of Row(s): Shift + Home

To extend cell selection to the start of active cell(s) rows, press Shift + Home on the keyboard.

Keyboard Shortcut to Extend Selection to Start of Rows

Note: For Mac users, press Shift (⇧) + Function (Fn) + ←

8.14 Extend Selection to First Cell in Worksheet: Ctrl + Shift + Home

To extend cell selection to the first cell from the active cell in your worksheet, press Ctrl + Shift + Home on the keyboard.

Keyboard Shortcut to Extend Selection to First Cell in Worksheet

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Shift (⇧) + Function (Fn) + ←

8.15 Extend Selection to Last Cell in Worksheet: Ctrl + Shift + End

To extend cell selection to the last cell from the active cell in your worksheet, press Ctrl + Shift + End on the keyboard.

Keyboard Shortcut to Extend Selection to Last Cell in Worksheet

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Shift (⇧) + Function (Fn) + →

8.16 Toggle ‘Extend Selection’ Mode: F8

Press F8 to toggle Extend Selection mode and select multiple cells at a time in the same worksheet.

Keyboard Shortcut to Toggle 'Extend Selection' Mode

Note: For Mac users, press Function (Fn) + F8

8.17 Cancel ‘Extend Selection’ Mode: Esc

Press Esc to cancel the Extend Selection mode.

Keyboard Shortcut to Cancel 'Extend Selection' Mode

You can also use the F8 shortcut.

Note: For Mac users, press Esc

9. Active Cell Shortcuts

Actions Windows Shortcut
Select the active cell (when multiple cells are already selected) Shift + Backspace
Show the active cell on the worksheet Ctrl + Backspace
Move active cell clockwise to corners of the selection Ctrl + .
Move active cell down in selection Enter
Move active cell up in selection Shift + Enter
Move active cell right in a selection Tab
Move active cell left in a selection Shift + Tab

9.1 Select Active Cell (when multiple cells are already selected): Shift + Backspace

To select the active cell while multiple cells are selected, press Shift + Backspace on your keyboard.

Keyboard Shortcut to Select Active Cell when Multiple Cells are Already Selected

Note: For Mac users, press Shift (⇧) + Delete

9.2 Show Active Cell on Worksheet: Ctrl + Backspace

Suppose you have a large dataset of student records. You scrolled up after selecting the cell D35 with the value B. To find the selected/active cell, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Backspace.

Show active cell on Workbook

The shortcut will take you to the selected cell D35, as shown in the following image.

Show active cell on Workbook

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + Delete

9.3 Move Active Cell Clockwise to Corners of Selection: Ctrl + .

Press Ctrl + . to move the active cell in a clockwise direction to the corners of selected cells.

Keyboard Shortcut to Move Active Cell Clockwise to Corners of Selection

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + .

9.4 Move Active Cell Down in Selection: Enter

While selecting multiple cells, press Enter to move the active cell downwards.

Keyboard Shortcut to Move Active Cell Down in Selection

Note: For Mac users, press Return

9.5 Move Active Cell Up in Selection: Shift + Enter

While selecting multiple cells, press Shift + Enter to move the active cell upwards.

Keyboard Shortcut to Move Active Cell Up in Selection

Note: For Mac users, press Shift (⇧) + Return.

9.6 Move Active Cell Right in Selection: Tab

While selecting multiple cells, press Tab to move the active cell on the right side.

Keyboard Shortcut to Move Active Cell Right in Selection

Note: For Mac users, press Tab.

9.7 Move Active Cell Left in Selection: Shift + Tab

While selecting multiple cells, press Shift + Tab to move the active cell on the left side.

Keyboard Shortcut to Move Active Cell Left in Selection

Note: For Mac users, press Shift (⇧) + Tab.

10. Select Special Shortcuts

Actions Windows Shortcut
Display ‘Go To’ dialog box Ctrl + G or F5
Select cells with Notes Ctrl + Shift + O
Select current region around active cell Ctrl + Shift + *
Select current region Ctrl + A
Select Row Differences Ctrl + Shift + |
Select Column Differences Ctrl + \
Select direct precedents Ctrl + [
Select all precedents Ctrl + Shift + {
Select direct dependents Ctrl + ]
Select all dependents Ctrl + Shift + }
Select visible cells only Alt + ;

10.1 Display ‘Go To’ Dialog Box: Ctrl + G or F5

To open the Go To dialogue box, press Ctrl + G or F5 on your keyboard.

Keyboard Shortcut to Display 'Go To' Dialog Box

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + G.

10.2 Select Cells with Notes: Ctrl + Shift + O

The following dataset has 2 notes in cells C6 and C10.
Select the whole data range B4:C10 >> use the shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + O.

Select Cells with Comments

As you can see in the following image, this shortcut selects the cells with notes.

Select Cells with Comments

Note: For Mac users, press Function (Fn) + Control (^) + Shift (⇧) + O.

10.3 Select Current Region Around Active Cell: Ctrl + Shift + *

Press Ctrl + Shift + * to select the current region around the active cell among multiple selections.

Note: For Mac users, press Shift (⇧) + Control (^) + Space.

10.4 Select Current Region: Ctrl + A

If the active cell is within or between ranges, press Ctrl+A to select the current region in the worksheet.

>> Press CTRL + A again to select the entire worksheet.

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + A.

10.5 Select Row Differences: Ctrl + Shift + |

The following dataset has a Weather Report for a particular week. The temperature for each day is recorded in oF. Let’s find which rows differ from the first row.
Select the data range C5:F10 such that C5 is the active cell.

Select Row Differences

Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + |.
You get the row differences with selected cells, as shown in the following image.

Select Row Differences

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Shift(⇧) + \

10.6 Select Column Differences: Ctrl + \

In the following dataset, columns C and D contain the different grades of 2 students for several subjects. Here, the grades of Chemistry and Language are different from each other.

Select the data range C5:D9 and use the shortcut Ctrl + \.

Select Column Differences

The column differences are selected as shown in the following image.

Select Column Differences

10.7 Select Direct Precedents: Ctrl + [

In our dataset, the direct precedents of cell D5 are C5 and $C$13.

Select Direct Precedents

To select the direct precedents of the D5 cell, select the D5 cell and use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + [.

Select Direct Precedents

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + [

10.8 Select All Precedents: Ctrl + Shift + {

The formula in the D11 cell depends on the data range D5:D10 which is also dependent on the data range C5:C10 and cell $C$13.

Select All Precedents

To select all these precedents, select the D11 cell and use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + {.

Select All Precedents

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Shift (⇧) + {

10.9 Select Direct Dependents: Ctrl + ]

The direct dependents of range C5:C10 are range D5:D10. To select these direct dependents, select the range C5:C10 and use the shortcut Ctrl + ].

Select Direct Dependents

This shortcut selects the direct dependents of the range C5:C10 as shown in the following image.

Select Direct Dependents

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + ]

10.10 Select All Dependents: Ctrl + Shift + }

To select all dependents of range C5:C10, select range C5:C10 and use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + }.

Select All Dependents

This shortcut selects all the dependents of the range C5:C10 as shown in the following image.

Select All Dependents

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Shift (⇧) + }

10.11 Select Visible Cells Only: Alt + ;

Within a large dataset, after hiding specific columns that you don’t need to copy when you select the dataset afterward, it will, either way, paste the whole dataset with the hidden column.

To solve this, after hiding the column, select the whole dataset and press Alt + ; to select visible cells only >> unhide the column and you will see that the selected cells are bordered with a dotted line >> copy-paste it wherever you need and it will not paste the data of the hidden column.

Keyboard Shortcut to Select Visible Cells Only

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + Shift (⇧) + Z.

11. Cell Edit Shortcuts

Actions Windows Shortcut
Edit active cell F2
Insert or edit Notes Shift + F2
Delete comment Shift + F10, M
Cancel editing Esc
Select one character right Shift + →
Select one character left Shift + ←
Move one word right Ctrl + →
Move one word left Ctrl + ←
Select one word right Ctrl + Shift + →
Select one word left Ctrl + Shift + ←
Select to the beginning of cell Shift + Home
Select to end of cell Shift + End
Delete to end of line Ctrl + Delete
Delete character to left of cursor Backspace
Delete character to the right of cursor Delete
Start a new line in the same cell Alt + Enter

11.1 Edit Active Cell: F2

Press F2 to edit any active cell.

Keyboard Shortcut to Edit Active Cell

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + U

11.2 Insert or Edit Notes: Shift + F2

To insert or edit any previous notes inside a cell, press Shift + F2 on your keyboard.

Insert or Edit Notes

Note: For Mac users, press Shift (⇧) + Function (Fn) + F2.

11.3 Delete Comment: Shift + F10, M

Insert a comment in your desired cell.

To delete the comment, select the cell with the commet >> use the keyboard shortcut Shift + F10, M.

The following GIF shows the method in detail.

Delete Comment

11.4 Cancel Editing: Esc

Press Esc to cancel any sort of editing inside an active cell.

Keyboard Shortcut to Cancel Editing

Note: For Mac users, press Esc

11.5 Select One Character Right: Shift + →

Press Shift + → to select one single character at a time in the right way.

Keyboard Shortcut to Select One Character Right

Note: For Mac users, press Shift (⇧) + →

11.6 Select One Character Left: Shift + ←

Press Shift + to select one single character at a time in a left way.

Keyboard Shortcut to Select One Character Left

Note: For Mac users, press Shift (⇧) + ←

11.7 Move One Word Right: Ctrl + →

In an active cell, move one word to the right way every time by pressing Ctrl + →

Keyboard Shortcut to Move One Word Right

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + →

11.8 Move One Word Left: Ctrl + ←

In an active cell, move one word to the left way every time by pressing Ctrl + ←

Keyboard Shortcut to Move One Word Left

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + ←

11.9 Select One Word Right: Ctrl + Shift + →

In an active cell, select one word to the right way every time by pressing Ctrl + Shift + →

Keyboard Shortcut to Select One Word Right

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Shift (⇧) + →

11.10 Select One Word Left: Ctrl + Shift + ←

In an active cell, select one word to the right way every time by pressing Ctrl + Shift + ←

Keyboard Shortcut to Select One Word Left

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Shift (⇧) + ←

11.11 Select to Beginning of Cell: Shift + Home

From any active cell, press Shift + Home to select up to the beginning of the cell on the same row.

Keyboard Shortcut to Select to Beginning of Cell

Note: For Mac users, press Shift (⇧) + Function (Fn) + ←

11.12 Select End of Cell: Shift + End

From any active cell, press Shift + End to select the end of the cell

Note: For Mac users, press Shift (⇧) + Function (Fn) + →

11.13 Delete to End of Line: Ctrl + Delete

Click inside any cell and press Ctrl + Delete to delete to the end of the line erasing all data inside it.

Keyboard Shortcut to Delete to End of Line

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Delete

11.14 Delete Character to Left of Cursor: Backspace

Inside an active cell, press Backspace to erase one by one character to the left of the cursor.

Keyboard Shortcut to Delete Character to Left of Cursor

Note: For Mac users, press Delete

11.15 Delete Character to Right of Cursor: Delete

Inside an active cell, press Delete to erase one by one character to the right of the cursor.

Keyboard Shortcut to Delete Character to Right of Cursor

Note: For Mac users, press Function (Fn) + Delete

11.16 Start New Line in Same Cell: Alt + Enter

Select your cell and press F2 to turn on the edit mode. Press Alt + Enter to start a new line in the same cell.

Keyboard Shortcut to Start New Line in Same Cell

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Option/Alt (⌥) + Return

12. Entering Data Shortcuts

Actions Windows Shortcut
Enter data and move down Enter
Enter data and move up Shift + Enter
Enter data and move right Tab
Enter data and move left Shift + Tab
Enter data and stay in same cell Ctrl + Enter
Insert current date Ctrl + ;
Insert current time Ctrl + Shift + :
Fill down from cell above Ctrl + D
Fill right from the cell on left Ctrl + R
Copy formula from the cell above when the formula is an exact copy Ctrl + ‘
Copy value from the cell above Ctrl + Shift + “
Insert hyperlink Ctrl + K
Display AutoComplete list Alt + ↓
Flash Fill Ctrl + E

12.1 Enter Data and Move Down: Enter

Press Enter to move down after inserting any data inside a cell.

Keyboard Shortcut to Enter Data and Move Down

Note: For Mac users, press Return

12.2 Enter Data and Move Up: Shift + Enter

Press Shift +Enter to move up after inserting any data inside a cell.

Keyboard Shortcut to Enter Data and Move Up

Note: For Mac users, press Shift (⇧) + Return

12.3 Enter Data and Move Right: Tab

Press Tab to move right after inserting any data inside a cell.

Keyboard Shortcut to Enter Data and Move Right

Note: For Mac users, press Tab.

12.4 Enter Data and Move Left: Shift + Tab

Press Shift + Tab to move right after inserting any data inside a cell.

Keyboard Shortcut to Enter Data and Move Left

Note: For Mac users, press Shift (⇧) + Tab.

12.5 Enter Data and Stay in Same Cell: Ctrl + Enter

Press Ctrl + Enter to stay in the same cell after inserting any data there.

Keyboard Shortcut to Enter Data and Stay in Same Cell

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Return

12.6 Insert Current Date: Ctrl + ;

Press Ctrl + ; to insert current date.

Keyboard Shortcut to Insert Current Date

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + ;

12.7 Insert Current Time: Ctrl + Shift + :

Press Ctrl + Shift + : to insert current time.

Keyboard Shortcut to Insert Current Time

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Shift (⇧) + :

12.8 Fill Down from Cell Above: Ctrl + D

To fill down the value from the cell above, press Ctrl + D on your keyboard.

Keyboard Shortcut to Fill Down from Cell Above

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + D

12.9 Fill Right from Cell on Left: Ctrl + R

To fill down the value from a cell on left, press Ctrl + R on your keyboard.

Keyboard Shortcut to Fill Right from Cell on Left

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + R

12.10 Copy Formula from Cell above when Formula is Exact Copy: Ctrl + ‘

This shortcut copies the exact formula from the cell above.
Select the below cell and press Ctrl + ‘.
This shortcut copies the formula from the above cell. Press Enter to get the result.

Copy Formula from Above

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + ‘

12.11 Copy Value from Cell Above: Ctrl + Shift + “

To copy value from cell above, press Ctrl + Shift + “ or on Ctrl + ” your keyboard.

Keyboard Shortcut to Copy Value from Cell Above

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + “

12.12 Insert Hyperlink: Ctrl + K

To open the Insert Hyperlink window, press Ctrl + K on your keyboard.

Keyboard Shortcut to Insert Hyperlink

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + K

12.13 Display AutoComplete List: Alt + ↓

To display the autocomplete cell downward, press Alt + ↓ on the keyboard.

Keyboard Shortcut to Display AutoComplete List

Note: For Mac users, press Option/Alt (⌥) + ↓

12.14 Flash Fill: Ctrl + E

Flash Fill identifies patterns and fills the relevant cells very quickly.
We have the Full Names in column B and want to Flash Fill the First Names in column C. Add Eddard in cell C5.

Flash Fill

Then use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + E. This shortcut fills all the First Names in column C.

Flash Fill

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + E

13. Number Formatting Shortcuts

Actions Windows Shortcut
Apply general format Ctrl + Shift + ~
Apply number format Ctrl + Shift + !
Apply time format Ctrl + Shift + @
Apply date format Ctrl + Shift + #
Apply currency format Ctrl + Shift + $
Apply percentage format Ctrl + Shift + %
Apply scientific format Ctrl + Shift + ^

13.1 Apply General Format: Ctrl + Shift + ~

Press Ctrl + Shift + ~ to apply a general format in the cell.

Keyboard Shortcut to Apply General Format

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Shift (⇧) + ~

13.2 Apply Number Format: Ctrl + Shift + !

Press Ctrl + Shift + ! to apply the number format in the cell.

Keyboard Shortcut to Apply Number Format

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Shift (⇧) + !

13.3 Apply Time Format: Ctrl + Shift + @

Press Ctrl + Shift + @ to apply the time format in the cell.

Keyboard Shortcut to Apply Time Format

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Shift (⇧) + @

13.4 Apply Date Format: Ctrl + Shift + #

Press Ctrl + Shift + # to apply the date format in the cell.

Keyboard Shortcut to Apply Date Format

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Shift (⇧) + #

13.5 Apply Currency Format: Ctrl + Shift + $

Press Ctrl + Shift + $ to apply currency format in the cell.

Keyboard Shortcut to Apply Currency Format

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Shift (⇧) + $

13.6 Apply Percentage Format: Ctrl + Shift + %

Press Ctrl + Shift + % to apply the percentage format in the cell.

Keyboard Shortcut to Apply Percentage Format

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Shift (⇧) + %

13.7 Apply Scientific Format: Ctrl + Shift + ^

Press Ctrl + Shift + ^ to apply a scientific format in the cell.

Keyboard Shortcut to Apply Scientific Format

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Shift (⇧) + ^

14. Formatting Shortcuts

Actions Windows Shortcut
Format cells Ctrl + 1
Display Format Cells with Font tab selected Ctrl + Shift + F
Apply or remove bold Ctrl + B
Apply or remove Italics Ctrl + I
Apply or remove underline Ctrl + U
Apply or remove strikethrough Ctrl + 5
Align center Alt + H, A, C
Align left Alt + H, A, L
Align right Alt + H, A, R
Indent Alt + H, 6
Remove indent Alt + H, 5
Wrap text Alt + H, W
Align top Alt + H, A, T
Align middle Alt + H, A, M
Align bottom Alt + H, A, B
Increase font size one step Alt + H, F, G
Decrease font size one step Alt + H, F, K

14.1 Format Cells: Ctrl + 1

Press Ctrl + 1 to open the Format Cells window.

Keyboard Shortcut to Format Cells

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + 1

14.2 Display Format Cells with Font Tab Selected: Ctrl + Shift + F

Press Ctrl + Shift + F to open the Format Cells window with Font tab selected.

Keyboard Shortcut to Display Format Cells with Font Tab Selected

14.3 Apply or Remove Bold: Ctrl + B

Press Ctrl + B  to apply or remove Bold format in selected cells.

Keyboard Shortcut to Apply or Remove Bold

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + B

14.4 Apply or Remove Italics: Ctrl + I

Press Ctrl + I  to apply or remove Italics format in selected cells.

Keyboard Shortcut to Apply or Remove Italics

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + I

14.5 Apply or Remove Underline: Ctrl + U

Press Ctrl + U  to apply or remove Underline format in selected cells.

Keyboard Shortcut to Apply or Remove Underline

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + U

14.6 Apply or Remove Strikethrough: Ctrl + 5

Press Ctrl + 5  to apply or remove Strikethrough format in selected cells.

Keyboard Shortcut to Apply or Remove Strikethrough

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + Shift (⇧) + X

14.7 Align Center: Alt + H, A, C

Press Alt + H, A, C  to align texts in the center in selected cells.

Keyboard Shortcut to Align Text Center

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + E

14.8 Align Left: Alt + H, A, L

Press Alt + H, A, L  to align texts on the left in selected cells.

Keyboard Shortcut to Align Text Left

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + L

14.9 Align Right: Alt + H, A, R

Press Alt + H, A, R  to align texts in the right in selected cells.

Keyboard Shortcut to Align Text Right

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + R

14.10 Indent: Alt + H, 6

Press Alt + H, 6 to indent texts in selected cells.

Keyboard Shortcut to Indent Text

14.11 Remove Indent: Alt + H, 5

Press Alt + H, 5 to remove indent from texts in selected cells.

Keyboard Shortcut to Remove Indent from Text

14.12 Wrap Text: Alt + H, W

Press Alt + H, W to apply the Wrap Text feature in selected cells.

Keyboard Shortcut to Wrap Text in a Single Cell

14.13 Align Top: Alt + H, A, T

Press Alt + H, A, T to align texts on top in selected cells.

Keyboard Shortcut to Align Text on Top

14.14 Align Middle: Alt + H, A, M

Press Alt + H, A, M to align texts in the middle in selected cells.

Keyboard Shortcut to Align Text in Middle

14.15 Align Bottom: Alt + H, A, B

Press Alt + H, A, B to align texts in the bottom in selected cells.

Keyboard Shortcut to Align Text on Bottom

14.16 Increase Font Size One Step: Alt + H, F, G

Press Alt + H, F, G to increase font size one step in selected cells.

Keyboard Shortcut to Increase Font Size One Step

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + Shift (⇧) + >

14.17 Decrease Font Size One Step: Alt + H, F, K

Press Alt + H, F, K to decrease font size one step in selected cells.

Keyboard Shortcut to Decrease Font Size One Step

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + Shift (⇧) + <

15. Border Shortcuts

Actions Windows Shortcut
Open list of border styles from Ribbon Alt + H, B
Add border around selected cells Ctrl + Shift + &
Add right border Alt + H, B, R
Add left border Alt + H, B, L
Add top border Alt + H, B, P
Add bottom border Alt + H, B, O
Add all borders to all cells in selection Alt + H, B, A
Remove borders Ctrl + Shift + –

15.1 Open List of Border Styles from Ribbon: Alt + H, B

Press Alt + H, B to open the list of Border styles from Excel Ribbon.

Keyboard Shortcut to Open List of Border Styles from Ribbon

15.2 Add Border Around Selected Cells: Ctrl + Shift + &

Press Ctrl + Shift + & to add a border around selected cells.

Keyboard Shortcut to Add Border Around Selected Cells

Note: For Mac Users, press Command (⌘) + Option/Alt (⌥) + 0

15.3 Add Right Border: Alt + H, B, R

Select your cells or range and use the keyboard shortcut: Alt + H, B, R.

Add Right Border

This shortcut adds the right border to the selected cells.

Add Right Border

Note: For Mac Users, press Command (⌘) + Option/Alt (⌥) + →

15.4 Add Left Border: Alt + H, B, L

Select your cells or range and use the keyboard shortcut: Alt + H, B, L.

Add Left Border

This shortcut adds the left border to the selected cells.

Add Left Border

Note: For Mac Users, press Command (⌘) + Option/Alt (⌥) + ←

15.5 Add Top Border: Alt + H, B, P

Select your cells or range and use the keyboard shortcut: Alt + H, B, P.

Add Top Border

This shortcut adds the top border to the selected cells.

Add Top Border

Note: For Mac Users, press Command (⌘) + Option/Alt (⌥) + ↑

15.6 Add Bottom Border: Alt + H, B, O

Select your cells or range and use the keyboard shortcut: Alt + H, B, O.

Add Bottom Border

This shortcut adds the bottom border to the selected cells.

Add Bottom Border

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + Option/Alt (⌥) + ↓

15.7 Add All Borders to All Cells in Selection: Alt + H, B, A

Press Alt + H, B, A to add all borders in selected cells.

Keyboard Shortcut to Add All Borders to All Cells in Selection

15.8 Remove Borders: Ctrl + Shift + –

Press Ctrl + Shift + – to remove borders.

Keyboard Shortcut to Remove Borders

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + Option/Alt (⌥) + –

16. Formula Shortcuts

Actions Windows Shortcut
Toggle absolute and relative references F4
Open the Insert Function Dialog Box Shift + F3
Autosum Alt + =
Toggle displaying formulas on and off Ctrl + ‘
Insert function arguments Ctrl + Shift + A
Enter array formula Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Force calculate active worksheet Shift + F9
Force calculate all worksheets Ctrl + Alt + F9
Expand or collapse the formula bar Ctrl + Shift + U
Display function arguments dialog box Ctrl + A
Open Name Manager Ctrl + F3
Create name from values in a row(s)/column(s) Ctrl + Shift + F3
Paste name into formula F3
Accept function with auto-complete Tab

16.1 Toggle Absolute and Relative References: F4

To toggle between absolute and relative cell reference in a formula, press F4 on your keyboard. This helps to work easily with cell references rather than typing Dollar Sign ($) before each cell number every time in the formula.

Toggle Absolute and Relative References

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + T

16.2 Open Insert Function Dialog Box: Shift + F3

Press Shift + F3 on the keyboard to open the Insert Function dialogue box.

Keyboard Shortcut to Open Insert Function Dialog Box

Note: For Mac users, press Function (Fn) + Shift (⇧) + F3

16.3 Autosum: Alt + =

To auto-sum selected cells’ values, press Alt + = on your keyboard.

Keyboard Shortcut to Autosum Selection

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + Shift (⇧) + T

16.4 Toggle Displaying Formulas On and Off: Ctrl + ‘

To show or hide the formula in a cell, press Ctrl + ‘ on your keyboard for ease of visualization. The Total Wage column has formulas in all cells.

Select any cell(D6) within the Total Wage column.

Toggle Dispalying Formulas On and Off

Press Ctrl + ‘ to see the formulas.

Toggle Dispalying Formulas On and Off

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + ‘

16.5 Insert Function Arguments: Ctrl + Shift + A

To show the arguments of any function inside a cell, press Ctrl + Shift + A after typing the function name.

Keyboard Shortcut to Insert Function Arguments

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Shift (⇧) + A

16.6 Enter Array Formula: Ctrl + Shift + Enter

When we need to process several values for a single calculation, we use them as an array formula rather than a regular one. For this, insert Curly Brackets ({}) on the front and back of the formula to make it an array, and then press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to enter the array formula.

Keyboard Shortcut to Enter Array Formula

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Shift (⇧) + Return

16.7 Force Calculation in Active Worksheet: Shift + F9

This shortcut is useful while calculating in Manual mode.
We have used the SUM formula in cell C11 to calculate the Total Sales($).

Force Calculation in Active Worksheet

Go to the Formulas tab >> Calculation Options. Select the Manual option.

Force Calculation

Return to your dataset and change any cell value in C7 from 50 to 100. The Total remains the same.

Force Calculation in Active Worksheet

To update the Total value, use the shortcut Shift + F9. And the Total value updates to 450.

Force Calculation in Active Worksheet

Note: For Mac users, press Function (Fn) + Shift (⇧) + F9

16.8 Force Calculate All Worksheets: Ctrl + Alt + F9

To force calculation in all worksheets of all opened workbooks, press Ctrl + Alt + F9 on the keyboard.

Keyboard Shortcut to Force Calculate All Worksheets

16.9 Expand or Collapse Formula Bar: Ctrl + Shift + U

Press Ctrl + Shift + U to expand or collapse the Formula Bar in the worksheet.

Keyboard Shortcut to Expand or Collapse Formula Bar

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Shift (⇧) + U

16.10 Open Name Manager: Ctrl + F3

Press Ctrl + F3 to display the Name Manager dialogue box.

Keyboard Shortcut to Open Name Manager

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + L

16.11 Create Name from Values in Row(s)/Column(s): Ctrl + Shift + F3

After selecting certain rows or columns, press Ctrl + Shift + F3 to open the Create Names from Selection dialogue box. Choose your preference from the list below and create a name for that specific selection.

Keyboard Shortcut to Create Name from Values in Row(s)/Column(s)

Note: For Mac users, press Function (Fn) + Control (^) + F3

16.12 Paste Name into Formula: F3

After selecting a cell with a formula, press F3 to the Paste Name window and insert any named range to associate with the formula.

Keyboard Shortcut to Paste Name into Formula

Note: For Mac users, press F3

16.13 Accept Function with Auto-Complete: Tab

Press Tab to accept any function with its auto-complete suggestion.

Keyboard Shortcut to Accept Function with Auto-Complete

Note: For Mac users, press Tab

17. Grid Operation Shortcuts

Actions Windows Shortcut
Display Insert Dialog box Ctrl + Shift + +
Display Delete dialog box Ctrl + –
Delete contents of selected cells Delete
Hide columns Ctrl + 0
Hide rows Ctrl + 9
Unhide rows Ctrl + Shift + 9
Unhide columns Ctrl + Shift + 0
Group rows or columns (with rows/columns selected) Alt + Shift + →
Ungroup rows or columns (with rows/columns selected) Alt + Shift + ←
Hide or show outline symbols Ctrl + 8

17.1 Display Insert Dialog Box: Ctrl + Shift + +

Press Ctrl + Shift + + to show the Insert dialogue box. In the box, select your preferred option for grid operation.

Keyboard Shortcut to Display Insert Dialog Box

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + Shift (⇧) + +

17.2 Display Delete Dialog Box: Ctrl + –

Press Ctrl + – to show the Delete dialogue box. In the box, select your preferred option for grid operation.

Keyboard Shortcut to Display Delete Dialog Box

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + –

17.3 Delete Contents of Selected Cells: Delete

Select cell(s) and press Delete to remove contents.

Toggle Absolute and Relative References

Click on the image to get a detailed view

Note: For Mac users, press Function (Fn) + Delete

17.4 Hide Columns: Ctrl + 0

Press Ctrl + 0 to hide selected columns.

Hide Columns

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + 0

17.5 Hide Rows: Ctrl + 9

Press Ctrl + 9 to hide selected rows.

Hide Rows

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + 9

17.6 Unhide Rows: Ctrl + Shift + 9

Press Ctrl + Shift + 9 to unhide the hidden rows.

Unhide Rows

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Shift (⇧) + 9

17.7 Unhide Columns: Ctrl + Shift + 0

In my dataset, column D is hidden. To unhide the column, press Ctrl + A to select the entire worksheet >> use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + 0.

Unhide Columns


On Windows 8, Windows 10, and later versions, the Ctrl + Shift command is used for Regional/ Language settings. That’s why this shortcut may not work on some systems. You have to change the Keyboard Layout shortcut:
Search for Advanced keyboard settings in the Windows search bar and open it >> select Input language hotkeys >> go to the Advanced Key Settings tab >> click on Change Key Sequence >> mark the radio button for Not Assigned for both Switch Input Language & Switch Keyboard Layout >> press OK.
The shortcut will work again.

For Mac Users, press Control (^) + Shift (⇧) + 0

17.8 Group Rows or Columns (with rows/columns selected): Alt + Shift + →

Press Alt + Shift + → to group selected rows or columns. Or, open the Group dialogue box when no rows or columns are selected.

Keyboard Shortcut to Group Rows or Columns (with rows/columns selected)

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + Shift (⇧) + K

17.9 Ungroup Rows or Columns (with rows/columns selected): Alt + Shift + ←

Press Alt + Shift + ← to ungroup selected rows or columns. Or, open the Ungroup dialogue box when no rows or columns are selected.

Keyboard Shortcut to Ungroup Rows or Columns (with rows/columns selected

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + Shift (⇧) + J

17.10 Hide or Show Outline Symbols: Ctrl + 8

After grouping certain rows or columns, you will notice an outline symbol on the left side of the dataset. To hide or show it, press Ctrl + 8 on your keyboard.

-Keyboard Shortcut to Hide or Show Outline Symbols

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + 8

18. Pivot Table Shortcuts

Actions Windows Shortcut
Create pivot table Alt + N, V, T
Toggle Pivot Table Field Checkbox Space
Select entire pivot table Ctrl + A
Group pivot table items Alt + Shift + →
Ungroup pivot table items Alt + Shift + ←
Hide (filter out) pivot table item Ctrl + –
Unhide (clear filter on) pivot table item Alt + H, S, C
Open Pivot Chart list Alt + N, S, Z, C
Create Pivot Chart on Same Worksheet Alt + F1
Create Pivot Chart on New Worksheet F11

18.1 Create Pivot Table: Alt + N, V, T

After selecting a data range, press Alt + N, V, T to open the PivotTable from table or range window and create a Pivot Table. Or, press Alt + N, V, E to create it from an external source.

Keyboard Shortcut to Create Pivot Table

18.2 Toggle Pivot Table Field Checkbox: Space

Press Space every time to toggle between the PivotTable Fields checkboxes.

Keyboard Shortcut to Toggle Pivot Table Field Checkbox

Note: For Mac users, press Space

18.3 Select Entire Pivot Table: Ctrl + A

Select any cell within the Pivot Table >> use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + A.

Select Entire Pivot Table

This keyboard shortcut selects the entire Pivot Table.

Select Pivot Table

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + A

18.4 Group Pivot Table Items: Alt + Shift + →

Select the Pivot Table items. Use the keyboard shortcut Alt + Shift + →.

Group Pivot Table Item

This keyboard shortcut groups Pivot Table items.

Group Pivot Table Item

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + Shift (⇧) + K

18.5 Ungroup Pivot Table Items: Alt + Shift + ←

To ungroup the Pivot Table items, select the grouped items. Use the keyboard shortcut Alt + Shift + ←.

Ungroup Pivot Table Item

This keyboard shortcut ungroups Pivot Table items.

Ungroup Pivot Table Item

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + Shift (⇧) + J

18.6 Hide (filter out) Pivot Table Item: Ctrl + –

Select a Pivot Table item (row or column). Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + –.

Hide Pivot Table Item

This shortcut hides a Pivot Table item.

Hide Pivot Table Item

Note: For Mac users, press Ctrl + –

18.7 Unhide (clear filter on) Pivot Table Item: Alt + H, S, C

To unhide the Pivot Table item, select any cell within the Pivot Table. Use the keyboard shortcut: Alt + H, S, C.

Unhide Pivot Table Item

This keyboard shortcut clears the filter and unhides Pivot Table items.

Unhide Pivot Table Item

18.8 Open Pivot Chart List: Alt + N, S, Z, C

To create a chart from the Pivot Table, press Alt + N, S, Z, C to get the list of preferences.

Keyboard Shortcut to Open Pivot Chart List

18.9 Create Pivot Chart on the Same Worksheet: Alt + F1

To create a Pivot Chart on the same worksheet, select the whole Pivot Table. Use the keyboard shortcut Alt + F1.

Create Pivot Chart

This keyboard shortcut creates a Pivot Chart on the same worksheet as the source Pivot Table.

Create Pivot Chart

18.10 Create Pivot Chart on New Worksheet: F11

Press F11 to create a Pivot Chart on a new worksheet.

Keyboard Shortcut to Create Pivot Chart on New Worksheet

Note: For Mac users, press Function (Fn) + F11

19. Dialog Box Shortcuts

Actions Windows Shortcut
Move to next control Tab
Move to previous control Shift + Tab
Move to next tab Ctrl + Tab
Move to previous tab Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Accept and apply Enter
Check and uncheck box Space
Cancel and close the dialog box Esc

19.1 Move to Next Control: Tab

To move to the next control in a dialogue box, press Tab each time.

Keyboard Shortcut to Move to Next Control

Note: For Mac users, press Tab

19.2 Move to Previous Control: Shift + Tab

To go back to the previous control, press Shift + Tab on your keyboard.

Keyboard Shortcut to Move to Previous Control

Note: For Mac users, press Shift (⇧) + Tab

19.3 Move to Next Tab: Ctrl + Tab

In a dialogue box, press Ctrl + Tab to move to the next tab.

Keyboard Shortcut to Move to Next Tab

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Tab

19.4 Move to Previous Tab: Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Go back to the previous tab and press Ctrl + Shift + Tab on your keyboard.

Keyboard Shortcut to Move to Previous Tab

Note: For Mac users, press Control (^) + Shift (⇧)  + Tab

19.5 Accept and Apply: Enter

To accept and apply certain settings in a dialogue box, press Enter, which will work on the OK button as well.

Keyboard Shortcut to Accept and Apply Settings

Note: For Mac users, press Enter

19.6 Check and Uncheck Box: Space

To check and uncheck boxes in a dialogue box, press Space each time for a change of preference.

Keyboard Shortcut to Check and Uncheck Box

Note: For Mac users, press Space

19.7 Cancel and Close the Dialog Box: Esc

Press Esc to cancel and close the dialogue box.

Keyboard Shortcut to Cancel and Close the Dialog Box

Note: For Mac users, press Esc

20. Other Keyboard Shortcuts

Actions Windows Shortcut
Run Spellcheck F7
Open Thesaurus Shift + F7
Open Macro dialog box Alt + F8
Open VBA Editor Alt + F11
Duplicate object Ctrl + D
Snap to the grid (whilst dragging) Alt
Hide or show objects Ctrl + 6
Open Style dialog box Alt + ‘
Show right-click menu Shift + F10
Display control menu Alt + Space

20.1 Run Spellcheck: F7

Open the Spelling window by pressing F7 on your keyboard.

Keyboard Shortcut to Run Spellcheck

Note: For Mac users, press F7

20.2 Open Thesaurus: Shift + F7

Open the Thesaurus panel on your worksheet by pressing Shift + F7 on the worksheet.

Keyboard Shortcut to Open Thesaurus

Note: For Mac users, press Shift (⇧) + F7

20.3 Open Macro Dialog Box: Alt + F8

Press Alt + F8 to open the Macro dialogue box.

Keyboard Shortcut to Open Macro Dialog Box

Note: For Mac users, press Option/Alt (⌥) + Function (Fn) + F9 as keyboard shortcuts in Excel.

20.4 Open VBA Editor: Alt + F11

Press Alt + F11 to open the VBA Editor window.

Keyboard Shortcut to Open VBA Editor

Note: For Mac users, press Option/Alt (⌥) + Function (Fn) + F11 as keyboard shortcuts in Excel.

20.5 Duplicate Object: Ctrl + D

To duplicate a value or object in the same worksheet, press Ctrl + D on the keyboard.

Keyboard Shortcut to Duplicate Object

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + D as keyboard shortcuts in Excel.

20.6 Open Style Dialog Box: Alt + ‘

Open the Style window by pressing Alt + ‘ to modify cell style.

Keyboard Shortcut to Open Modify Cell Style Dialog Box

Note: For Mac users, press Command (⌘) + Shift (⇧) + L as keyboard shortcuts in Excel.

20.7 Show Right-Click Menu: Shift + F10

Press Shift + F10 to display the Context Menu in the worksheet.

Keyboard Shortcut to Show Right-Click Menu

Note: For Mac users, press Function (Fn) + Shift (⇧) + L

20.8 Display Control Menu: Alt + Space

Press Alt + Space as keyboard shortcuts in Excel to display the Control Menu.

Keyboard Shortcut to Display Control Menu

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Sourav Kundu
Sourav Kundu

Sourav Kundu, BSc, Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, is a dedicated technical content creator of the ExcelDemy project. He has a keen interest in Excel and he leverages his problem-solving skills to provide solutions on user interface with Excel. In his position as an Excel & VBA Content Developer at ExcelDemy, Sourav Kundu not only adeptly addresses challenging issues but also demonstrates enthusiasm and expertise in navigating complex situations. Apart from creating... Read Full Bio

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