How to Add Comma in Excel (10 Easy ways)

Here’s a simple overview of putting a comma separator for numerical values in Excel.

Overview of adding comma in Excel

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How to Add Comma in Excel: 10 Easy Methods

Method 1 – Adding the Ampersand (&) Operator

We will use an Ampersand (&) to attach the data from the B5 and C5 cells and insert a comma between them.

  • Put the following formula in the result cell:


  • Press Enter and use the Fill Handle to copy the formula down to other cells you need.

Using Ampersand operator

Method 2 – Using the CONCATENATE Function to Add a Comma

  • Use the following formula to copy the values from B5 and C5 with a comma between them.


Comma using Concatenate function

Method 3 – Applying the SUBSTITUTE Function to Replace Other Characters with a Comma


Comma using substitute function

Method 4 – Using the FIXED Function to Add a Comma After 3 Digits

  • The FIXED function puts a comma after 3 digits as a thousand separator but returns the value as text. The formula is given below:


Using fixed function

Method 5 – Using the TEXTJOIN Function to Combine a List with a Comma

  • We’ll use the TEXTJOIN function to put a comma between B5 and C5. The formula is given below:


Comma using textjoin function

Formula Explanation

  • TEXTJOIN: It is an Excel function used to join multiple text strings together.
  • “,”: This is the delimiter or separator that will be used to separate the text values. In this case, it’s a comma (“,”).
  • TRUE: This parameter specifies that empty cells should be ignored. If a cell is empty, it will not be included in the final text string. /wpsm_box]

Method 6 – Using the Format Cells Option to Put a Comma

  • Select the E column and right-click on it.
  • Choose the Format Cells option from the Context Menu.

Comma using Format cell

  • Select the Number from the Format Cells window and check Use 1000 Separator (,).
  • Press OK.

Use number category

  • You can also use the Custom Number Format and customize your own rule for inserting Commas.

Using Custom category in Format cells

  • You will get a Comma after three digits.

Method 7 – Add a Comma Using the Accounting Number Format

  • Select column E and right-click on it.
  • Select Format Cells.

Selecting Format cells

  • Choose the Accounting category from the Number tab.
  • Press OK.

Add Accounting category

  • In column E, Excel has added a comma using the Accounting category.

Finally comma added

Method 8 – Using the Shortcut Keys to a Add Comma

  • Select the E column.
  • Press Alt + H + K to add a comma in the E column.

Using Keyboard shortcut

Method 9 – Using the Comma Style to Put a Comma in Numbers

  • Select the column E.
  • Go to the Home tab and select Comma Style.

Adding Comma using Comma Style

Method 10 – Applying VBA to Add a Comma at the End

  • Select Developer and choose Visual Basic.

Choose visual basic

  • Select Insert and choose Module.

Adding Module

VBA code

  • You can copy the code from here.
Sub ConcatenateMobilePrice()
    Dim lastRow As Long
    Dim i As Long
    ' Set the worksheet object to the active worksheet
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Set ws = ActiveSheet
    ' Get the last row in column B
    lastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
    ' Loop through each row starting from row 4
    For i = 5 To lastRow
            ws.Cells(i, "D").Value = ws.Cells(i, "B").Value & "," & ws.Cells(i, "C").Value
    Next i
End Sub

    Code Explanation

Sub ConcatenateMobilePrice()

    Dim lastRow As Long

    Dim i As Long

    ' Set the worksheet object to the active worksheet

    Dim ws As Worksheet

    Set ws = ActiveSheet

In this part, we declare variables lastRow, i, and ws to store the last row number, loop counter, and the active worksheet object, respectively.

' Get the last row in column B

    lastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row

This line determines the last used row in column B. It starts from the last row of the worksheet (ws.Rows.Count) and moves upwards until it finds the last non-empty cell in column B (ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, “B”).End(xlUp)). The row number of the last non-empty cell in column B is then stored in the lastRow variable.

  ' Loop through each row starting from row 4

    For i = 5 To lastRow

            ws.Cells(i, "D").Value = ws.Cells(i, "B").Value & "," & ws.Cells(i, "C").Value

    Next i

End Sub

In the loop, we start from row 5 and iterate through each row until we reach the last row (lastRow). For each iteration, the code concatenates the values in column B and column C using the & operator, with a comma in between and stores the result in column D (ws.Cells(i, “D”).Value).

  • Run the code and you’ll get a column D with commas.

Macro result

How to Add Commas in Excel Between Names

  • Select column C first and choose Find & Select, then go to Replace.

Replace space with Comma

  • Select Replace.
  • Put a space in Find what.
  • For Replace with, insert a comma.
  • Pick Replace All.

Replace space with Comma

  • Close the notification and the box.
  • We get the commas between names.

Finally comma between names

How to Add Commas in Excel Between Numbers

  • To add commas between numbers, we have used the following formula:


Formula Explanation

The formula =LEFT(C5,3)&”,”&MID(C5,4,3)&”,”&RIGHT(C5,3) manipulates the value in cell C5 by extracting substrings from it and combining them with commas.

  • LEFT(C5,3): The LEFT function extracts a specified number of characters from the left side of a text string. In this case, it takes the leftmost three characters from the text value in cell C5.
  • “&”,”&”: The ampersand (&) is a concatenation operator in Excel that combines different text values. In this formula, it is used to concatenate the substrings and commas.
  • MID(C5,4,3): The MID function extracts a specified number of characters from a text string, starting from a given position. In this case, it takes three characters from cell C5, starting from the fourth position.
  • RIGHT(C5,3): The RIGHT function extracts a specified number of characters from the right side of a text string. In this case, it takes the rightmost three characters from the text value in cell C5.

  • We get commas in the D column.

Comma is added

Things to Remember

  • Consider the number of decimal places you want to display. The comma formatting in Excel affects only the whole number part of a value and does not modify decimal places.
  • If you want to display decimal places as well, you need to adjust the formatting accordingly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I apply comma formatting to a range of cells?

Yes, you can apply comma formatting to a range of cells in Excel. Simply select the range of cells you want to format and follow the steps mentioned earlier to add commas to the numbers.

Can I remove commas from numbers in Excel?

Yes, you can remove commas from numbers by changing the number formatting of the cell or range of cells. Select the cell or range, right-click, choose Format Cells, and then select the appropriate number formatting option without commas.

Does Excel support other regional comma separators?

Yes, Excel supports regional settings and automatically adjusts the comma separator based on the language and regional settings of your computer. For example, in some regions, a period may be used as a comma separator.

Is it possible to add commas to numbers using formulas in Excel?

Yes, you can use formulas to add commas to numbers in Excel. The TEXT function is commonly used for this purpose. For example, you can use the formula “=TEXT(C5,”#,##0.00″)” to add commas and display two decimal places for the value in cell C5.

How to Add Commas in Excel: Knowledge Hub

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Joyanta Mitra
Joyanta Mitra

Joyanta Mitra, a BSc graduate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, has dedicated over a year to the ExcelDemy project. Specializing in programming, he has authored and modified 60 articles, predominantly focusing on Power Query and VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). His expertise in VBA programming is evident through the substantial body of work he has contributed, showcasing a deep understanding of Excel automation, and enhancing the ExcelDemy project's resources with valuable... Read Full Bio

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