How to Insert and Use Timestamp in Excel?

n the picture below, we have demonstrated an example of inserting a timestamp in Excel.

Overview of inserting timestamp

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How to Insert a Timestamp in Excel?

Method 1 – Using Keyboard Shortcuts to Insert Timestamps

  • If you want to insert only the time, use the following keys:

Ctrl + Shift + ;

  • For a date, use the following:

Ctrl + ;

  • For a complete date and time, use the following shortcut:

Ctrl + Shift + ; [Space] Ctrl + ;

Using Keyboard Shortcut

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of This Method?

  • Advantage: Quick and easy, doesn’t require code.
  • Disadvantage: Needs manual input each time you want to insert a timestamp, which can increase the likelihood of errors.

Method 2 – Using NOW and TODAY Functions to Insert Timestamps

Here is the overview of using the NOW function.

NOW function in Excel

  • To get the date and time together, use the following formula:


  • To get the current date, put the following formula:


Using Now and today functions

Why Should You Use This Method?

  • Advantage: Updates automatically whenever the worksheet is recalculated, providing real-time timestamps.
  • Disadvantage: Needs to be placed manually or copied to each cell.

Method 3 – Inserting Timestamps Automatically by Applying Circular References

Here’s a brief review of the IF function which we’ll use below.

IF function in Excel

  • Press Alt + F + T so the Excel Options window will pop up.
  • Go to Formulas and select Enable Iterative Calculation.

Go to Excel options

  • Use the following formula in C5:


The formula checks if the B5 cell is not empty. If the B5 cell is not empty, it checks if the C5 cell is not empty. If the C5 cell is not empty, it returns the value of C5. When the C5 cell is empty, it returns the current date and time. And when the B5 cell is empty, it returns an empty string.

Selcting the column to set custom date type

  • Press Ctrl + 1, and Format Cells will pop up.
  • Select Custom from Category. For Type, choose ddmmyyyy hh:mm.
  • Press OK.

Selecting Custom format

  • When you enter data into the Data column, it will add a timestamp of the last entry.

Inserting Timestep using Circular reference

  • Add “E” to the Data column, and the corresponding timestamp will pop up automatically.

Adding new Row

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of This Method?

  • Advantage: Automatically updates the timestamp whenever any cell on the worksheet is changed, providing real-time timestamps.
  • Disadvantage: Circular references can cause performance issues, increase calculation time, and may not be allowed in certain Excel versions or settings. It can also lead to undesired recalculation loops and may require careful handling.

Method 4 – Inserting Current Time with VBA

  • Select Developer and go to Visual Basic.

Selecting visual basic

  • Go to the Insert tab and select Module.

Creating new module

  • Insert the code, then run the code by pressing the Run button or F5.
Sub TimeStamp()
Dim s As Date
With Selection
.Value = Now
.NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy h:mm:ss AM/PM"
End With
End Sub

VBA code for timestamp

Code Explanation

» Sub TimeStamp()

This line starts the definition of the VBA subroutine called “TimeStamp”.

» Dim s As Date

This line declares a variable named “s” of the Date data type. However, the variable “s” is not used in the code and can be removed.

» With Selection

This line starts a “With” statement, which allows performing a series of actions on a specific object (in this case, the selected range).

» .Value = Now

This line assigns the current date and time to the “Value” property of the selected range. The “Now” function returns the current date and time.

» .NumberFormat = “m/d/yyyy h:mm:ss AM/PM”

This line sets the number format of the selected range to display the timestamp in the format of “m/d/yyyy h:mm:ss AM/PM”. This format represents the month, day, year, hour (in 12-hour format), minute, second, and AM/PM indicator.

  • You get the timestamp after running the VBA code.

Timestamp using VBA

Why Should You Use This Method?

  • Advantage: Allows for customization and flexibility in determining where and when to insert the timestamp. It can be triggered automatically based on specific events or conditions.
  • Disadvantage: Requires knowledge of VBA programming and may require enabling macros or using specific events to trigger the timestamp insertion.

Method 5 – Creating a User-Defined Function to Insert a Timestamp

  • We’ll use the Time_Stamp user-defined function to get the current timestamp.

Timestamp using userdefined function

  • Create a module similar to the previous method.
  • Insert the code below in the module and click on the Run button.
Function Time_Stamp(Reference As Range) As String
    If Reference.Value <> "" Then
        Time_Stamp = Format(Now(), "dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss")
        Time_Stamp = ""
    End If
End Function

Code Explanation

» Function Time_Stamp(Reference As Range)

This line declares a VBA function named “Time_Stamp” that takes a single argument called “Reference,” which is expected to be of type “Range.” The purpose of this function is to return a timestamp value.

» If Reference.Value <> “” Then

This line checks if the value of the referenced cell (specified by the “Reference” argument) is not empty. The comparison <> checks for inequality.

» Time_Stamp = Format(Now, “dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss”)

If the referenced cell is not empty, this line assigns a formatted timestamp string to the function’s return value. The Now function is used to retrieve the current date and time, and the Format function is used to format it as “dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.”

» Else

Time_Stamp = “”

In the “else” part, this line assigns an empty string to the function’s return value.

  • As a result, you will get the timestamp.

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of This Method?

  • Advantage: Provides a reusable function that can be used in multiple cells or worksheets.
  • Disadvantage: The function may not update automatically like formulas triggered by worksheet recalculation.

Read More: How to Insert Current Date and Time in Excel

How to Use a Timestamp in Excel?

Case 1 – Inserting the Current Time as a Dynamic Value

We’ll use the INT function to get a semi-random value from time.

INT function in Excel

  • Use the NOW function and change the formatting to Number. Here you can copy the formula below.


  • You get the dynamic value according to the timestamp.

Inserting Current Time as Dynamic Value

Case 2 – Converting a Timestamp to a Date

Change the format of C5 cell to Date after using the function.

Converting Timestamp to Date

Case 3 – Removing the Time from a Timestamp

Use INT and DATE functions to remove time from timestamp. We will give a brief overview of the DATE function.

Date function in Excel

  • Format the C5 cell into Date format.
  • Use the following formula in C5.


Use the INT function in the B5 cell

  • Use the following formula in the D5 cell after formatting the cell as Date.


Use of Date function to separate year, month, day

Formula Explanation

The formula =DATE(YEAR(B5), MONTH(B5), DAY(B5)) is used to construct a new date by extracting the year, month, and day components from an existing date in cell B5. Let’s break it down:

  • YEAR(B5): This function retrieves the year component from the date in cell B5. It extracts the year value as a four-digit number.
  • MONTH(B5): This function retrieves the month component from the date in cell B5. It extracts the month value as a number ranging from 1 (January) to 12 (December).
  • DAY(B5): This function retrieves the day component from the date in cell B5. It extracts the day value as a number ranging from 1 to 31, depending on the month.

The DATE function takes these extracted year, month, and day values as arguments and constructs a new date using them. The resulting date will have the same year, month, and day as the original date in cell B5.

Case 4 – Getting Hours, Minutes, and Seconds from a Timestamp in Excel

Here is a brief overview of time functions in Excel.

Time function in Excel

  • Here are the functions that will separate the hour, minute, or seconds part of the timestamp from cell B5.




Getting Hours, Minutes, and Seconds from Timestamp

Case 5 – Inserting a Specific Time in Excel

We will use the TIME function in Excel to insert a specific time in Excel.

Time function in Excel

  • Use tjhe following formula to turn the values into time:


  • The formula will return time accordingly.

Insert Specific Time in Excel

Read More: How to Insert Last Modified Date and Time in Excel Cell

Case 6 – Inserting a Timestamp in Excel When Cell Changes

  • Right-click on the worksheet and select View code.

Inserting VBA code to Inserting Timestamp When Cell Value Changes

  • Insert the code given below and press Run.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Dim CellCol As Integer, TimeCol As Integer, Row As Integer, Col As Integer
    Dim DpRng As Range, Rng As Range
    Dim Timestamp As String
    CellCol = 2
    TimeCol = 3
    Row = Target.Row
    Col = Target.Column
    If Row <= 4 Then Exit Sub
    Timestamp = Format(Now, "DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM")
    If Target.Text <> "" Then
        If Col = CellCol Then
            Cells(Row, TimeCol) = Timestamp
            On Error Resume Next
            Set DpRng = Target.Dependents
            For Each Rng In DpRng
                If Rng.Column = CellCol Then
                    Cells(Rng.Row, TimeCol) = Timestamp
                End If
            Next Rng
            On Error GoTo 0
        End If
    End If

VBA Code Insert Timestamp in Excel When Cell Changes

Code Explanation

» Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

Dim CellCol As Integer, TimeCol As Integer, Row As Integer, Col As Integer

Dim DpRng As Range, Rng As Range

Dim Timestamp As String

We used these lines to declare variables to use in the code. CellCol represents the column number where the change is being detected, TimeCol represents the column number where the timestamp will be recorded, Row represents the row number where the change occurs, Col represents the column number where the change occurs, DpRng is a Range object used to store the dependents of the changed cell, Rng is used to iterate through the dependents, and Timestamp is a string variable that will store the current timestamp.

» CellCol = 2

TimeCol = 3

Row = Target.Row

Col = Target.Column

These lines assign values to the variables. CellCol is set to 2, representing column 2 (B). TimeCol is set to 3, representing column 3 (C). The row is set to the row number of the changed cell, and Col is set to the column number of the changed cell.

» If Row <= 4 Then Exit Sub

This line checks if the change occurs in row 4 or earlier. If it does, the code exits the subroutine using Exit Sub. This is done to ignore any changes that occur in the first 4 rows of the worksheet.

» Timestamp = Format(Now, “DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM”)

This line assigns the current date and time to the Timestamp variable. The Format function is used to format the date and time in the desired format.

» If Target.Text <> “” Then

This line checks if the changed cell is not empty. It ensures that the code proceeds only if there is text in the changed cell.

» If Col = CellCol Then

Cells(Row, TimeCol) = Timestamp

If the changed cell is not empty and the column of the changed cell (Col) is equal to CelllCol(which was set to 2), then it sets the value in the cell at the same row but in the TimeCol (which was set to 3) to the generated timestamp.

» Else

On Error Resume Next

Set DpRng = Target.Dependents

For Each Rng In DpRng

If Rng.Column = CellCol Then

Cells(Rng.Row, TimeCol) = Timestamp

End If

Next Rng

On Error GoTo 0

If the changed cell is not in column 2 cellcol, it temporarily turns on error handling to prevent any errors caused by dependencies, then it loops through the dependents of the changed cell (Target). If any dependent cell is in column 2, it sets the value in the corresponding row and column 3 (Timecol) to the timestamp. After the loop, it turns off error handling.

  • If you change any Data Entry column, it will show the time in the Timestamp column.

Changed Eva to Emily to see timestamp

Things to Remember

  • Automatic Updates: Timestamps based on formulas like =NOW() or =TODAY() update automatically whenever the worksheet recalculates or when triggered by specific events. Keep in mind that if you want to freeze a timestamp, you need to convert it to a static value.
  • Formatting Options: Excel provides various formatting options for timestamps. You can customize the date and time format using the built-in number formatting options or the TEXT function. Choose a format that best suits your needs and makes the timestamp easily readable.
  • VBA Automation: If you require more advanced timestamp functionality or want to automate timestamp insertion based on specific events or conditions, you can use the VBA code. VBA allows customization and flexibility in determining when and where to insert timestamps.
  • Time Zone Considerations: Excel does not have built-in functions to directly convert timestamps to different time zones. If you need to work with timestamps in different time zones, you may need to use VBA code or external tools to handle the conversion accurately.
  • Consistency and Accuracy: Ensure that you insert timestamps consistently and accurately. Double-check formulas, VBA code, or macros to verify that you correctly calculated and inserted the timestamps in the desired cells or ranges.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can we freeze a timestamp so that it doesn’t change automatically?

Yes, if you want to freeze a timestamp and prevent it from updating, you can convert the formula or value to a static value. Select the cell with the timestamp, copy it (Ctrl + C), then use “Paste Special” and select “Values” to paste it as a static value.

How can we insert a timestamp when a specific cell or range is modified?

You can achieve this using VBA code and the Worksheet_Change event. Write VBA code to check if the modified cell is the specific cell or within the specified range, and if so, insert the timestamp using the NOW() function or by assigning the current date and time to the cell.

Can we create a button or shortcut to insert a timestamp with one click?

Yes, you can create a button on the Excel toolbar or ribbon using the Developer tab. Assign a VBA macro to the button that inserts the timestamp using the desired method (e.g., NOW() function or VBA code).

Is it possible to display the timestamp in a specific time zone?

Excel does not have built-in functions to directly convert time zones. However, you can use VBA code or external tools to convert the timestamp to a different time zone based on your requirements.

Can we customize the timestamp update frequency in Excel?

Timestamps based on formulas like =NOW() update whenever the worksheet recalculates, which can be controlled through Excel settings. You can manually recalculate the worksheet or change the calculation mode to control the update frequency. VBA code can provide more control over the update frequency by triggering the timestamp insertion based on specific events or conditions.

Timestamp in Excel: Knowledge Hub

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Joyanta Mitra
Joyanta Mitra

Joyanta Mitra, a BSc graduate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, has dedicated over a year to the ExcelDemy project. Specializing in programming, he has authored and modified 60 articles, predominantly focusing on Power Query and VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). His expertise in VBA programming is evident through the substantial body of work he has contributed, showcasing a deep understanding of Excel automation, and enhancing the ExcelDemy project's resources with valuable... Read Full Bio

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