How to Use Operators in Excel? (All You Need to Know)

Operators specify the type of calculation in an Excel formula. For example, arithmetic operators indicate addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division of formula elements.

In this article, we will discuss 4 commonly used types of operators in Excel: Arithmetic, Comparison/Logical, Reference, and Concatenation operators. We’ll discuss the orders in which operators are used and how to change those orders.

The below overview image explains the uses of different operators in Excel. We used the IF function to demonstrate their usage, to get a more logical output.

Excel Operators

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What Are Operators in Excel?

Operators are characters or symbols used to perform mathematical calculations in Excel. We use Excel operators for calculations and various formulas.

What Types of Operators Are There in Excel?

There are 4 types of operators in Excel:

  • Arithmetic Operators (+,,*,/,%,^): Used for basic mathematical calculations.
  • Comparison Operators (=,<>,>,<,>=,<=): Used in conditional formatting and other complex formulas.
  • Reference Operators (“:”,“,”,“ ”): Refer to a specific range or cell link within formulas.
  • Concatenation Operator: The ampersand symbol (&) is the only concatenation operator that joins two or multiple strings together.

Section 1 – Arithmetic Operators and How to Use Them

There are 6 arithmetic operators: Plus (+) sign for addition, Minus (-) sign for subtraction, Asterisk (*) sign for Multiplication, Forward Slash (/) for Division, Percent (%) sign for percentage, and Caret (^) sign for Exponential operation.

All the arithmetic operators and their summary is given in the following table:

Operators Condition Name Formula Description
% Percent Sign =25%*B10 Converts a numeric value to a percentage.
^ Caret/Exponential =B10^C10 The value of the first cell is raised to the power of the value in the second cell.
* Asterisk =B10*C10 Returns the multiplied value of two cells.
/ Forward Slash =B10/C10 Divides the first cell value by the second one and gives the result.
+ Addition =B10+C10 Adds the numeric values and returns the result.
Subtraction =B10-C10 Subtracts the second cell from the first and gives a numeric value.
Note: Before using the arithmetic operators you should be aware of their precedence. The Percent sign has the highest precedence. Then, Exponential or Caret symbol. After that, Multiplication and Division, followed by Addition and Subtraction.

The following data table has 2 values in each row. We will see the result with each operator.

Dataset to Show Arithmetic Operators

  • Enter the following formula in E5 and press ENTER to get the added value:

Use of addition (+) operator

  • For the exponential operator, enter the following formula in E9 and press ENTER:

The exponentiated value 25 is the result.

  • Similarly, use the other arithmetic operators to get the rest of the results.

Use of Exponential operator

Section 2 – When to Use Comparison/Logical Operators in Excel

Use the comparison/logical operators to compare data between two cells. There are 6 comparison operators in Excel:

Operators Condition Name Formula Description
= Equal to =IF(C5=D5, “True”, “False”) Checks if two cell values are equal.
< Less than =IF(C5<D5, “True”, “False”) Checks if the first cell value is smaller than the second cell value.
> Greater than =IF(C5>D5, “True”, “False”) Checks if the first cell value is greater than the second cell value.
<> Not equal to =IF(C5<>D5, “True”, “False”) Checks if the two cells are not equal.
<= Less than or equal to =IF(C5<=D5, “True”, “False”) Checks if the first cell value is smaller than or equal to the second cell value.
>= Greater than or equal to =IF(C5>=D5, “True”, “False”) Checks if the first cell value is greater than or equal to the second cell value.

We will use these logical operators in an IF formula, which checks whether a condition is TRUE or FALSE. The syntax of the IF function is as follows:

Syntax of IF function

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  • Enter the following formula in cell E5 and press ENTER:

This formula checks whether the logic is TRUE or FALSE. As cells C5 and D5 are not equal, it returns FALSE.

Using of equal to (=) operator

Again, cells C8 and D8 are not equal, so the Not equal to operator returns TRUE in cell E8.

Similarly, check the other operators.

Showing the not equal to operator

Section 3 – Reference Operators

Colon (:), Comma (,), and Space ” “ are the reference operators in Excel. They are also known as Range, Union, and Intersection operators, and are used to indicate a data range.

Operators Condition Name Formula Description
: Range =SUM(C5:E5) Indicates a data range between the first cell and the second cell.
, Union =SUM(C5,D5,E5) Indicates separate cell values.
“ ” Intersection =C9:E9 D5:D12 Returns the intersection of cell values.

In the dataset below, we have different student names and their marks. We will find Total Marks using different reference operators.

Dataset to use Reference Operators

Read More: How to Use Reference Operator

3.1  – Using Range Operators in Excel

Generally, we can perform addition with the SUM function in Excel, and reference data with the Range (:) operator.

The overview of the SUM function is shown in the following image:

Syntax of SUM Function

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  • Use the following formula in F5 to find the Total Marks:

Using SUM Function with Range operator

  • Hold and drag the Fill Handle from cell F5 downwards to find the Total Marks for all the students.

Showing Total marks using Range operators

3.2 – Using Union Operators

We can also reference the data by the Union (,) operator in the SUM Function.

  • Enter the following formula in cell F5 and press ENTER:

Using SUM Function with Union (,) operator

  • Copy the formula to the other cells to get the Total Marks for all the other students.

Result after finding Total Marks with union (,) operator

3.3  – Using Intersect Operators in Excel

To find a specific cell value in a data table, use the Intersect (“ ”) operator. In the dataset below, we want to find the Chemistry marks of the student with ID number S005.

  • Use the following formula in D16 and press ENTER:
=C9:E9 D5:D12

Inserting Formula with Intersection operator

The formula returns a Chemistry mark of 75.

Finding Intersected cell

Section 4 – The Concatenation Operator and How to Use it

The ampersand (&) sign is known as the concatenation operator. We can use this concatenation operator (&) to join two or more strings.

For example, suppose we want to concatenate the First Name and Last Name from the following data set:

Showing dataset to be used for Concatenate operator

  • As we have to include a space between the First Name and Last Name, enter the following formula in cell D5 and press ENTER:
=B5&" "&C5

Formula and Result with Concatenate operator

  • Copy the formula to all the other cells, and all the other names will also be concatenated, as shown in the following image:

Showing Full Names after concatenation

What Is the Order of Excel Operators and How Can We Change It?

In an Excel formula, there could be many operators. The Excel operators have predefined precedence. The system will first work with the highest precedent operator, then move to the next highest precedent operator, and so on. The order of operators is given in the following table:

Operators Description
Colon (,); Comma (,); Space ( ) Reference Operators
% Percentage
^ Exponential Operator
*, / Multiplication and Division Operators
+ , – Addition and Subtraction Operators
& Concatenating Operator
=, <>, <=, >=, <> Comparison Operators

You can change the operator order by adding parenthesis. For example, the following formula will return 13:


20/4 will be calculated first and then added to 8 due to the higher precedence of the Division Operator (/).

Now add parenthesis and modify the formula as follows:


The formula will return 7, since we are now telling Excel to calculate 8+20 first before dividing by 4.

Read More: Order of Operations in Excel

Things To Remember

  • Multiplications and Divisions are performed before Addition and Subtraction.
  • Make sure to use the proper data type. When you are concatenating, the cell value must be in Text format. For arithmetic operators, use the Number format.
  • Be careful while referencing, especially with absolute and relative referencing.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the difference between Operators and Functions?

Answer: Excel Functions take values as input and return meaningful results. On the other hand, operators are used in different Excel functions or formulas so that they work properly.

2. How can I use operators to create complex formulas?

Answer: You can create complex formulas with Excel operators. To separate different criteria, use the comma (,) as a delimiter. To apply different logical conditions, use logical operators. Here is a complex formula =IF(AND(A1 > 60, B1 < 50), “Pass”, “Fail”) which returns Pass and Fail using a condition.

3. Which operator is used to compare if two values are equal?

Answer: Use two equal operators (==). This operator can be used to compare between a pair of numeric, boolean, string, and object values.

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Sourav Kundu
Sourav Kundu

Sourav Kundu, BSc, Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, is a dedicated technical content creator of the ExcelDemy project. He has a keen interest in Excel and he leverages his problem-solving skills to provide solutions on user interface with Excel. In his position as an Excel & VBA Content Developer at ExcelDemy, Sourav Kundu not only adeptly addresses challenging issues but also demonstrates enthusiasm and expertise in navigating complex situations. Apart from creating... Read Full Bio

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