How to Split in Excel (Text, Numbers, Cells & Columns)

The overview shows the summary of splitting first and last names, separating numbers from text, and splitting cells vertically across rows. Here, the C column shows the formula to execute all these methods to split in Excel.

The overview image Split in Excel

Apply Excel Features to Split in Excel
   Using Text to Column Wizard
   Applying the Flash Fill Option
Use Text Functions to Split Names
   Splitting First Name and Last Name
   Splitting First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name
Applying TEXTSPLIT Function to Split Cells Across Columns and Rows
   Split Cells Horizontally Across Columns
   Split Cells Vertically Across Rows
Separate Numbers from Text in Excel
Split Merged Cells into Multiple Columns
Split Cells Ignoring Missing Values
Split Columns Using Power Query
Apply VBA Macro to Split Cells

Part 1 – How to Apply Excel Features to Split in Excel

Method 1.1 – Using the Text to Column Wizard

The dataset contains the full name Robert Henry. We will split the text of Employee Name into two columns and get the first name, Robert, and the second name, Henry, in individual cells.

Dataset of split in Excel

  • Select the cell range C6:C13 and go to the Data tab.
  • Choose Data Tools and select the Text to Columns option to get the Convert Text to Column Wizard dialog box.

Selecting Text to Column to split in Excel

  • Select Delimited and click on the Next button to complete the first step.

Completing first step of Text to Column Wizard

  • Check Space and click on the Next button to complete the second step.

choosing delimiter

  • Go to the third step and select General from the Column data format.
  • Select cell D6 in the Destination field and click on the Finish button to complete the total process.
  • We have selected D6 to get the output on this cell.

completing process by selecting output cell

  • Here’s the output after splitting all cells using the Text to Column Wizard feature.

Final output after using Text to Column Wizard

Method 1.2 – Applying Flash Fill

  • Write the first name in cell D6 and drag down the Fill handle to copy the name up to cell D13.
  • The Auto Fill option will pop up. Select Flash Fill from the drop-down menu of the Auto Fill option as below.
  • Repeat the same process by writing the last name in cell E6 and dragging down.

Applying flash fill

Note: Be careful about the consistency of your data. This method works because the pattern of the data is the same. This time, you only need the first and last names in every situation. If the pattern of the data is not the same, you can’t use the Flash Fill feature.

Part 2 – How to Use Text Functions to Split Name

Method 2.1 – Splitting the First Name and Last Name

  • We have a full name in C6 that we need to split between D6 and E6. The names are divided by a space.
  • Enter the following formula in cell D6 and drag the Fill Handle to the cell D13 to copy the formula.
=LEFT(C6,SEARCH(" ",C6)-1)

Getting first name using SEARCH function

  • Enter the following formula in cell E6 and apply it to get the last name as an output, then AutoFill down.

Splitting last name

Here’s an alternative formula:

  • Select cell D6 and enter the below formula.
=LEFT(C6,FIND(" ",C6)-1)

Applying FIND function to get the first name

  • Use this formula in E6 and AutoFill to get the last names of the employees.
=RIGHT(C6,LEN(C6)-FIND(" ",C6))

Applying FIND function to get last name

Method 2.2 – Splitting the First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name

The dataset contains the employee name “Robert Adam Henry” in cell C6. We need to split it into three columns.

  • Use the formula from the previous method to extract the first names.
  • Enter the below formula in cell E6 to get the middle name as output.
=IFERROR(MID(C6,SEARCH(" ",C6)+1,SEARCH(" ",C6,SEARCH(" ",C6)+1)-SEARCH(" ",C6)),"")

Splitting middle name

  • Enter the below formula in cell F6 to get the last name.
=IF(LEN(C6)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(C6," ",""))=1,RIGHT(C6,LEN(C6)-SEARCH(" ",C6)),RIGHT(C6,LEN(C6)-SEARCH(" ",C6,SEARCH(" ",C6)+1)))

Separating last name

Part 3 – Applying the TEXTSPLIT Function to Split Cells Across Columns and Rows

The TEXTSPLIT function splits text strings through column and row delimiters. It returns multiple separate values as an array.

Method 3.1 – Split Cells Horizontally Across Columns

  • Apply the below formula to cell D6 and get both first and last names as output in individual cells.

Applying the TEXTSPLIT function horizontally to split in Excel

Method 3.2 – Split Cells Vertically Across Rows

  • Use the following formula to cell D9 to get the split data from cell C6.

The second argument is empty to force the formula to split vertically rather than horizontally. The output is Mango, Banana, Guava, Coconut, Apple, Lemon, Berry, and Cherry vertically. Some values will have spaces.

Applying TEXTSPLIT function vertically to split in Excel

Note: The TEXTSPLIT function is only available for Microsoft 365 users. It is the inverse function of the TEXTJOIN function.

Part 4 – How to Separate Numbers from Text in Excel

The dataset contains an employee bio where the name, joining year, and experience are shown as a single cell, “Robert Henry, Joined in 2022, First Job”, so we will get the joining year – 2022.

  • Apply the below formula in cell D6.

Separating numbers from texts

Part 5 – How to Split Merged Cells into Multiple Columns

The employee bio is merged into columns C and D. Here the Employee Bio is “Robert Henry, Joined in 2022”. We have a comma delimiter.

  • Apply the formula in cell E6 and split the merged cells into multiple columns.

Splitting merged cells

Part 6 – How to Split Text while Ignoring Missing Values

The fourth argument of the TEXTSPLIT function is ignore_empty. This argument is set to FALSE by default. So, this function doesn’t ignore the missing value by default and returns a blank cell for each missing value. If we set the ignore_empty argument to TRUE it will ignore the missing values.

  • Apply the formula in cell D6 and split cells while ignoring blank cells.

Applying TEXTSPLIT function to split in Excel ignoring blank cells

Part 7 – How to Split Columns Using Power Query

  • Select cell range C6:C13, go to the Data tab, and select Get Data from the toolbar.

Applying power query to split in Excel

  • Select Get Data, choose From File, and select From Excel Workbook to get the Import Data dialog box.

selecting worksheet

  • Select the Excel file from the Import Data dialog box and click Import to open the Navigator window.

Selecting Excel to split Excel

  • Select the sheet from the Navigator tab and hit Transform Data to transform the data.

Selecting split columns to spit in Excel

  • Select the column to split and go to Split Column.
  • Select By Delimiter.

Selecting split columns to spit in Excel

  • Select Space (or your delimiter) from the select or enter delimiter option and click OK to split the columns.

Selecting space from navigator

  • End the process by clicking the Close & Load option.

applying load and close to split in Excel using power query

  • Here, the full name is split into columns B and C.

Final output after using power query to split in Excel

Part 8 – How to Apply VBA Macro to Split Cells

  • Go to the Developer tab and select Visual Basic, and a Visual Basic window will open to enter the code.
  • Go to Insert and select Module to get a blank module to write the code.
  • Insert the following code.
Sub SplitText()
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("VBA")
lastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
For Each cell In ws.Range("C6:C" & lastRow)
splitValues = Split(cell.Value, " ")
For i = 0 To UBound(splitValues)
If ws.Columns.Count < cell.Column + i + 1 Then
ws.Columns(cell.Column + i + 1).Insert
End If
cell.Offset(0, i + 1).Value = splitValues(i)
Next i
Next cell
End Sub
Note: We added a button to apply the code with a simple click. Go to Developer >> Insert >> Button (icon)

Writing VBA code

  • Run the code.

Output after applying macro to split in Excel

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Afrina Nafisa
Afrina Nafisa

Afrina Nafisa Alam, BSc, Industrial and Production Engineering from Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology. She has been working with the Exceldemy project for over 6 months and is currently a web content developer here. She has published over 18 articles and reviewed several during this period. She is keen to learn different features and deliver the knowledge in her current project. She is interested in learning different features of Microsoft Office, especially Excel, Power Query, Data Analysis,... Read Full Bio

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