How to Add and Remove Spaces in Excel

Method 1 – Adding a Space at a Certain Position with the Ampersand, LEFT, and RIGHT Functions


  • In cell C5, insert the following formula and press Enter to get the result.
=LEFT(B5,3)&" "&RIGHT(B5,5)
  • Use the Fill Handle icon to copy the same formula for the rest of the cells of this column.

Using Ampersand Operator to Add Space in Excel Cell

The LEFT function will take the 3 leftmost characters from the B5 cell. The RIGHT function will take 5 rightmost characters from the cell. The ampersand operator (&) will join them with a space.

Read More: Add Space Between Text in a Cell

Method 2 – Use the REPT Function to Add Multiple Spaces in Excel

The REPT function repeats a text. Here’s its basic use.

formula REPT Function

We will preserve the employee’s name and department in one cell.

  • Use the following formula in the target cell, hit Enter, and apply AutoFill to fill in the column.
=B5&REPT(" ",4)&C5

Here, the REPT function will repeat a blank space 4 times. Ampersand will join these spaces with B5 and C5 cell values.

Use REPT Function to Add Multiple Spaces

Method 3 – Applying the REPLACE Function to Add Spaces Between Text in Excel

The REPLACE function replaces a portion of a text with another. We have attached an overview of the REPLACE function here:

formula REPLACE

  • To get a single space between text, use this formula in the D5 cell.
=REPLACE(C5,6,0," ")
  • Press Enter to get the target output in C5 cell.

The above formula will add a space after the 6th character. But in other cells, our target positions are different. You have to manually copy the formula and then change the start_num argument accordingly.

Applying REPLACE Function to Add Space Between Text in Excel

Read More: Add Blank Space Using Excel Formula

Method 4 – Add a Space Between Numbers Using TEXT Function

The TEXT function converts a value to certain formats of text. We can use this format feature to get a space in those values.

formula TEXT

  • To create space after certain digits, use the following formula in Excel.
=TEXT(D5,"## ### ####")

The TEXT function will include a space after 4 digits from the right, and then another space after the next 3 digits.

  • Press Enter to get the output and drag the Fill Handle icon down for the rest of the cells.

Space Between Number Using Excel Formula

Read More: Add Space between Numbers

Method 5 – Adding Multiple Spaces to Combine Multiple Cell Values with the TEXTJOIN Function

We have some IDs, employee names, and their departments. We have to join these values along with multiple spaces to make them understandable.


  • We’ve merged B8:G8 cells to store the output.
  • In B8, use the following formula to connect multiple cell values.
=TEXTJOIN("          ",TRUE,C$4:C$6)

In this formula, multiple spaces act as the link delimiter. The “TRUE” value of the ignore_empty argument will ignore all the empty values. This TEXTJOIN function will join C4 to C6 cell values using the given delimiter.

Using TEXTJOIN Function to add spaces

How to Remove Spaces in Excel?

Method 1 – Use the TRIM Function to Remove Blank Spaces (Leading/Trailing Spaces) in Excel

By default, the TRIM function removes extra spaces in any value.


  • Enter the following formula.

This TRIM function will remove all extra spaces, and only keep a single space between words.

Use TRIM Function to Remove Blank Spaces

Method 2 – Using Find and Replace to Remove All Spaces

  • Select the cells you need to remove spaces from.
  • From the Home tab, go to Find & Select and choose Replace.

Using Find and Replace Feature to Remove All Spaces

You will see a dialog box named Find and Replace.

  • Put a Space at Find what.
  • Keep the Replace with box blank.
  • Press Replace All.

Setting Space to find and replace it with null value

  • You will get a confirmation message. Press OK.
  • Press OK in the Find and Replace dialog box.

We made 49 replacements!

Method 3 – Use the SUBSTITUTE Function for Removing All Spaces

Here’s an overview of the SUBSTITUTE function.


  • To remove any space from a cell, enter the following formula.
=SUBSTITUTE(B5," ","")

Here, the SUBSTITUTE function will convert all spaces into null values.

  • You can use the Fill Handle icon for the rest of the cells.

Use of SUBSTITUTE Function for Removing All Spaces

How to Change Line Spacing with the Format Cells Feature in Excel?

The main idea is to use the Alignment options of the Format Cells feature to our advantage. If you use spaces to line up numbers and text in columns, keeping things neat then it will be easier to make the data understandable to others.

See the following image. One employee has the largest name. To make that cell visible, the column width is increased.

A Dataset with wide column

  • Press Ctrl + 1.
  • You will get the Format Cells dialog box.
  • Go to Alignment section, choose Justify under the Vertical option, and press OK.

Changing Line Alignment

  • You will get the wrap text format for that cell.

Changing Line Spacing with Format Cells Feature

Note: If you don’t get the wrap text properly, then double-click on the lower line of the Row bar.

How to Put a Space Between Rows in Excel

  • Create a helper column.
  • Write 1, 2, and so on in the cells or use a sequence formula.

Inserting Relative Row Numbers

  • Copy the numbers and paste them in the same column but below.
  • From the Home tab, go to Sort & Filter and choose Custom Sort.

Copy the Numbers

  • A dialog box named Sort appears.
  • Select Helper in the Column Sort by.
  • Select Smallest to Largest in the Order box.
  • Press OK.

Sorting Data

  • You will get the output below. You can delete the Helper column now.

Adding Space Between Rows in Excel

Read More: Add Space between Rows in Excel

Frequently Asked Questions

What is cell spacing?

In Excel, cell spacing denotes the space between cells of a worksheet. We know the text values remain on the left side of the cell, and date/number values remain on the rightmost side of the cell. Thus, it looks like they are attached to the cell wall. So, you can change the Indent from Format Cells option to increase cell spacing.

To change the Indent angle: Go to +Format Cells >> Alignment >> Horizontal >> Left/Right (Indent) >> increase the Indent angle manually.

How do I add a space between rows in a table in Word?

In Microsoft Word, select the table >> go to Layout ribbon >> from Table Properties >> go to Table menu >> click on Options >> then from Table Options dialog box >> change the Default cell margins.

How do I count spaces as characters in Excel?

To count all the characters of a cell including spaces, you should use the LEN function. Go to a cell >> write =LEN(cell_reference) >> press ENTER.

How to remove spaces, line breaks, and nonprinting characters in Excel?

For removing line breaks and nonprinting characters, you can combine the CLEAN function along with the TRIM function. For instance, you have a text having a line break and a nonprinting character in cell A1. Now, go to an empty cell (B1) >> write =TRIM(CLEAN(A1)) >> press ENTER.

Practice Session

We’ve included a practice dataset where you can test these methods.

Practice Section to remove/add space in Excel.

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Musiha Mahfuza Mukta
Musiha Mahfuza Mukta

Musiha Mahfuza Mukta is a marine engineer who loves exploring Excel and VBA programming. To her, programming is a time-saving tool for dealing with data, files, and the internet. She's skilled in Rhino3D, Maxsurf, C++, MS Office, AutoCAD, and Excel & VBA, going beyond the basics. With a B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET, she's shifted gears and now works as a content developer. In this role, she creates techy content exclusively focused on Excel... Read Full Bio

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